Christophe Planas : Citation Profile

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European Commission


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   25 years (1996 - 2021). See details.
   Cites by year: 20
   Journals where Christophe Planas has often published
   Relations with other researchers
   Recent citing documents: 15.    Total self citations: 4 (0.76 %)


   Updated: 2024-12-03    RAS profile: 2022-11-07    
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Relations with other researchers

Works with:

Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Christophe Planas.

Is cited by:

Baumgartner, Josef (31)

Kaniovski, Serguei (31)

Weyerstrass, Klaus (25)

Boysen-Hogrefe, Jens (25)

Pitlik, Hans (20)

Barabas, György (19)

Groll, Dominik (17)

Schmidt, Torsten (16)

Gebhardt, Heinz (16)

Ademmer, Martin (15)

Hauber, Philipp (15)

Cites to:

Rossi, Alessandro (6)

Smets, Frank (6)

Kim, Chang-Jin (5)

Perez Quiros, Gabriel (5)

Zha, Tao (5)

Blanchard, Olivier (5)

Orphanides, Athanasios (5)

Apel, Mikael (4)

Kohn, Robert (4)

Jansson, Per (4)

Davig, Troy (4)

Main data

Where Christophe Planas has published?

Journals with more than one article published# docs
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics2
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis2
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control2

Working Papers Series with more than one paper published# docs
European Economy - Economic Papers 2008 - 2015 / Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), European Commission4
European Economy - Discussion Papers / Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), European Commission2

Recent works citing Christophe Planas (2024 and 2023)

YearTitle of citing document
2023Closer to Finding Yeti. (2023). Sramkova, Lucia ; Mucka, Zuzana ; Karsay, Alexander ; Micko, Tomas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbe:wpaper:202301.

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2023Estimation of the TFP Gap for the Largest Five EMU Countries. (2023). Rossian, Thies ; Kiessner, Felix ; Carstensen, Kai. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_10245.

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2023The Long-Run Phillips Curve is ... a Curve. (2023). Bonomolo, Paolo ; Haque, Qazi ; Ascari, Guido. In: Working Papers. RePEc:dnb:dnbwpp:789.

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2023Unobserved components model(s): output gaps and financial cycles. (2023). le Roux, Julien ; Guillochon, Justine. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20232832.

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2023Optimal capital ratios for banks in the euro area. (2023). Luginbuhl, Rob ; van Heuvelen, Gerrit Hugo ; Soederhuizen, Beau ; van Stiphout-Kramer, Bert. In: Journal of Financial Stability. RePEc:eee:finsta:v:69:y:2023:i:c:s1572308923000645.

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2023Leverage and the cost of capital for U.S. banks. (2023). Malmquist, David ; Jones, Jonathan ; Clark, Brian. In: Journal of Banking & Finance. RePEc:eee:jbfina:v:155:y:2023:i:c:s0378426623001930.

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2023Statistical inference for mixed jump processes by Markov switching model with application to identify seismicity levels. (2023). Wang, Xiangjun ; Dai, Min ; Zhang, Zhikun. In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. RePEc:eee:phsmap:v:632:y:2023:i:p1:s0378437123008464.

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2023Revisiting Productivity Dynamics in Europe: A New Measure of Utilization-Adjusted TFP Growth. (2023). Trigari, Antonella ; Schmitz, Tom ; Quintana, Javier ; Comin, Diego. In: Working Papers. RePEc:igi:igierp:695.

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2023Österreichs Wirtschaft wächst mittelfristig nur verhalten. Mittelfristige Prognose 2024 bis 2028. (2023). Pitlik, Hans ; Kaniovski, Serguei ; Baumgartner, Josef. In: WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports). RePEc:wfo:monber:y:2023:i:10:p:667-683.

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2023Rückgang der Energiepreise verbessert die Wachstumsaussichten. Update der mittelfristigen Prognose 2023 bis 2027. (2023). Loretz, Simon ; Kaniovski, Serguei ; Baumgartner, Josef. In: WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports). RePEc:wfo:monber:y:2023:i:4:p:235-248.

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2023Vorschläge zur Modifikation der Potenzialschätzung der Bundesregierung im Vergleich. (2023). Hoffmann, Timo ; Boysen-Hogrefe, Jens. In: Kieler Beiträge zur Wirtschaftspolitik. RePEc:zbw:ifwkbw:45.

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2023Mittelfristprojektion im Frühjahr 2023: Wachstumspfad flacht sich merklich ab. (2023). Sonnenberg, Nils ; Reents, Jan ; Kooths, Stefan ; Jannsen, Nils ; Hoffmann, Timo ; Groll, Dominik ; Gern, Klaus-Jurgen ; Boysen-Hogrefe, Jens ; Stolzenburg, Ulrich ; Stamer, Vincent. In: Kieler Konjunkturberichte. RePEc:zbw:ifwkkb:102.

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2023Projektion der Wirtschaftsentwicklung bis 2028: Potenzialwachstum absehbar nur gering. (2023). Barabas, György ; Schmidt, Torsten ; Kirsch, Florian. In: RWI Konjunkturberichte. RePEc:zbw:rwikon:289765.

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Works by Christophe Planas:

2001Overcoming Nonadmissibility in ARIMA-Model-Based Signal Extraction. In: Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.
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2008Bayesian Analysis of the Output Gap In: Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.
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1996Non-Admissible Decompositions in Unobserved Components Models In: Working Papers.
[Citation analysis]
1996Non-Admissible Decompositions in Unobserved Components Models.(1996) In: Centro de Estudios Monetarios Y Financieros-.
[Citation analysis]
This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0
2016Skewness and kurtosis of multivariate Markov-switching processes In: Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.
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2012The marginal likelihood of dynamic mixture models In: Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.
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2007How much has labour taxation contributed to European structural unemployment? In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
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2003How much has labour taxation contributed to European structural unemployment?.(2003) In: European Economy - Economic Papers 2008 - 2015.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 30
2004How much has labour taxation contributed to European structural unemployment?.(2004) In: Econometrics.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 30
2013The information content of capacity utilization for detrending total factor productivity In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
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1999Estimation error and the specification of unobserved component models In: Journal of Econometrics.
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2002Seasonal Adjustment with the X-11 Method: Dominique Ladiray and Benoit Quenneville, Lecture Notes in Statistics, 2001, New York: Springer-Verlag, pp.260. [UK pound]48, $59.95, ISBN 0-387-95171-7. In: International Journal of Forecasting.
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2017NAWRU Estimation Using Structural Labour Market Indicators In: European Economy - Discussion Papers.
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2021Output Gap Estimation Using the European Unions Commonly Agreed Methodology Vade Mecum & Manual for the EUCAM Software In: European Economy - Discussion Papers.
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2010Does capacity utilisation help estimating the TFP cycle? In: European Economy - Economic Papers 2008 - 2015.
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2010The production function methodology for calculating potential growth rates and output gaps In: European Economy - Economic Papers 2008 - 2015.
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2014The Production Function Methodology for Calculating Potential Growth Rates & Output Gaps In: European Economy - Economic Papers 2008 - 2015.
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2004Can inflation data improve the real-time reliability of output gap estimates? In: Journal of Applied Econometrics.
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2018The slice sampler and centrally symmetric distributions In: Working Papers.
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2017Marginal distribution of Markov-switching VAR processes In: Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated November, 3 2024. Contact: CitEc Team