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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State / Chicago - Center for Study of Economy and State


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19900.250.080.098830.387582222 (%)10.130.05
19910.090.080.1171550.33178111283 (%)10.140.05
19920.330.090.17112670.27227155295 (%)0.05
19930.330.10.26834140.4114186349 (%)0.05
19940.320.110.31751150.29411963711 (%)20.120.05
19950.240.150.221465200.31652565111 (%)0.1
19960.160.190.181176170.22263155710 (%)0.09
19970.040.20.11682240.297251617 (%)10.170.08
19980.060.210.11789450.5160171566 (%)10.140.12
19990.690.270.35796680.716413955192 (3.1%)10.140.15
20000.640.360.49105680.655714945181 (1.8%)50.560.14
20010.190.360.45105640.611634018 (%)0.17
200210.370.79105700.67992923 (%)0.18
20030.390.65105790.7502315 (%)0.18
20040.410.56105770.730169 (%)0.18
20050.430.44105860.82094 (%)0.22
20060.45105710.6800 (%)0.19
20070.38105510.4900 (%)0.17
20080.38105690.6600 (%)0.17
20090.35105410.3900 (%)0.17
20100.32105340.3200 (%)0.15
20110.41105440.4200 (%)0.2
20120.46105510.4900 (%)0.21
20130.49105660.6300 (%)0.22
20140.56105440.4200 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

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1992The Division of Labor, Coordination Costs, and Knowledge.. (1992). Kevin M., . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:79.

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1991A Note on Restaurant Pricing and Other Examples of Social Influences on Prices.. (1991). Backer, G. S.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:67.

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1980The Growth of Government. (1980). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:1.

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1983Measuring the Average Marginal Tax Rate from the Individual Income Tax. (1983). Sahasakul, Chaipat. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:26.

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1990AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF CIGARETTE ADDICTION.. (1990). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:61.

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1995Political Influence on the Central Bank - International Evidence.. (1995). Webb, S.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:114.

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1989LABOR MARKET ADJUSTMENTS TO INCREASED IMMIGRATION. (1989). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:55.

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1991Rational Addiction and the Effect of Price on Consumption. (1991). Backer, G. S. ; Murphy, Michael ; Grossman, M. ; Kevin M., . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:68.

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2000Gerontocracy, Retirement, and Social Security.. (2000). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:154.

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1999Are Immigrants Favorably Self-Selected?  An Economic Analysis. (1999). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:147.

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1998Deadweight Costs and the Size of Government.. (1998). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:144.

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1980An Introduction to Privacy in Economics and Politics. (1980). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:10.

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1983Measuring the Average Marginal Tax Rates from Social Security and the Individual Income Tax. (1983). Sahasakul, Chaipat. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:29.

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1986A Theory of Rational Addiction. (1986). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:41.

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1999The Language Practice among Immigrants in Canada.. (1999). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:149.

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1996Austrian and Neoclassical Economics : Any Gains from Trade?. (1996). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:133.

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1998The Rise in Old Age Longevity and the Market for Long-Term Care. (1998). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:146.

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1980The Economics of Privacy. (1980). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:16.

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2000Obstacles to Optimal Policy: the Interplay of Politics and Economics in Shaping Bank Supervision and Regulation Reforms.. (2000). Strahan, P. E. ; Kroszner, Randall S.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:158.

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1994Measuring the Benefits of Homeowning:  Effects on Children. (1994). White, Michelle J.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:93.

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1979A Theory of Primitive Society with Special Reference to Law. (1979). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:7.

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1998The Strategic Use of Tying to Preserve and Create Market Power in Evolving Industries.. (1998). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:145.

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1984Public Policies, Pressure Groups, and Dead Weight Costs. (1984). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:35.

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1994On the Endogenous Determination of Time Preference. (1994). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:98.

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1990The Allocation of Talent:  Implicationsfor Growth. (1990). Vishny, Robert W.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:65.

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1988A Theory of Career Mobility. (1988). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:51.

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1995You Keep On Knocking But You Cant Come In: Evaluating Restrictions On Access To Input Joint Ventures. (1995). Salop, S. C.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:111.

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1981Efficient Redistribution in Agricultural Commodity Markets. (1981). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:20.

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1983Winners and Losers under the Robinson-Patman Act. (1983). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:30.

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1986The Theory and the Facts of How Markets Clear:  Is Industrial Organization Valuable for  Understanding Macroeconomics?. (1986). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:44.

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1994The New Economics of Teachers and Education. (1994). Flyer, F.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:94.

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1994Public Employment, Taxes and the Welfare State in Sweden.. (1994). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:106.

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1993The Social Costs of Regulation and Lack of Competition in Sweden.. (1993). Folster, S.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:91.

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1993Contrarian Investment, Extrapolation, and Risk.. (1993). Lakonishok, J. ; Vishny, Robert W.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:84.

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1998The Absorption of Highly Skilled Immigrants: Israel, 1990-1995.. (1998). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:140.

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1987Over-Education in the Labor Market. (1987). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:48.

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1986The Impact of Occupational Safety and HealthRegulation, 1973-83. (1986). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:40.

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1980The Economist as Preacher. (1980). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:11.

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1988ALTERNATIVE MECHANISMS FO CORPORATE CONTROL. (1988). Vishny, R. W.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:52.

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2000Status, Lotteries, and Inequality.. (2000). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:160.

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1999Is the Financial System Politically Independent? Perspectives on the Political Economy of Banking and Financial Regulation.. (1999). Kroszner, R. S.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:151.

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1978The Right to Privacy. (1978). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:2.

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1996Mortality Contingent Claims, Health Care, and Social Insurance.. (1996). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:129.

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1982Competition Among Pressure Groups for Political Influence. (1982). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:23.

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1997The Future of Old-Age Longevity: Competitive Pricing of Morality Contingent Claims. (1997). Mullin, Charles. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:134.

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1986A Constant Recontracting Model of Sovereign Debt. (1986). Kenneth, . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:43.

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1984The Behavior of U.S. Deficits. (1984). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:32.

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1996An Empirical Examination of Information Barriers to Trade in Insurance.. (1996). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:132.

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1983The Extent of the Market. (1983). Sherwin, Robert A.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:31.

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1994Antitrust and Higher Education. (1994). bamberger, G. E.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:107.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

1992The Division of Labor, Coordination Costs, and Knowledge.. (1992). Kevin M., . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:79.

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1999Are Immigrants Favorably Self-Selected?  An Economic Analysis. (1999). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:147.

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1991A Note on Restaurant Pricing and Other Examples of Social Influences on Prices.. (1991). Backer, G. S.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:67.

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1980An Introduction to Privacy in Economics and Politics. (1980). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:10.

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1983Measuring the Average Marginal Tax Rate from the Individual Income Tax. (1983). Sahasakul, Chaipat. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:26.

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1991Rational Addiction and the Effect of Price on Consumption. (1991). Backer, G. S. ; Murphy, Michael ; Grossman, M. ; Kevin M., . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:68.

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1983Measuring the Average Marginal Tax Rates from Social Security and the Individual Income Tax. (1983). Sahasakul, Chaipat. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:29.

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1980The Growth of Government. (1980). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:1.

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1986The Impact of Occupational Safety and HealthRegulation, 1973-83. (1986). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:40.

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1998The Absorption of Highly Skilled Immigrants: Israel, 1990-1995.. (1998). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:140.

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1978The Right to Privacy. (1978). . In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:2.

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1995Political Influence on the Central Bank - International Evidence.. (1995). Webb, S.. In: University of Chicago - George G. Stigler Center for Study of Economy and State. RePEc:fth:chices:114.

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