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Discussion Papers / Technische Universität Berlin, School of Economics and Management


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.05
19920.11000 (%)0.06
19930.14000 (%)0.07
19940.12000 (%)0.06
19950.16000 (%)0.1
19960.2000 (%)0.09
19970.21000 (%)0.09
19980.22000 (%)0.13
19990.28000 (%)0.16
20000.371100 (%)0.14
20010.3678211 (%)0.17
20020.37513188 (%)0.18
20030.080.40.0892220.09811211313 (3.7%)10.110.19
20040.50.420.361436130.36121472282 (16.7%)30.210.19
20050.220.430.1464250.124235365 (%)0.21
20060.150.450.34850160.3262034114 (%)10.130.2
20070.070.390.1465670.133141426 (%)10.170.17
20080.070.390.23157100.181414310 (%)0.17
20090.370.0915890.1627353 (%)0.18
20100.335820.03222 (%)0.15
20110.415870.12116 (%)0.2
20120.460.135880.14081 (%)0.21
20130.558100.1702 (%)0.21
20140.545850.0901 (%)0.26
20150.65860.100 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12003A nation-wide laboratory: Examining trust and trustworthiness by integrating behavioral experiments into representative surveys. (2003). Wagner, Gert ; Schupp, Jürgen ; Fischbacher, Urs ; Fehr, Ernst ; von Rosenbladt, Bernhard . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20031.

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22004Demographic development and moral hazard: Health insurance with medical savings accounts. (2004). Schreyögg, Jonas ; Schreyogg, Jonas . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:200416.

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32004Cost-sharing in the German health care system. (2004). Gericke, Christian A. ; Busse, Reinhard ; Wismar, Matthias . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20044.

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42003Wie lassen sich Gemeinwohl und Wettbewerb in der Krankenversicherung miteinander verbinden? Eine nationale und europaweite Herausforderung. (2003). Henke, Klaus-Dirk . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20032.

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52004Bürgerversicherung: Die Wirkung von Kopfprämien auf den Arbeitsmarkt. (2004). Stargardt, Tom ; Borchardt, Katja ; Farhauer, Oliver . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20048.

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62007Der Gesundheitsfonds: Politökonomische Aspekte und seine Rolle als Wettbewerbsinstrument. (2007). Henke, Klaus-Dirk . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20071.

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72005Versicherungspflicht gegen Elementarschäden: Ein Lehrstück für Probleme der volkswirtschaftlichen Politikberatung. (2005). Wagner, Gert ; Schwarze, Reimund. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20054.

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82006Congestion pricing vs. slot constraints to airport networks. (2006). Czerny, Achim I.. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20063.

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92009Better health and ambient assisted living (AAL) from a global, regional and local economic perspective. (2009). Fachinger, Uwe ; Eberhardt, Birgid ; Henke, Klaus-Dirk . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20093.

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102006The political economy of natural disaster insurance: Lessons from the failure of a proposed compulsory insurance scheme in Germany. (2006). Wagner, Gert ; Schwarze, Reimund. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:200610.

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112003Die Zukunft der Gemeinnützigkeit von Krankenhäusern. (2003). Mackenthun, Birgit ; Berhanu, Samuel ; Henke, Klaus-Dirk . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:200314.

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122004Towards sustainable health care systems: Strategies in health insurance schemes in France, Germany, Japan and the Netherlands ; a comparative study. (2004). Schreyögg, Jonas ; Schreyogg, Jonas ; Henke, Klaus-Dirk . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20049.

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132007Die Abgrenzung von Arbeitsmarktregionen: Gütekriterien und -maßzahlen. (2007). Granato, Nadia ; Farhauer, Oliver . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20072.

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142001Subjective evaluation and information-efficiency in organizations. (2001). Mitusch, Kay . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20011.

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152004Die Reform des Risikostrukturausgleichs: Eine Zwischenbilanz. (2004). . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:200418.

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162006Die Rolle der Strukturpolitik in der Europäischen Integration. (2006). Neheider, Susanne . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20061.

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172003Hochschulpolitik als Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Vorschläge zu einer beschäftigungsorientierten Hochschul- und Studienreform. (2003). Wagner, Gert ; Spiess, Katharina ; Weiler, Hans N. ; Bensel, Norbert ; Heuer, Katharina . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:200313.

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18Defining benefit catalogues and entitlements to health care in Germany: Decision makers, decision criteria and taxonomy of catalogues. (2005). Stargardt, Tom ; Schreyögg, Jonas ; Simon, Claudia ; Busse, Reinhard ; Martin, Maria ; Schreyogg, Jonas . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20055.

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192004Managing pharmaceutical regulation in Germany: Overview and economic assessment. (2004). Schreyögg, Jonas ; Schreyogg, Jonas ; Busse, Reinhard ; Henke, Klaus-Dirk . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20046.

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202006Finanzierungsreform und Risikostrukturausgleich: Was bleibt vom Ausgleichsverfahren?. (2006). Henke, Klaus-Dirk . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20064.

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212003Eine ökonomische Analyse unterschiedlicher Finanzierungsmodelle der Krankenversorgung in Deutschland. (2003). Schreyögg, Jonas ; Henke, K.-D., ; Farhauer, O. ; Borchardt, K. ; Schreyogg, J.. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20034.

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222002Die Allokation des Verkehrsmengenrisikos bei Betreibermodellen für Straßeninfrastruktur: Theoretische Grundlagen und Anwendung auf das A-Modell. (2002). Miksch, Jan ; Beckers, Thorsten . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:200210.

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232005Cooperation and competition in the cargo liner shipping industry. (2005). Czerny, Achim I. ; Mitusch, Kay . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20053.

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242001Utility functions for life years and health status: An additional remark. (2001). Happich, Michael . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20016.

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252004Was ist uns die Gesundheit wert? Probleme der nächsten Gesundheitsreformen und ihre Lösungsansätze. (2004). Henke, Klaus-Dirk . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20042.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12003A nation-wide laboratory: Examining trust and trustworthiness by integrating behavioral experiments into representative surveys. (2003). Wagner, Gert ; Schupp, Jürgen ; Fischbacher, Urs ; Fehr, Ernst ; von Rosenbladt, Bernhard . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:tubsem:20031.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 0:


Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1 2016. Contact: CitEc Team