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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

GSIA Working Papers / Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of Business


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19900.020.080.02181810.06158521521 (%)0.05
19910.060.080.06446240.0661503704 (%)0.05
19920.080.090.045011250.04836251145 (%)0.05
19930.050.10.04812080.0779451647 (%)0.05
19940.110.011413420.0112581522 (%)0.05
19950.180.150.0733167130.084222413410 (%)0.1
19960.110.190.073170150.09547514910 (%)0.09
19970.080.20.057177120.07533631085 (%)0.08
19980.10.210.0513190300.1643101653 (%)10.080.12
19990.250.270.0910200330.1728205706 (%)0.15
20000.260.360.28208460.22362366613 (%)0.14
20010.220.360.22210390.191184418 (%)0.17
20020.10.370.39219550.25231014012 (%)10.110.18
20030.090.390.217226660.2920111429 (%)20.290.18
20040.380.410.319235830.35251663611 (%)10.110.18
20050.310.430.3772421020.4271653513 (%)0.22
20060.130.450.183245780.321162346 (%)0.19
20070.20.380.176251870.3516102356 (%)0.17
20080.110.380.228259710.274291327 (%)0.17
20090.570.350.336265700.262714833111 (3.7%)0.17
201010.320.57265720.2714143017 (%)0.15
20110.830.410.573268870.32146523132 (14.3%)10.330.2
20120.330.460.393271650.24731239 (%)0.21
20130.50.490.554275520.1916320111 (100%)0.22
20140.570.560.814279760.278741613 (%)30.750.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

[Click on heading to sort table]

1990LEARNING CURVES IN MANUFACTURING.. (1990). EPPLE, D. ; ARGOTE, L.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:89-90-02.

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Income and Wealth Heterogeneity, Portfolio Choice, and Equilibrium Asset Returns. (). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:109.

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1992Experimental Asset Markets: A Survey.. (1992). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1992-19.

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1997Consumption and risk sharing over the life cycle. (1997). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:228.

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2008Marking to Market: Panacea or Pandora’s Box ?. (2008). Plantin, Guillaume ; Shin, Hyun ; Sapra, Haresh . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1805083183.

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1998The risk sharing implications of alternative social security arrangements. (1998). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:252.

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1991Honeymoons and the Liability of Adolescence : A New Perspective on Duration Dependence in Social Organizational Relationships.. (1991). Levinthal, D. A. ; Fichman, M.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1991-34.

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Antitrust and Competition in Health Care Markets. (). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:326.

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Estimating the General Equilibrium Benefits of Large Changes in Spatially Delineated Public Goods. (). Sieg, Holger ; Smith, Kerry V.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:-1430831344.

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On the Welfare Effects of Eliminating Business Cycles. (). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:243.

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Robust Permanent Income and Pricing. (). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:63.

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Risk-Sensitive Real Business Cycles. (). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:62.

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2000Temptation and Taxation. (2000). Anthony A. Smith, Jr., . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:-1095235306.

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The Price of Diversifiable Risk in Venture Capital and Private Equity. (). Jones, Charles ; Ewens, Michael ; Rhodes-Kropf, Matthew . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:-234463881.

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Income and Wealth Heterogeneity in the Macroeconomy. (). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:108.

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Understanding European Real Exchange Rates. (). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:227.

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1995The Acquisition, Transfer and Depreciation of Knowledge in Service Organisations: Productivity in Franchises.. (1995). EPPLE, D. ; ARGOTE, L. ; Darr, E. D.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1995-16.

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An Examination of Heterogeneous Beliefs with a Short Sale Constraint. (). Gallmeyer, Michael . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:-1927784071.

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1995Professional Traders as Intuitive Bayesians.. (1995). Anderson, M. J.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1995-05.

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1992How Sustainable is your Competitive Advantage?. (1992). Williams, J. R.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1992-03.

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Change, Consolidation, and Competition in Health Care Markets. (). Haas-Wilson, Deborah . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:328.

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Persistent Idiosyncratic Shocks and Incomplete Markets. (). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:24.

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Credit, Vacancies and Unemployment Fluctuations. (2009). Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1258554433.

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2004Non-exclusive Dynamic Contracts, Competition, and the Limits of Insurance. (2004). Ales, Laurence ; Maziero, Pricila . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:592630435.

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0000Shareholders Unanimity With Incomplete Markets. (0000). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1109532697.

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1992Lower Bounds for Efficiency of Surplus Extraction in Double Auctions.. (1992). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1992-17.

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0000Time Orientation and Asset Prices. (0000). Anthony A. Smith, Jr., . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:906190047.

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Is Lumpy Investment Relevant for the Business Cycle?. (). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:405.

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2000Margin Requirements and Equilibrium Asset Prices. (2000). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:274394073.

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2007The Effect of Household Appliances on Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Micro Data. (2007). Leon, Alexis . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:407427706.

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2009Adverse Selection and Non-Exclusive Contracts. (2009). Ales, Laurence ; Maziero, Pricila . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1485666472.

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0000Macroeconomic Dynamics in a Model of Goods, Labor and Credit Market Frictions. (0000). Wasmer, Etienne ; Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:295397195.

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2002Imperfect Competition in Financial Markets: ISLAND vs. NASDAQ. (2002). Spatt, Chester . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1052333535.

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Incentives in HMOs. (). Taylor, Lowell . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:864288806.

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1991Expectationally-Driven Market Volatility: An Experimental Study.. (1991). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1991-3.

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Beliefs and Volatility. (). Gallmeyer, Michael . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:416.

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Why Have Aggregate Skilled Hours. (). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:-1716381767.

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2011School Choice with Controlled Choice Constraints: Hard Bounds versus Soft Bounds. (2011). Yenmez, Bumin ; Yildirim, Muhammed ; Ehlers, Lars ; Hafalir, Isa . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:-1102298478.

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1999Advertising Rates, Audience Composition, and Competition in the Network Television Industry.. (1999). Goettler, R.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1999-28.

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2086Accounting for Private Information. (2086). Ales, Laurence ; Pricila, Maziero . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1972086957.

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0000Root-N Consistent Semiparametric Estimators of a Dynamic Panel Sample Selection Model. (0000). Gayle, George-Levi . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1095622259.

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1990A MODEL OF THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF THE UNITED STATES.. (1990). Rosenthal, H. ; LONDREGAN, J. A.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1990-27.

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1999Design and Estimation of Affine Yield Models. (1999). Telmer, Chris I.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:5.

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0000Equilibrium Commodity Prices with Irreversible Investment and Non-Linear Technologies,. (0000). Casassus, Jaime ; Collin-Dufresne, Pierre . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1090880066.

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1966A Theory of Financing Constraints and Firm Dynamics. (1966). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1966279713.

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2004Self-Fulfilling Liquidity and the Coordination Premium. (2004). Plantin, Guillaume . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:710428070.

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1991Allocative Efficiency of Markets with Zero Intelligence (Z1) Traders: Market as a Partial Substitute for Individual Rationality.. (1991). Gode, D. K.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1992-16.

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The Foreign Exchange Risk Premium: Real and Nominal Factors. (). Yaron, Armir. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:-1655358232.

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1993Equilibrium Welfare and Government Policy with Quasi-Geometric Discounting. (1993). Anthony A. Smtih, Jr., ; Kuruscu, Burhanettin . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:515949340.

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2003Measuring Default Risk Premia from Default Swap Rates and EDFs. (2003). Berndt, Antje ; Douglas, Rohan ; Ferguson, Mark ; Duffie, Darrell . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1749033791.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

1990LEARNING CURVES IN MANUFACTURING.. (1990). EPPLE, D. ; ARGOTE, L.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:89-90-02.

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2008Marking to Market: Panacea or Pandora’s Box ?. (2008). Plantin, Guillaume ; Shin, Hyun ; Sapra, Haresh . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1805083183.

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1995The Acquisition, Transfer and Depreciation of Knowledge in Service Organisations: Productivity in Franchises.. (1995). EPPLE, D. ; ARGOTE, L. ; Darr, E. D.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1995-16.

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0000Macroeconomic Dynamics in a Model of Goods, Labor and Credit Market Frictions. (0000). Wasmer, Etienne ; Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:295397195.

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2004Non-exclusive Dynamic Contracts, Competition, and the Limits of Insurance. (2004). Ales, Laurence ; Maziero, Pricila . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:592630435.

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2012External Financing and the Role of Financial Frictions over the Business Cycle: Measurement and Theory. (2012). Shourideh, Ali ; Zetlin-Jones, Ariel . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:2109140846.

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2011School Choice with Controlled Choice Constraints: Hard Bounds versus Soft Bounds. (2011). Yenmez, Bumin ; Yildirim, Muhammed ; Ehlers, Lars ; Hafalir, Isa . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:-1102298478.

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2009Adverse Selection and Non-Exclusive Contracts. (2009). Ales, Laurence ; Maziero, Pricila . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1485666472.

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1991Honeymoons and the Liability of Adolescence : A New Perspective on Duration Dependence in Social Organizational Relationships.. (1991). Levinthal, D. A. ; Fichman, M.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1991-34.

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0000Shareholders Unanimity With Incomplete Markets. (0000). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1109532697.

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Identifying and Testing Models of Managerial Compensations. (). Gayle, George-Levi ; Miller, Robert . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1247278123.

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Task, Talent, and Taxes. (). Musab, Kurnaz ; Christopher, Sleet ; Ales, Laurence . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:-120772456.

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0000Root-N Consistent Semiparametric Estimators of a Dynamic Panel Sample Selection Model. (0000). Gayle, George-Levi . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1095622259.

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2002Life-Cycle Fertility and Human Capital Accumulation. (2002). Gayle, George-Levi ; Miller, Robert A.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:-1750215465.

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2007The Effect of Household Appliances on Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Micro Data. (2007). Leon, Alexis . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:407427706.

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2002Competition Among Hospitals. (2002). . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1465316569.

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2009Credit, Vacancies and Unemployment Fluctuations. (2009). Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1258554433.

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2014Differences of Opinion and International Equity Markets. (2014). Dumas, Bernard ; Lewis, Karen K. ; Osambela, Emilio . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1289331517.

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Incentives in HMOs. (). Taylor, Lowell . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:864288806.

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2009Incentive Compatible Market Design with Applications. (2009). Yenmez, Bumin M.. In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:2067164933.

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0000Equilibrium Commodity Prices with Irreversible Investment and Non-Linear Technologies,. (0000). Casassus, Jaime ; Collin-Dufresne, Pierre . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1090880066.

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TFP during a Credit Crunch. (). Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1281362255.

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2011On the Dual Approach to Recursive Optimization. (2011). Christopher, Sleet . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1772106779.

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Estimating the Returns to Parental Time Investment in Children Using a Life Cycle Dynastic Model. (). Gayle, Georg-Levi ; Soytas, Mehmet A. ; Golan, Limor . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:-1615014062.

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2086Accounting for Private Information. (2086). Ales, Laurence ; Pricila, Maziero . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1972086957.

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0000Does Reinsurance Need Reinsurers?. (0000). Plantin, Guillaume . In: GSIA Working Papers. RePEc:cmu:gsiawp:1108152504.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 4:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Bank Liabilities Channel. (2014). Quadrini, Vincenzo . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10265.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014What Inventory Behavior Tells Us About How Business Cycles Have Changed. (2014). Schwartzman, Felipe ; Lubik, Thomas A. ; Sarte, Pierre-Daniel G.. In: Working Paper. RePEc:fip:fedrwp:14-06.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Firm Entry and Employment Dynamics in the Great Recession. (2014). . In: Finance and Economics Discussion Series. RePEc:fip:fedgfe:2014-56.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Aggregate Issuance and Savings Waves. (2014). Eisfeldt, Andrea L. ; Muir, Tyler . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:20442.

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[Citation Analysis]

Cites in year: CiY

Recent citations received in: 2014

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Uncovered Equity Parity and rebalancing in international portfolios. (2014). CharlesP. Thomas, ; Curcuru, Stephanie E. ; Wongswan, Jon ; Warnock, Francis E.. In: Journal of International Money and Finance. RePEc:eee:jimfin:v:47:y:2014:i:c:p:86-99.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Uncovered Equity Parity and Rebalancing in International Portfolios. (2014). CharlesP. Thomas, ; Curcuru, Stephanie E. ; Wongswan, Jon ; Warnock, Francis E.. In: International Finance Discussion Papers. RePEc:fip:fedgif:1103.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014College admissions with entrance exams: Centralized versus decentralized. (2014). Kubler, Dorothea ; Hakimov, Rustamdjan ; Kurino, Morimitsu ; Hafalir, Isa E.. In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Market Behavior. RePEc:zbw:wzbmbh:spii2014208.

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[Citation Analysis]

Recent citations received in: 2012

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Recent citations received in: 2011

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2011On the Dual Approach to Recursive Optimization. (2011). Sleet, Christopher ; Pavoni, Nicola . In: Working Papers. RePEc:igi:igierp:423.

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[Citation Analysis]

Warning!! This is still an experimental service. The results of this service should be interpreted with care, especially in research assessment exercises. The processing of documents is automatic. There still are errors and omissions in the identification of references. We are working to improve the software to increase the accuracy of the results.

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