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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

Transportation Planning and Technology / Taylor & Francis Journals


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19900.09000 (%)0.03
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.09000 (%)0.04
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.19000 (%)0.07
19960.23000 (%)0.09
19970.27000 (%)0.09
19980.27000 (%)0.1
19990.311100 (%)0.13
20000.39141511 (%)0.15
20010.4111610.061515 (%)0.16
20020.431430191516 (%)0.19
20030.45205010.02191530 (%)10.050.19
20040.030.510.02227210.0116341501 (%)0.21
20050.020.540.03249630.0312421712 (%)0.22
20060.520.023613220.022146812 (%)0.21
20070.450.033516730.024601163 (%)0.18
20080.010.480.032118850.03237111374 (%)0.2
20090.480.012421250.024561381 (%)0.19
20100.020.440.034625870.03124511404 (%)0.16
20110.530.0566324200.069701628 (%)0.21
20120.030.580.0324348150.04711231926 (%)0.22
20130.060.710.0842390350.091390518114 (%)20.050.25
20140.140.810.0845435380.09266920217 (%)10.020.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2003A Stated preference freight mode choice model. (2003). Norojono, O. ; Young, W.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:26:y:2003:i:2:p:1-1.

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2004Optimization of bus stop locations for improving transit accessibility. (2004). Chien, Steven I. ; Qin, Zhaoqiong . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:27:y:2004:i:3:p:211-227.

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2002Location Efficiency: Neighborhood and Socio-Economic Characteristics Determine Auto Ownership and Use - Studies in Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. (2002). Goldstein, David ; Clear, Robert ; Haas, Peter ; Holtzclaw, John ; Dittmar, Hank . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:25:y:2002:i:1:p:1-27.

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2008The Impact of Urban Freight Transport: A Definition of Sustainability from an Actors Perspective. (2008). Woxenius, Johan ; Lindholm, Maria . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2008:i:6:p:693-713.

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2008Edinburghs Congestion Charging Plans: An Analysis of Reasons for Non-Implementation. (2008). Gaunt, Martin ; Rye, Tom ; Ison, Stephen . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2008:i:6:p:641-661.

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2006A Stated Preference Study for a Car Ownership Model in the Context of Developing Countries. (2006). K. V. Krishna Rao, ; Kumar, M.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:29:y:2006:i:5:p:409-425.

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2005Determining the Monetary Value of Quality Attributes in Freight Transportation Using a Stated Preference Approach. (2005). Vandaele, Els ; Witlox, Frank . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:28:y:2005:i:2:p:77-92.

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2006Effects of Urban Delivery Restrictions on Traffic Movements. (2006). Antoniou, Constantinos ; Golias, John ; Yannis, George . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:29:y:2006:i:4:p:295-311.

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2002Off-Street Parking Choice Sensitivity. (2002). Yannis, George ; Harvatis, Michel ; Golias, John. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:25:y:2002:i:4:p:333-348.

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2008A Stated Preference Experiment for Measuring Service Quality in Public Transport. (2008). Mazzulla, Gabriella ; Eboli, Laura . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2008:i:5:p:509-523.

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2004Breakthrough innovations in intermodal freight transport. (2004). Priemus, Hugo ; BONTEKONING, YVONNE. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:27:y:2004:i:5:p:335-345.

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2005Efficiency of European Funds in the Accession Countries: The Case of Transport Infrastructure Investments in Latvia. (2005). . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:28:y:2005:i:4:p:293-313.

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2013Evaluating strategic freight transport corridors including external costs. (2013). Mrquez, Luis ; Cantillo, Vctor . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:36:y:2013:i:6:p:529-546.

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2002Modelling Work-Trip Mode Choice Decisions in Two-Worker Households. (2002). Badoe, Daniel . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:25:y:2002:i:1:p:49-73.

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2010Seaport performance analysis using robust non-parametric efficiency estimators. (2010). . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:33:y:2010:i:5:p:435-451.

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2008Auction-Based Congestion Pricing. (2008). Triantis, Konstantinos ; Zhao, Yueqin ; Edara, Praveen . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2008:i:4:p:399-416.

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2006Responses to Transit Information among Car-drivers: Regret-based Models and Simulations. (2006). van Wee, Bert ; Arentze, Theo A. ; Harry J. P. Timmermans, ; Eric J. E. Molin, ; Chorus, Caspar G.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:29:y:2006:i:4:p:249-271.

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2006Measuring the Cost Effectiveness of Multimode Bus Transit in the Presence of Accident Risks. (2006). Fan, Chih-Ku ; Yu, Ming-Miin . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:29:y:2006:i:5:p:383-407.

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2004New operating concepts for intermodal transport: The mega hub in Hanover/Lehrte in Germany. (2004). Rotter, Harald . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:27:y:2004:i:5:p:347-365.

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2010The causal relationship between GDP and domestic air passenger traffic in Brazil. (2010). Fernandes, Elton ; Pacheco, Ricardo Rodrigues . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:33:y:2010:i:7:p:569-581.

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How to Incorporate the Spatial Dimension in Destination Choice Models: The Case of Antwerp. (2008). Verhetsel, Ann ; Witlox, Frank . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2008:i:2:p:153-181.

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2013Pedestrian gap acceptance for mid-block street crossing. (2013). Theofilatos, A. ; Yannis, G. ; Papadimitriou, E.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:36:y:2013:i:5:p:450-462.

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2006Optimum Capacity for Intermodal Container Terminals. (2006). Kozan, Erhan . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:29:y:2006:i:6:p:471-482.

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2011A behavioral analysis of freight mode choice decisions. (2011). Mohammadian, Abolfazl ; Kawamura, Kazuya ; Samimi, Amir . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:34:y:2011:i:8:p:857-869.

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2003Optimal assignment for check-in counters based on passenger arrival behaviour at an airport. (2003). Ahn, Seung B. ; Park, Yonghwa . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:26:y:2003:i:5:p:397-416.

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2007Low-Cost Airports for Low-Cost Airlines: Flexible Design to Manage the Risks. (2007). De Neufville, Richard . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2007:i:1:p:35-68.

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2008True Walking Distance to Transit. (2008). Hoback, Alan ; Dutta, Utpal ; Anderson, Scott . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2008:i:6:p:681-692.

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2005Effect of Passenger--Bus--Traffic Interactions on Bus Stop Operations. (2005). Tyler, Nick ; Fernandez, Rodrigo . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:28:y:2005:i:4:p:273-292.

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2003Transferability of standardized regres Person-based approach sion model applied to person-based trip generation. (2003). Kawamoto, Eiji . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:26:y:2003:i:4:p:331-359.

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2009A new fuzzy approach to estimate the O--D matrix from link volumes. (2009). Faturechi, Reza ; Shafahi, Yousef . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:32:y:2009:i:6:p:499-526.

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2003Flight schedule punctuality control and management: a stochastic approach. (2003). Wu, Cheng-Lung ; Caves, Robert E.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:26:y:2003:i:4:p:313-330.

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2009A causal model relating urban form with daily travel distance through activity/travel decisions. (2009). Harry J. P. Timmermans, ; Maat, Kees . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:32:y:2009:i:2:p:115-134.

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2013C-logit stochastic user equilibrium model with elastic demand. (2013). Chen, Anthony ; Xu, Xiangdong . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:36:y:2013:i:5:p:463-478.

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2013Improving paratransit scheduling using ruin and recreate methods. (2013). Peterson, Anders . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp::v:36:y:2013:i:4:p:377-393.

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2005Transport Demand Management in Turkey: A Genetic Algorithm Approach. (2005). Ceylan, Halim ; Haldenbilen, Soner . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:28:y:2005:i:6:p:403-426.

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2006Costing School Transport in Spain. (2006). Ibeas, Angel ; dell'Olio, Luigi ; Juan de Dios Ortúzar, ; Moura, Jos Luis . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:29:y:2006:i:6:p:483-501.

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2011Proactive empty vehicle redistribution for personal rapid transit and taxis. (2011). Wilson, Eddie R. ; Lees-Miller, John D.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:35:y:2011:i:1:p:17-30.

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2003The punctuality performance of aircraft rotations in a network of airports. (2003). Wu, Cheng-Lung ; Caves, Robert E.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:26:y:2003:i:5:p:417-436.

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2013Techniques for the inference of mileage rates from MOT data. (2013). McLeod, F. ; Chatterton, T. ; Notley, S. ; Cairns, S. ; Wilson, R. E. ; Anable, J.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:36:y:2013:i:1:p:130-143.

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2010The airline perturbation problem: considering disrupted passengers. (2010). Jafari, Niloofar ; Zegordi, Seyed Hessameddin . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:33:y:2010:i:2:p:203-220.

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2014National road mortality reduction targets under European Union road safety policy: 2011-2020. (2014). Toln-Becerra, A. ; Lastra-Bravo, X. ; Flores-Parra, I.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:37:y:2014:i:3:p:264-286.

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2002An Optimization Model for Assessing Flight Technical Delay. (2002). Gillingwater, David ; Wong, Jinn-Tsai . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:25:y:2002:i:2:p:121-153.

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2006Modelling the Impact of Airline Service Quality and Marketing Variables on Passengers’ Future Behavioural Intentions. (2006). Wu, Cheng-Lung ; Robertson, Rodger ; Park, Jin-Woo . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:29:y:2006:i:5:p:359-381.

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2011The periodic service intention as a conceptual framework for generating timetables with partial periodicity. (2011). Caimi, Gabrio ; Fuchsberger, Martin ; Laumanns, Marco ; Kaspar Schüpbach, . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:34:y:2011:i:4:p:323-339.

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2003Impact of telecommuting and intelligent transportation systems on residential location choice. (2003). Khan, Ata M. ; Tayyaran, Mohammad R. ; Anderson, Donald A.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:26:y:2003:i:2:p:171-193.

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2012Forecasting high-speed rail ridership using a simultaneous modeling approach. (2012). Li, Andy ; Liu, Rongfang . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:35:y:2012:i:5:p:577-590.

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2005A Trip Reconstruction Tool for GPS-based Personal Travel Surveys. (2005). Shalaby, Amer ; Chung, Eui-Hwan . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:28:y:2005:i:5:p:381-401.

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2010Applying a structured simulation-based methodology to assess carpooling time--space potential. (2010). Viegas, Jos Manuel . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:33:y:2010:i:6:p:515-540.

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2002Forecasting Automobile Demand for Economies in Transition: A Dynamic Simultaneous-Equation System Approach. (2002). Mannering, Fred L. ; Abu-Eisheh, Sameer A.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:25:y:2002:i:4:p:311-331.

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2008Evaluating Locations for Intermodal Transport Terminals. (2008). Tornberg, Jonas ; Bergqvist, Rickard . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2008:i:4:p:465-485.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2003A Stated preference freight mode choice model. (2003). Norojono, O. ; Young, W.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:26:y:2003:i:2:p:1-1.

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2004Optimization of bus stop locations for improving transit accessibility. (2004). Chien, Steven I. ; Qin, Zhaoqiong . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:27:y:2004:i:3:p:211-227.

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2008The Impact of Urban Freight Transport: A Definition of Sustainability from an Actors Perspective. (2008). Woxenius, Johan ; Lindholm, Maria . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2008:i:6:p:693-713.

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2008A Stated Preference Experiment for Measuring Service Quality in Public Transport. (2008). Mazzulla, Gabriella ; Eboli, Laura . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2008:i:5:p:509-523.

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2008Auction-Based Congestion Pricing. (2008). Triantis, Konstantinos ; Zhao, Yueqin ; Edara, Praveen . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2008:i:4:p:399-416.

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2013Evaluating strategic freight transport corridors including external costs. (2013). Mrquez, Luis ; Cantillo, Vctor . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:36:y:2013:i:6:p:529-546.

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2006A Stated Preference Study for a Car Ownership Model in the Context of Developing Countries. (2006). K. V. Krishna Rao, ; Kumar, M.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:29:y:2006:i:5:p:409-425.

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2002Location Efficiency: Neighborhood and Socio-Economic Characteristics Determine Auto Ownership and Use - Studies in Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. (2002). Goldstein, David ; Clear, Robert ; Haas, Peter ; Holtzclaw, John ; Dittmar, Hank . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:25:y:2002:i:1:p:1-27.

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2009A new fuzzy approach to estimate the O--D matrix from link volumes. (2009). Faturechi, Reza ; Shafahi, Yousef . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:32:y:2009:i:6:p:499-526.

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2006Measuring the Cost Effectiveness of Multimode Bus Transit in the Presence of Accident Risks. (2006). Fan, Chih-Ku ; Yu, Ming-Miin . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:29:y:2006:i:5:p:383-407.

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2006Responses to Transit Information among Car-drivers: Regret-based Models and Simulations. (2006). van Wee, Bert ; Arentze, Theo A. ; Harry J. P. Timmermans, ; Eric J. E. Molin, ; Chorus, Caspar G.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:29:y:2006:i:4:p:249-271.

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2002Off-Street Parking Choice Sensitivity. (2002). Yannis, George ; Harvatis, Michel ; Golias, John. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:25:y:2002:i:4:p:333-348.

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2013Pedestrian gap acceptance for mid-block street crossing. (2013). Theofilatos, A. ; Yannis, G. ; Papadimitriou, E.. In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:36:y:2013:i:5:p:450-462.

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2010The causal relationship between GDP and domestic air passenger traffic in Brazil. (2010). Fernandes, Elton ; Pacheco, Ricardo Rodrigues . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:33:y:2010:i:7:p:569-581.

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2005Determining the Monetary Value of Quality Attributes in Freight Transportation Using a Stated Preference Approach. (2005). Vandaele, Els ; Witlox, Frank . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:28:y:2005:i:2:p:77-92.

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2007Low-Cost Airports for Low-Cost Airlines: Flexible Design to Manage the Risks. (2007). De Neufville, Richard . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2007:i:1:p:35-68.

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2008Edinburghs Congestion Charging Plans: An Analysis of Reasons for Non-Implementation. (2008). Gaunt, Martin ; Rye, Tom ; Ison, Stephen . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:31:y:2008:i:6:p:641-661.

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2010Seaport performance analysis using robust non-parametric efficiency estimators. (2010). . In: Transportation Planning and Technology. RePEc:taf:transp:v:33:y:2010:i:5:p:435-451.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 9:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Fibre-to-the-home, high-speed and national broadband plans: Tales from Down Under. (2014). Beltran, Fernando . In: Telecommunications Policy. RePEc:eee:telpol:v:38:y:2014:i:8:p:715-729.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The impact of external costs in transport. Case study in maritime transport. (2014). Serban, Berescu ; Cristian, Dragan ; Viorela-Georgiana, Cristea . In: Constanta Maritime University Annals. RePEc:cmc:annals:v:21:y:2014:i:1:p:165-168.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014How are comfort and safety perceived by inland waterway transport passengers?. (2014). Arellana, Julian ; Cantillo, Victor ; Marquez, Luis . In: Transport Policy. RePEc:eee:trapol:v:36:y:2014:i:c:p:46-52.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Efficiency and effectiveness in airline performance using a SBM-NDEA model in the presence of shared input. (2014). Faramarzi, Gholam Reza ; Saen, Reza Farzipoor ; Tavassoli, Mohammad . In: Journal of Air Transport Management. RePEc:eee:jaitra:v:34:y:2014:i:c:p:146-153.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Exploring the role of individual attitudes and perceptions in predicting the demand for cycling: a hybrid choice modelling approach. (2014). Sivakumar, Aruna ; Maldonado-Hinarejos, Rafael ; Polak, John . In: Transportation. RePEc:kap:transp:v:41:y:2014:i:6:p:1287-1304.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Disaster risk assessment of ports based on the perspective of vulnerability. (2014). Hsieh, Cheng-Hsien . In: Natural Hazards. RePEc:spr:nathaz:v:74:y:2014:i:2:p:851-864.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The Luenberger productivity indicator in the water industry: An empirical analysis for England and Wales. (2014). Maziotis, Alexandros ; Sala-Garrido, Ramon ; Molinos-Senante, Maria . In: Utilities Policy. RePEc:eee:juipol:v:30:y:2014:i:c:p:18-28.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Grand challenges for high-speed rail environmental assessment in the United States. (2014). Ryerson, Megan S. ; Chester, Mikhail V.. In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. RePEc:eee:transa:v:61:y:2014:i:c:p:15-26.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014From better understandings to proactive actions: Housing location and commuting mode choices among university students. (2014). Zhou, Jiangping . In: Transport Policy. RePEc:eee:trapol:v:33:y:2014:i:c:p:166-175.

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[Citation Analysis]

Cites in year: CiY

Recent citations received in: 2014

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Comparative analysis of long-term road fatality targets for individual states in the US—An application of experience curve models. (2014). Chang, Yusang . In: Transport Policy. RePEc:eee:trapol:v:36:y:2014:i:c:p:53-69.

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[Citation Analysis]

Recent citations received in: 2013

[Click on heading to sort table]

2013Dynamic user equilibrium in public transport networks with passenger congestion and hyperpaths. (2013). Bell, Michael G. H., ; Trozzi, Valentina ; Kaparias, Ioannis ; Gentile, Guido . In: Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. RePEc:eee:transb:v:57:y:2013:i:c:p:266-285.

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[Citation Analysis]
2013On the estimation of temporal mileage rates. (2013). Anable, J. ; Chatterton, T. ; Notley, S. ; Cairns, S. ; Wilson, R. E. ; Lees-Miller, J. D.. In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. RePEc:eee:transe:v:60:y:2013:i:c:p:126-139.

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[Citation Analysis]

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.