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Mathematical Population Studies / Taylor & Francis Journals


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19900.09000 (%)0.03
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19930.1000 (%)0.05
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19950.19000 (%)0.07
19960.2399500 (%)0.09
19970.271019999 (%)0.09
19980.2742311919 (%)0.1
19990.3193261423 (%)0.13
20000.150.390.06286030.0527132322 (%)10.040.15
20010.050.410.0386820.034372602 (%)0.16
20020.430.036830.0436592 (%)0.19
20030.130.450.02117930.0423814911 (4.3%)10.090.19
20040.450.510.131089110.12521155671 (1.9%)20.20.21
20050.140.540.071210150.0510213574 (%)0.22
20060.270.520.1514115160.1417226416 (%)10.070.21
20070.450.191513090.0726479 (%)0.18
20080.10.480.1916146220.15322936212 (%)40.250.2
20090.060.480.1315161190.12223126791 (4.5%)30.20.19
20100.160.440.0816177140.085315726 (%)0.16
20110.060.530.1117194180.095312768 (%)0.21
20120.060.580.317211380.1843327924 (%)10.060.22
20130.710.0614225250.1134815 (%)0.25
20140.030.810.0918243260.11311797 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
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IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

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2004MODELLING VINTAGE STRUCTURES WITH DDEs: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS. (2004). Delacroix, David ; Licandro, Omar ; de la Croix, David . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:11:y:2004:i:3-4:p:151-179.

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2008Growth Economics of Epidemics: A Review of the Theory. (2008). Diene, Bity ; Azomahou, Theophile . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:15:y:2008:i:1:p:1-26.

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2004ON THE DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING APPROACH FOR OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS OF PDES WITH AGE STRUCTURE. (2004). Gozzi, Fausto ; Faggian, Silvia . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:11:y:2004:i:3-4:p:233-270.

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2004OPTIMAL HARVESTING OF FOREST AGE CLASSES: A SURVEY OF SOME RECENT RESULTS. (2004). Tahvonen, Olli . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:11:y:2004:i:3-4:p:205-232.

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2000Mortality modeling: A review. (2000). Begun, Alexander ; Iachine, Ivan ; Yashin, Anatoli . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:8:y:2000:i:4:p:305-332.

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2006Extending Lee-Carter Mortality Forecasting. (2006). Tickle, Leonie ; de Jong, Piet . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:13:y:2006:i:1:p:1-18.

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2008Endogenous Retirement and Monetary Cycles. (2008). Augeraud-Veron, Emmanuelle ; d'Albis, Hippolyte . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:15:y:2008:i:4:p:214-229.

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2009A Theory of Medical Effectiveness, Differential Mortality, Income Inequality and Growth for Pre-Industrial England. (2009). Sommacal, Alessandro ; Croix, David . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:16:y:2009:i:1:p:2-35.

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2003Immigration and the dependency ratio of a host population. (2003). Li, Nan ; Wu, Zheng . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:10:y:2003:i:1:p:21-39.

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2009Overlapping-Generations Models. (2009). . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:16:y:2009:i:1:p:1-1.

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2003THE ESTIMATION OF HEALTH EXPECTANCIES FROM CROSS-LONGITUDINAL SURVEYS. (2003). Lievre, Agnes ; Brouard, Nicolas ; Heathcote, Christopher . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:10:y:2003:i:4:p:211-248.

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2006Understanding Mortality Rate Deceleration and Heterogeneity. (2006). Steinsaltz, David ; Wachter, Kenneth . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:13:y:2006:i:1:p:19-37.

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2005Model Migration Schedules: Three Alternative Linear Parameter Estimation Methods. (2005). Rogers, Andrei ; Lea, Megan ; Castro, Luis . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:12:y:2005:i:1:p:17-38.

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1997Explaining hierarchical and interprovincial migrations of Chinese young adults by personal factors and place attributes: A nested logit analysis. (1997). Liaw, Kao-Lee ; Ma, Zhongdong. In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:6:y:1997:i:3:p:217-239.

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2000Human capital, technological progress and the demographic transition. (2000). Prskawetz, A. ; Steinmann, G. ; Feichtinger, G.. In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:7:y:2000:i:4:p:343-363.

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2009Family Altruism with Renewable Resource and Population Growth. (2009). Lambrecht, Stephane ; BRECHET, Thierry . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:16:y:2009:i:1:p:60-78.

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2000Macro-demographic effects of the transition to adulthood: Multistate stable population theory and an application to Italy. (2000). Valentini, Alessandro ; Manfredi, Piero . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:9:y:2000:i:1:p:33-63.

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2008Can Technological Change Sustain Retirement in an Aging Population?. (2008). Hritonenko, Natali ; YATSENKO, Yuri . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:15:y:2008:i:2:p:96-113.

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2003Location of adult children as an attraction for black and white elderly return and onward migrants in the United States: Application of a three-level nested logit model with census data. (2003). Liaw, Kao-Lee ; Frey, William . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:10:y:2003:i:2:p:75-98.

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1999How old is old? Revising the definition based on life table criteria. (1999). Spencer, Byron ; Denton, Frank . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:7:y:1999:i:2:p:147-159.

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2010Age-Structured PDEs in Economics, Ecology, and Demography: Optimal Control and Sustainability. (2010). Hritonenko, Natali ; YATSENKO, Yuri . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:17:y:2010:i:4:p:191-214.

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2011Optimal Forest Management in the Presence of Intraspecific Competition. (2011). Xabadia, Angels ; Goetz, Renan ; Calvo, Elena . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:18:y:2011:i:3:p:151-171.

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2005Analyzing Demographic Life Courses through Sequence Analysis. (2005). Piccarreta, Raffaella . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:12:y:2005:i:2:p:81-106.

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2004ENDOGENOUS NETWORKS IN RANDOM POPULATION GAMES. (2004). Marengo, Luigi ; Valente, Marco . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:11:y:2004:i:2:p:121-147.

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2008From Linear to Nonlinear Utility in Vintage Capital Models. (2008). Hritonenko, Natali ; YATSENKO, Yuri . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:15:y:2008:i:4:p:230-248.

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2000HIV spread and partnership reduction for different patterns of sexual behaviour - a study with the microsimulation model STDSIM. (2000). van Vliet, Carina ; de Vlas, Sake ; Bakker, Roel ; Dik, J. ; Habbema, F. ; Korenromp, Eline . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:8:y:2000:i:2:p:135-173.

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1996Migration bias in indirect estimates of regional childhood mortality levels. (1996). Schmertmann, Carl ; Sawyer, Diana Oya . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:6:y:1996:i:2:p:69-93.

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2009Pareto-Efficiency and Endogenous Fertility: A Simple Model. (2009). Wigniolle, Bertrand ; Michel, Philippe . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:16:y:2009:i:1:p:36-59.

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2012Mortality Differential and Growth: What do we Learn From the Barro-Becker Model?. (2012). Bosi, Stefano ; Seegmuller, Thomas . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:19:y:2012:i:1:p:27-50.

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2000A microsimulation study of the effect of concurrent partnerships on the spread of HIV in Uganda. (2000). Morris, Martina ; Kretzschmar, Mirjam . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:8:y:2000:i:2:p:109-133.

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2003A multi-city epidemic model. (2003). Arino, Julien ; van den Driessche, P.. In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:10:y:2003:i:3:p:175-193.

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1996Slow-fast dynamics in a model of population and resource growth. (1996). Milik, Alexandra ; Prskawetz, Alexia . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:6:y:1996:i:2:p:155-169.

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2006Dynamics of Mixed Coalitions Under Social Cohesion Constraints. (2006). De Marco, Giuseppe ; Romaniello, Maria . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:13:y:2006:i:1:p:39-62.

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2000The solution of time-dependent population models. (2000). Li, Nan ; Tuljapurkar, Shripad . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:7:y:2000:i:4:p:311-329.

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2004MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE FOR AGE AND DURATION STRUCTURED SYSTEMS: A TOOL FOR OPTIMAL PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF HIV. (2004). Feichtinger, Gustav ; Veliov, Vladimir ; TSACHEV, Tsvetomir . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:11:y:2004:i:1:p:3-28.

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1999Modeling approaches to the indirect estimation of migration flows: From entropy to EM. (1999). Willekens, Frans . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:7:y:1999:i:3:p:239-278.

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2003A VARYING-COEFFICIENT APPROACH TO ESTIMATION AND EXTRAPOLATION OF HOUSEHOLD SIZE. (2003). Haupt, Harry ; Oberhofer, Walter ; Reichsthaler, Thomas . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:10:y:2003:i:4:p:249-273.

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2009Unobserved Heterogeneity Can Confound the Effect of Education on Mortality. (2009). Zajacova, Anna ; Goldman, Noreen ; Rodriguez, German . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:16:y:2009:i:2:p:153-173.

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1997A multi-dimensional model for projecting family households - with an illustrative numerical application. (1997). Vaupel, James ; Yi, Zeng ; Zhenglian, Wang . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:6:y:1997:i:3:p:187-216.

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2001A probability model for census adjustment. (2001). Freedman, D. A. ; Stark, P. B. ; Wachter, K. W.. In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:9:y:2001:i:2:p:165-180.

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2012Global Climate Change, the Economy, and the Resurgence of Tropical Disease. (2012). Zimmermann, Christian ; Gollin, Douglas . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:19:y:2012:i:1:p:51-62.

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2005Demand Dynamics in a Psycho-Socio-Economic Evolving Network of Consumers. (2005). Valence, Arnaud. In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:12:y:2005:i:3:p:159-179.

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1998Coping with multiple morbidity in a life table. (1998). Hout, Ben van ; Bonneux, Luc ; Barendregt, Jan ; Van Den Bosch, Jacqueline M. ; Van Oortmarssen, Gerrit ; van Hout, Ben . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:7:y:1998:i:1:p:29-49.

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2003Dynamic populations with uniform natural increase across states. (2003). Schoen, Robert . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:10:y:2003:i:3:p:195-210.

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2006Strange Periodic Attractors in a Prey-Predator System with Infected Prey. (2006). Hilker, Frank ; Malchow, Horst . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:13:y:2006:i:3:p:119-134.

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2000Degrouping mortality data for the elderly. (2000). Kostaki, Anastasia ; Lanke, Jan . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:7:y:2000:i:4:p:331-341.

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2004BRASS RELATIONAL MODEL: A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. (2004). Stewart, Quincy Thomas . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:11:y:2004:i:1:p:51-72.

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2005Model-based Clustering of Sequential Data with an Application to Contraceptive Use Dynamics. (2005). Willekens, Frans ; Dias, Jose . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:12:y:2005:i:3:p:135-157.

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1997Mixed estimation of old-age mortality. (1997). Alho, Juha ; Nyblom, Jukka . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:6:y:1997:i:4:p:319-330.

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2010Waiting Time Models of Cancer Progression. (2010). Gerstung, Moritz ; Beerenwinkel, Niko . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:17:y:2010:i:3:p:115-135.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2004OPTIMAL HARVESTING OF FOREST AGE CLASSES: A SURVEY OF SOME RECENT RESULTS. (2004). Tahvonen, Olli . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:11:y:2004:i:3-4:p:205-232.

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2000Mortality modeling: A review. (2000). Begun, Alexander ; Iachine, Ivan ; Yashin, Anatoli . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:8:y:2000:i:4:p:305-332.

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2004MODELLING VINTAGE STRUCTURES WITH DDEs: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS. (2004). Delacroix, David ; Licandro, Omar ; de la Croix, David . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:11:y:2004:i:3-4:p:151-179.

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2004ON THE DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING APPROACH FOR OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS OF PDES WITH AGE STRUCTURE. (2004). Gozzi, Fausto ; Faggian, Silvia . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:11:y:2004:i:3-4:p:233-270.

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2006Extending Lee-Carter Mortality Forecasting. (2006). Tickle, Leonie ; de Jong, Piet . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:13:y:2006:i:1:p:1-18.

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2010Age-Structured PDEs in Economics, Ecology, and Demography: Optimal Control and Sustainability. (2010). Hritonenko, Natali ; YATSENKO, Yuri . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:17:y:2010:i:4:p:191-214.

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2003Immigration and the dependency ratio of a host population. (2003). Li, Nan ; Wu, Zheng . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:10:y:2003:i:1:p:21-39.

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2005Analyzing Demographic Life Courses through Sequence Analysis. (2005). Piccarreta, Raffaella . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:12:y:2005:i:2:p:81-106.

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2003THE ESTIMATION OF HEALTH EXPECTANCIES FROM CROSS-LONGITUDINAL SURVEYS. (2003). Lievre, Agnes ; Brouard, Nicolas ; Heathcote, Christopher . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:10:y:2003:i:4:p:211-248.

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2011Optimal Forest Management in the Presence of Intraspecific Competition. (2011). Xabadia, Angels ; Goetz, Renan ; Calvo, Elena . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:18:y:2011:i:3:p:151-171.

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2006Understanding Mortality Rate Deceleration and Heterogeneity. (2006). Steinsaltz, David ; Wachter, Kenneth . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:13:y:2006:i:1:p:19-37.

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2008Endogenous Retirement and Monetary Cycles. (2008). Augeraud-Veron, Emmanuelle ; d'Albis, Hippolyte . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:15:y:2008:i:4:p:214-229.

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2012Mortality Differential and Growth: What do we Learn From the Barro-Becker Model?. (2012). Bosi, Stefano ; Seegmuller, Thomas . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:19:y:2012:i:1:p:27-50.

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2009Unobserved Heterogeneity Can Confound the Effect of Education on Mortality. (2009). Zajacova, Anna ; Goldman, Noreen ; Rodriguez, German . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:16:y:2009:i:2:p:153-173.

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1997A multi-dimensional model for projecting family households - with an illustrative numerical application. (1997). Vaupel, James ; Yi, Zeng ; Zhenglian, Wang . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:6:y:1997:i:3:p:187-216.

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2009Overlapping-Generations Models. (2009). . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:16:y:2009:i:1:p:1-1.

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2008From Linear to Nonlinear Utility in Vintage Capital Models. (2008). Hritonenko, Natali ; YATSENKO, Yuri . In: Mathematical Population Studies. RePEc:taf:mpopst:v:15:y:2008:i:4:p:230-248.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 1:

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2014Endogenous population with human and physical capital accumulation. (2014). Zhang, Wei-Bin . In: International Review of Economics. RePEc:spr:inrvec:v:61:y:2014:i:3:p:231-252.

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[Citation Analysis]

Cites in year: CiY

Recent citations received in: 2012

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2012How to Measure the Economic Impact of Vector-Borne Diseases at a Country Level: An Assessment. (2012). Belloc, Filippo ; Basili, Marcello . In: Department of Economics University of Siena. RePEc:usi:wpaper:648.

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[Citation Analysis]

Recent citations received in: 2011

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