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2015 Meeting Papers / Society for Economic Dynamics


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.11
19960.22000 (%)0.1
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.13
19990.3000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.37000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.4000 (%)0.19
20040.41000 (%)0.18
20050.430100 (%)0.21
20060.440100 (%)0.19
20070.37000 (%)0.17
20080.39000 (%)0.17
20090.36000 (%)0.17
20100.34000 (%)0.15
20110.41000 (%)0.2
20120.450100 (%)0.21
20130.501100 (%)0.2
20140.5502600 (%)0.25
20150.574324322070.4810090012 (1.2%)1830.420.26
20161.110.661.114325731.33432481432481 (%)0.34
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12015Monetary Policy Surprises, Credit Costs, and Economic Activity. (2015). Gertler, Mark ; Karadi, Peter . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:447.

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22015A Search and Learning Model of Export Dynamics. (2015). Krizan, C.J. ; Jinkins, David ; Eslava, Marcela ; Eaton, Jonathan ; Tybout, James . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1535.

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32015Monetary Policy Pass-Through: Household Consumption and Voluntary Deleveraging. (2015). Ramcharan, Rodney ; Di Maggio, Marco ; Dimaggio, Marco ; Kermani, Amir . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:256.

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42015Monetary Policy and the Redistribution Channel. (2015). Auclert, Adrien. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:381.

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52015Leveraged Bubbles. (2015). Taylor, Alan ; Jorda, Oscar ; Schularick, Moritz. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:910.

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62015A Variational Approach to the Analysis of Tax Systems. (2015). Werquin, Nicolas ; Tsyvinski, Aleh ; Golosov, Mikhail. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:244.

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72015Input Linkages and the Transmission of Shocks: Firm-Level Evidence from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. (2015). Pandalai-Nayar, Nitya ; Boehm, Christoph ; Flaaen, Aaron . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:383.

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82015State Taxes and Spatial Misallocation. (2015). Zidar, Owen ; Suárez Serrato, Juan Carlos ; Fajgelbaum, Pablo ; Morales, Eduardo . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:877.

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92015A Distributional Framework for Matched Employer Employee Data. (2015). Lamadon, Thibaut ; Bonhomme, Stephane ; Manresa, Elena . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1399.

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102015The Impact of Trade on Labor Market Dynamics. (2015). Parro, Fernando ; Dvorkin, Maximiliano ; Caliendo, Lorenzo. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1532.

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112015Resetting the Urban Network 117-2012. (2015). Rauch, Ferdinand. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:203.

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122015What Do Data on Millions of U.S. Workers Reveal about Life-Cycle Earnings Risk?. (2015). Song, Jae ; Ozkan, Serdar ; Karahan, Fatih ; Guvenen, Fatih. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1183.

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132015An Extrapolative Model of House Price Dynamics. (2015). Nathanson, Charles ; Glaeser, Edward . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1108.

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142015Inflation Expectations and Consumption Expenditure. (2015). Weber, Michael ; D'Acunto, Francesco ; Hoang, Daniel. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1266.

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152015Grown-up Business Cycles. (2015). Sahin, Aysegul ; Pugsley, Benjamin. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:655.

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162015Labor Share Decline and the Capitalization of Intellectual Property Products. (2015). Zheng, Yu ; Santaeulalia-Llopis, Raul ; Koh, Dongya. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:844.

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172015Precautionary saving and aggregate demand. (2015). Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F ; Ragot, Xavier ; Matheron, Julien ; Challe, Edouard. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:404.

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182015Innovation and Top Income Inequality. (2015). Hemous, David ; Blundell, Richard ; Akcigit, Ufuk ; Aghion, Philippe ; Bergeaud, Antonin . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1115.

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192015The Impact of Unemployment Benefit Extensions on Employment: The 2014 Employment Miracle?. (2015). Mitman, Kurt ; Manovskii, Iourii ; Hagedorn, Marcus. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1318.

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202015House Prices and Consumer Spending. (2015). Vavra, Joseph ; Lorenzoni, Guido ; Berger, David ; Guerrieri, Veronica . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:186.

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212015Production Networks, Geography and Firm Performance. (2015). Saito, Yukiko ; Moxnes, Andreas ; Bernard, Andrew. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:311.

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222015Competition and Relational Contracts: Evidence from Rwandas Coffee Mills. (2015). Morjaria, Ameet ; macchiavello, rocco. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:431.

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232015Networks in Production: Asset Pricing Implications. (2015). Herskovic, Bernard. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:378.

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242015Consumption and House Prices in the Great Recession: Model Meets Evidence. (2015). Mitman, Kurt ; Violante, Gianluca ; Kaplan, Greg . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:275.

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252015The Tail that Wags the Economy: Belief-Driven Business Cycles and Persistent Stagnation. (2015). Veldkamp, Laura ; Venkateswaran, Venky ; Kozlowski, Julian. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:800.

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262015Stock returns over the FOMC cycle. (2015). Vissing-Jorgensen, Annette ; Cieslak, Anna ; Morse, Adair . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1197.

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272015Fiscal Multipliers in the 21st Century. (2015). Holter, Hans ; Brinca, Pedro ; Malafry, Laurence ; Krusell, Per . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:303.

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282015The Systematic Component of Monetary Policy in SVARs: An Agnostic Identification Procedure. (2015). Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F ; Caldara, Dario ; Arias, Jonas . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:359.

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292015The Forward Guidance Puzzle. (2015). Giannoni, Marc ; Del Negro, Marco ; Patterson, Christina . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1529.

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302015Optimal Capital Requirements over the Business and Financial Cycles. (2015). Malherbe, Frederic. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1154.

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312015Stagnation Traps. (2015). Fornaro, Luca ; Benigno, Gianluca. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:810.

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322015Wealth Inequality, Family Background, and Estate Taxation. (2015). Yang, Fang ; De Nardi, Mariacristina. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:92.

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332015Coordination and Crisis in Monetary Unions. (2015). Farhi, Emmanuel ; Amador, Manuel ; Aguiar, Mark ; Gopinath, Gita . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1337.

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342015Multidimensional Skills, Sorting, and Human Capital Accumulation. (2015). Postel-Vinay, Fabien ; Lise, Jeremy. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:386.

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352015Uncertainty and International Capital Flows. (2015). Siemer, Michael ; Gourio, Francois ; Verdelhan, Adrien . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:880.

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362015Capital Requirements, Risk Choice, and Liquidity Provision in a Business Cycle Model. (2015). Begenau, Juliane . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:687.

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372015The evolution of wealth inequality over half a century: the role of skills, taxes and institutions. (2015). Poschke, Markus ; Kaymak, Baris. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:967.

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382015Monetary Policy According to HANK. (2015). Moll, Benjamin ; Kaplan, Greg ; Violante, Gianluca . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1507.

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392015Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises: Can Monetary Policy Really Help?. (2015). Bacchetta, Philippe ; van Wincoop, Eric . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:925.

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402015Misallocation, Establishment Size, and Productivity. (2015). Restuccia, Diego ; Bento, Pedro. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1391.

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412015Who Works for Whom? Worker Sorting in a Model of Entrepreneurship with Heterogeneous Labor Markets. (2015). Janicki, Hubert ; Hyatt, Henry ; Dinlersoz, Emin. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:104.

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422015Communal Land and Agricultural Productivity. (2015). Grobovsek, Jan ; Gottlieb, Charles. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1513.

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432015Screening and Adverse Selection in Frictional Markets. (2015). Venkateswaran, Venky ; Shourideh, Ali ; Lester, Benjamin ; Zetlin-Jones, Ariel. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1379.

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442015Aggregate implications of innovation policy. (2015). Atkeson, Andrew ; Burstein, Ariel . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:640.

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452015Measuring the Non-Linear Effects of Monetary Policy. (2015). Matthes, Christian ; Barnichon, Régis. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:49.

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462015Coordinating Business Cycles. (2015). Taschereau-Dumouchel, Mathieu ; Schaal, Edouard. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:178.

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472015New Look at Uncertainty Shocks: Imperfect Information and Misallocation. (2015). Senga, Tatsuro. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1373.

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482015Unemployment Risk and Wage differentials. (2015). Visschers, Ludo ; Pinheiro, Roberto. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:936.

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492015Income Changes and Consumption: Evidence from the 2013 Federal Government Shutdown. (2015). Baker, Scott ; Yannelis, Constantine . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:372.

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502015Does Home Production Drive Structural Transformation?. (2015). Moslehi, Solmaz ; Moro, Alessio ; Tanaka, Satoshi . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:550.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12015Monetary Policy Surprises, Credit Costs, and Economic Activity. (2015). Gertler, Mark ; Karadi, Peter . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:447.

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22015A Search and Learning Model of Export Dynamics. (2015). Krizan, C.J. ; Jinkins, David ; Eslava, Marcela ; Eaton, Jonathan ; Tybout, James . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1535.

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32015Monetary Policy Pass-Through: Household Consumption and Voluntary Deleveraging. (2015). Ramcharan, Rodney ; Di Maggio, Marco ; Dimaggio, Marco ; Kermani, Amir . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:256.

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42015Monetary Policy and the Redistribution Channel. (2015). Auclert, Adrien. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:381.

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52015Leveraged Bubbles. (2015). Taylor, Alan ; Jorda, Oscar ; Schularick, Moritz. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:910.

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62015Input Linkages and the Transmission of Shocks: Firm-Level Evidence from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. (2015). Pandalai-Nayar, Nitya ; Boehm, Christoph ; Flaaen, Aaron . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:383.

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72015A Variational Approach to the Analysis of Tax Systems. (2015). Werquin, Nicolas ; Tsyvinski, Aleh ; Golosov, Mikhail. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:244.

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82015State Taxes and Spatial Misallocation. (2015). Zidar, Owen ; Suárez Serrato, Juan Carlos ; Fajgelbaum, Pablo ; Morales, Eduardo . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:877.

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92015A Distributional Framework for Matched Employer Employee Data. (2015). Lamadon, Thibaut ; Bonhomme, Stephane ; Manresa, Elena . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1399.

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102015The Impact of Trade on Labor Market Dynamics. (2015). Parro, Fernando ; Dvorkin, Maximiliano ; Caliendo, Lorenzo. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1532.

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112015An Extrapolative Model of House Price Dynamics. (2015). Nathanson, Charles ; Glaeser, Edward . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1108.

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122015What Do Data on Millions of U.S. Workers Reveal about Life-Cycle Earnings Risk?. (2015). Song, Jae ; Ozkan, Serdar ; Karahan, Fatih ; Guvenen, Fatih. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1183.

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132015Resetting the Urban Network 117-2012. (2015). Rauch, Ferdinand. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:203.

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142015Inflation Expectations and Consumption Expenditure. (2015). Weber, Michael ; D'Acunto, Francesco ; Hoang, Daniel. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1266.

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152015Grown-up Business Cycles. (2015). Sahin, Aysegul ; Pugsley, Benjamin. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:655.

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162015Precautionary saving and aggregate demand. (2015). Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F ; Ragot, Xavier ; Matheron, Julien ; Challe, Edouard. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:404.

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172015Labor Share Decline and the Capitalization of Intellectual Property Products. (2015). Zheng, Yu ; Santaeulalia-Llopis, Raul ; Koh, Dongya. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:844.

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182015Innovation and Top Income Inequality. (2015). Hemous, David ; Blundell, Richard ; Akcigit, Ufuk ; Aghion, Philippe ; Bergeaud, Antonin . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1115.

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192015The Impact of Unemployment Benefit Extensions on Employment: The 2014 Employment Miracle?. (2015). Mitman, Kurt ; Manovskii, Iourii ; Hagedorn, Marcus. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1318.

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202015House Prices and Consumer Spending. (2015). Vavra, Joseph ; Lorenzoni, Guido ; Berger, David ; Guerrieri, Veronica . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:186.

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212015Networks in Production: Asset Pricing Implications. (2015). Herskovic, Bernard. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:378.

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222015Competition and Relational Contracts: Evidence from Rwandas Coffee Mills. (2015). Morjaria, Ameet ; macchiavello, rocco. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:431.

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232015Production Networks, Geography and Firm Performance. (2015). Saito, Yukiko ; Moxnes, Andreas ; Bernard, Andrew. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:311.

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242015Consumption and House Prices in the Great Recession: Model Meets Evidence. (2015). Mitman, Kurt ; Violante, Gianluca ; Kaplan, Greg . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:275.

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252015The Tail that Wags the Economy: Belief-Driven Business Cycles and Persistent Stagnation. (2015). Veldkamp, Laura ; Venkateswaran, Venky ; Kozlowski, Julian. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:800.

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262015Stock returns over the FOMC cycle. (2015). Vissing-Jorgensen, Annette ; Cieslak, Anna ; Morse, Adair . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1197.

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272015The Forward Guidance Puzzle. (2015). Giannoni, Marc ; Del Negro, Marco ; Patterson, Christina . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1529.

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282015Stagnation Traps. (2015). Fornaro, Luca ; Benigno, Gianluca. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:810.

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292015Optimal Capital Requirements over the Business and Financial Cycles. (2015). Malherbe, Frederic. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1154.

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302015The Systematic Component of Monetary Policy in SVARs: An Agnostic Identification Procedure. (2015). Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F ; Caldara, Dario ; Arias, Jonas . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:359.

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312015Fiscal Multipliers in the 21st Century. (2015). Holter, Hans ; Brinca, Pedro ; Malafry, Laurence ; Krusell, Per . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:303.

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322015Wealth Inequality, Family Background, and Estate Taxation. (2015). Yang, Fang ; De Nardi, Mariacristina. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:92.

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332015Coordination and Crisis in Monetary Unions. (2015). Farhi, Emmanuel ; Amador, Manuel ; Aguiar, Mark ; Gopinath, Gita . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1337.

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342015Multidimensional Skills, Sorting, and Human Capital Accumulation. (2015). Postel-Vinay, Fabien ; Lise, Jeremy. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:386.

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352015Uncertainty and International Capital Flows. (2015). Siemer, Michael ; Gourio, Francois ; Verdelhan, Adrien . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:880.

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362015Monetary Policy According to HANK. (2015). Moll, Benjamin ; Kaplan, Greg ; Violante, Gianluca . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1507.

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372015Capital Requirements, Risk Choice, and Liquidity Provision in a Business Cycle Model. (2015). Begenau, Juliane . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:687.

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382015The evolution of wealth inequality over half a century: the role of skills, taxes and institutions. (2015). Poschke, Markus ; Kaymak, Baris. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:967.

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392015Screening and Adverse Selection in Frictional Markets. (2015). Venkateswaran, Venky ; Shourideh, Ali ; Lester, Benjamin ; Zetlin-Jones, Ariel. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1379.

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402015Coordinating Business Cycles. (2015). Taschereau-Dumouchel, Mathieu ; Schaal, Edouard. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:178.

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412015Misallocation, Establishment Size, and Productivity. (2015). Restuccia, Diego ; Bento, Pedro. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1391.

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422015Aggregate implications of innovation policy. (2015). Atkeson, Andrew ; Burstein, Ariel . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:640.

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432015Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises: Can Monetary Policy Really Help?. (2015). Bacchetta, Philippe ; van Wincoop, Eric . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:925.

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442015Communal Land and Agricultural Productivity. (2015). Grobovsek, Jan ; Gottlieb, Charles. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1513.

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452015New Look at Uncertainty Shocks: Imperfect Information and Misallocation. (2015). Senga, Tatsuro. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:1373.

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462015Who Works for Whom? Worker Sorting in a Model of Entrepreneurship with Heterogeneous Labor Markets. (2015). Janicki, Hubert ; Hyatt, Henry ; Dinlersoz, Emin. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:104.

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472015Learning and the Value of Relationships in International Trade. (2015). Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Tim ; Monarch, Ryan. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:668.

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482015Unemployment Risk and Wage differentials. (2015). Visschers, Ludo ; Pinheiro, Roberto. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:936.

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492015Measuring the Non-Linear Effects of Monetary Policy. (2015). Matthes, Christian ; Barnichon, Régis. In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:49.

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502015Income Changes and Consumption: Evidence from the 2013 Federal Government Shutdown. (2015). Baker, Scott ; Yannelis, Constantine . In: 2015 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed015:372.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 481:

2016Copyright Enforcement: Evidence from Two Field Experiments. (2016). Mortimer, Julie ; Luo, Hong . In: Boston College Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:boc:bocoec:907.

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2016Empirical Evidence on Conditional Pricing Practices. (2016). Mortimer, Julie ; Genchev, Bogdan . In: Boston College Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:boc:bocoec:908.

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2016Copyright Enforcement: Evidence from Two Field Experiments. (2016). Mortimer, Julie ; Luo, Hong . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22082.

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2016Deterring Delinquency: A Field Experiment in Improving Tax Compliance Behavior. (2016). Loeffler, Charles ; Inman, Robert ; Chirico, Michael ; MacDonald, John ; Sieg, Holger . In: Natural Field Experiments. RePEc:feb:natura:00543.

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2016An Experimental Evaluation of Notification Strategies to Increase Property Tax Compliance: Free-Riding in the City of Brotherly Love. (2016). MacDonald, John ; Inman, Robert P ; Loeffler, Charles ; Chirico, Michael ; Sieg, Holger . In: Tax Policy and the Economy. RePEc:ucp:tpolec:doi:10.1086/685595.

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2016The Promise and Potential of Linked Employer-Employee Data for Entrepreneurship Research. (2016). Goetz, Christopher ; Sandusky, Kristin ; Hyatt, Henry ; McEntarfer, Erika . In: NBER Chapters. RePEc:nbr:nberch:13494.

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2016How Credit Constraints Impact Job Finding Rates, Sorting & Aggregate Output*. (2016). Herkenhoff, Kyle ; Cohen-Cole, Ethan ; Phillips, Gordon . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cen:wpaper:16-25.

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2016How Credit Constraints Impact Job Finding Rates, Sorting & Aggregate Output. (2016). Phillips, Gordon ; Cohen-Cole, Ethan ; Herkenhoff, Kyle . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22274.

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2016The Shifting Job Tenure Distribution†. (2016). Hyatt, Henry ; Spletzer, James R. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cen:wpaper:16-12r.

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2016The Impact of Consumer Credit Access on Employment, Earnings and Entrepreneurship. (2016). Phillips, Gordon ; Cohen-Cole, Ethan ; Herkenhoff, Kyle . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22846.

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2016Incomplete Information in Macroeconomics: Accommodating Frictions in Coordination. (2016). Angeletos, George-Marios ; Lian, Chen . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22297.

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2016Macroeconomics and Consumption. (2016). muellbauer, john. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11588.

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2016Expectations, Stagnation and Fiscal Policy. (2016). Honkapohja, Seppo ; Evans, George W ; Mitra, Kaushik . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11428.

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2016Macroeconomics and Consumption. (2016). muellbauer, john. In: Economics Series Working Papers. RePEc:oxf:wpaper:paper-811.

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2016Incomplete Information in Macroeconomics. (2016). , ; Lian, C. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-1065.

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2016Improved models for technology choice in a transit corridor with fixed demand. (2016). Moccia, Luigi ; Laporte, Gilbert. In: Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. RePEc:eee:transb:v:83:y:2016:i:c:p:245-270.

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2016Corporate Finance and Monetary Policy. (2016). Zhang, Cathy ; Rocheteau, Guillaume ; Wright, Randall. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:97.

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2016Disappearing Routine Jobs: Who, How, and Why?. (2016). Siu, Henry ; Cortes, Guido Matias ; Jaimovich, Nir. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22918.

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2016Important laws governing Chinas macro-economy. (2016). Chow, Gregory C. In: Journal of Comparative Economics. RePEc:eee:jcecon:v:44:y:2016:i:2:p:289-294.

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2016A simple model of subprime borrowers and credit growth. (2016). Tambalotti, Andrea ; Primiceri, Giorgio ; Justiniano, Alejandro. In: Staff Reports. RePEc:fip:fednsr:766.

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2016Housing and Macroeconomics. (2016). Schneider, Martin ; Piazzesi, Monika. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22354.

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2016Housing and macroeconomics. (2016). Piazzesi, Monika ; Schneider, Martin . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11519.

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2016Regional Redistribution through the US Mortgage Market. (2016). Vavra, Joseph ; Seru, Amit ; Keys, Benjamin ; Hurst, Erik. In: American Economic Review. RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:106:y:2016:i:10:p:2982-3028.

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2016Stimulating Housing Markets. (2016). Berger, David ; Turner, Nicholas ; Zwick, Eric . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22903.

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2016Housing equity, saving and debt dynamics over the Great Recession. (2016). Elming, William ; Ermler, Andreas . In: IFS Working Papers. RePEc:ifs:ifsewp:16/12.

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2016Housing and Credit Markets. (2016). Guerrieri, V ; Uhlig, H. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-1427.

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2016Housing and Macroeconomics. (2016). Piazzesi, M ; Schneider, M. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-1547.

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2016Who Bears the Cost of Recessions? The Role of House Prices and Household Debt. (2016). Mian, A ; Sufi, A. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-255.

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2016Market Reforms in the Time of Imbalance. (2016). Ghironi, Fabio ; Fiori, Giuseppe ; Duval, Romain ; Cacciatore, Matteo. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22128.

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2016Market Reforms in the Time of Imbalance. (2016). Ghironi, Fabio ; Fiori, Giuseppe ; Duval, Romain ; Cacciatore, Matteo. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11247.

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2016Optimal Unemployment Benefit Policy and the Firm Productivity Distribution. (2016). Yashiv, Eran ; Danziger, Leif ; Blumkin, Tomer . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9967.

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2016Macroeconomics and Household Heterogeneity. (2016). Perri, Fabrizio ; Mitman, Kurt ; Krueger, Dirk. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11308.

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2016On the Distribution of the Welfare Losses of Large Recessions. (2016). Perri, Fabrizio ; Mitman, Kurt ; Krueger, Dirk. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:637.

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2016Potential Unemployment Insurance Duration and Labor Supply: The Individual and Market-Level Response to a Benefit Cut. (2016). Mas, Alexandre ; Johnston, Andrew. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22411.

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2016Job insecurity, unemployment insurance and on-the-job search. Evidence from older American workers. (2016). Gutierrez, Italo. In: Labour Economics. RePEc:eee:labeco:v:41:y:2016:i:c:p:228-245.

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2016A Quantitative Theory of Time-Consistent Unemployment Insurance. (2016). Xie, Zoe ; Pei, Yun . In: FRB Atlanta Working Paper. RePEc:fip:fedawp:2016-11.

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2016German labor market and fiscal reforms 1999–2008: Can they be blamed for intra-euro area imbalances?. (2016). Weigert, Benjamin ; Stähler, Nikolai ; Gadatsch, Niklas ; Stahler, Nikolai . In: Journal of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:jmacro:v:50:y:2016:i:c:p:307-324.

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2016Macroeconomics and Household Heterogeneity. (2016). Krueger, D ; Perri, F ; Mitman, K. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-843.

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2016Deleveraging, deflation and depreciation in the euro area. (2016). Müller, Gernot ; Muller, Gernot J ; Wolf, Martin ; Kuvshinov, Dmitry . In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:88:y:2016:i:c:p:42-66.

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2016Liquidity Requirements, Liquidity Choice, and Financial Stability. (2016). Diamond, D W ; Kashyap, A K. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-2263.

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2016Business Dynamism and Economic Growth: U.S. Regional Evidence. (2016). Khan, Hashmat ; Casares, Miguel. In: Carleton Economic Papers. RePEc:car:carecp:16-03.

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2016Business Dynamism and Economic Growth: U.S. Regional Evidence. (2016). Khan, Hashmat ; Casares, Miguel. In: Documentos de Trabajo - Lan Gaiak Departamento de Economía - Universidad Pública de Navarra. RePEc:nav:ecupna:1601.

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2016Firm Entry and Macroeconomic Dynamics: A State-level Analysis. (2016). Siemer, Michael ; Gourio, Francois ; Messer, Todd . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:fip:fedhwp:wp-2016-01.

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2016Monetary Policy and Sovereign Debt Vulnerability. (2016). Thomas, Carlos ; Nuño Barrau, Galo ; Nuo, Galo . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:329.

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2016Envelope condition method with an application to default risk models. (2016). Tsyrennikov, Viktor ; Maliar, Serguei ; Arellano, Cristina. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:69:y:2016:i:c:p:436-459.

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2016Sovereign Risk and Bank Risk-Taking. (2016). Ari, Anil. In: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:cam:camdae:1665.

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2016Sovereign Risk and Bank Risk-Taking. (2016). Ari, Anil. In: 2016 Papers. RePEc:jmp:jm2016:par455.

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2016The Political Economy of Government Debt. (2016). Alesina, A ; Passalacqua, A. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-2599.

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2016Wage Inequality: A Structural Decomposition. (2016). Coles, Melvyn ; Carrillo-Tudela, Carlos ; Burdett, Kenneth. In: Review of Economic Dynamics. RePEc:red:issued:14-324.

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2016Technology, Skill and the Wage Structure. (2016). Stokey, Nancy L. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22176.

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2016Technology, Skill and the Wage Structure. (2016). Stokey, Nancy L. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:750.

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2016Money, liquidity, and the structure of production. (2016). Hendrickson, Joshua ; Salter, Alexander William. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:73:y:2016:i:c:p:314-328.

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2016The Run for Safety: Financial Fragility and Deposit Insurance. (2016). Johannesen, Niels ; Iyer, Rajkamal ; Sheridan, Adam ; Jensen, Thais . In: EPRU Working Paper Series. RePEc:kud:epruwp:1602.

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2016Menu costs, uncertainty cycles, and the propagation of nominal shocks. (2016). Baley, Isaac ; Blanco, Julio A. In: Economics Working Papers. RePEc:upf:upfgen:1532.

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2016Menu Costs, Uncertainty Cycles, and the Propagation of Nominal Shocks. (2016). Baley, Isaac ; Blanco, Julio A. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bge:wpaper:918.

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2016Endogenous Second Moments: A Unified Approach to Fluctuations in Risk, Dispersion, and Uncertainty. (2016). Ulbricht, Robert. In: TSE Working Papers. RePEc:tse:wpaper:30521.

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2016Learning, Confidence and Business Cycle. (2016). Ilut, Cosmin ; Saijo, Hikaru . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:664.

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2016Learning, Confidence, and Business Cycles. (2016). Ilut, Cosmin ; Saijo, Hikaru . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22958.

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2016The Unequal Gains from Product Innovations. (2016). Jaravel, Xavier . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:437.

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2016Competing Mechanisms in Markets for Lemons. (2016). Gottardi, Piero ; Auster, Sarah . In: Working Papers. RePEc:igi:igierp:568.

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2016Competing Mechanisms in Markets for Lemons. (2016). Gottardi, Piero ; Auster, Sarah Gottardi . In: Economics Working Papers. RePEc:eui:euiwps:eco2016/01.

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2016Competing Mechanisms in Markets for Lemons. (2016). Gottardi, Piero ; Auster, Sarah . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:264.

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2016Insurers Response to Selection Risk: Evidence from Medicare Enrollment Reforms. (2016). Decarolis, Francesco ; Guglielmo, Andrea . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22876.

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2016Aggregate Fluctuations in a Quantitative Overlapping Generations Economy with Unemployment Risk. (2016). Khan, Aubhik. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1468.

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2016Firms and labor market inequality : evidence and some theory. (2016). Kline, Patrick ; Cardoso, Ana Rute ; Heining, Jorg . In: IAB Discussion Paper. RePEc:iab:iabdpa:201619.

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2016The quantity of corporate credit rationing with matched bank-firm data. (2016). Nobili, Andrea ; Fantino, Davide ; Burlon, Lorenzo ; Sene, Gabriele . In: Temi di discussione (Economic working papers). RePEc:bdi:wptemi:td_1058_16.

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2016Firms and Labor Market Inequality: Evidence and Some Theory. (2016). Kline, Patrick ; Cardoso, Ana Rute ; Heining, Jorg . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9850.

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2016Discretizing Unobserved Heterogeneity. (2016). Lamadon, Thibaut ; Manresa, Elena ; Bonhomme, Stephane . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1536.

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2016The Anatomy of the Wage Distribution: How do Gender and Immigration Matter?. (2016). Robin, Jean-Marc ; Piyapromdee, Suphanit ; Lentz, Rasmus . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1686.

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2016Firms and Labor Market Inequality: Evidence and Some Theory. (2016). Kline, Patrick ; Cardoso, Ana Rute ; Heining, Jorg . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22850.

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2016Labor Market Sorting in Germany. (2016). Schulz, Bastian ; Lochner, Benjamin. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6066.

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2016Labor Market Sorting in Germany. (2016). Schulz, Bastian ; Lochner, Benjamin . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1298.

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2016Nonlinear Panel Data Methods for Dynamic Heterogeneous Agent Models. (2016). Arellano, Manuel ; Bonhomme, Stephane . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cmf:wpaper:wp2016_1607.

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2016Labor Market Sorting in Germany. (2016). Schulz, Bastian ; Lochner, Benjamin . In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change. RePEc:zbw:vfsc16:145902.

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2016Nonlinear panel data methods for dynamic heterogeneous agent models. (2016). Arellano, Manuel ; Bonhomme, Stephane . In: CeMMAP working papers. RePEc:ifs:cemmap:51/16.

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2016Policy Distortions and Aggregate Productivity with Endogenous Establishment-Level Productivity. (2016). Restuccia, Diego ; Da Rocha, José María ; Da-Rocha, Jose-Maria ; Tavares, Marina Mendes . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tor:tecipa:tecipa-558.

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2016Firing Costs, Misallocation, and Aggregate Productivity. (2016). Restuccia, Diego ; Da Rocha, José María ; Tavares, Marina Mendes ; Da-Rocha, Jose-Maria . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tor:tecipa:tecipa-572.

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2016Firing Costs, Misallocation, and Aggregate Productivity. (2016). Restuccia, Diego ; Da Rocha, José María ; Da-Rocha, Jose-Maria ; Tavares, Marina Mendes . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23008.

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2016Higher Taxes at the Top: The Role of Entrepreneurs. (2016). Brüggemann, Bettina. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:332.

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2016Capital shares and income inequality: Evidence from the long run. (2016). Bengtsson, Erik ; Waldenstrm, Daniel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hes:wpaper:0092.

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2016Asymmetric information and search frictions: A neutrality result. (2016). Rao, Neel . In: Economics Letters. RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:147:y:2016:i:c:p:138-141.

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2016Macroeconomic Shocks and Their Propagation. (2016). Ramey, Valerie. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21978.

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2016A narrative approach to a fiscal DSGE model. (2016). Drautzburg, Thorsten. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedpwp:16-11.

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2016The Heterogeneous Effects of Government Spending: Its All About Taxes. (2016). Ferriere, Axelle ; Navarro, Gaston . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1286.

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2016Macroeconomic responses to an independent monetary policy shock: a (more) agnostic identification procedure. (2016). Moneta, Alessio ; Capasso, Marco. In: LEM Papers Series. RePEc:ssa:lemwps:2016/36.

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2016Uncovering the heterogeneous effects of ecb unconventional monetary policies across euro area countries. (2016). Galesi, Alessandro ; Burriel, Pablo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bde:wpaper:1631.

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2016Macroeconomic Shocks and Their Propagation. (2016). Ramey, V A. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-71.

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2016Rent Extraction by Capitalists. (2016). Brückner, Markus ; Brueckner, Markus. In: ANU Working Papers in Economics and Econometrics. RePEc:acb:cbeeco:2016-634.

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2016The Postwar Conquest of the Home Ownership Dream. (2016). Garriga, Carlos ; Chambers, Matthew ; Schlagenhauf, Don E. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-07.

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2016The Postwar Conquest of the Home Ownership Dream. (2016). Schlagenhauf, Don ; Garriga, Carlos ; Chambers, Matthew. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedlwp:2016-007.

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2016The Facts of Economic Growth. (2016). Jones, C I. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-3.

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2016The Political Economy of Debt and Entitlements. (2016). Lizzeri, Alessandro ; Bouton, Laurent ; Persico, Nicola . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11459.

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2016Political turnover and the accumulation of democratic capital. (2016). Karakas, Leyla D. In: European Journal of Political Economy. RePEc:eee:poleco:v:44:y:2016:i:c:p:195-213.

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2016Supply Chain Disruptions: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake. (2016). Tahbaz-Salehi, Alireza ; Saito, Yukiko ; Nirei, Makoto ; Carvalho, Vasco. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11711.

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2016Monetary Policy Through Production Networks: Evidence from the Stock Market. (2016). Weber, Michael ; Ozdagli, Ali . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:148.

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2016Risk Reallocation in OTC Derivatives Networks. (2016). Herskovic, Bernard ; Eisfeldt, Andrea ; Siriwardane, Emil . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:538.

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2016Supply Chain Disruptions: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake. (2016). Tahbaz-Salehi, Alireza ; Saito, Yukiko ; Nirei, Makoto ; Carvalho, Vasco. In: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:cam:camdae:1670.

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2016Who Bears the Cost of Recessions? The Role of House Prices and Household Debt. (2016). Sufi, Amir ; Mian, Atif. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22256.

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2016Monetary Policy, Mortgages and Consumption: Evidence from Italy. (2016). Scognamiglio, Annalisa ; Jappelli, Tullio. In: CSEF Working Papers. RePEc:sef:csefwp:454.

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2016Debt-dependent effects of fiscal expansions. (2016). Shen, Wenyi ; Bi, Huixin ; Yang, Shu-Chun S. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:88:y:2016:i:c:p:142-157.

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2016Uncertainty and the geography of the great recession. (2016). Veuger, Stan ; Shoag, Daniel . In: Journal of Monetary Economics. RePEc:eee:moneco:v:84:y:2016:i:c:p:84-93.

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2016Trade and Labor Market Dynamics. (2016). Parro, Fernando ; Dvorkin, Maximiliano ; Caliendo, Lorenzo. In: Discussion papers. RePEc:eti:dpaper:16050.

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2016State Taxation and the Reallocation of Business Activity: Evidence from Establishment-Level Data. (2016). Giroud, Xavier ; Rauh, Joshua D. In: Economics Working Papers. RePEc:hoo:wpaper:16103.

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2016Tourism and Economic Development: Evidence from Mexicos Coastline. (2016). Faber, Benjamin ; Gaubert, Cecile . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22300.

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2016Where Does the Wind Blow? Green Preferences and Spatial Misallocation in Renewable Energy Sector. (2016). Lin, Yatang . In: CEP Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:cepdps:dp1424.

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2016Quantitative Spatial Economics. (2016). Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban ; Redding, Stephen. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11500.

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2016Quantitative Spatial Economics. (2016). Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban ; Redding, Stephen. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22655.

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2016Quantitative Spatial Economics. (2016). Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban ; Redding, Stephen. In: CEP Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:cepdps:dp1452.

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2016The Effect of State Taxes on the Geographical Location of Top Earners: Evidence from Star Scientists. (2016). Wilson, Daniel ; Moretti, Enrico . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1566.

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2016The optimal distribution of population across cities. (2016). Robert-Nicoud, Frederic ; Behrens, Kristian ; Albouy, David ; Seegert, Nathan . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11616.

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2016The Optimal Distribution of Population across Cities. (2016). Robert-Nicoud, Frederic ; Behrens, Kristian ; Albouy, David ; Seegert, Nathan . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22823.

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2016Quantitative spatial economics. (2016). Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban ; Redding, Stephen. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:69020.

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2016Urban-Rural Wage Gaps in Developing Countries: Spatial Misallocation or Efficient Sorting?. (2016). Mobarak, Ahmed ; Lagakos, David ; Waugh, Mike . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1032.

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2016Unconventional Fiscal Policy, Inflation Expectations, and Consumption Expenditure. (2016). Weber, Michael ; Hoang, Daniel ; D'Acunto, Francesco. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5793.

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2016Unconventional monetary policy and capital flows. (2016). KIENDREBEOGO, Youssouf. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:54:y:2016:i:c:p:412-424.

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2016The Effect of Unconventional Fiscal Policy on Consumption Expenditure. (2016). Weber, Michael ; D'Acunto, Francesco ; Hoang, Daniel. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6059.

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2016The Effect of Unconventional Fiscal Policy on Consumption Expenditure. (2016). Weber, Michael ; Dacunto, Francesco ; Hoang, Daniel. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22563.

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2016The effect of unconventional fiscal policy on consumption expenditure. (2016). Weber, Michael ; D'Acunto, Francesco ; Hoang, Daniel. In: Working Paper Series in Economics. RePEc:zbw:kitwps:94.

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2016Connecting the dots: market reactions to forecasts of policy rates and forward guidance provided by the Fed. (2016). Moessner, Richhild ; Galati, Gabriele ; Bongard, Michelle ; Nelson, William . In: DNB Working Papers. RePEc:dnb:dnbwpp:523.

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2016Challenges for Central Banks’ Macro Models. (2016). Lind, J ; Wouters, R ; Smets, F. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-2185.

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2016Meeting Technologies in Decentralized Asset Markets. (2016). Shimer, Robert ; Jarosch, Gregor ; Farboodi, Maryam . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:844.

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2016What we learn from Chinas rising shadow banking: exploring the nexus of monetary tightening and banks role in entrusted lending. (2016). Zha, Tao ; Chen, Kaiji ; Ren, Jue . In: FRB Atlanta Working Paper. RePEc:fip:fedawp:2016-01.

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2016Health insurance as a productive factor. (2016). Pinheiro, Roberto ; Dizioli, Allan . In: Labour Economics. RePEc:eee:labeco:v:40:y:2016:i:c:p:1-24.

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2016Debt Constraints and Employment. (2016). Kehoe, Patrick ; Pastorino, Elena ; Midrigan, Virgiliu. In: Staff Report. RePEc:fip:fedmsr:536.

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2016Debt Constraints and Employment. (2016). Pastorino, Elena ; Midrigan, Virgiliu ; Kehoe, Patrick. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22614.

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2016The China Shock: Learning from Labor Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade. (2016). Hanson, Gordon ; Dorn, David ; Autor, David. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21906.

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2016The China Shock: Learning from Labor Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade. (2016). Hanson, Gordon ; Dorn, David ; Autor, David. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11054.

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2016The China Shock: Learning from Labor Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade. (2016). Hanson, Gordon ; Dorn, David ; Autor, David. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9748.

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2016The China Shock: Learning from Labor Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade. (2016). Hanson, Gordon ; Dorn, David ; Autor, David. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5825.

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2016Policy Uncertainty, Trade and Welfare: Theory and Evidence for China and the U.S.. (2016). Handley, Kyle ; Limao, Nuno . In: Working Papers. RePEc:mie:wpaper:650.

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2016Does Trade Liberalization with China Influence U.S. Elections?. (2016). Tao, Zhigang ; Schott, Peter ; Pierce, Justin ; Lu, Yi ; Che, Yi. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22178.

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2016Trade Liberalization and the Great Labor Reallocation. (2016). Zi, Yuan. In: IHEID Working Papers. RePEc:gii:giihei:heidwp18-2016.

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2016All We Need is Love? Trade-Adjustment, Inequality and the Role of the Partner. (2016). Winkler, Erwin ; Huber, Katrin Stephanie . In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change. RePEc:zbw:vfsc16:145900.

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2016Gravity with scale effects. (2016). Yotov, Yoto ; Anderson, James ; Vesselovsky, Mykyta . In: Journal of International Economics. RePEc:eee:inecon:v:100:y:2016:i:c:p:174-193.

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2016The Diffusion of Knowledge via Managers Mobility. (2016). Sforza, Alessandro ; Opromolla, Luca David ; Mion, Giordano. In: CEP Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:cepdps:dp1458.

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2016The Diffusion of Knowledge via Managers Mobility. (2016). Sforza, Alessandro ; Opromolla, Luca David ; Mion, Giordano. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11706.

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2016The Diffusion of Knowledge via Managers Mobility. (2016). Sforza, Alessandro ; Opromolla, Luca David ; Mion, Giordano. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6256.

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2016Advertising, Innovation and Economic Growth. (2016). Roldan, Pau ; Cavenaile, Laurent . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:150.

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2016Did export promotion help firms weather the crisis ?. (2016). van Biesebroeck, Johannes ; Martincus, Christian Volpe ; Konings, Jozef. In: Working Paper Research. RePEc:nbb:reswpp:201601-291.

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2016How Exporters Grow. (2016). Yedid-Levi, Yaniv ; Fitzgerald, Doireann ; Haller, Stephanie . In: Staff Report. RePEc:fip:fedmsr:524.

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2016Did export promotion help firms weather the crisis?. (2016). Van Biesebroeck, Johannes ; Konings, Jozef ; Martincus, Christian Volpe . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11101.

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2016How Exporters Grow. (2016). Yedid-Levi, Yaniv ; Haller, Stefanie ; Fitzgerald, Doireann. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21935.

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2016Firm-to-Firm Trade: Imports, exports, and the labor market. (2016). Kramarz, Francis ; Kortum, Samuel ; Eaton, Jonathan. In: Discussion papers. RePEc:eti:dpaper:16048.

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2016Information Matters: A Theoretical Comparison of Some Cross-Border Trade Barriers. (2016). Wilson, Chris M. In: EconStor Preprints. RePEc:zbw:esprep:130180.

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2016Learning, Prices, and firm dynamics. (2016). Timoshenko, Olga ; Dias, Daniel ; Bastos, Paulo. In: Policy Research Working Paper Series. RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:7667.

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2016Learning, Prices, and Firm Dynamics. (2016). Timoshenko, Olga ; Dias, Daniel ; Bastos, Paulo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gwi:wpaper:2016-11.

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2016Services versus goods trade: a firm-level comparison. (2016). Ariu, Andrea. In: Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv). RePEc:spr:weltar:v:152:y:2016:i:1:d:10.1007_s10290-015-0230-0.

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2016Multinational Firms and Export Dynamics. (2016). Tintelnot, Felix ; Moxnes, Andreas ; Gumpert, Anna ; Ramondo, Natalia . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:124.

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2016Demand learning and firm dynamics:evidence from exporters. (2016). Vicard, Vincent ; Rebeyrol, Vincent ; Berman, Nicolas . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:517.

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2016Assortative matching of exporters and importers. (2016). Teshima, Kensuke ; Seira, Enrique ; Sugita, Yoichi . In: IDE Discussion Papers. RePEc:jet:dpaper:dpaper610.

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2016Two-sided Search in International Markets. (2016). Jinkins, David ; Tybout, James ; Eaton, Jonathan ; Yi, Daniel . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:973.

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2016Exporting Spatial Externalities. (2016). Waldkirch, Andreas ; Schmeiser, Katherine ; Cassey, Andrew. In: Open Economies Review. RePEc:kap:openec:v:27:y:2016:i:4:d:10.1007_s11079-016-9394-z.

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2016Firm Dynamics, Job Turnover, and Wage Distributions in an Open Economy. (2016). Guner, Nezih ; Tybout, James ; Coar, Kerem A. In: American Economic Review. RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:106:y:2016:i:3:p:625-63.

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2016Buyer–seller relationships in international trade: Do your neighbors matter?. (2016). Sundaram, Asha ; Kamal, Fariha. In: Journal of International Economics. RePEc:eee:inecon:v:102:y:2016:i:c:p:128-140.

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2016Survival in export markets. (2016). Hallak, Juan ; Albornoz, Facundo ; Fanelli, Sebastian . In: Journal of International Economics. RePEc:eee:inecon:v:102:y:2016:i:c:p:262-281.

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2016Inflation Dynamics During the Financial Crisis. (2016). Zakrajsek, Egon ; Sim, Jae ; Schoenle, Raphael ; Gilchrist, Simon ; Zakrajek, Egon . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22827.

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2016Firm-to-Firm Relationships and Price Rigidity - Theory and Evidence. (2016). Heise, Sebastian. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6226.

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2016The buyer margins of firms exports. (2016). Ottaviano, Gianmarco ; Carballo, Jeronimo ; Martincus, Christian Volpe . In: CFS Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:cfswop:561.

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2016The impact of export promotion on export market entry. (2016). Broocks, Annette ; Schminke, Annette ; van Biesebroeck, Johannes . In: Working Paper Research. RePEc:nbb:reswpp:201612-316.

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2016The diffusion of knowledge via managers’ mobility. (2016). Sforza, Alessandro ; Opromolla, Luca David ; Mion, Giordano. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:69035.

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2016Relational Contracts and Supplier Turnover in the Global Economy. (2016). Suedekum, Jens ; Fischer, Christian ; Defever, Fabrice. In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change. RePEc:zbw:vfsc16:145504.

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2016Relational contracts and supplier turnover in the global economy. (2016). Suedekum, Jens ; Fischer, Christian ; Defever, Fabrice. In: Journal of International Economics. RePEc:eee:inecon:v:103:y:2016:i:c:p:147-165.

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2016The Demand for Divisia Money: Theory and Evidence. (2016). Ireland, Peter ; Belongia, Michael. In: Boston College Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:boc:bocoec:937.

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2016Skewed Wealth Distributions: Theory and Empirics. (2016). Bisin, Alberto ; Benhabib, Jess. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21924.

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2016Pareto Distribution of Income in Neoclassical Growth Models. (2016). Nirei, Makoto ; Aoki, Shuhei. In: Review of Economic Dynamics. RePEc:red:issued:13-26.

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2016Heterogeneity and Persistence in Returns to Wealth. (2016). Guiso, Luigi ; Fagereng, Andreas ; Pistaferri, Luigi ; Malacrino, Davide . In: EIEF Working Papers Series. RePEc:eie:wpaper:1615.

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2016Heterogeneity and Persistence in Returns to Wealth. (2016). Pistaferri, Luigi ; Guiso, Luigi ; Fagereng, Andreas ; Malacrino, Davide . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22822.

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2016Heterogeneity and Persistence in Returns to Wealth. (2016). Guiso, Luigi ; Fagereng, Andreas ; Malacrino, Davide ; Pistaferri, Luigi . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11635.

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2016The Mystery of the Printing Press Monetary Policy and Self-fulfilling Debt Crises. (2016). Dedola, Luca ; Corsetti, Giancarlo. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11089.

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2016Whatever it takes is all you need: monetary policy and debt fragility. (2016). Cooper, Russell ; Camous, Antoine . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:863.

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2016The Dynamics of Sovereign Debt Crises and Bailouts. (2016). Roch, Francisco ; Uhlig, Harald . In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:16/136.

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2016Macro uncertainty and currency premia. (2016). Della Corte, Pasquale ; Krecetovs, Aleksejs . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:624.

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2016Fragility of Purely Real Macroeconomic Models. (2016). Kocherlakota, Narayana. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21866.

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2016Monetary policy when households have debt: new evidence on the transmission mechanism. (2016). Surico, Paolo ; Cloyne, James ; Ferreira, Clodomiro . In: Bank of England working papers. RePEc:boe:boeewp:0589.

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2016Inflation at the Household Level. (2016). Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam ; Kaplan, Greg . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:529.

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2016Macroeconomic Stabilization, Monetary-fiscal Interactions, and Europes monetary Union. (2016). Corsetti, G ; Schmidt, S ; Makowiak, B ; Jarociski, M ; Dedola, L. In: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:cam:camdae:1675.

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2016Macroeconomic stabilization, monetary-fiscal interactions, and Europe’s monetary union. (2016). Schmidt, Sebastian ; Maćkowiak, Bartosz ; Jarociński, Marek ; Dedola, Luca ; Corsetti, Giancarlo ; Makowiak, Bartosz ; Jarociski, Marek . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20161988.

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2016Self-fulfilling Prophecies in Sovereign Debt Markets. (2016). Nicolini, Juan Pablo. In: Economic Policy Paper. RePEc:fip:fedmep:16-8.

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2016Quantitative Models of Sovereign Debt Crises. (2016). Aguiar, M ; Stangebye, Z ; Cole, H ; Chatterjee, S. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-1697.

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2016When shadows grow longer: shadow banking with endogenous entry. (2016). Żochowski, Dawid ; Kok, Christoffer ; DARRACQ PARIES, Matthieu. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20161943.

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2016Bernankes No-arbitrage Argument Revisited: Can Open Market Operations in Real Assets Eliminate the Liquidity Trap?. (2016). Proulx, Kevin ; Eggertsson, Gauti. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22243.

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2016Bernanke’s No-Arbitrage Argument Revisited: Can Open Market Operations in Real Assets Eliminate the Liquidity Trap?. (2016). Eggertsson, Gauti B ; Proulx, Kevin B. In: Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies Book Series. RePEc:chb:bcchsb:v24c03pp063-104.

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2016Anticipating the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Insider Trading in Banks. (2016). Peydro, Jose-Luis ; Marin, Jose ; Akin, Ozlem . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bge:wpaper:906.

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2016Should Monetary Policy Lean Against Housing Market Booms?. (2016). Ueberfeldt, Alexander ; Alpanda, Sami. In: Staff Working Papers. RePEc:bca:bocawp:16-19.

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2016Exchange Rate Regime, Financial Market Bubbles and Long-Term Growth in China: Lessons from Japan. (2016). Schnabl, Gunther. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5902.

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2016Anticipating the financial crisis: Evidence from insider trading in banks. (2016). Peydro, Jose-Luis ; Marin, Jose ; Akin, Ozlem . In: Economics Working Papers. RePEc:upf:upfgen:1524.

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2016Deposit Insurance: Theories and Facts. (2016). Jaremski, Matthew ; Calomiris, Charles. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22223.

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2016Anticipating the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Insider Trading in Banks. (2016). Peydro, Jose-Luis ; Marin, Jose ; Akin, Ozlem . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11302.

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2016The long history of financial boom-bust cycles in Iceland - Part II: Financial cycles. (2016). Pétursson, Thórarinn ; Ólafsson, Thorvardur ; Einarsson, Bjarni ; Petursson, Thorarinn G ; Olafsson, Thorvardur Tjorvi ; Gunnlaugsson, Kristofer . In: Economics. RePEc:ice:wpaper:wp72.

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2016Periodically collapsing bubbles in the South African stock market. (2016). Wohar, Mark ; Jooste, Charl ; GUPTA, RANGAN ; Balcilar, Mehmet. In: Research in International Business and Finance. RePEc:eee:riibaf:v:38:y:2016:i:c:p:191-201.

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2016House Valuations and Economic Growth: Some International Evidence. (2016). Zheng, Huanhuan ; Jinjarak, Yothin ; Aizenman, Joshua. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22699.

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2016Dating the financial cycle with uncertainty estimates: a wavelet proposition. (2016). Ardila, Diego ; Sornette, Didier . In: Finance Research Letters. RePEc:eee:finlet:v:19:y:2016:i:c:p:298-304.

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2016Use of unit root methods in early warning of financial crises. (2016). Virtanen, Timo ; Taipalus, Katja ; Viren, Matti ; Tolo, Eero . In: Research Discussion Papers. RePEc:bof:bofrdp:2016_027.

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2016Predicting vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector: the role of global and domestic factors. (2016). Behn, Markus ; Schudel, Willem ; Peltonen, Tuomas ; Detken, Carsten . In: ESRB Working Paper Series. RePEc:srk:srkwps:201629.

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2016Market structure and exchange rate pass-through. (2016). Auer, Raphael ; Schoenle, Raphael S. In: Journal of International Economics. RePEc:eee:inecon:v:98:y:2016:i:c:p:60-77.

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2016Joining the Dots: The FOMC and the future path of policy rates. (2016). Stuart, Rebecca ; Gerlach, Stefan . In: Research Technical Papers. RePEc:cbi:wpaper:08/rt/16.

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2016Forward Guidance under Disagreement - Evidence from the Fed’s dot projections. (2016). Detmers, Gunda-Alexandra . In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change. RePEc:zbw:vfsc16:145768.

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2016The Strategic Determination of the Supply of Liquid Assets. (2016). Herrenbrueck, Lucas ; Geromichalos, Athanasios . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:71454.

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2016Effects of Inflation and Wage Expectations on Consumer Spending: Evidence from Micro Data. (2016). Kaihatsu, Sohei ; Ito, Yuichiro . In: Bank of Japan Working Paper Series. RePEc:boj:bojwps:wp16e07.

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2016Estimation of historical inflation expectations. (2016). Binder, Carola. In: Explorations in Economic History. RePEc:eee:exehis:v:61:y:2016:i:c:p:1-31.

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2016Home price expectations and behavior: evidence from a randomized information experiment. (2016). Zafar, Basit ; Fuster, Andreas ; Armona, Luis . In: Staff Reports. RePEc:fip:fednsr:798.

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2016Inflation expectations and recovery in spring 1933. (2016). Rua, Gisela ; Jalil, Andrew J. In: Explorations in Economic History. RePEc:eee:exehis:v:62:y:2016:i:c:p:26-50.

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2016Forward guidance and heterogenous beliefs. (2016). Mojon, Benoit ; Mengus, Eric ; Gaballo, Gaetano ; Andrade, Philippe. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1182.

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2016Determinants and implications of low global inflation rates. (2016). del Río, Pedro ; Berganza, Juan Carlos ; Borrallo, Fructuoso ; del Rio, Pedro . In: Occasional Papers. RePEc:bde:opaper:1608.

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2016What should we include in the Fiscal Space Review?. (2016). Odor, Ludovit. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cbe:dpaper:201605.

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2016The Historical Evolution of the Wealth Distribution: A Quantitative-Theoretic Investigation. (2016). Smith, Anthony ; Krusell, Per ; Hubmer, Joachim . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23011.

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2016Public Insurance and Wealth Inequality - A Euro Area Analysis. (2016). Pham-Dao, Lien . In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change. RePEc:zbw:vfsc16:145942.

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2016Entrepreneurial skills, technological progress and firm growth. (2016). Iza, Amaia . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9469.

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2016Aggregate Consequences of Dynamic Credit Relationships. (2016). Verani, Stephane. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:4.

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2016Incomplete Markets and Aggregate Demand. (2016). Werning, Ivan . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:932.

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2016Highways, Market Access and Urban Growth in China. (2016). Turner, Matthew ; Henderson, J. Vernon ; Brandt, Loren ; Baum-Snow, Nathaniel ; Zhang, Qinghua . In: SERC Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:sercdp:0200.

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2016National Policy for Regional Development: Evidence from Appalachian Highways. (2016). Kitchens, Carl ; Jaworski, Taylor . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22073.

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2016Economic reforms and industrial policy in a panel of Chinese cities. (2016). Zilibotti, Fabrizio ; Shao, Lin ; Alder, Simon . In: Journal of Economic Growth. RePEc:kap:jecgro:v:21:y:2016:i:4:d:10.1007_s10887-016-9131-x.

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2016Quantitative Easing in a Small Open Economy: An International Portfolio Balancing Approach. (2016). Kabaca, Serdar. In: Staff Working Papers. RePEc:bca:bocawp:16-55.

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2016Exchange Rates, Interest Rates, and the Risk Premium. (2016). Engel, Charles. In: American Economic Review. RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:106:y:2016:i:2:p:436-74.

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2016Obstfeld and Rogoff׳s international macro puzzles: a quantitative assessment. (2016). Kortum, Samuel ; Eaton, Jonathan ; Neiman, Brent . In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:72:y:2016:i:c:p:5-23.

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2016Locked in by Leverage: Job Search during the Housing Crisis. (2016). Brown, Jennifer ; Matsa, David A. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22929.

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2016Wholesale Banking and Bank Runs in Macroeconomic Modelling of Financial Crises. (2016). Gertler, Mark ; Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro ; Prestipino, Andrea . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21892.

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2016Fundamentals news, global liquidity and macroprudential policy. (2016). Mendoza, Enrique ; Bianchi, Javier ; Liu, Chenxin . In: Journal of International Economics. RePEc:eee:inecon:v:99:y:2016:i:s1:p:s2-s15.

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2016International Channels of Transmission of Monetary Policy and the Mundellian Trilemma. (2016). Rey, Helene. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21852.

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2016What Are the Macroeconomic Effects of High-Frequency Uncertainty Shocks. (2016). Guérin, Pierre ; Ferrara, Laurent. In: Staff Working Papers. RePEc:bca:bocawp:16-25.

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2016Monetary Policy and Corporate Bond Returns. (2016). Kontonikas, Alexandros ; Maio, Paulo ; Zekaite, Zivile . In: Working Papers. RePEc:gla:glaewp:2016_05.

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2016The Transmission of Monetary Policy through Redistributions and Durable Purchases. (2016). Tenreyro, Silvana ; Sterk, Vincent. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ceq:wpaper:1601.

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2016The effects of us unconventional monetary policies in Latin America. (2016). Borrallo, Fructuoso ; Valles, Javier ; Hernando, Ignacio . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bde:wpaper:1606.

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2016Monetary Policy and Defaults in the US. (2016). Piffer, Michele . In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin. RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1559.

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2016The Deposits Channel of Monetary Policy. (2016). Savov, Alexi ; Schnabl, Philipp ; Drechsler, Itamar . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22152.

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2016Credit, Securitization and Monetary Policy; Watch Out for Unintended Consequences. (2016). Pescatori, Andrea ; Sole, Juan. In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:16/76.

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2016Forward Guidance and Macroeconomic Outcomes Since the Financial Crisis. (2016). Campbell, Jeffrey ; Melosi, Leonardo ; Justiniano, Alejandro ; Fisher, Jonas . In: NBER Chapters. RePEc:nbr:nberch:13764.

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2016The Financial Stability Dark Side of Monetary Policy. (2016). Venditti, Fabrizio ; Conti, Antonio ; Alessandri, Piergiorgio. In: BCAM Working Papers. RePEc:bbk:bbkcam:1601.

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2016The Global Financial Cycle, Monetary Policies and Macroprudential Regulations in Small, Open Economies. (2016). Pasricha, Gurnain ; Bauer, Gregory ; Terajima, Yaz ; Sekkel, Rodrigo . In: Staff Working Papers. RePEc:bca:bocawp:16-38.

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2016Central Bank Sentiment and Policy Expectations. (2016). Labondance, Fabien ; Hubert, Paul. In: Working Papers. RePEc:crb:wpaper:2016-07.

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2016Gaussian Mixture Approximations of Impulse Responses and the Nonlinear Effects of Monetary Shocks. (2016). Matthes, Christian ; Barnichon, Régis. In: Working Paper. RePEc:fip:fedrwp:16-08.

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2016Unconventional Monetary Policy, Fiscal Side Effects and Euro Area (Im)balances. (2016). Rieth, Malte ; Hachula, Michael ; Piffer, Michele . In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin. RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1596.

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2016Monetary Policy and Mispricing in Stock Markets. (2016). Bernoth, Kerstin ; Beckers, Benjamin . In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin. RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1605.

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2016Cross-border Spillover Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policies on Swiss Asset Prices. (2016). Bernhard, Severin ; Ebner, Till . In: Working Papers. RePEc:snb:snbwpa:2016-09.

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2016Changes in Federal Reserve preferences. (2016). Lakdawala, Aeimit. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:70:y:2016:i:c:p:124-143.

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2016Liquidity Traps and Large-Scale Financial Crises. (2016). PARENT, Antoine ; Damette, Olivier ; Castelnuovo, Efrem ; Caggiano, Giovanni. In: Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series. RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2016n32.

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2016Household Debt and Monetary Policy: Revealing the Cash-Flow Channel. (2016). Vestman, Roine ; Floden, Martin ; Sigurdsson, Josef ; Kilstrm, Matilda . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1015.

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2016The response of asset prices to monetary policy shocks: stronger than thought. (2016). Kerssenfischer, Mark ; Alessi, Lucia. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20161967.

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2016Central Bank Sentiment and Policy Expectations. (2016). Labondance, Fabien ; Hubert, Paul. In: Sciences Po publications. RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/4evh7bju58uep3gd1frcn5nr9.

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2016Central Bank Sentiment and Policy Expectations. (2016). Labondance, Fabien ; Hubert, Paul. In: Sciences Po publications. RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/7mota32nad8aopst8f7d5aebpo.

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2016Central Bank Sentiment and Policy Expectations. (2016). Labondance, Fabien ; Hubert, Paul. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01374710.

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2016Interest Rates and Equity Extraction during the Housing Boom. (2016). Keys, Benjamin ; Bhutta, Neil . In: American Economic Review. RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:106:y:2016:i:7:p:1742-74.

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2016Unexpected Loan Losses and Bank Capital in an Estimated DSGE Model of the Euro Area. (2016). Hülsewig, Oliver ; Hristov, Nikolay ; Hulsewig, Oliver . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6160.

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2016The Effect of ECB Forward Guidance on Policy Expectations. (2016). Labondance, Fabien ; Hubert, Paul. In: Working Papers. RePEc:crb:wpaper:2016-12.

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2016Central Bank sentiment and policy expectations. (2016). Labondance, Fabien ; Hubert, Paul. In: Documents de Travail de l'OFCE. RePEc:fce:doctra:1629.

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2016The effect of ECB forward guidance on policy expectations. (2016). Hubert, Paul ; Labondance, Fabien. In: Documents de Travail de l'OFCE. RePEc:fce:doctra:1630.

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2016Macroeconomic Research After the Crisis : a speech at The Elusive Great Recovery: Causes and Implications for Future Business Cycle Dynamics 60th annual economic conference sponsored by the Federal Re. (2016). Yellen, Janet L. In: Speech. RePEc:fip:fedgsq:915.

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2016The Interplay Between Financial Conditions and Monetary Policy Shocks. (2016). Benzoni, Luca ; Bassetto, Marco ; Serrao, Trevor . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:fip:fedhwp:wp-2016-11.

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2016Financial shocks and inflation dynamics. (2016). Prieto, Esteban ; Abbate, Angela ; Eickmeier, Sandra . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:bubdps:412016.

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2016Uncertainty shocks are aggregate demand shocks. (2016). Liu, Zheng ; Leduc, Sylvain. In: Journal of Monetary Economics. RePEc:eee:moneco:v:82:y:2016:i:c:p:20-35.

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2016The effect of ECB forward guidance on policy expectations. (2016). Labondance, Fabien ; Hubert, Paul. In: Sciences Po publications. RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/2g6qj1trtu8q2r79ee4jp49krd.

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2016Unsurprising shocks: information, premia, and the monetary transmission. (2016). Miranda-Agrippino, Silvia. In: Bank of England working papers. RePEc:boe:boeewp:0626.

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2016Proxy SVARs : asymptotic theory, bootstrap inference, and the effects of income tax changes in the United States. (2016). Lunsford, Kurt ; Jentsch, Carsten . In: Working Papers. RePEc:mnh:wpaper:41052.

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2016Do central banks respond timely to developments in the global economy?. (2016). Thorsrud, Leif ; Bjørnland, Hilde ; Zahiri, Sepideh K. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bny:wpaper:0048.

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2016Turnover Liquidity and the Transmission of Monetary Policy. (2016). Zhang, Shengxing ; Lagos, Ricardo. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1569.

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2016Credit Frictions and Optimal Monetary Policy. (2016). Cúrdia, Vasco ; Woodford, Michael ; Curdia, Vasco . In: Journal of Monetary Economics. RePEc:eee:moneco:v:84:y:2016:i:c:p:30-65.

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2016Global Financial Conditions and Monetary Policy Autonomy. (2016). Carrière-Swallow, Yan ; Caceres, Carlos ; Carriere-Swallow, Yan ; Gruss, Bertrand . In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:16/108.

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2016Emerging Market Corporate Leverage and Global Financial Conditions. (2016). Alter, Adrian ; Elekdag, Selim . In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:16/243.

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2016Monetary transmission mechanism with firm turnover. (2016). Uusküla, Lenno ; Uuskula, Lenno . In: Journal of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:jmacro:v:50:y:2016:i:c:p:1-18.

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2016Effectiveness of the ECB Programme of Asset Purchases: Where Do We Stand? In-Depth Analysis. (2016). Bernoth, Kerstin ; Rieth, Malte ; Piffer, Michele ; Hachula, Michael . In: DIW Berlin: Politikberatung kompakt. RePEc:diw:diwpok:pbk113.

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2016Federal Reserve Private Information and the Stock Market. (2016). Lakdawala, Aeimit ; Schaffer, Matthew . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:77608.

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2016Decomposing the Effects of Monetary Policy Using an External Instruments SVAR. (2016). Lakdawala, Aeimit. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:78254.

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2016Risk Premium Shifts and Monetary Policy: A Coordination Approach. (2016). Morris, Stephen ; Shin, Hyun Song. In: Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies Book Series. RePEc:chb:bcchsb:v24c05pp131-150.

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2016The Response of Sovereign Bond Yields to U.S. Monetary Policy. (2016). Gilchrist, Simon ; Zakrajek, Egon ; Yue, Vivian Z. In: Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies Book Series. RePEc:chb:bcchsb:v24c08pp257-283.

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2016Dynamic Factor Models, Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressions, and Structural Vector Autoregressions in Macroeconomics. (2016). Stock, J H ; Watson, M W. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-415.

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2016Dispersed Information and the Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations. (2016). Massaro, Domenico ; Grazzini, Jakob. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5957.

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2016Implementing the Zero Lower Bound in an Estimated Regime-Switching DSGE Model. (2016). Binning, Andrew. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bny:wpaper:0043.

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2016Monetary Policy According to HANK. (2016). Violante, Giovanni ; Moll, Benjamin ; Kaplan, Greg. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ceq:wpaper:1602.

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2016Le retour de l’économie keynésienne. (2016). Ragot, Xavier. In: Sciences Po publications. RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/4di9av1cud81urnl29tar56o5s.

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2016Household Leverage and the Recession. (2016). PHILIPPON, Thomas ; Midrigan, Virgiliu. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11407.

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2016Macroeconomics and Household Heterogeneity. (2016). Perri, Fabrizio ; Mitman, Kurt ; Krueger, Dirk. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22319.

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2016Optimal monetary policy with heterogeneous agents.. (2016). Thomas, Carlos ; Nuño Barrau, Galo ; Nuo, Galo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bde:wpaper:1624.

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2016Macroeconomics and Household Heterogeneity. (2016). Perri, Fabrizio ; Mitman, Kurt ; Krueger, Dirk. In: Staff Report. RePEc:fip:fedmsr:529.

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2016Buffer stock savings in a New-Keynesian business cycle model. (2016). Schoder, Christian ; Rabitsch, Katrin. In: Department of Economics Working Papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwwuw:wuwp231.

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2016Macroeconomic Fluctuations with HANK & SAM: An Analytical Approach. (2016). Sterk, Vincent ; Ravn, Morten. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cfm:wpaper:1633.

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2016Flexibility of new hires earnings in Ireland. (2016). Lydon, Reamonn ; Lozej, Matija. In: Research Technical Papers. RePEc:cbi:wpaper:06/rt/16.

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2016Piggy-Back Exporting, Intermediation, and the Distributional Gains from Trade in Agricultural Markets. (2016). Dhingra, Swati . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:712.

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2016Does firm ownership structure matter? Evidence from sugar mills in India. (2016). Sukhtankar, Sandip. In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:122:y:2016:i:c:p:46-62.

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2016The Insurance Premium in the Interest Rates of Interlinked Loans in a Small-scale Fishery. (2016). Riekhof, Marie-Catherine . In: CER-ETH Economics working paper series. RePEc:eth:wpswif:16-264.

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2016Health and skill formation in early childhood. (2016). Casaburi, Lorenzo ; Willis, Jack . In: UBSCENTER - Working Papers. RePEc:zur:uceswp:018.

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2016Diagnostic Expectations and Credit Cycles. (2016). Shleifer, Andrei ; Gennaioli, Nicola ; Bordalo, Pedro. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22266.

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2016The Effect of Population Aging on Economic Growth, the Labor Force and Productivity. (2016). Powell, David ; Mullen, Kathleen J ; Maestas, Nicole . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22452.

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2016Understanding peer effects - On the nature, estimation and channels of peer effects. (2016). Feld, Jan. In: Research Memorandum. RePEc:unm:umagsb:2016002.

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2016Understanding peer effects : on the nature, estimation and channels of peer effects. (2016). , Feld . In: ROA Research Memorandum. RePEc:unm:umaror:2016001.

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2016Opacity and Disclosure in Short-Term Wholesale Funding Markets. (2016). Kowalik, Michal. In: Risk and Policy Analysis Unit Working Paper. RePEc:fip:fedbqu:rpa16-2.

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2016Dynamic Inefficiency in Decentralized Capital Markets. (2016). Rabinovich, Stanislav ; Kurmann, André. In: School of Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:ris:drxlwp:2016_001.

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2016What determines how banks respond to changes in capital requirements?. (2016). O'Neill, Cian ; Malherbe, Frederic ; Bridges, Jonathan ; Bahaj, Saleem ; Oneill, Cian . In: Bank of England working papers. RePEc:boe:boeewp:0593.

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2016Macroeconomic shocks, bank stability and the housing market in Venezuela. (2016). Carvallo, Oscar ; Pagliacci, Carolina . In: Emerging Markets Review. RePEc:eee:ememar:v:26:y:2016:i:c:p:174-196.

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2016Bank capital (requirements) and credit supply: Evidence from pillar 2 decisions. (2016). de Jonghey, Olivier ; Ongenax, Steven ; Dewachterz, Hans . In: Working Paper Research. RePEc:nbb:reswpp:201610-303.

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2016Integrating stress tests within the Basel III capital framework: a macroprudentially coherent approach. (2016). Segura, Anatoli ; Bologna, Pierluigi . In: Questioni di Economia e Finanza (Occasional Papers). RePEc:bdi:opques:qef_360_16.

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2016Capital Requirements, Risk Taking and Welfare in a Growing Economy. (2016). Pereira da Silva, Luiz Awazu ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard ; Agenor, Pierre-Richard . In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:226.

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2016A positive analysis of bank behaviour under capital requirements. (2016). Malherbe, Frederic ; Bahaj, Saleem. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11607.

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2016COEURE Survey: Fiscal and Monetary Policies after the Crises. (2016). Corsetti, Giancarlo ; Brendon, Charles . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11088.

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2016Quantitative Models of Commercial Policy. (2016). Ossa, Ralph . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22062.

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2016Extrapolation and Bubbles. (2016). Shleifer, Andrei ; Jin, Lawrence ; Greenwood, Robin ; Barberis, Nicholas . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21944.

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2016Social Networks and Housing Markets. (2016). Stroebel, Johannes ; Strobel, Johannes ; Kuchler, Theresa ; Cao, Ruiqing ; Bailey, Michael . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5905.

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2016Restoring rational choice: The challenge of consumer financial regulation. (2016). Campbell, John. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20161897.

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2016Restoring Rational Choice: The Challenge of Consumer Financial Regulation. (2016). Campbell, John. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22025.

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2016Countercyclical capital regime revisited: Tests of robustness. (2016). Smith, Scott ; Polkovnichenko, Nataliya ; Fuller, Debra ; Bogin, Alexander ; Weiher, Jesse . In: Journal of Economics and Business. RePEc:eee:jebusi:v:84:y:2016:i:c:p:50-78.

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2016Restoring Rational Choice: The Challenge of Consumer Financial Regulation. (2016). Campbell, John. In: American Economic Review. RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:106:y:2016:i:5:p:1-30.

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2016Social Networks and Housing Markets. (2016). Stroebel, Johannes ; Bailey, Michael ; Strobel, Johannes ; Kuchler, Theresa ; Cao, Ruiqing . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11272.

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2016Social Networks and Housing Markets. (2016). Stroebel, Johannes ; Bailey, Michael ; Kuchler, Theresa ; Cao, Ruiqing . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22258.

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2016Restoring Rational Choice: The Challenge of Consumer Financial Regulation. (2016). Campbell, John. In: Scholarly Articles. RePEc:hrv:faseco:27413770.

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2016Sharing the Growth Dividend; Analysis of Inequality in Asia. (2016). Schauer, Johanna ; Kinda, Tidiane ; Jain-Chandra, Sonali ; Piao, Shi ; Kochhar, Kalpana . In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:16/48.

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2016The Impact of Taxes on Income Mobility. (2016). Alloza, Mario. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cfm:wpaper:1632.

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2016The Implications of Richer Earnings Dynamics for Consumption and Wealth. (2016). Fella, Giulio ; De Nardi, Mariacristina ; Pardo, Gonzalo Paz . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21917.

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2016A Statistical Model of Inequality. (2016). Fernholz, Ricardo. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:1601.04093.

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2016More Unequal, But More Mobile? Earnings Inequality and Mobility in OECD Countries. (2016). Hijzen, Alexander ; Garnero, Andrea ; Martin, Sebastien . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9753.

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2016Reconciling the Divergence in Aggregate U.S. Wage Series. (2016). Stewart, Jay ; Kurmann, André ; Champagne, Julien . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9754.

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2016Optimal Automatic Stabilizers. (2016). Reis, Ricardo ; McKay, Alisdair. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11337.

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2016Optimal Automatic Stabilizers. (2016). Reis, Ricardo ; McKay, Alisdair. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22359.

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2016Optimal Automatic Stabilizers. (2016). Reis, Ricardo ; McKay, Alisdair. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cfm:wpaper:1618.

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2016Optimal consumption and savings with stochastic income and recursive utility. (2016). Yang, Jinqiang ; Wang, Neng . In: Journal of Economic Theory. RePEc:eee:jetheo:v:165:y:2016:i:c:p:292-331.

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2016Recursive Contracts and Endogenously Incomplete Markets. (2016). Golosov, M ; Werquin, N ; Tsyvinski, A. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-725.

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2016Volume, Volatility and Public News Announcements. (2016). Li, Jia ; Xue, Yuan . In: CREATES Research Papers. RePEc:aah:create:2016-19.

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2016Risk Preferences and The Macro Announcement Premium. (2016). Bansal, Ravi ; Ai, Hengjie. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22527.

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2016Monetary Policy and the Stock Market: Time-Series Evidence. (2016). Weber, Michael ; Neuhierl, Andreas . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bfi:wpaper:2016-26.

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2016Monetary Policy and the Stock Market: Time-Series Evidence. (2016). Weber, Michael ; Neuhierl, Andreas . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22831.

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2016Monetary Policy and the Stock Market: Time-Series Evidence. (2016). Weber, Michael ; Neuhierl, Andreas . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6199.

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2016Fertility and HIV risk in Africa. (2016). Yao, Yao. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:vuw:vuwecf:5342.

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2016Monetary Policy, Heterogeneity and the Housing Channel. (2016). Ozkan, Serdar ; Mitman, Kurt ; Karahan, Fatih ; Hedlund, Aaron . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:663.

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2016Families in Macroeconomics. (2016). Doepke, M ; Tertilt, M. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-1789.

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2016The Great Recession in the Shadow of the Great Depression: A Review Essay on “Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, The Great Recession and the Uses and Misuses Of History”. (2016). Ohanian, Lee. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22239.

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2016Log-linear Approximation versus an Exact Solution at the ZLB in the New Keynesian Model. (2016). Singh, Sanjay ; Eggertsson, Gauti. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22784.

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2016Risk Premia at the ZLB: a macroeconomic interpretation. (2016). Ngo, Phuong ; Gourio, Francois. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1585.

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2016Etiopathology of Europes Sick Man: Worker Flows in Germany, 1959-2016. (2016). Kuhn, Moritz ; Hartung, Benjamin ; Jung, Philip . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10341.

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2016The great trade collapse and the Spanish export miracle: Firm-level evidence from the crisis. (2016). Smolka, Marcel ; Eppinger, Peter ; Sindlinger, Marc-Manuel ; Meythaler, Nicole . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:93.

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2016Investment in Productivity and the Long-Run Effect of Financial Crises on Output. (2016). De Ridder, Maarten. In: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:cam:camdae:1659.

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2016Investment in Productivity and the Long-Run Effect of Financial Crises on Output. (2016). De Ridder, Maarten. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cfm:wpaper:1630.

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2016Investment in Productivity and the Long-Run Effect of Financial Crises on Output. (2016). De Ridder, Maarten. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6243.

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2016Back to Basics: Basic Research Spillovers, Innovation Policy and Growth. (2016). Serrano-Velarde, Nicolas ; Hanley, Douglas ; Akcigit, Ufuk. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11707.

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2016Inclusive versus Exclusive Markets:. (2016). Wolthoff, Ronald ; Gautier, Pieter ; Cai, Xiaoming . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:262.

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2016Using Partially Synthetic Microdata to Protect Sensitive Cells in Business Statistics. (2016). Vilhuber, Lars ; Miranda, Javier. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cen:wpaper:16-10.

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2016Just How Important Are New Businesses?. (2016). Drautzburg, Thorsten. In: Economic Insights. RePEc:fip:fedpei:00010.

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2016A Missing Generation of Firms? Aggregate Effects of the Decline in New Business Formation. (2016). Gourio, Francois ; Siemer, Michael ; Messer, Todd . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:752.

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2016Who Works for Whom? Worker Sorting in a Model of Entrepreneurship with Heterogeneous Labor Markets. (2016). Janicki, Hubert ; Hyatt, Henry ; Dinlersoz, Emin. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9693.

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2016The role of start-ups in structural transformation. (2016). Sahin, Aysegul ; Pugsley, Benjamin ; Karahan, Fatih ; Dent, Robert C. In: Staff Reports. RePEc:fip:fednsr:762.

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2016The Shifting Job Tenure Distribution. (2016). Hyatt, Henry ; Spletzer, James R. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9776.

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2016The Role of Startups in Structural Transformation. (2016). Pugsley, Benjamin ; Karahan, Fatih ; Ahin, Ayegul ; Dent, Robert C. In: American Economic Review. RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:106:y:2016:i:5:p:219-23.

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2016Parsing financial fragmentation in the euro area: a multi-country DSGE perspective. (2016). Papadopoulou, Niki ; Jacquinot, Pascal ; DARRACQ PARIES, Matthieu. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20161891.

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2016Adding it all up: the macroeconomic impact of Basel II and outstanding reform issues. (2016). Lewrick, Ulf ; Fender, Ingo. In: BIS Working Papers. RePEc:bis:biswps:591.

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2016Financial Regulation in a Quantitative Model of the Modern Banking System. (2016). Landvoigt, Tim ; Begenau, Juliane . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1462.

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2016Wholesale Banking and Bank Runs in Macroeconomic Modeling of Financial Crises. (2016). Gertler, M ; Prestipino, A ; Kiyotaki, N. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-1345.

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2016Collateral Damage: The impact of the Russia sanctions on sanctioning countries’ exports. (2016). Hinz, Julian ; Crozet, Matthieu. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cii:cepidt:2016-16.

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2016Interest on Reserves, Interbank Lending, and Monetary Policy. (2016). Williamson, Stephen. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:428.

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2016Excess Reserves and Monetary Policy Implementation. (2016). Lester, Benjamin ; Armenter, Roc. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedpwp:16-33.

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2016The Tail that Wags the Economy: Belief-Driven Business Cycles and Persistent Stagnation. (2016). Venkateswaran, Venky ; Kozlowski, Julian ; Veldkamp, Laura. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11352.

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2016The Tail that Wags the Economy: Belief-Driven Business Cycles and Persistent Stagnation. (2016). Venkateswaran, Venky ; Kozlowski, Julian ; Veldkamp, Laura. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:245.

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2016Pseudo-wealth and Consumption Fluctuations. (2016). Stiglitz, Joseph ; Guzman, Martin. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22838.

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2016Home productivity. (2016). Bridgman, Benjamin. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:71:y:2016:i:c:p:60-76.

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2016Engines of Leisure. (2016). Bridgman, Benjamin. In: BEA Working Papers. RePEc:bea:wpaper:0137.

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2016The Great Escape? A Quantitative Evaluation of the Fed’s Liquidity Facilities. (2016). Ferrero, Andrea ; Eggertsson, Gauti ; Del Negro, Marco ; Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22259.

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2016Monetary–fiscal interactions with endogenous liquidity frictions. (2016). Cui, Wei. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:87:y:2016:i:c:p:1-25.

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2016Regional heterogeneity and monetary policy. (2016). Vavra, Joseph ; Hurst, Erik ; Fuster, Andreas ; Beraja, Martin . In: Staff Reports. RePEc:fip:fednsr:731.

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2016The Aggregate Implications of Regional Business Cycles. (2016). Ospina-Tejeiro, Juan ; Hurst, Erik ; Beraja, Martin . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21956.

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2016Social Obstacles to Technology, Technological Change, and the Economic Growth of African Countries: Some Anecdotal Evidence from Economic History. (2016). Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich. In: Turkish Economic Review. RePEc:ksp:journ2:v:3:y:2016:i:2:p:320-340.

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2016Reforming retirement age in DB and DC pension systems in an aging OLG economy with heterogenous agents. (2016). Tyrowicz, Joanna ; Makarski, Krzysztof ; Bielecki, Marcin. In: IZA Journal of Labor Policy. RePEc:spr:izalpo:v:5:y:2016:i:1:d:10.1186_s40173-016-0067-8.

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2016The inequality channel of monetary transmission. (2016). Areosa, Waldyr. In: Journal of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:jmacro:v:48:y:2016:i:c:p:214-230.

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2016A Drought-Induced African Slave Trade?. (2016). Boxell, Levi. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:69853.

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2016Weather Shocks, Age of Marriage and the Direction of Marriage Payments. (2016). Corno, Lucia ; Voena, Alessandra ; Hildebrandt, Nicole . In: DISCE - Working Papers del Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza. RePEc:ctc:serie1:def040.

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2016Risk, Selection and Productivity Differences. (2016). Cai, Wenbiao. In: Departmental Working Papers. RePEc:win:winwop:2016-02.

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2016Lack of confidence, the zero lower bound, and the virtue of fiscal rules. (2016). Schmidt, Sebastian. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:70:y:2016:i:c:p:36-53.

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2016Review of Making Money: Coin, Currency, and the Coming of Capitalism by Christine Desan. (2016). Roberds, William. In: Journal of Economic Literature. RePEc:aea:jeclit:v:54:y:2016:i:3:p:906-21.

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2016The (Self-)Funding of Intangibles. (2016). Perotti, Enrico ; Döttling, Robin ; Dottling, Robin ; Ladika, Tomislav . In: Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers. RePEc:tin:wpaper:20160093.

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2016Flexible investment under uncertainty in smart distribution networks with demand side response: Assessment framework and practical implementation. (2016). Shaw, Rita ; Mancarella, Pierluigi ; Schachter, Jonathan A ; Moriarty, John . In: Energy Policy. RePEc:eee:enepol:v:97:y:2016:i:c:p:439-449.

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2016The slow job recovery in a macro model of search and recruiting intensity. (2016). Liu, Zheng ; Leduc, Sylvain. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:fip:fedfwp:2016-09.

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2016Business Cycle Asymmetries and the Labor Market. (2016). Merkl, Christian ; Kohlbrecher, Britta . In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change. RePEc:zbw:vfsc16:145704.

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2016Nonlinearities, Smoothing and Countercyclical Monetary Policy. (2016). Owyang, Michael ; Jackson Young, Laura ; Soques, Daniel . In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedlwp:2016-008.

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2016Asymmetric Effects of Exogenous Tax Changes. (2016). Hussain, Syed ; Malik, Samreen . In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:69:y:2016:i:c:p:268-300.

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2016Price-Setting in Mexico and the Real Effects of Monetary Shocks. (2016). Federico, Kochen . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bdm:wpaper:2016-21.

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2016Default, Mortgage Standards and Housing Liquidity. (2016). Head, Allen ; Sun, Hongfei ; Zhou, Chenggang . In: Working Papers. RePEc:qed:wpaper:1359.

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2016Illiquidity and its discontents: Trading delays and foreclosures in the housing market. (2016). Hedlund, Aaron . In: Journal of Monetary Economics. RePEc:eee:moneco:v:83:y:2016:i:c:p:1-13.

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2016Endogenous Labor Share Cycles: Theory and Evidence. (2016). Mućk, Jakub ; McAdam, Peter ; Growiec, Jakub. In: Working Papers. RePEc:sgh:kaewps:2016015.

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2016Aggregate Hiring and the Value of Jobs Along the Business Cycle. (2016). Yashiv, Eran. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cfm:wpaper:1637.

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2016Volatility Co-movement and the Great Moderation. An Empirical Analysis. (2016). Theodoridis, Konstantinos ; mumtaz, haroon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:qmw:qmwecw:wp804.

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2016The Great Recession and Financial Shocks. (2016). Ríos-Rull, José-Víctor ; Huo, Zhen . In: Economic Policy Paper. RePEc:fip:fedmep:16-3.

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2016The evolution of wealth inequality over half a century: The role of taxes, transfers and technology. (2016). Poschke, Markus ; Kaymak, Baris. In: Journal of Monetary Economics. RePEc:eee:moneco:v:77:y:2016:i:c:p:1-25.

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2016The Burden of Unanticipated Fiscal Policy. (2016). Scharrer, Christian ; Heer, Burkhard. In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change. RePEc:zbw:vfsc16:145542.

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2016False Advertising. (2016). Rhodes, Andrew ; Wilson, Chris M. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:72693.

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2016A Simpler Theory of Optimal Capital Taxation. (2016). Stantcheva, Stefanie ; Saez, Emmanuel. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22664.

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2016Nonlinear Tax Incidence and Optimal Taxation in General Equilibrium. (2016). Werquin, Nicolas ; Tsyvinski, Aleh ; Sachs, Dominik . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22646.

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2016Nonlinear Tax Incidence and Optimal Taxation in General Equilibrium. (2016). Tsyvinski, Aleh ; Sachs, Dominik ; Werquin, Nicolas . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11497.

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2016A Theory of Asset Prices Based on Heterogeneous Information. (2016). Sachs, Dominik ; Werquin, Nicolas ; Tsyvinski, Aleh . In: Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers. RePEc:cwl:cwldpp:2051.

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2016Optimal Financial Aid Policies for Students. (2016). Findeisen, Sebastian ; Sachs, Dominik . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1421.

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2016Optimal Taxation and R&D Policies. (2016). Stantcheva, Stefanie ; Hanley, Douglas ; Akcigit, Ufuk. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11682.

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2016Optimal Nonlinear Taxation: The Dual Approach. (2016). Gerritsen, Aart . In: Working Papers. RePEc:mpi:wpaper:tax-mpg-rps-2016-02.

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2016Optimal Taxation and R&D Policies. (2016). Stantcheva, Stefanie ; Hanley, Douglas ; Akcigit, Ufuk. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22908.

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2016Optimal Taxation and R&D Policies. (2016). Stantcheva, Stefanie ; Hanley, Douglas ; Akcigit, Ufuk. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hka:wpaper:2016-031.

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2016Nonlinear Tax Incidence and Optimal Taxation in General Equilibrium. (2016). Tsyvinski, Aleh ; Werquin, Nicolas ; Sachs, Dominik . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6089.

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2016Debt Relief or Debt Restructuring? Evidence from an Experiment with Distressed Credit Card Borrowers. (2016). Song, Jae ; Dobbie, Will . In: Working Papers. RePEc:pri:indrel:599.

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2016Mortgages and Monetary Policy. (2016). Sustek, Roman ; Kydland, Finn ; Garriga, Carlos. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedlwp:2015-033.

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2016Cost of funds indexed mortgage contracts with government-backed catastrophic insurance (COFI-Cats): A realistic alternative to the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage?. (2016). Passmore, Wayne ; Hancock, Diana. In: Journal of Economics and Business. RePEc:eee:jebusi:v:84:y:2016:i:c:p:109-130.

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2016The dynamics of subprime adjustable-rate mortgage default: a structural estimation. (2016). Fang, Hanming ; Kim, You Suk ; Li, Wenli. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedpwp:16-2.

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2016Sooner or Later: Timing of Monetary Policy with Heterogeneous Risk-Taking. (2016). Eisenbach, Thomas ; Choi, Dong Beom ; Yorulmazer, Tanju . In: American Economic Review. RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:106:y:2016:i:5:p:490-95.

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2016Fed Liftoff and Subprime Loan Interest Rates: Evidence from the Peer-to-Peer Lending Market. (2016). Zhang, Xin ; Hull, Isaiah ; Bertsch, Christoph. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:hhs:rbnkwp:0319.

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2016Stocks or flows? New thinking about monetary transmission through the lending channel. (2016). Burke, Javier Villar . In: Working Papers. RePEc:inf:wpaper:2016.04.

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2016How Quantitative Easing Works: Evidence on the Refinancing Channel. (2016). Di Maggio, Marco ; Dimaggio, Marco ; Kermani, Amir ; Palmer, Christopher . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22638.

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2016Accelerator or Brake? Cash for Clunkers, Household Liquidity, and Aggregate Demand. (2016). Parker, Jonathan ; Melzer, Brian ; Green, Daniel ; Rojas, Arcenis . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22878.

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2016Exchange Rate Exposure and Firm Dynamics. (2016). Varela, Liliana ; Salomao, Juliana . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hou:wpaper:2016-278-05.

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2016INFORMATION SPILLOVERS, GAINS FROM TRADE, AND INTERVENTIONS IN FROZEN MARKETS. (2016). Lester, Benjamin ; Camargo, Braz ; Kim, Kyungmin . In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedpwp:16-28.

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2016How Does Nondurable Consumption Respond To Transitory Income Shocks? Reconciling Natural Experiments and Structural Estimations. (2016). Commault, Jeanne . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01328904.

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2016Skewed Business Cycles. (2016). Guvenen, Fatih ; bloom, nicholas ; Salgado, Sergio . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1621.

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2016Credit-Market Sentiment and the Business Cycle. (2016). Zakrajsek, Egon ; Stein, Jeremy ; Lopez-Salido, David ; Zakrajek, Egon . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21879.

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2016Bank capital structure and the credit channel of central bank asset purchases. (2016). Kok, Christoffer ; Halaj, Grzegorz ; DARRACQ PARIES, Matthieu ; Haaj, Grzegorz . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20161916.

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2016Migration and Urbanisation in Post-Apartheid South Africa. (2016). Rauch, Ferdinand ; Parsons, Christopher ; Bakker, Jan David . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10113.

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2016Does medieval trade still matter? Historical trade centers, agglomeration and contemporary economic development. (2016). Wahl, Fabian. In: Regional Science and Urban Economics. RePEc:eee:regeco:v:60:y:2016:i:c:p:50-60.

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2016Migration and urbanisation in Post-Apartheid South Africa. (2016). Rauch, Ferdinand ; Parsons, Christopher. In: Economics Series Working Papers. RePEc:oxf:wpaper:800.

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2016How England Unified Germany: Geography and the Rise of Prussia After 1815. (2016). Huning, Thilo R ; Wolf, Nikolaus . In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change. RePEc:zbw:vfsc16:145725.

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2016Forward Guidance without Common Knowledge. (2016). Angeletos, George-Marios ; Lian, Chen . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22785.

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2016Monetary Policy and Efficiency in Over-the-Counter Financial Trade. (2016). Jung, Kuk Mo ; Mo, Jung Kuk ; Athanasios, Geromichalos . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:71455.

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2016Monetary mechanisms. (2016). Wright, Randall. In: Journal of Economic Theory. RePEc:eee:jetheo:v:163:y:2016:i:c:p:644-657.

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2016Financial Crises and the Role of Debt Maturity for Emerging Economies. (2016). Shen, Hewei. In: Caepr Working Papers. RePEc:inu:caeprp:2017012.

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2016The Impact of Contract Enforcement Costs on Outsourcing and Aggregate Productivity. (2016). Boehm, Johannes. In: Sciences Po publications. RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/185h5h2nvv9lqr7nmeddt9uu5l.

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2016Induced uncertainty, market price of risk, and the dynamics of consumption and wealth. (2016). Young, Eric ; Luo, Yulei. In: Journal of Economic Theory. RePEc:eee:jetheo:v:163:y:2016:i:c:p:1-41.

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2016The Building Up of New Imbalances in China: The Dilemma with ‘Rebalancing’. (2016). Dr, Prof . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:71494.

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2016The pre-Great Recession slowdown in productivity. (2016). Mojon, Benoit ; Fernald, John ; Cette, Gilbert. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:88:y:2016:i:c:p:3-20.

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2016Capital Surges and Credit Booms: How Tight is the Relationship?. (2016). Richey, Greg M ; Amri, Puspa D ; Willett, Thomas D. In: Open Economies Review. RePEc:kap:openec:v:27:y:2016:i:4:d:10.1007_s11079-016-9398-8.

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2016The Pre-Great Recession Slowdown in Productivity.. (2016). Mojon, Benoit ; Fernald, John ; Cette, Gilbert. In: Working papers. RePEc:bfr:banfra:586.

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2016Handelseffekte von Grenzkontrollen. (2016). Steinwachs, Thomas ; Groschl, Jasmin ; Felbermayr, Gabriel . In: ifo Forschungsberichte. RePEc:ces:ifofob:73.

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2016Handelseffekte von Grenzkontrollen. (2016). Steinwachs, Thomas ; Groeschl, Jasmin ; Felbermayr, Gabriel ; Groschl, Jasmin . In: ifo Schnelldienst. RePEc:ces:ifosdt:v:69:y:2016:i:05:p:18-27.

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2016Rational Inattention to News: The Perils of Forward Guidance. (2016). Gaballo, Gaetano. In: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. RePEc:aea:aejmac:v:8:y:2016:i:1:p:42-97.

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2016Observing and shaping the market: the dilemma of central banks. (2016). Cornand, Camille ; Baeriswyl, Romain ; Ziliotto, Bruno . In: Working Papers. RePEc:gat:wpaper:1623.

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2016Observing and shaping the market: the dilemma of central banks. (2016). Cornand, Camille ; Baeriswyl, Romain ; Ziliotto, Bruno . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-01340635.

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2016International Business Cycles and Risk Sharing with Uncertainty Shocks and Recursive Preferences. (2016). Kollmann, Robert. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:70183.

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2016International Business Cycles and Risk Sharing with Uncertainty Shocks and Recursive Preferences. (2016). Kollmann, Robert. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/228794.

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2016The Dynamics of Capital Flow Episodes. (2016). Guérin, Pierre ; Friedrich, Christian ; Guerin, Pierre . In: Staff Working Papers. RePEc:bca:bocawp:16-9.

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2016The Risky Capital of Emerging Markets. (2016). Simonovska, Ina ; Henriksen, Espen ; David, Joel. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:125.

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2016Volatility Risk Pass-Through. (2016). Liu, Yang ; Colacito, Ric ; Shaliastovich, Ivan ; Croce, Mariano . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:135.

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2016Currency Risk Factors in a Recursive Multi-Country Economy. (2016). Gavazzoni, Federico ; Croce, Mariano ; Ready, Robert ; Colacito, Riccardo . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:297.

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2016Risk Sharing, the Exchange Rate and Net Foreign Assets in a World Economy with Uncertainty Shocks. (2016). Kollmann, Robert. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:721.

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2016International business cycles and risk sharing with uncertainty shocks and recursive preferences. (2016). Kollmann, Robert. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:72:y:2016:i:c:p:115-124.

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2016Importing, exporting, and firm-level employment volatility. (2016). Senses, Mine ; Kurz, Christopher. In: Journal of International Economics. RePEc:eee:inecon:v:98:y:2016:i:c:p:160-175.

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2016Heterogeneous Firms and the Micro Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations. (2016). Magerman, Glenn ; Dhyne, Emmanuel ; van Hove, Jan ; de Bruyne, Karolien . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/239575.

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2016The Micro Origins of International Business Cycle Comovement. (2016). Mejean, Isabelle ; Levchenko, Andrei ; di Giovanni, Julian. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11036.

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2016The Micro Origins of International Business Cycle Comovement. (2016). Mejean, Isabelle ; Levchenko, Andrei ; di Giovanni, Julian. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21885.

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2016Financial Frictions in Production Networks. (2016). Bigio, Saki ; Lao, Jennifer . In: Working Papers. RePEc:apc:wpaper:2016-067.

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2016Financial Frictions in Production Networks. (2016). Bigio, Saki ; Lao, Jennifer . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22212.

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2016The Political Economy of Services Trade Agreements. (2016). Fiorini, Matteo ; Lebrand, Mathilde . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5927.

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2016Trade and Interdependence in International Networks. (2016). de Soyres, Francois . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:157.

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2016Multinational Firms and International Business Cycle Transmission. (2016). Levchenko, Andrei ; Cravino, Javier. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22498.

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2016Networks and the Macroeconomy: An Empirical Exploration. (2016). Kerr, William ; Akcigit, Ufuk ; Acemoglu, Daron. In: NBER Macroeconomics Annual. RePEc:ucp:macann:doi:10.1086/685961.

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2016Behavioral Macroeconomics Via Sparse Dynamic Programming. (2016). Gabaix, Xavier. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21848.

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2016Financial Crisis Interventions. (2016). Schroth, Josef. In: Staff Working Papers. RePEc:bca:bocawp:16-29.

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2016The New Keynesian Transmission Mechanism: A Heterogenous-Agent Perspective. (2016). Hansen, Niels-Jakob ; Broer, Tobias ; Oberg, Erik ; Krusell, Per . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11382.

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2016Forward Misguidance. (2016). Paciello, Luigi ; Michelacci, Claudio . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:617.

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2016Durable Expenditure Dynamics under Time-Varying Income Risk. (2016). Berg, Erik ; Harmenberg, Karl . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:672.

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2016The New Keynesian Transmission Mechanism: A Heterogenous-Agent Perspective. (2016). Krusell, Per ; Broer, Tobias ; Oberg, Erik ; Hansen, Niels-Jakob H. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22418.

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2016Housing and the Redistributive Effects of Monetary Policy. (2016). Hergovich, Philipp ; Reiter, Michael . In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:1324.

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2016Macroeconomic Fluctuations with HANK & SAM: An Analytical Approach. (2016). Ravn, Morten ; Sterk, Vincent. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11696.

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2016The Research Agenda: Jeremy Lise on Heterogeneity and dynamics in the labor market and within the household. (2016). Lise, Jeremy. In: EconomicDynamics Newsletter. RePEc:red:ecodyn:v:17:y:2016:i:1:agenda.

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2016Imperfect knowledge, liquidity and bubbles. (2016). Branch, William. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:62:y:2016:i:c:p:17-42.

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2016Education, HIV Status and Risky Sexual Behavior: How Much Does the Stage of the HIV Epidemic Matter ?. (2016). Santaeulalia-Llopis, Raul ; Ioro, Daniela Santaeulalia-Llopis . In: Economics Working Papers. RePEc:eui:euiwps:eco2016/09.

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2016Unsurprising Shocks: Information, Premia, and the Monetary Transmission. (2016). Miranda-Agrippino, Silvia. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cfm:wpaper:1613.

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2016The Impact of Demand Shocks on Firm-Level Offshoring Behavior: Theory and Evidence. (2016). Shao, Yuchen ; Tan, Yong . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:68728.

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2016Local and Sectoral Import Spillovers in Sweden. (2016). Pateli, Evangelia Leda . In: CEP Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:cepdps:dp1437.

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2016Local and sectoral import spillovers in Sweden. (2016). Pateli, Evangelia Leda . In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:67672.

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2016How do policies influence GDP tail risks?. (2016). Röhn, Oliver ; Sanchez, Aida Caldera ; Rohn, Oliver . In: OECD Economics Department Working Papers. RePEc:oec:ecoaaa:1339-en.

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2016Just Starting Out: Learning and Equilibrium in a New Market. (2016). Pakes, Ariel ; Lewis, Gregory ; Doraszelski, Ulrich . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21996.

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2016Macroeconomics of Persistent Slumps. (2016). Hall, Robert E. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22230.

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2016Macroeconomics of Persistent Slumps. (2016). Hall, R E. In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:macchp:v2-2131.

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2016Does inequality cause financial distress? Evidence from lottery winners and neighboring bankruptcies. (2016). Agarwal, Sumit ; Scholnick, Barry ; Mikhed, Vyacheslav . In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedpwp:16-4.

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2016International Comparative Household Finance. (2016). Ramadorai, Tarun ; Campbell, John ; Badarinza, Cristian . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22066.

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2016International Comparative Household Finance. (2016). Ramadorai, Tarun ; Campbell, John ; Badarinza, Cristian . In: Scholarly Articles. RePEc:hrv:faseco:27535132.

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2016Approximating time varying structural models with time invariant structures. (2016). Matthes, Christian ; ferroni, filippo ; Canova, Fabio. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bny:wpaper:0041.

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2016Automatic stabilizers—the intersection of labour market and fiscal policies. (2016). Andersen, Torben M. In: IZA Journal of European Labor Studies. RePEc:spr:izaels:v:5:y:2016:i:1:d:10.1186_s40174-016-0061-6.

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2016The Burden of Unanticipated Government Spending. (2016). Scharrer, Christian ; Heer, Burkhard. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5876.

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2016Intertemporal discrete choice. (2016). Pennesi, Daniele. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bol:bodewp:wp1061.

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2016Rational Inattention Dynamics: Inertia and Delay in Decision-Making. (2016). Stewart, Colin ; Steiner, Jakub ; Matejka, Filip. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tor:tecipa:tecipa-559.

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2016The Rational Inattention Filter. (2016). Maćkowiak, Bartosz ; Matejka, Filip ; Wiederholt, Mirko ; MacKowiak, Bartosz Adam . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11237.

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2016Deep Recessions and Slow Recoveries. (2016). Nolan, Charles ; Kirsanova, Tatiana ; Deh, Maryam Shafiei . In: Working Papers. RePEc:gla:glaewp:2016_11.

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2016Money and Capital in a Persistent Liquidity Trap. (2016). Kalantzis, Yannick ; Benhima, Kenza ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Cahiers de Recherches Economiques du Département d'Econométrie et d'Economie politique (DEEP). RePEc:lau:crdeep:16.12.

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2016Money and Capital in a Persistent Liquidity Trap. (2016). Kalantzis, Yannick ; Benhima, Kenza ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11369.

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2016Raising an inflation target: The Japanese experience with Abenomics. (2016). Iacoviello, Matteo ; De Michelis, Andrea . In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:88:y:2016:i:c:p:67-87.

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2016Explaining Income Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility: The Role of Fertility and Family Transfers. (2016). Kozlowski, Julian ; Daruich, Diego. In: 2016 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed016:665.

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2016The effect of endogenous human capital accumulation on optimal taxation. (2016). Peterman, William. In: Review of Economic Dynamics. RePEc:red:issued:14-205.

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2016Taxation, Pensions, and Demographic Change. (2016). Woodland, A. In: Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging. RePEc:eee:hapoch:v1_713.

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2015The Great Trade Collapse and the Spanish Export Miracle: Firm-level Evidence from the Crisis. (2015). Smolka, Marcel ; Eppinger, Peter ; Sindlinger, Marc-Manuel ; Meythaler, Nnicole . In: Economics Working Papers. RePEc:aah:aarhec:2015-10.

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2015Banking, Liquidity, and Bank Runs in an Infinite Horizon Economy. (2015). Gertler, Mark ; Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro . In: American Economic Review. RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:105:y:2015:i:7:p:2011-43.

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2015Optimal Mirrleesean Taxation in a Ben-Porath Economy. (2015). Kapicka, Marek ; Kapika, Marek . In: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. RePEc:aea:aejmac:v:7:y:2015:i:2:p:219-48.

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2015Putting Distribution Back at the Center of Economics: Reflections on Capital in the Twenty-First Century. (2015). Piketty, Thomas. In: Journal of Economic Perspectives. RePEc:aea:jecper:v:29:y:2015:i:1:p:67-88.

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2015Taming the Basel Leverage Cycle. (2015). Aymanns, Christoph ; Vincent, ; Farmer, Doyne J ; Caccioli, Fabio. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:1507.04136.

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2015Key sectors in economic development: a perspective from input-output linkages and cross-sector misallocation. (2015). Leal Ordóñez, Julio ; Julio, Leal-Ordoez . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bdm:wpaper:2015-23.

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2015Entry barriers to international trade: product versus firm fixed costs.. (2015). Steingress, Walter. In: Working papers. RePEc:bfr:banfra:544.

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2015Forward Guidance and Heterogeneous Beliefs.. (2015). Mojon, Benoit ; Mengus, Eric ; Gaballo, Gaetano ; Andrade, Philippe. In: Working papers. RePEc:bfr:banfra:573.

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2015Managers and Productivity Differences. (2015). Parkhomenko, Andrii ; Guner, Nezih ; Ventura, Gustavo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bge:wpaper:861.

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2015The Interaction between Household and Firm Dynamics and the Amplification of Financial Shocks. (2015). Caggese, Andrea ; Orive, Ander Perez . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bge:wpaper:866.

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2015Deciphering the Fall and Rise in the Net Capital Share. (2015). Rognlie, Matthew . In: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:46:y:2015:i:2015-01:p:1-69.

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2015Deciphering the Fall and Rise in the Net Capital Share. (2015). Rognlie, Matthew . In: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:50:y:2015:i:2015-01:p:1-69.

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2015Inflation, currency depreciation and households balance sheet in Uruguay. (2015). Odriozola, Juan ; Lluberas, Rodrigo. In: Documentos de trabajo. RePEc:bku:doctra:2015009.

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2015Windfall of Low Interest Payments and Fiscal Sustainability in the Euro Area: Analysis through Panel Fiscal Reaction Functions. (2015). Trzeciakowski, Rafał ; Rzońca, Andrzej ; Ciżkowicz, Piotr ; Rzoca, Andrzej ; Cikowicz, Piotr . In: Kyklos. RePEc:bla:kyklos:v:68:y:2015:i:4:p:475-510.

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2015Do inflation expectations currently pose a risk to inflation?. (2015). Roberts-Sklar, Matt ; Jackson, Christopher ; Domit, Silvia . In: Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin. RePEc:boe:qbullt:0174.

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2015Long Run Expectations, Learning and the U.S. Housing Market. (2015). Tortorice, Daniel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:brd:wpaper:85.

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2015YOLO: Mortality Beliefs and Household Finance Puzzles. (2015). Heimer, Rawley Z ; Schoenle, Raphael S ; Ove, Kristian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:brd:wpaper:97.

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2015Who benefits from state corporate tax cuts? A local labour markets approach with heterogeneous firms. (2015). Zidar, Owen ; Suárez Serrato, Juan Carlos ; Juan Carlos Suarez Serrato, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:btx:wpaper:1502.

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2015Who Works for Whom? Worker Sorting in a Model of Entrepreneurship with Heterogeneous Labor Markets. (2015). Janicki, Hubert ; Hyatt, Henry ; Dinlersoz, Emin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cen:wpaper:15-08r.

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2015The Promise and Potential of Linked Employer-Employee Data for Entrepreneurship Research. (2015). Hyatt, Henry ; Goetz, Christopher ; Sandusky, Kristin ; McEntarfer, Erika . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cen:wpaper:15-29.

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2015Relational Contracts and Supplier Turnover in the Global Economy. (2015). Suedekum, Jens ; Fischer, Christian ; Defever, Fabrice. In: CEP Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:cepdps:dp1375.

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2015The Persistence of a Banking Crisis. (2015). Huber, Kilian. In: CEP Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:cepdps:dp1389.

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2015Flooded Cities. (2015). Rauch, Ferdinand ; Michaels, Guy ; Kocornik-Mina, Adriana . In: CEP Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:cepdps:dp1398.

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2015A Theory of Income Taxation under Multidimensional Skill Heterogeneity. (2015). Scheuer, Florian ; Rothschild, Casey. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5165.

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2015Redistribution and Insurance with Simple Tax Instruments. (2015). Findeisen, Sebastian ; Sachs, Dominik . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5400.

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2015Designing Efficient College and Tax Policies. (2015). Findeisen, Sebastian ; Sachs, Dominik . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5435.

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2015Do Banks Pass Through Credit Expansions? The Marginal Profitability of Consumer Lending During the Great Recession. (2015). Stroebel, Johannes ; Agarwal, Sumit ; Mahoney, Neale ; Chomsisengphet, Souphala . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5521.

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2015The Efficiency Costs of Dividend Taxation with Managerial Firms. (2015). Stimmelmayr, Michael ; Koethenbuerger, Marko ; Kothenburger, Marko . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5569.

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2015High and Low Activity Spells in Housing Markets. (2015). Smith, Eric. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5601.

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2015A Positive Theory of Tax Reform. (2015). Ilzetzki, Ethan. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cfm:wpaper:1526.

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2015The Impact of Contract Enforcement Costs on Outsourcing and Aggregate Productivity. (2015). Boehm, Johannes. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cfm:wpaper:1528.

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2015The Persistence of a Banking Crisis. (2015). Huber, Kilian. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cfm:wpaper:1532.

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2015Factor augmented autoregressive distributed lag models with macroeconomic applications. (2015). Stevanovic, Dalibor. In: CIRANO Working Papers. RePEc:cir:cirwor:2015s-33.

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2015Credit Supply and the Housing Boom. (2015). Tambalotti, Andrea ; Primiceri, Giorgio ; Justiniano, Alejandro. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10358.

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2015Optimal capital requirements over the business and financial cycles. (2015). Malherbe, Frederic. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10387.

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2015Demand learning and firm dynamics: evidence from exporters. (2015). Vicard, Vincent ; Rebeyrol, Vincent ; Berman, Nicolas. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10517.

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2015Stimulus versus Austerity: The Asymmetric Government Spending Multiplier. (2015). Matthes, Christian ; Barnichon, Régis. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10584.

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2015Market Structure and Exchange Rate Pass-Through. (2015). Schoenle, Raphael ; Auer, Raphael. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10585.

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2015Redistribution and Insurance with Simple Tax Instruments. (2015). Findeisen, Sebastian ; Sachs, Dominik . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10668.

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2015Relational Contracts and Supplier Turnover in the Global Economy. (2015). Suedekum, Jens ; Fischer, Christian ; Defever, Fabrice ; Sudekum, Jens . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10784.

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2015Approximating time varying structural models with time invariant structures. (2015). Matthes, Christian ; ferroni, filippo ; Canova, Fabio . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10803.

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2015Unemployment (Fears) and Deflationary Spirals. (2015). Rendahl, Pontus ; den Haan, Wouter ; Riegler, Markus . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10814.

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2015Do Banks Pass Through Credit Expansions? The Marginal Profitability of Consumer Lending During the Great Recession. (2015). Stroebel, Johannes ; Agarwal, Sumit ; Strobel, Johannes ; Mahoney, Neale ; Chomsisengphet, Souphala . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10839.

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2015Inter- and intra-firm linkages: Evidence from microgeographic location patterns. (2015). Behrens, Kristian ; Sharunova, Vera . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10921.

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2015A Positive Theory of Tax Reform. (2015). Ilzetzki, Ethan. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10922.

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2015Firm and Market Response to Saving Constraints: Evidence from the Kenyan Dairy Industry. (2015). macchiavello, rocco ; Casaburi, Lorenzo . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10952.

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2015Optimal Dynamic Contracting: the First-Order Approach and Beyond. (2015). Battaglini, Marco ; Lamba, Rohit . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10956.

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2015Managers and Productivity Differences. (2015). Parkhomenko, Andrii ; Guner, Nezih ; Ventura, Gustavo . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11012.

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2015Deleveraging, deflation and depreciation in the euro area. (2015). Müller, Gernot ; Kuvshinov, Dmitry ; Wolf, Martin . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11015.

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2015Monetary Policy when Households have Debt: New Evidence on the Transmission Mechanism. (2015). Surico, Paolo ; Cloyne, James ; Ferreira, Clodomiro . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11023.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1st 2017. Contact: CitEc Team