Tamás Sebestyén : Citation Profile

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   13 years (2010 - 2023). See details.
   Cites by year: 5
   Journals where Tamás Sebestyén has often published
   Relations with other researchers
   Recent citing documents: 24.    Total self citations: 10 (11.63 %)


   Permalink: http://citec.repec.org/pse276
   Updated: 2024-12-03    RAS profile: 2024-01-08    
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Relations with other researchers

Works with:

Szerb, László (2)

Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Tamás Sebestyén.

Is cited by:

Lengyel, Balázs (4)

Capello, Roberta (2)

Caragliu, Andrea (2)

Usai, Stefano (2)

Leydesdorff, Loet (2)

Boschma, Ron (2)

Lisenkova, Katerina (1)

Li, Yao (1)


Hermannsson, Kristinn (1)

Erdil, Erkan (1)

Cites to:

Varga, Attila (53)

acs, zoltan (31)

Babus, Ana (14)

Autant-Bernard, Corinne (14)

Boschma, Ron (13)

Maggioni, Mario (12)

Uberti, Teodora (12)

Szerb, László (12)

Anselin, Luc (11)

Carletti, Elena (10)

Acemoglu, Daron (10)

Main data

Where Tamás Sebestyén has published?

Journals with more than one article published# docs
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)5
The Annals of Regional Science2
Regional Studies2

Working Papers Series with more than one paper published# docs
UPFBE Working Paper Series / Faculty of Business and Economics, University Pécs9

Recent works citing Tamás Sebestyén (2024 and 2023)

YearTitle of citing document
2023Quantity versus quality in publication activity: knowledge production at the regional level. (2023). Peker, Irina ; Gareev, Timur. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2311.08830.

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2024Does the complexity and embeddedness of knowledge recombination contribute to economic development? —— Observations from prefecture cities in China. (2024). Ge, Shuang ; Ji, Xiaohui ; Liu, Xielin. In: Research Policy. RePEc:eee:respol:v:53:y:2024:i:2:s0048733323002147.

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2023The contrasting effects of interregional networks and local agglomeration on R&D productivity in Chinese provinces: Insights from an empirical spatial Durbin model. (2023). Wang, Xueli ; Qin, Xionghe ; Kwan, Mei-Po. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. RePEc:eee:tefoso:v:193:y:2023:i:c:s0040162523002937.

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2023Hotspurs in, sober bores out: A call and an agenda for entrepreneurship and innovation policies that foster rapidly scaling ventures. (2023). Walsh, Steven T ; Leo, Hannes ; Maresch, Daniela. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. RePEc:eee:tefoso:v:196:y:2023:i:c:s0040162523005310.

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2023European Union Innovation Efficiency Assessment Based on Data Envelopment Analysis. (2023). Krinidis, Stelios ; Papaioannou, Alexios ; Bezas, Napoleon ; Dimara, Asimina ; Dumciuviene, Daiva ; Ioannidis, Dimosthenis ; Andrijauskiene, Meda. In: Economies. RePEc:gam:jecomi:v:11:y:2023:i:6:p:163-:d:1167131.

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2024A tudástermelési függvénytől a fejlesztéspolitikai hatáselemzésig. (2020). Varga, Attila. In: Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). RePEc:ksa:szemle:1909.

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2023El?ször térben vagy panelban? A térbeli panelmodellek felépítési stratégiájának egy sarkalatos problémája. (2023). Baczur, Roland ; Farkas, Richard. In: Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). RePEc:ksa:szemle:2135.

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2023Firm Performance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Spatial Context and Effect Mechanism. (2023). Gu, Jiafeng. In: SAGE Open. RePEc:sae:sagope:v:13:y:2023:i:1:p:21582440231152123.

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Works by Tamás Sebestyén:

2010The dynamics of link formation in patent innovator networks In: Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business (PIEB).
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2010THE DYNAMICS OF LINK FORMATION IN PATENT INNOVATOR NETWORKS.(2010) In: Perspectives of Innovation in Economics and Business (PIEB).
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 2
2020Economic impact modelling of smart specialization policy: Which industries should prioritization target? In: Papers in Regional Science.
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2017Moving beyond the iceberg model: The role of trade relations in endogenizing transportation costs in computable general equilibrium models In: Economic Modelling.
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2022Do specific entrepreneurial ecosystems favor high-level networking while others not? Lessons from the Hungarian IT sector In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
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2020Do specific entrepreneurial ecosystems favor high-level networking while others not? Lessons from the Hungarian IT sector..(2020) In: UPFBE Working Paper Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1
2018Network structure, equilibrium and dynamics in a monopolistically competitive economy In: Netnomics.
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2021Market interaction structure and equilibrium price heterogeneity in monopolistic competition In: Netnomics.
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2022Market interaction structure and equilibrium price heterogeneity in monopolistic competition.(2022) In: Netnomics.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0
2015Innováció Kelet-Közép-Európában. Az EU keretprogramjaiban való részvétel szerepe az innovációs teljesítményben In: Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences).
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2015Doktoranduszhallgatók III. Nyári Műhelye. MKE-PTE KTK, Pécs, 2015. május 28-29. In: Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences).
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2019A vállalkozás szerepe a gazdasági növekedésben Magyarországon In: Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences).
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2021Az intelligens szakosodási politika gazdasági hatásainak modellezése In: Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences).
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2022Hány fecske csinál nyarat? A nem teljes hálózati szerkezet és az attitűd hatása az együttműködésre In: Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences).
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2015Challenges for regional innovation policies in Central and Eastern Europe: Spatial concentration and foreign control of US patenting In: Science and Public Policy.
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2010Innovation and Diversity in a Dynamic Knowledge Network. In: UPFBE Working Paper Series.
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2010Geographic Macro and Regional Model for EU Policy Impact Analysis of Intangible Assets and Growth. In: UPFBE Working Paper Series.
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2011A GMR-Európa modell és alkalmazása EU kohéziós politikai reformok előzetes hatásvizsgálata során. In: UPFBE Working Paper Series.
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2011Hálózati struktúra és egyensúly: a tudás-áramlás szerkezeti jellemz?inek kérdései. In: UPFBE Working Paper Series.
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2012Research Productivity and the Quality of Interregional Knowledge Networks. In: UPFBE Working Paper Series.
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2013Research productivity and the quality of interregional knowledge networks.(2013) In: The Annals of Regional Science.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 31
2012Láthatóvá tehet?-e a láthatatlan kéz? Egy ágens-alapú piaci modell tapasztalatai. In: UPFBE Working Paper Series.
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2021Measuring structural resilience of economies: Globalization or deglobalization? In: UPFBE Working Paper Series.
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2022Exposure to trade disruptions in case of the Russia-Ukraine conflict: a product network approach In: UPFBE Working Paper Series.
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2020Do economic shocks spread randomly?: A topological study of the global contagion network In: PLOS ONE.
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2021Shock propagation channels behind the global economic contagion network. The role of economic sectors and the direction of trade In: PLOS ONE.
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2017Does EU Framework Program Participation Affect Regional Innovation? The Differentiating Role of Economic Development In: International Regional Science Review.
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2013A Novel Comprehensive Index of Network Position and Node Characteristics in Knowledge Networks: Ego Network Quality In: Advances in Spatial Science.
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2023Dynamics of collaboration among high-growth firms: results from an agent-based policy simulation In: The Annals of Regional Science.
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2017How to get from the periphery into the core? The role of geographical location and scientific performance in network position in the field of neuroscience In: Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences.
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2019Knowledge networks in regional development: an agent-based model and its application In: Regional Studies.
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2020Estimating the economic impacts of knowledge network and entrepreneurship development in smart specialization policy In: Regional Studies.
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2011Modeling the growth effects of regional knowledge production: The GMR-Europe model and its applications for EU Framework Program policy impact simulations In: ERSA conference papers.
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