Terry Walter : Citation Profile

Are you Terry Walter?

University of Wollongong


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   35 years (1982 - 2017). See details.
   Cites by year: 21
   Journals where Terry Walter has often published
   Relations with other researchers
   Recent citing documents: 28.    Total self citations: 12 (1.6 %)


   Permalink: http://citec.repec.org/pwa317
   Updated: 2024-12-03    RAS profile: 2021-03-15    
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Relations with other researchers

Works with:

Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Terry Walter.

Is cited by:

Brooks, Robert (14)

Gallagher, David (11)

faff, robert (9)

Dimovski, Bill (8)

Al-Yahyaee, Khamis (7)

welch, ivo (5)

ap Gwilym, Owain (5)

Ritter, Jay (5)

Worthington, Andrew (5)

Zhou, Wei-Xing (4)

Javid, Attiya (4)

Cites to:

Campbell, John (21)

Ritter, Jay (17)

Shleifer, Andrei (12)

Barber, Brad (11)

French, Kenneth (11)

Fama, Eugene (11)

Shiller, Robert (10)

wermers, russell (9)

Titman, Sheridan (9)

Grinblatt, Mark (9)

michaely, roni (9)

Main data

Where Terry Walter has published?

Journals with more than one article published# docs
Australian Journal of Management13
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal7
International Review of Finance5
Journal of Banking & Finance4
Accounting and Finance2
Applied Financial Economics2

Recent works citing Terry Walter (2024 and 2023)

YearTitle of citing document
2023Is the effect of shared auditors driven by shared audit partners? The case of M&As. (2023). Bond, David ; Czernkowski, Robert ; Bugeja, Martin ; Bedford, Anna. In: The British Accounting Review. RePEc:eee:bracre:v:55:y:2023:i:2:s0890838922000294.

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2024The role of investor sentiment and market belief in forecasting V-shaped disposition effect: Evidence from a Bayesian learning process with DSSW model. (2024). Bataineh, Hassan ; Gider, Zeynullah ; Hassan, Kabir M ; Bouteska, Ahmed. In: The North American Journal of Economics and Finance. RePEc:eee:ecofin:v:71:y:2024:i:c:s1062940824000081.

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2023ESG, risk, and (tail) dependence. (2023). Paterlini, Sandra ; Czado, Claudia ; Sahin, Ozge ; Bax, Karoline. In: International Review of Financial Analysis. RePEc:eee:finana:v:87:y:2023:i:c:s1057521923000297.

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2023The usefulness of financial advisors to government-influenced Chinese acquirers. (2023). Wee, Marvin ; Guo, Hui ; Daniliuc, Sorin. In: Global Finance Journal. RePEc:eee:glofin:v:55:y:2023:i:c:s1044028322001053.

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2023Is the corporate financial strategy in the oil and gas sector affected by ESG dimensions?. (2023). Rojo-Ramirez, Alfonso A ; Garcia-Amate, Antonio ; Martinez-Victoria, Mcarmen ; Ramirez-Orellana, Alicia. In: Resources Policy. RePEc:eee:jrpoli:v:81:y:2023:i:c:s0301420723000119.

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2023Economic shocks, M&A advisors, and industry takeover activity. (2023). Yawson, Alfred ; Liu, Chelsea ; Feng, Yun. In: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. RePEc:eee:pacfin:v:82:y:2023:i:c:s0927538x23002275.

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2023Investor sentiment and stock market anomalies in Australia. (2023). Bissoondoyal-Bheenick, Emawtee ; Zhang, Xinyue ; Zhong, Angel. In: International Review of Economics & Finance. RePEc:eee:reveco:v:86:y:2023:i:c:p:284-303.

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2023The role of financial advisor?s industry expertise in M&A quality: Evidence from goodwill impairment. (2024). Li, Siyao ; Zhang, Ruiyao ; Huang, Qiongyu ; Yao, Qiong. In: International Review of Economics & Finance. RePEc:eee:reveco:v:89:y:2024:i:pb:p:216-231.

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2023A bibliometric review of dividend policy literature. (2023). Iqbal, Najaf ; Patel, Ritesh ; Ed-Dafali, Slimane. In: Research in International Business and Finance. RePEc:eee:riibaf:v:65:y:2023:i:c:s0275531923001137.

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2023Managerial ownership and financial distress: evidence from the Chinese stock market. (2023). Troshani, Indrit ; Zhang, LU ; Wang, Jimin. In: International Journal of Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:ijmfpp:ijmf-06-2022-0270.

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2023Do Share Allocations to the Indigenous Investor Drive the Demand for IPOs?. (2023). Sadik-Zada, Elkhan Richard ; Mehmood, Waqas ; Mohd-Rashid, Rasidah ; Gopal, Kanesh ; Tajuddin, Ahmad Hakimi. In: Economies. RePEc:gam:jecomi:v:11:y:2023:i:4:p:117-:d:1123280.

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2023The reputation effect of green bond issuance and its impact on the cost of capital. (2023). Stephan, Andreas ; Petreski, Aleksandar ; Schafer, Dorothea. In: Working Paper Series in Economics and Institutions of Innovation. RePEc:hhs:cesisp:0493.

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2023The long-run performance of initial public offerings: evidence from a transition economy. (2023). Trang, Ninh Thi ; van Tan, Nguyen. In: Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting. RePEc:ids:afasfa:v:13:y:2023:i:5:p:574-591.

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2023Dividend policy, systematic liquidity risk, and the cost of equity capital. (2023). Sharma, Abhijit ; Ebrahim, Rabab ; Wu, Yuliang ; Mazouz, Khelifa. In: Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. RePEc:kap:rqfnac:v:60:y:2023:i:3:d:10.1007_s11156-022-01114-3.

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2024You scratch my back and i scratch yours: evidence from relationship-based bidding in IPO auctions. (2024). Wang, Wenjun. In: Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. RePEc:kap:rqfnac:v:62:y:2024:i:4:d:10.1007_s11156-024-01245-9.

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2023At the Top of the Mind: Peak Prices and the Disposition Effect. (2023). Gathergood, John ; Stewart, Neil ; Loewenstein, George ; Hume, David ; Quispe-Torreblanca, Edika. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:not:notcdx:2023-09.

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2023Can experience mitigate precautionary bidding? Evidence from a quasi-experiment at an IPO auction. (2023). Wang, Wenjun. In: Journal of Asset Management. RePEc:pal:assmgt:v:24:y:2023:i:2:d:10.1057_s41260-022-00286-w.

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2023Family Firm Value in the Acquisition Context: A Signaling Theory Perspective. (2023). Kammerlander, Nadine ; Riar, Frederik J ; Tao-Schuchardt, Martin. In: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. RePEc:sae:entthe:v:47:y:2023:i:4:p:1200-1232.

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2024Performance of VC/PE-backed IPOs: New Insights from India. (2024). Banerjee, Pradip ; Deb, Soumya G. In: Global Business Review. RePEc:sae:globus:v:25:y:2024:i:2:p:421-443.

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2023Long-run Stock Return of IPO Firms in India: Examining Investment and Profitability Hypothesis. (2023). Shaw, Tara Shankar ; Shukla, Avdhesh Kumar. In: Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers. RePEc:sae:vikjou:v:48:y:2023:i:1:p:21-38.

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2023Impact of Equity Investment Intention Towards Behaviour: An Empirical Analysis. (2023). Roy, Supriyo ; Srivastava, Shelly. In: Vision. RePEc:sae:vision:v:27:y:2023:i:3:p:329-346.

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2023Does the market reward firms for being more green or less brown?. (2023). You, Leyuan ; Liu, Yifan. In: Journal of Economics and Finance. RePEc:spr:jecfin:v:47:y:2023:i:3:d:10.1007_s12197-023-09633-y.

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2023Time?to?completion for mergers and acquisitions in the food and agribusiness industry. (2022). Mukhopadhyay, Ramyani ; Adelaja, Adesoji O. In: Agribusiness. RePEc:wly:agribz:v:38:y:2022:i:3:p:579-607.

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Works by Terry Walter:

2005Expert reports in Australian takeovers: fees and quality In: Abacus.
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2013Fundamentals or Managerial Discretion? The Relationship between Accrual Variability and Future Stock Return Volatility In: Abacus.
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2013The CAPM : Theoretical Validity, Empirical Intractability and Practical Applications In: Abacus.
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2016Towards a Set of Design Principles for Executive Compensation Contracts In: Abacus.
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2016Responses and Rejoinders to Commentaries In: Abacus.
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2004Corporate governance, insider ownership and operating performance of Australian initial public offerings In: Accounting and Finance.
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2014Cross-region and cross-sector asset allocation with regimes In: Accounting and Finance.
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2014Portfolio Quality and Mutual Fund Performance In: International Review of Finance.
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2005Do Informed Traders Win? An Analysis of Changes in Corporate Ownership around Substantial Shareholder Notices-super- In: International Review of Finance.
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2006The Reach of the Disposition Effect: Large Sample Evidence Across Investor Classes* In: International Review of Finance.
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2008Ex-Dividend Day Behavior in the Absence of Taxes and Price Discreteness-super- In: International Review of Finance.
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2008Effect of Investor Category Trading Imbalances on Stock Returns-super- In: International Review of Finance.
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1999IPO Underpricing Explanations: Implications from Investor Application and Allocation Schedules In: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
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2009The information content of Australian credit ratings: A comparison between subscription and non-subscription-based credit rating agencies In: Economic Systems.
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2003The association between audit quality, accounting disclosures and firm-specific risk: Evidence from initial public offerings In: Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.
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1996Australian IPO pricing in the short and long run In: Journal of Banking & Finance.
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2011The information content of cash dividend announcements in a unique environment In: Journal of Banking & Finance.
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2014Investment performance of “environmentally-friendly” firms and their initial public offers and seasoned equity offers In: Journal of Banking & Finance.
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2017The value-added role of industry specialist advisors in M&As In: Journal of Banking & Finance.
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1989A direct test of Rocks model of the pricing of unseasoned issues In: Journal of Financial Economics.
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2003The sharemarket performance of Australian venture capital-backed and non-venture capital-backed IPOs In: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
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2004Momentum returns in Australian equities: The influences of size, risk, liquidity and return computation In: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
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2006IPO flipping in Australia: cross-sectional explanations In: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
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2008Investors trading behavior and performance: Online versus non-online equity trading in Korea In: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
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2008The role of investment banks in M&A transactions: Fees and services In: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
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1996Expected and realised returns for Singaporean IPOs: Initial and long-run analysis In: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
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1996Price clustering on the Australian Stock Exchange In: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
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1985The Trading Stock Valuation Adjustment: Some Extensions and Modifications In: Australian Journal of Management.
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1986Ex-Dividend Day Behaviour of Australian Share Prices In: Australian Journal of Management.
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2000The Method of Payment Decision in Australian Takeovers: An Investigation of Causes and Effects In: Australian Journal of Management.
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2004Market Returns to Acquirers of Substantial Assets In: Australian Journal of Management.
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2004Competition in the Market for Takeover Advisers In: Australian Journal of Management.
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2004Australian Mergers and Acquisitions Since the 1980s: What Do We Know and What Remains to Be Done? In: Australian Journal of Management.
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2010Investment manager skill in small-cap equities In: Australian Journal of Management.
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2010Transaction costs and institutional trading in small-cap equity funds In: Australian Journal of Management.
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2012Out-of-sample stock return predictability in Australia In: Australian Journal of Management.
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2014Quality investing in an Australian context In: Australian Journal of Management.
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2015The microstructure of Australian takeover announcements In: Australian Journal of Management.
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1982Sharemarket Efficiency and the Experts: Some Australian Findings In: Australian Journal of Management.
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1984Australian Takeovers: Capital Market Efficiency and Shareholder Risk and Return In: Australian Journal of Management.
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2011Dividend smoothing when firms distribute most of their earnings as dividends In: Applied Financial Economics.
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2013Capital structure and stock returns: evidence from an emerging market with unique financing arrangements In: Applied Financial Economics.
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2000The lead–lag relationship between equities and stock index futures markets around information releases In: Journal of Futures Markets.
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