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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation / Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Impact Factor


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19900.130.080.133310.3338181 (%)0.05
19910.180.080.185820.2512112112 (%)0.05
19920.0991730.1814816 (%)30.330.05
19930.140.10.1252230.145142253 (%)0.05
19940.070.110.142630.128141303 (%)0.05
19950.1543041926 (%)0.1
19960.380.190.261141110.2752832772 (3.8%)30.270.09
199710.20.52748190.47515153317 (%)20.290.08
19980.560.210.5248220.4618103116 (%)0.12
19990.860.270.4248130.27762611 (%)0.15
20000.360.548150.3102211 (%)0.14
20010.360.4448110.230188 (%)0.17
20020.370.8648120.25076 (%)0.18
20030.3948140.2900 (%)0.18
20040.414850.100 (%)0.18
20050.434860.1300 (%)0.22
20060.454890.1900 (%)0.19
20070.384850.100 (%)0.17
20080.3848100.2100 (%)0.17
20090.354830.0600 (%)0.17
20100.324890.1900 (%)0.15
20110.414890.1900 (%)0.2
20120.464850.100 (%)0.21
20130.4948120.2500 (%)0.22
20140.564830.0600 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

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1995The cultural affinity hypothesis and mortgage lending decisions. (1995). Walker, MaryBeth ; Hunter, William C.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:95-8.

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1997Peso problem explanations for term structure anomalies. (1997). Marshall, David A.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:wp-97-07.

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1996On biases in tests of the expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates. (1996). Marshall, David . In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:wp-96-3.

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1997FDICIA after five years: a review and evaluation. (1997). Kaufman, George G. ; Benston, George J.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:wp-97-01.

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1997The role of credit market competition on lending strategies and on capital accumulation. (1997). . In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:wp-97-14.

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1996Alligators in the swamp: the impact of derivatives on the financial performance of depository institutions. (1996). Brewer, III Elijah ; William E. Jackson, III, . In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:wp-96-6.

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1994Origins of the modern exchange clearinghouse: a history of early clearing and settlement methods at futures exchanges. (1994). . In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:94-3.

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1991Capital in banking: past, present and future. (1991). Kaufman, George G.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:91-10.

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1996Bank failures, systemic risk, and bank regulation. (1996). Kaufman, George G.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:wp-96-1.

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1997Bank capital standards for market risk: a welfare analysis. (1997). Marshall, David ; Venkataraman, Subu. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:wp-97-09.

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1992Capital adequacy and the growth of U.S. banks. (1992). Baer, Herbert ; McElravey, John. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:92-11.

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1996Bank fragility: perception and historical evidence. (1996). Kaufman, George G.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:wp-96-18.

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1989Technical change, regulation, and economies of scale for large commercial banks: an application of a modified version of Shephards Lemma. (1989). Evanoff, Douglas D. ; Merris, Randall C. ; Israilevich, Philip R.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:89-11.

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1992Incentive conflict in deposit-institution regulation: evidence from Australia. (1992). Kane, Edward J. ; Kaufman, George G.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:92-5.

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1991Optimal contingent bank liquidation under moral hazard. (1991). Krasa, Stefan . In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:91-13.

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1992Preferred sources of market discipline: depositors vs. subordinated debt holders. (1992). Evanoff, Douglas D.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:92-21.

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1995Spreads, information flows and transparency across trading systems. (1995). Kofman, Paul . In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:95-1.

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1992Bank contagion: theory and evidence. (1992). Kaufman, George G.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:92-13.

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1990Deregulation, cost economies and allocative efficiency of large commercial banks. (1990). Evanoff, Douglas D. ; Israilevich, Philip R.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:90-19.

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1993Stock margins and the conditional probability of price reversals. (1993). Kofman, Paul . In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:93-5.

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1995Public benefits and public concerns: an economic analysis of regulatory standards for clearing facilities. (1995). McCann, Karen ; Hanley, William J.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:95-12.

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1991Scale elasticity and efficiency for U.S. banks. (1991). Evanoff, Douglas D. ; Israilevich, Philip R.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:91-15.

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1990Payments system risk issues in a global economy. (1990). Evanoff, Douglas D. ; Baer, Herbert L.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:90-12.

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1992A framework for estimating the value and interest rate risk of retail bank deposits. (1992). Hutchison, David E. ; Pennacchi, George G.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:92-30.

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1993The ownership structure of Japanese financial institutions. (1993). Genay, Hesna . In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:93-19.

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1996The security issue decision: evidence from small business investment companies. (1996). Genay, Hesna ; William E. Jackson, III, ; Worthington, Paula R. ; Brewer, III Elijah . In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:wp-96-27.

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1989Are some banks too large to fail? Myth and reality. (1989). Kaufman, George G.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:89-14.

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1996Deposit insurance, bank capital structures and the demand for liquidity. (1996). Ramos, Alberto M.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:wp-96-8.

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1991The diminishing role of commercial banking in the U.S. economy. (1991). Kaufman, George G.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:91-11.

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1993Opportunity cost and prudentiality: a representative-agent model of futures clearinghouse behavior. (1993). Baer, Herbert L. ; France, Virginia G.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:93-18.

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1989Reserve account management behavior: impact of the reserve accounting scheme and carry forward provision. (1989). Evanoff, Douglas D.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:89-12.

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1994The effect of bank-held derivatives on credit accessibility. (1994). Minton, Bernadette A. ; Brewer, Elijah . In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:94-5.

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1996Strategic responses to bank regulation: evidence from HMDA data. (1996). Evanoff, Douglas D. ; Segal, Lewis M.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:wp-96-7.

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Is there Lif(f)e after DTB?: competitive aspects of cross listed futures contracts on synchronous markets. (1993). Kofman, Paul ; Bouwman, Tony. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:93-11.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

1997FDICIA after five years: a review and evaluation. (1997). Kaufman, George G. ; Benston, George J.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:wp-97-01.

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1995The cultural affinity hypothesis and mortgage lending decisions. (1995). Walker, MaryBeth ; Hunter, William C.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:95-8.

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1991Capital in banking: past, present and future. (1991). Kaufman, George G.. In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:91-10.

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1994Origins of the modern exchange clearinghouse: a history of early clearing and settlement methods at futures exchanges. (1994). . In: Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation. RePEc:fip:fedhfi:94-3.

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