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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania / Agricultural and Applied Economics Association


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19910.08000 (%)0.05
19920.09000 (%)0.05
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.15000 (%)0.1
19960.19000 (%)0.09
19970.2000 (%)0.08
19980.21000 (%)0.12
19990.27000 (%)0.15
20000.36000 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.39000 (%)0.18
20040.41000 (%)0.18
20050.43000 (%)0.22
20060.45000 (%)0.19
20070.38000 (%)0.17
20080.38000 (%)0.17
20090.35000 (%)0.17
20100.32444001 (25%)0.15
201110.411571575170.0322244441 (%)130.020.2
20120.10.460.1575580.15755757557 (%)0.21
20130.10.490.1575610.115715857558 (%)0.22
20140.560.07575450.08057543 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
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CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2011International Interlinkages of Biofuel Prices: The Role of Biofuel Policies. (2011). Drabik, Dusan ; Rajcaniova, Miroslava . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103222.

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2011Willingness of Agricultural Landowners to Supply Perennial Energy Crops. (2011). Schulman, Candi ; Easter, William K. ; Current, Dean ; Smith, David J.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103930.

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2011Land Use Consequences of Crop Insurance Subsidies. (2011). Hennessy, David A. ; Miao, Ruiqing ; Feng, Hongli . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103891.

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2011Do Agricultural Subsidies Crowd-out or Stimulate Rural Credit Market Institutions?: The Case of CAP Payments. (2011). Pokrivcak, Jan ; Szegenyova, Katarina . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103085.

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2011Impacts of Land Rental Markets on Rural Poverty in Kenya. (2011). Jin, Songqing ; Jayne, T. S.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103907.

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2011Bayesian estimation of non-stationary Markov models combining micro and macro data. (2011). Storm, Hugo ; Heckelei, Thomas . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103645.

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2011Farmers’ Willingness to Grow Sweet Sorghum as a Cellulosic Bioenergy Crop: A Stated Choice Approach. (2011). Bergtold, Jason ; Williams, Jeffery ; Fewell, Jason . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:108068.

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2011Pathways into and out of Poverty: A Study of Household Wealth Dynamics in Rural Kenya. (2011). Muyanga, Milu ; Burke, William J. ; Jayne, T. S.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103377.

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2011Biomass Supply from Alternative Cellulosic Crops and Crop Residues: A Spatial Bioeconomic Modeling Approach. (2011). Egbendewe-Mondzozo, Aklesso ; Zhang, Xuesong ; Swinton, Swinton M. ; Manowitz, David H. ; Izaurralde, Cesar R.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103435.

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2011What Determines the Success of a Geographical Indication? A Price-based Meta-Analysis for GIs In Food Products. (2011). McFadden, Dawn Thilmany ; Souza Monteiro, Diogo M., ; Souza Monteiro, Diogo M., ; Costanigro, Marco ; Oana, Deselnicu . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:104000.

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2011Characterizing Spatial Pattern in Ecosystem Service Values when Distance Decay Doesn’t Apply: Choice Experiments and Local Indicators of Spatial Association. (2011). Besedin, Elena Y. ; Johnston, Robert J. ; Ramachandran, Mahesh ; Segerson, Kathleen ; Schultz, Eric T.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103374.

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2011Demand for Drought Tolerance in Africa: Selection of Drought Tolerant Maize Seed using Framed Field Experiments. (2011). Muhammad, Lutta ; Dalton, Timothy J. ; Yesuf, Mahmud . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103712.

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2011U.S. Consumers’ Preference and Willingness to Pay for Country-of-Origin-Labeled Beef Steak and Food Safety Enhancements. (2011). Goddard, Ellen ; Hu, Wuyang ; Maynard, Leigh J. ; Lim, Kar Ho . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103385.

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2010The Implications of Alternative Biofuel Policies on Carbon Leakage. (2010). Just, David R. ; de Gorter, Harry ; DeGorter, Harry ; Drabik, Dusan . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:102689.

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2011How Much Do Decoupled Payments Affect Production? An Instrumental Variable Approach with Panel Data. (2011). Weber, Jeremy G ; Key, Nigel . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103455.

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2011Vertical Channel Analysis of the U.S. Milk Market. (2011). Stiegert, Kyle W. ; Hovhannisyan, Vardges . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103631.

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2011The Effect of Climate Change, CO2 Fertilization, and Crop Production Technology on Crop Yields and Its Economic Implications on Market Outcomes and Welfare Distribution. (2011). McCarl, Bruce A. ; Attavanich, Witsanu . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103324.

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2011Anatomy of Stigmatized Behavior: Peer Influence and Relative Concern. (2011). Chen, Xi. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103644.

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2011Agricultural Productivity and Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2011). Nin-Pratt, Alejandro ; Yu, Bingxin . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:105400.

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2011Copula-Based Nonlinear Models of Spatial Market Linkages. (2011). Goodwin, Barry K. ; Holt, Matthew T. ; Prestemon, Jeffrey P. ; Onel, Gulcan . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103715.

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2011THE VALUE OF WATER AS AN URBAN CLUB GOOD: A MATCHING APPROACH TO HOA-PROVIDED LAKES. (2011). Klaiber, Allen H. ; Abbott, Joshua K.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103781.

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2011Do Natural Disasters Affect Trust/Trustworthiness? Evidence from the 2010 Chilean Earthquake. (2011). Fleming, David A. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:104522.

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2011The Effectiveness of Local Food Marketing Strategies of Food Cooperatives. (2011). Katchova, Ani L. ; Woods, Timothy A.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103918.

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2011The Integration of Palestinian-Israeli Labour Markets: A CGE Approach. (2011). Flaig, Dorothee ; McDonald, Scott ; Siddig, Khalid ; Luckmann, Jonas ; Grethe, Harald . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103861.

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2011Global Land Use Changes and Consequent CO2 Emissions due to US Cellulosic Biofuel Program: A Preliminary Analysis. (2011). Taheripour, Farzad ; Tyner, Wallace E.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103559.

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2011Comparison of Alternative Sources of Farmland Values. (2011). Briggeman, Brian C. ; Brorsen, Wade B. ; Zakrzewicz, Christopher . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103758.

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2011Information and Firms’ Search Behavior. (2011). Aker, Jenny ; Tack, Jesse . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103404.

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2011Economic feasibility of converting cow manure to electricity: A case study of the CVPS Cow Power program in Vermont. (2011). Thompson, Ethan ; Parsons, Robert ; Wang, Qingbin ; Rogers, Glenn . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:104564.

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2011Spatial Externalities and Vector-Borne Plant Diseases: Pierce’s Disease and the Blue-Green Sharpshooter in the Napa Valley. (2011). Sanchirico, James ; Fuller, Kate ; Alston, Julian . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103865.

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2011Distributional Effects of CAP Subsidies: Micro Evidence from the EU. (2011). Kancs, D'Artis ; Michalek, Jerzy ; Gomez y Paloma, Sergio, ; Gomez y Paloma, Sergio, . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:102978.

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2011The Macroeconomic Impacts of Natural Disasters: New Evidence from Floods. (2011). Cunado, Juncal ; Ferreira, Susana . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103721.

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2011Multi-Stakeholder Sustainability Alliances: A Signaling Theory Approach. (2011). Peterson, Christopher H. ; Dentoni, Domenico . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103978.

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2011Climate Change and Agriculture In South Asia: Looking for An Optimal Trade Policy. (2011). Laborde, David . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:104526.

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2011Pigs in Cyberspace: A Natural Experiment Testing Differences between Online and Offline Club-Pig Auctions. (2011). Roe, Brian E. ; Wyszynski, Timothy E.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:102940.

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2011Negative Externalities on Property Values Resulting from Water Impairment: The Case of the Pigeon River Watershed. (2011). Roberts, Roland K. ; Kim, Seung Gyu ; Cho, Seong-Hoon . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103762.

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2011Preference erosion and the developing countries exports to the EU: a dynamic panel gravity approach. (2011). Olper, Alessandro ; Raimondi, Valentina ; Scoppola, Margherita . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103391.

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2011Peer Effect, Risk-Pooling and Status Seeking: Which Matters to Gift Spending Escalation in Rural China?. (2011). Zhang, Xiaobo ; Chen, Xi. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103643.

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2011Smiley or Frowney: The effect of emotions and framing in a downstream water pollution game. (2011). Lynne, Gary ; Czap, Natalia ; Burbach, Mark ; Khachaturyan, Marianna . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:102696.

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2011Why Dont Farmers Adopt Precision Farming Technologies in Cotton Production?. (2011). Mishra, Ashok ; Pandit, Mahesh ; Paudel, Krishna P.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:104828.

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2011Cognitive Skills, Non-Cognitive Skills, and the Employment and Wages of Young Adults in Rural China. (2011). Park, Albert ; Huang, Qiuqiong ; Glewwe, Paul . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103407.

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2011Spatial Dimensions of US Crop Selection: Recent Responses to Markets and Policy. (2011). McPhail, Lihong ; Motamed, Mesbah . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103270.

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2011Assessing Participation in the Milk Income Loss Contract Program and its Impact on Milk Production. (2011). Mishra, Ashok K. ; D'Antoni, Jeremy M.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103775.

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2011Volatility Spillovers in Agricultural Commodity Markets: An Application Involving Implied Volatilities from Options Markets. (2011). Goodwin, Barry K. ; Zhao, Jieyuan . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103636.

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2011Accounting for agronomic rotations in crop production: A theoretical investigation and an empirical modeling framework. (2011). Carpentier, Alain ; Letort, Elodie ; Gohin, Alexandre . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103431.

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2011The Demand for Disaggregated Food-Away-from-Home Products. (2011). Okrent, Abigail M. ; Alston, Julian M.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103625.

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2011A Dynamic Adoption Model with Bayesian Learning: Application to the U.S. Soybean Market. (2011). Shi, Guanming ; Ma, Xingliang . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:104577.

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2011Premium Estimation Inaccuracy and the Actuarial Performance of the US Crop Insurance Program. (2011). Carpio, Carlos ; Ramirez, Octavio . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:102463.

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2011Black Sea Wheat Market Integration with the International Wheat Markets: Some Evidence from Co-integration Analysis. (2011). Goychuk, Kateryna ; Meyers, William H.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103894.

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2011Cotton Price Policy and New Cereal Technology in the Malian Cotton Zone. (2011). Coulibaly, Jeanne ; Baker, Timothy ; Preckel, Paul ; Sanders, John . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103755.

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2011Read the Label! Energy Star Appliance Awareness and Uptake Among U.S. Consumers. (2011). Murray, Anthony G. ; Mills, Bradford F.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103328.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2011Willingness of Agricultural Landowners to Supply Perennial Energy Crops. (2011). Schulman, Candi ; Easter, William K. ; Current, Dean ; Smith, David J.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103930.

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2011Land Use Consequences of Crop Insurance Subsidies. (2011). Hennessy, David A. ; Miao, Ruiqing ; Feng, Hongli . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103891.

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2011International Interlinkages of Biofuel Prices: The Role of Biofuel Policies. (2011). Drabik, Dusan ; Rajcaniova, Miroslava . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103222.

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2011What Determines the Success of a Geographical Indication? A Price-based Meta-Analysis for GIs In Food Products. (2011). McFadden, Dawn Thilmany ; Souza Monteiro, Diogo M., ; Souza Monteiro, Diogo M., ; Costanigro, Marco ; Oana, Deselnicu . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:104000.

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2011Farmers’ Willingness to Grow Sweet Sorghum as a Cellulosic Bioenergy Crop: A Stated Choice Approach. (2011). Bergtold, Jason ; Williams, Jeffery ; Fewell, Jason . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:108068.

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2011Characterizing Spatial Pattern in Ecosystem Service Values when Distance Decay Doesn’t Apply: Choice Experiments and Local Indicators of Spatial Association. (2011). Besedin, Elena Y. ; Johnston, Robert J. ; Ramachandran, Mahesh ; Segerson, Kathleen ; Schultz, Eric T.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103374.

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2011Demand for Drought Tolerance in Africa: Selection of Drought Tolerant Maize Seed using Framed Field Experiments. (2011). Muhammad, Lutta ; Dalton, Timothy J. ; Yesuf, Mahmud . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103712.

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2011Bayesian estimation of non-stationary Markov models combining micro and macro data. (2011). Storm, Hugo ; Heckelei, Thomas . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103645.

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2011Biomass Supply from Alternative Cellulosic Crops and Crop Residues: A Spatial Bioeconomic Modeling Approach. (2011). Egbendewe-Mondzozo, Aklesso ; Zhang, Xuesong ; Swinton, Swinton M. ; Manowitz, David H. ; Izaurralde, Cesar R.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103435.

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2011How Much Do Decoupled Payments Affect Production? An Instrumental Variable Approach with Panel Data. (2011). Weber, Jeremy G ; Key, Nigel . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103455.

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2011Spatial Externalities and Vector-Borne Plant Diseases: Pierce’s Disease and the Blue-Green Sharpshooter in the Napa Valley. (2011). Sanchirico, James ; Fuller, Kate ; Alston, Julian . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103865.

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2011Copula-Based Nonlinear Models of Spatial Market Linkages. (2011). Goodwin, Barry K. ; Holt, Matthew T. ; Prestemon, Jeffrey P. ; Onel, Gulcan . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103715.

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2011Impacts of Land Rental Markets on Rural Poverty in Kenya. (2011). Jin, Songqing ; Jayne, T. S.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103907.

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2011Economic feasibility of converting cow manure to electricity: A case study of the CVPS Cow Power program in Vermont. (2011). Thompson, Ethan ; Parsons, Robert ; Wang, Qingbin ; Rogers, Glenn . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:104564.

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2011Information and Firms’ Search Behavior. (2011). Aker, Jenny ; Tack, Jesse . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103404.

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2011Vertical Channel Analysis of the U.S. Milk Market. (2011). Stiegert, Kyle W. ; Hovhannisyan, Vardges . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103631.

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2011Cotton Price Policy and New Cereal Technology in the Malian Cotton Zone. (2011). Coulibaly, Jeanne ; Baker, Timothy ; Preckel, Paul ; Sanders, John . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103755.

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2011U.S. Consumers’ Preference and Willingness to Pay for Country-of-Origin-Labeled Beef Steak and Food Safety Enhancements. (2011). Goddard, Ellen ; Hu, Wuyang ; Maynard, Leigh J. ; Lim, Kar Ho . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103385.

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2011Cognitive Skills, Non-Cognitive Skills, and the Employment and Wages of Young Adults in Rural China. (2011). Park, Albert ; Huang, Qiuqiong ; Glewwe, Paul . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103407.

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2011Pigs in Cyberspace: A Natural Experiment Testing Differences between Online and Offline Club-Pig Auctions. (2011). Roe, Brian E. ; Wyszynski, Timothy E.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:102940.

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2011Climate Change and Agriculture In South Asia: Looking for An Optimal Trade Policy. (2011). Laborde, David . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:104526.

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2011Negative Externalities on Property Values Resulting from Water Impairment: The Case of the Pigeon River Watershed. (2011). Roberts, Roland K. ; Kim, Seung Gyu ; Cho, Seong-Hoon . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103762.

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2011Read the Label! Energy Star Appliance Awareness and Uptake Among U.S. Consumers. (2011). Murray, Anthony G. ; Mills, Bradford F.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103328.

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2011Agricultural Productivity and Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2011). Nin-Pratt, Alejandro ; Yu, Bingxin . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:105400.

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2011Global Land Use Changes and Consequent CO2 Emissions due to US Cellulosic Biofuel Program: A Preliminary Analysis. (2011). Taheripour, Farzad ; Tyner, Wallace E.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103559.

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2011Assessing Participation in the Milk Income Loss Contract Program and its Impact on Milk Production. (2011). Mishra, Ashok K. ; D'Antoni, Jeremy M.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103775.

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2011A Whole-Farm Profitability Analysis of Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems. (2011). Fernholz, Carmen ; Lazarus, William ; Delbridge, Timothy A. ; King, Robert P.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103790.

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2011Investigating Demand for Weather Index Insurance: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia. (2011). Mullally, Conner ; Teh, TseLing ; Peterson, Nicole ; Norton, Michael ; Gebremichael, Mengesha ; Madajewicz, Malgosia ; Holthaus, Eric ; Osgood, Daniel . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:104022.

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2011Comparison of Alternative Sources of Farmland Values. (2011). Briggeman, Brian C. ; Brorsen, Wade B. ; Zakrzewicz, Christopher . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103758.

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2011Preference erosion and the developing countries exports to the EU: a dynamic panel gravity approach. (2011). Olper, Alessandro ; Raimondi, Valentina ; Scoppola, Margherita . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103391.

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2011Peer Effect, Risk-Pooling and Status Seeking: Which Matters to Gift Spending Escalation in Rural China?. (2011). Zhang, Xiaobo ; Chen, Xi. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103643.

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2011Volatility Spillovers in Agricultural Commodity Markets: An Application Involving Implied Volatilities from Options Markets. (2011). Goodwin, Barry K. ; Zhao, Jieyuan . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103636.

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2011Spatial Dimensions of US Crop Selection: Recent Responses to Markets and Policy. (2011). McPhail, Lihong ; Motamed, Mesbah . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103270.

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2011Do Natural Disasters Affect Trust/Trustworthiness? Evidence from the 2010 Chilean Earthquake. (2011). Fleming, David A. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:104522.

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2011THE VALUE OF WATER AS AN URBAN CLUB GOOD: A MATCHING APPROACH TO HOA-PROVIDED LAKES. (2011). Klaiber, Allen H. ; Abbott, Joshua K.. In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103781.

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2011Structural Model of Retail Market Power: The U.S. Milk Industry. (2011). Gould, Brian W. ; Hovhannisyan, Vardges . In: 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. RePEc:ags:aaea11:103590.

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2011Agricultural and Rural Capital Markets in the EU Candidate Countries: Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. (2011). Bojnec, Stefan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:famawp:117489.

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2011Factors Affecting Poverty Dynamics in Rural Zambia.. (2011). Chapoto, Antony ; Haggblade, Steven ; Hamukwala, Priscilla ; Banda, Diana . In: Food Security Collaborative Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midcwp:109888.

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2011Biofuels: Review of Policies and Impacts. (2011). Zilberman, David ; Kristoufek, Ladislav . In: Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, UC Berkeley, Working Paper Series. RePEc:cdl:agrebk:qt5v1112qr.

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2011Trigger Points of the Special Safeguard Mechanism. (2011). Leister, Amanda M ; Ferrier, Peyton M. In: Economics Bulletin. RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-11-00694.

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2011Agricultural and Rural Capital Markets in the EU Candidate Countries: Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. (2011). Bojnec, Tefan . In: Factor Markets Working Papers. RePEc:eps:fmwppr:108.

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2011Modeling the Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Biofuels. (2011). Zilberman, David . In: Working Papers IES. RePEc:fau:wpaper:wp2011_33.

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2011Peer effects, risk pooling, and status seeking: What explains gift spending escalation in rural China?. (2011). Kanbur, Ravi ; Chen, Xi ; Zhang, Xiaobo . In: IFPRI discussion papers. RePEc:fpr:ifprid:1151.

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2011Cooperative and non-cooperative solutions to carbon leakage. (2011). Antimiani, Alessandro ; Costantini, Valeria ; Salvatici, Luca ; Martini, Chiara . In: Departmental Working Papers of Economics - University 'Roma Tre'. RePEc:rtr:wpaper:0136.

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2011Individual rationality, model-consistent expectations and learning. (2011). Graham, Liam . In: CDMA Working Paper Series. RePEc:san:cdmawp:1112.

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