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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

Working Papers / School of Economics, La Trobe University


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19900.082424102121 (%)0.05
19910.08194394545 (%)0.05
19920.070.090.05337630.0422433643 (%)0.05
19930.12810455297 (%)0.05
19940.110.022312720.028611252 (%)0.05
19950.153416130.02351127 (%)10.030.1
19960.190.012118210.015571371 (%)0.09
19970.020.20.012520740.02105511391 (%)0.08
19980.020.210.031722490.04174611314 (%)0.12
19990.10.270.041223670.03334241205 (%)0.15
20000.170.360.0617253120.0542951096 (%)0.14
20010.360.01926230.01529921 (%)0.17
20020.370.04326530.0126803 (%)0.18
20030.390.03326850.02312582 (%)0.18
20040.410.143271110.0436446 (%)0.18
20050.170.430.032273100.04361351 (%)0.22
20060.450.26279110.04135204 (%)0.19
20070.50.380.247286140.05384174 (%)20.290.17
20080.150.380.17293100.033132212 (%)0.17
20090.350.08329650.02114252 (%)0.17
20100.10.320.168304150.057101254 (%)0.15
20110.180.410.133307180.06112314 (%)0.2
20120.090.460.07307110.04111282 (%)0.21
20130.490.19307110.043214 (%)0.22
20140.56307100.03014 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

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1989The Tree-Cutting Problem in a Stochastic Environment: The case of Age Dependent Growth. (1989). Clarke, Harry ; Reed, William J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1989.01.

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1999Decomposing Exchange Rate Volatility Around the Pacific Rim. (1999). Dungey, M. H.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1999.12.

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1992Pricing to Market Behaviour and Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Japanese Exports. (1992). Menon, Jayant ; Athukorala, P. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1992.32.

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2006Why are high ability individuals from poor backgrounds under-represented at university?. (2006). Cardak, Buly A. ; Ryan, Chris . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2006.04.

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1999Estimating Daily Volatility in Financial Markets Utilizing Intraday Data. (1999). Bollen, B. ; Inder, B.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1999.01.

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1998Regional Specialisation and Technological Leapfrogging. (1998). Amiti, M.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1998.14.

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1999The Economic Cost of the War in Sri Lanka. (1999). Arunatilake, N. ; Kelegama, S. ; Jayasuriya, S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1999.10.

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1990International Contract Migration And The Reintegration of Return Migrants, The Experience of Sri Lanka. (1990). Athukorala, P. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1990.09.

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1991An Analysis of Demand and Supply Factors in Agricultural Exports from Developing Asian Countries. (1991). Athukorala, P. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1991.02.

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1997Compliance Monitoring and Agri-Environmental Policy. (1997). Choe, C. ; Fraser, I.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1997.08.

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1996Financial System and Economic Growth: the Korean Experience. (1996). Choe, C. ; Moosa, I. A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1996.08.

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1992Does the Fisher Effect Apply in Australia?. (1992). Inder, Brett ; Silvapulle, Param . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1992.02.

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1998Two Comments on the Industrial Organisation of Vertically Related Markets. (1998). Chaoe, C.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1998.03.

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1992The Collapse of the Australian Wool Reserve Price Scheme. (1992). Bardsley, Peter . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1992.17.

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1993Export Growth and Terms of Trade: The Case of the Curious Elasticities. (1993). Reidel, J. ; Athukorala, P.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1993.22.

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2001Auctioneer Strategy and Pricing: Evidence from an Art Auction. (2001). D'Souza, Clare ; Prentice, David . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2001.05.

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1990Intra Industry Trade & Protection: Which way does the Causation go?. (1990). Ratnayake, R ; Jayasuriya, S. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1990.04.

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Rational Addiction to Caffeine: an Analysis of Coffee Consumption. (1994). Olekalns, N. ; Bardsley, P.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1994.21.

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2005Asymmetric Monetary Policy in Australia. (2005). Sheen, Jeffrey ; Leu, Shawn Chen-Yu . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2005.02.

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1989Land Development and Wilderness Conservation Policies Under Uncertainty: A Synthesis. (1989). Clarke, Harry ; Reed, William J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1989.02.

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1997Business Cycle Asymmetry and the Stock Market. (1997). Silvapulle, M. J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1997.22.

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2004Education Vouchers, Growth and Income Inequality. (2004). Cardak, Buly A. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2004.03.

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1999A Comparative Study of Australian and Korean Accounting Data in Business Failure Prediction Models. (1999). Choe, C. ; Her, Y. W.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1999.07.

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2010The Double Dividend Hypothesis in a CGE Model: Specific Factors and Variable Labour Supply*. (2010). Fraser, Iain ; Waschik, Robert . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2010.02.

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1994Tax Compliance games with Imperfect Auditing. (1994). Bardsley, P.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1994.22.

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2010Stochastic Timing, Uniqueness, and Efficiency in Games. (2010). Libich, Jan ; Basov, Suren ; Stehlk, Petr . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2010.01.

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Liberalization of the Domestic Financial Market Theoretical Issues with Evidence from Sri Lanka. (1992). Athukorala, P ; Rajapatirana, S. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1992.16.

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2003The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: An Extreme Bounds Analysis. (2003). Cardak, Buly A. ; Moosa, Imad A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2003.02.

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2007A Learning Theory of Referrals. (2007). Eldridge, Damien S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2007.06.

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1991Risk, Uncertainty and Irreversibility Implications for Sustainable Development. (1991). Clarke, Harry R. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1991.13.

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1998Income Variables and the Measures of Gains from Crime. (1998). Choe, C. ; Chisholm, J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1998.15.

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2007A Shirking Theory of Referrals. (2007). Eldridge, Damien S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2007.05.

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2010An empirical Analysis of the Counter-factual: A Merger and Divestiture in the Australian Cigarette Industry. (2010). Prentice, David ; Pham, Vivienne . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2010.08.

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2008The Effects of Product Ageing on Demand: The Case of Digital Cameras. (2008). Prentice, David ; Yin, Xiangkang ; Lou, Weifang . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2008.06.

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1992Local Utility Functions. (1992). Bardsley, Peter . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1992.07.

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1994Introduction into the Theory of Vintage Models. (1994). Konya, L.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1994.12.

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1995International Populations: Some Welfare Implications of Birth, Death and Migration. (1995). Clarke, H.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1995.05.

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1997An Economic Analysis of Household Waste Management. (1997). Choe, C. ; Fraiser, I.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1997.11.

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The Determinants of Household Risky Asset Holdings: Australian Evidence on Background Risk and Other Factors#. (2008). Cardak, Buly A. ; Wilkins, Roger K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2008.05.

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1994International Labor Migration Statistics in Asia: An Appraisal. (1994). Athukorala, P. ; Wickramasekara, P.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1994.07.

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2001Education Choice, Neoclassical Growth and Class Structure. (2001). Cardak, Buly A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2001.07.

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1996Explanatory Factors for Trading Volume Responses to Annual Earnings Announcements: Evidence from the Korean Stock Market. (1996). Choi, C.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1996.07.

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2000Genetic Algorithm Optimisation for Finance and Investment. (2000). Pereira, Robert . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2000.02.

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2004Saving and Growth: Granger Causality Analysis with Bootstrapping on Panels of Countries. (2004). László Kónya, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2004.02.

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2007Multiple Interactions and the Management of Local Commons. (2007). Eldridge, Damien S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2007.07.

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1991Land Degradation and Prices. (1991). Clarke, Harry R. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1991.14.

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1995Telecommunications and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from ASEAN Countries. (1995). Edirisuriya, P.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1995.29.

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2006A re-examination of the origins of American industrial success. (2006). Prentice, David . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2006.02.

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1998Will Labour Intensive Industries Always Locate in Labour Abundant Countries?. (1998). Amiti, M.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1998.02.

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1997Critical Notes on Labour Market Deregulation. (1997). King, J. E.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1997.07.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

1989The Tree-Cutting Problem in a Stochastic Environment: The case of Age Dependent Growth. (1989). Clarke, Harry ; Reed, William J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1989.01.

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1999Estimating Daily Volatility in Financial Markets Utilizing Intraday Data. (1999). Bollen, B. ; Inder, B.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1999.01.

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2010An empirical Analysis of the Counter-factual: A Merger and Divestiture in the Australian Cigarette Industry. (2010). Prentice, David ; Pham, Vivienne . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:2010.08.

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1997Compliance Monitoring and Agri-Environmental Policy. (1997). Choe, C. ; Fraser, I.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1997.08.

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1990International Contract Migration And The Reintegration of Return Migrants, The Experience of Sri Lanka. (1990). Athukorala, P. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltr:wpaper:1990.09.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 0:

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