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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

Ekonomia / Cyprus Economic Society and University of Cyprus


Impact Factor


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19900.09000 (%)0.03
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.09000 (%)0.04
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.19000 (%)0.07
19960.23000 (%)0.09
19970.271212900 (%)0.09
19980.27122430.1351212 (%)30.250.1
19990.31103452424 (%)0.13
20000.090.390.06114520.0413222342 (%)0.15
20010.410.07115630.0521453 (%)0.16
20020.090.430.045620.04222562 (%)0.19
20030.450.07116740.06211443 (%)0.19
20040.510.02107740.051111431 (%)30.30.21
20050.140.540.09139070.086213434 (%)0.22
20060.040.520.021010040.0411231451 (%)0.21
20070.450.02710780.072323441 (%)40.570.18
20080.180.480.08711450.042173514 (%)0.2
20090.210.480.156120110.0957143477 (%)40.670.19
20100.310.440.286126120.111344312 (%)0.16
20111.170.530.53129210.1612143618 (%)0.21
20120.110.580.314133110.08191299 (%)0.22
20130.710.42133210.1672611 (%)0.25
20140.250.810.37133130.141197 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2009Institutional Features of Wage Bargaining in 23 European Countries, the US and Japan. (2009). Momferatu, Daphne ; du Caju, Philip ; Ward-Warmedinger, Melanie . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:12:y:2009:i:2:p:57-108.

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2007Migrant Ethnic Identity: Concept And Policy Implications. (2007). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:10:y:2007:i:1:p:1-17.

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2004Has Monetary Policy Reacted to Asset Price Movements? Evidence from the UK. (2004). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:7:y:2004:i:1:p:18-33.

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2006Two Speed Regional Convergence In Portugal And the Importance of Structural Funds on Growth. (2006). Soukiazis, Elias ; Antunes, Micaela . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:9:y:2006:i:2:p:222-241.

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1997Critical Issues in Economics as Realist Social Theory. (1997). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:1:y:1997:i:2:p:75-117.

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2000Modelling Market Power in Labour and Product Markets in a Dynamic Economy. (2000). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:4:y:2000:i:2:p:104-121.

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1998Is the Exchange Rate an Effective Anti-inflationary Policy Instrument?. (1998). Papazoglou, Christos ; Karadeloglou, Pavlos . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:2:y:1998:i:1:p:47-72.

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2005Should inflation-targeting central banks care about dynamic instabilities in an open economy?. (2005). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:8:y:2005:i:2:p:125-141.

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2000Concentration Indices: Back to the Drawing Board Patterns in Neighboring Areas. (2000). Papadogonas, Theodore ; Droucopoulos, Vassilis . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:4:y:2000:i:1:p:55-72.

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2000Relative Prices and Sectoral Labor Productivity Differentials:A long-run Analysis for Greece. (2000). Moschos, Demetrios ; Bragoudakis, Zacharias . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:4:y:2000:i:2:p:142-155.

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1999Rankings of Economic Departments Among Greek-Speaking Institutions. (1999). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:3:y:1999:i:1:p:70-75.

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2000Financial Development and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence for the case of UK. (2000). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:4:y:2000:i:2:p:122-141.

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2007Modelling Housing and Consumers Spending under Liquidity and Borrowing Constraints: Some Stylised Facts from UK Housing Market. (2007). Corrado, Germana . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:10:y:2007:i:2:p:112-137.

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2007Does thin Trading Impact Upon the Measurement of Herding? Evidence from Bulgaria. (2007). Kratunova, Tatyana ; Kallinterakis, Vasileios . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:10:y:2007:i:1:p:42-65.

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1997Empirical Realism as Meta-Method: Tony Lawson on Neoclassical Economics. (1997). Hands, Wade D. In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:1:y:1997:i:2:p:39-53.

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1997The Regional Demand for Building Society Mortgage Finance. (1997). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:1:y:1997:i:1:p:65-81.

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2006Innovation in the EU Convergence States And the New Member Countries. (2006). Altuzarra, Amaia . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:9:y:2006:i:2:p:159-178.

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2008Structural Models and Monetary Policy at the Federal Reserve Board: Last Vestiges of the Neoclassical Synthesis or Pragmatic New Consensus?. (2008). Fontana, Giuseppe . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:11:y:2008:i:2:p:69-88.

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1998Volatility and Volatility Spill-overs in Emerging Markets: The case of the African Stock Markets. (1998). Pescetto, Gioia M ; Appiah-Kusi, Joe. In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:2:y:1998:i:2:p:171-185.

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2003On Explaining the Differences in Economic Growth Rates in OECD Countries. (2003). DAR, Atul ; AMIRKHALKHALI, Sal . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:6:y:2003:i:2:p:147-159.

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1997Deposit Insurance:Do we need it and why?. (1997). Santomero, Anthony M.. In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:1:y:1997:i:1:p:1-19.

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2005Financial development and economic growth in developing economies: empirical evidence from the Caribbean. (2005). Francis, Brian ; Lorde, Troy . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:8:y:2005:i:2:p:168-184.

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2008Are the European Central Bank and Bank of England Macroeconomic Models Consistent with the New Consensus in Macroeconomics?. (2008). Sawyer, Malcolm ; Arestis, Philip . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:11:y:2008:i:2:p:51-68.

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2003Mind the Gap:Unification, EU Membership and Regional Disparity in Cyprus. (2003). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:6:y:2003:i:1:p:53-71.

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2012Love thy Neighbour, Love Thy Kin: Strategy and Bias in the Eurovision Song Contest. (2012). Clerides, Sofronis . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:15:y:2012:i:1:p:1-44.

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1999Growth and Productivity in Cyprus Manufacturing Industries, 1977-1994 Patterns in Neighboring Areas. (1999). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:3:y:1999:i:2:p:113-124.

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2010Monetary Policy and Boom-Bust Cycles: The Role of Central Bank Communication. (2010). Wagner, Helmut ; Knutter, Rolf . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:13-14:y:2010-2011:i:2-1:p:69-96.

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2005Europe at the Cross Roads: Structural Reforms, Fiscal Constraints, and EMU Enlargement–An Empirical Analysis. (2005). Svend E. Hougaard Jensen, . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:8:y:2005:i:1:p:21-50.

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1999Financial Liberalisation Choices for Cyprus on the Road to the European Union. (1999). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:3:y:1999:i:1:p:14-40.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2009Institutional Features of Wage Bargaining in 23 European Countries, the US and Japan. (2009). Momferatu, Daphne ; du Caju, Philip ; Ward-Warmedinger, Melanie . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:12:y:2009:i:2:p:57-108.

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2006Two Speed Regional Convergence In Portugal And the Importance of Structural Funds on Growth. (2006). Soukiazis, Elias ; Antunes, Micaela . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:9:y:2006:i:2:p:222-241.

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2007Migrant Ethnic Identity: Concept And Policy Implications. (2007). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:10:y:2007:i:1:p:1-17.

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2004Has Monetary Policy Reacted to Asset Price Movements? Evidence from the UK. (2004). . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:7:y:2004:i:1:p:18-33.

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2007Modelling Housing and Consumers Spending under Liquidity and Borrowing Constraints: Some Stylised Facts from UK Housing Market. (2007). Corrado, Germana . In: Ekonomia. RePEc:ekn:ekonom:v:10:y:2007:i:2:p:112-137.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 1:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Distance, Transaction Costs, and Preferences in European Trade. (2014). Kokko, Ari . In: The International Trade Journal. RePEc:taf:uitjxx:v:28:y:2014:i:2:p:87-120.

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[Citation Analysis]

Warning!! This is still an experimental service. The results of this service should be interpreted with care, especially in research assessment exercises. The processing of documents is automatic. There still are errors and omissions in the identification of references. We are working to improve the software to increase the accuracy of the results.

Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.