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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

Brussels Economic Review / ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles


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19900.09171743275 (%)0.03
19910.09223952982 (%)0.04
19920.030.090.02195820.0312391822 (%)0.04
19930.1197724190 (%)0.05
19940.11179453889 (%)0.05
19950.030.190.021911330.033361942 (%)0.07
19960.030.230.011713030.025361961 (%)0.09
19970.030.270.011314350.031361911 (%)0.09
19980.272016330.0273085 (%)0.1
19990.310.021918240.02633862 (%)0.13
20000.391820060.0383988 (%)0.15
20010.030.410.022322380.0469371872 (%)20.090.16
20020.10.430.0433256120.0545414934 (%)30.090.19
20030.160.450.1221277220.084456911313 (%)10.050.19
20040.110.510.1127304240.0812354611413 (%)40.150.21
20050.170.540.1621325250.086548812219 (%)10.050.22
20060.310.520.2417342420.1228481512530 (%)10.060.21
20070.530.450.3719361620.1737382011944 (%)50.260.18
20080.390.480.3921382650.175361410541 (%)0.2
20090.080.480.216398400.1440310521 (%)10.060.19
20100.440.0523421230.052237945 (%)30.130.16
20110.080.530.0819440420.14393968 (%)10.050.21
20120.050.580.116456390.09444229810 (%)50.310.22
20130.110.710.1219475430.0913549511 (%)0.25
20140.490.810.254479500.135179323 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2001International R&D spillovers: a survey. (2001). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2001:v:0:i:169:p:3-31.

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2004Computers and student learning: bivariate and multivariate evidence on the availability and use of computers at home and at school. (2004). Womann, Ludger . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:3-4:p:359-385.

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2005The wage penalty induced by part-time work: the case of Belgium. (2005). Jepsen, Maria . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2005:v:48:i:1-2:p:73-94.

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2012Law and Finance in Africa. (2012). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/156283.

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2003Productivity growth, R&D and the rôle of international collaborative agreements: some évidence for Belgian manufacturing companies. (2003). SANCHEZ, Carolina VILLEGAS ; Kempen, Lieselot. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2003:v:46:i:3:p:107-140.

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2004The impact of temporary migration on human capital accumulation and economie development. (2004). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:1:p:77-88.

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2006Capital humain et processus de création dentreprise: le cas des primo-créateurs wallons. (2006). Guyot, Jean-Luc ; Lohest, Olivier . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/9455.

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2007Wage differentials in Belgium: the role of worker and employer characteristics. (2007). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2007:v:50:i:1:p:11-40.

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2010Shocks, Crashes and Bubbles in Financial Markets. (2010). Johansen, Anders ; Sornette, Didier . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/80942.

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1989A note on the European Monetary System, and the determination of the DM-dollar exchange rate. (1989). Tullio, G. ; Bekx, P.. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/12755.

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2004The economie impact of immigration for the host countries. (2004). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:1:p:9-28.

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2007Pirates or Explorers ?Analysis of Music Consumption in French Graduate Schools. (2007). Bounies, David ; Waelbroeck, Patrick . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/80196.

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2004The demand for high-skilled workers and immigration policy. (2004). Kunze, Astrid . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:1:p:57-75.

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2007Revisiting the relationship between governance and foreign direct investment. (2007). Meon, Pierre-Guillaume . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2007:v:50:i:1:p:41-61.

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2002Inter-industry wage differentials and the gender wage gap in Belgium. (2002). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2002:v:45:i:2:p:119-141.

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2007EU pre-competitive and near-the-market S&T collaborations. (2007). Capron, Henri . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2007:v:50:i:1:p:135-159.

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2002Indicators on gender pay equality. (2002). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2002:v:45:i:2:p:11-40.

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2002How much does a year off cost? Estimating the wage effects of employment breaks and part-time periods. (2002). Wolf, Elke ; Beblo, Miriam . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2002:v:45:i:2:p:191-217.

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2004Brain drain and Remittances: implications for the source country. (2004). Cinar, Dilek. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:1:p:102-118.

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2012Downward Wage Regidity for Different Workers and Firms. (2012). Fuss, Catherine ; du Caju, Philip ; Wintr, Ladislav . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/130010.

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2004The brain drain: a review of theory and facts. (2004). Winters, Alan L. ; Commander, Simon ; Kangasniemi, Mari . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:1:p:29-44.

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2005Financial constraints on new firms: looking for regional disparities. (2005). SylvieCieply, . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2005:v:48:i:3:p:217-245.

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2004Immigration and aging in the Belgian régions. (2004). Nantcho, Madeleine ; Debuisson, Marc. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:1:p:139-157.

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2005The gender wage gap in an international perspective. (2005). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2005:v:48:i:4:p:419-442.

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2004Temporary migration and self-employment: evidence from Tunisia. (2004). Mesnard, Alice . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:1:p:119-138.

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2007Travail et maternité en Europe: conditions de travail et politiques publiques. (2007). Meulders, Daniele ; De Henau, Jerome . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2007:v:50:i:1:p:63-88.

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2002The interest rate and crédit channels in Belgium: an investigation with micro-level firm data. (2002). Butzen, Paul. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2002:v:45:i:3:p:5-35.

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Is there skilled-biased technological change in Italian manufacturing? Evidence from firm-level data. (2005). Matteucci, Nicola . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2005:v:48:i:1-2:p:153-182.

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1992An international trade flow model with zero observations: an extension of the Tobit model. (1992). de Vos, Aart F.. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/12869.

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A note on the human capital intensity of EC trade. (1992). Schumacher, Dieter . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/12843.

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2003Insight into the patenting performance of Belgian universities. (2003). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2003:v:46:i:3:p:37-58.

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2005A goods characteristics model of the hedonic ageing equation: evidence from a French marriage bureau. (2005). Cameron, Samuel . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2005:v:48:i:4:p:341-354.

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2006Competition and growth in endogenous growth model with expanding product variety without scale effects. (2006). Bianco, Dominique . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2006:v:49:i:3:p:191-202.

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2004Selective immigration policy in Australia, Canada, and the United States. (2004). Antecol, Heather . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:1:p:45-56.

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2004The economies of education: unkept promises?. (2004). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:3-4:p:303-319.

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1991An econometric study of the Belgian banking sector in terms of scale and scope economies. (1991). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/12811.

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2004A cobweb model of higher education and labour market dynamics. (2004). El-Murr, Bachir. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:3-4:p:409-429.

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2010Testing for Granger Causality in the Presence of Chaotic Dynamics. (2010). Kyrtsou, Catherine ; Hristu-Varsakelis, Dimitrios . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/80946.

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2003Intra-firm wage dispersion and fîrm performance: a review and empirical tests on Belgian data. (2003). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2003:v:46:i:4:p:5-29.

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2003The impact of industrial specialisation and diversity on innovation. (2003). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2003:v:46:i:3:p:11-36.

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2001Technological competition, economic performance and strategic behaviour of international firms. (2001). Capron, Henri . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2001:v:0:i:169:p:33-62.

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2006Human capital and fertility decisions in Italy: a microeconometric analysis of ECHP data. (2006). Barone, Adriana ; VINCI, Concetto Paolo . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2006:v:49:i:4:p:281-292.

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2004Le déclassement à lembauche des jeunes: vers un changement de la valeur des diplômes?. (2004). Lemistre, Philippe . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:3-4:p:483-503.

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2007Le projet dUnion Monétaire dans le Mercosur :Etude de la position actuelle dans les pays par rapport à une carte de critères de soutenabilité. (2007). Gimet, Celine . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/80317.

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2000From realism to surrealism: investing in Belgian art. (2000). Renneboog, Luc ; Van Houtte, Tom . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/13119.

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1994Economies of scale and scope in EC credit institutions. (1994). Vennet, Vander R.. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/12937.

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Altruisme et corésidence en France. (1999). Wolff, F. C.. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/13111.

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2004Wage elasticity of the teacher supply in Switzerland. (2004). Denzler, Stefan . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:3-4:p:387-407.

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2003Reductions in employers social security contributions in a wage norm and automatic indexing régime. (2003). du Caju, Philippe. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2003:v:46:i:4:p:31-64.

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2002Labor market segmentation and the gender wage gap: an analysis of selected industries in Switzerland. (2002). Poza, Alfonso Sousa. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2002:v:45:i:2:p:91-118.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2012Law and Finance in Africa. (2012). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/156283.

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2004Computers and student learning: bivariate and multivariate evidence on the availability and use of computers at home and at school. (2004). Womann, Ludger . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:3-4:p:359-385.

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2010Shocks, Crashes and Bubbles in Financial Markets. (2010). Johansen, Anders ; Sornette, Didier . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/80942.

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2004The economie impact of immigration for the host countries. (2004). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:1:p:9-28.

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2005The wage penalty induced by part-time work: the case of Belgium. (2005). Jepsen, Maria . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2005:v:48:i:1-2:p:73-94.

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2004Temporary migration and self-employment: evidence from Tunisia. (2004). Mesnard, Alice . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:1:p:119-138.

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2012Downward Wage Regidity for Different Workers and Firms. (2012). Fuss, Catherine ; du Caju, Philip ; Wintr, Ladislav . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/130010.

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2003Productivity growth, R&D and the rôle of international collaborative agreements: some évidence for Belgian manufacturing companies. (2003). SANCHEZ, Carolina VILLEGAS ; Kempen, Lieselot. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2003:v:46:i:3:p:107-140.

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2001International R&D spillovers: a survey. (2001). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2001:v:0:i:169:p:3-31.

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2002How much does a year off cost? Estimating the wage effects of employment breaks and part-time periods. (2002). Wolf, Elke ; Beblo, Miriam . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2002:v:45:i:2:p:191-217.

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2007Pirates or Explorers ?Analysis of Music Consumption in French Graduate Schools. (2007). Bounies, David ; Waelbroeck, Patrick . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/80196.

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1992An international trade flow model with zero observations: an extension of the Tobit model. (1992). de Vos, Aart F.. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/12869.

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2003The nature of innovation and the origin of technological spillovers: an econometric analysis on individual French data. (2003). Waelbroeck, Patrick . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2003:v:46:i:3:p:87-106.

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2012In-Work Tax Credits in Belgium :An Analysis of the Jobkorting Using a Discrete Labour Supply Model. (2012). Decoster, Andre ; Vanleenhove, Pieter . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/143387.

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2011Behavioural Microsimulation and Female Labour Supply in Luxembourg. (2011). Berger, Frederic ; LIEGEOIS, Philippe ; Islam, Nizamul . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/122845.

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2004A cobweb model of higher education and labour market dynamics. (2004). El-Murr, Bachir. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2004:v:47:i:3-4:p:409-429.

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2003Reductions in employers social security contributions in a wage norm and automatic indexing régime. (2003). du Caju, Philippe. In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2003:v:46:i:4:p:31-64.

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2003Insight into the patenting performance of Belgian universities. (2003). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2003:v:46:i:3:p:37-58.

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2007Le projet dUnion Monétaire dans le Mercosur :Etude de la position actuelle dans les pays par rapport à une carte de critères de soutenabilité. (2007). Gimet, Celine . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:2013/80317.

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2002The innovation process of European régions. (2002). . In: Brussels Economic Review. RePEc:bxr:bxrceb:y:2002:v:45:i:4:p:59-94.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 17:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014The Evolving Debate on the Effect of Foreign Aid on Corruption and Institutions in Africa. (2014). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:agd:wpaper:14/009.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Knowledge Economy Gaps, Policy Syndromes and Catch-up Strategies: Fresh South Korean Lessons to Africa. (2014). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:agd:wpaper:14/014.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The Evolving Debate on the Effect of Foreign Aid on Corruption and Institutions in Africa. (2014). . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:58748.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Knowledge Economy Gaps, Policy Syndromes and Catch-up Strategies: Fresh South Korean Lessons to Africa. (2014). . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:58758.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Middle class in Africa: Determinants and Consequences. (2014). Kayembe, Julio Mukendi ; Kodila-Tedika, Oasis . In: Working Papers. RePEc:agd:wpaper:14/026.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Foreign aid, investment and fiscal policy behavior: theory and empirical evidence. (2014). Jellal, Mohamed . In: Working Papers. RePEc:agd:wpaper:14/030.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Foreign Aid and Governance in Africa. (2014). Nwachukwu, Jacinta C.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:agd:wpaper:14/034.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Middle class in Africa: Determinants and Consequences. (2014). Kodila-Tedika, Oasis . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:63797.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Law, Finance and Investment: Does Legal Origin Matter in Africa?. (2014). . In: The Review of Black Political Economy. RePEc:spr:blkpoe:v:41:y:2014:i:2:p:145-175.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Foreign aid, investment and fiscal policy behavior: theory and empirical evidence. (2014). . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:64460.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Foreign Aid and Governance in Africa. (2014). Nwachukwu, Jacinta C.. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:65302.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Impact of Liquidity Level on the Monetary Policy Transmission Effectiveness of the Moroccan Central Bank (Bank Al Maghrib). (2014). Nahhal, Benaissa ; Moumni, Nicolas . In: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. RePEc:eco:journ1:2014-04-10.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Generational accounts for Belgium: fiscal sustainability at a glance. (2014). Decoster, Andre ; Flawinne, Xavier ; Vanleenhove, Pieter . In: Empirica. RePEc:kap:empiri:v:41:y:2014:i:4:p:663-686.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Factors generating and transmitting the financial crisis: The role of incentives: securitization and contagion. (2014). Kalbaska, Alesia ; Gabbi, Giampaolo ; Vercelli, Alessandro . In: Working papers. RePEc:fes:wpaper:wpaper56.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014How Selective Are Real Wage Cuts? A Micro-Analysis Using Linked Employer-Employee Data. (2014). Hirsch, Boris . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8417.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Why firms avoid cutting wages: survey evidence from European firms. (2014). Messina, Julian ; Kosma, Theodora ; Room, Tairi ; Tairi Rõõm, ; du Caju, Philip ; Lawless, Martina . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bog:wpaper:173.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Why firms avoid cutting wages : survey evidence from European firms. (2014). Messina, Julian ; Kosma, Theodora ; Room, Tairi ; Tairi Rõõm, ; du Caju, Philip . In: Policy Research Working Paper Series. RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:6976.

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[Citation Analysis]

Cites in year: CiY

Recent citations received in: 2012

[Click on heading to sort table]

2012The political economy of development assistance: peril to government quality dynamics in Africa. (2012). Simplice, Asongu . In: Working Papers. RePEc:agd:wpaper:12/008.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Financial determinants of consumer price inflation. What do dynamics in money, credit, efficiency and size tell us?. (2012). Simplice, Asongu . In: Working Papers. RePEc:agd:wpaper:12/019.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Politics and Consumer Prices in Africa. (2012). Simplice, Asongu . In: Working Papers. RePEc:agd:wpaper:12/032.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Reversed Economics and Inhumanity of Development Assistance in Africa. (2012). Simplice, Asongu . In: Working Papers. RePEc:agd:wpaper:12/034.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Sectoral differences in downward real wage rigidity: workforce composition, institutions, technology and competition. (2012). Fuss, C. ; DuCaju, P. ; Du Caju, P. ; Wintr, L.. In: Journal of Labour Market Research. RePEc:spr:jlabrs:v:45:y:2012:i:1:p:7-22.

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[Citation Analysis]

Recent citations received in: 2011

[Click on heading to sort table]

2011How applicable are the new Keynesian DSGE models to a typical low-income economy?. (2011). Regassa Senbeta S., . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ant:wpaper:2011016.

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[Citation Analysis]

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.