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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
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1980 0 2 2 0 0
1981 0 177 179 0 4 0 1 4
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
11981On the Power of Macroeconomic Linkages to Explain Events in U.S. Agriculture. (1981). Gardner, Bruce. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279254.

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21981AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS IN AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE. (1981). Boulding, Kenneth E. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279250.

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31981INTERRELATIONSHIPS BEN= MONETARY INSTRUMENTS AND AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY TRADE. (1981). Chambers, Robert G. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279318.

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41981A Comparison of the Rank and Salary of Male and Female Agricultural Economists. (1981). Lee, Linda K. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279252.

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51981THE WOMEN WHO BECOME AGRICULTURAL ECONOMISTS. (1981). Redman, Barbara J. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279403.

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61981OPTIMAL GROUNDWATER MINING IN THE OGALLALA AQUIFER: ESTIMATION OF ECONOMIC LOSSES AND EXCESSIVE DEPLETION DUE TO COMMONALITY. (1981). Heady, Earl O ; Short, Cameron ; Lee, Kun C. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279261.

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71981Evidence on Barriers to the Parallel Advancement of Male and Female Agricultural Economists. (1981). Lane, Sylvia. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279256.

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81981AN ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF RESEARCH AND EXTENSION INVESTMENTS IN CORN, WHEAT, SOYBEANS, AND SORGHUM. (1981). , Joseph ; Otto, Daniel M. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279245.

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91981IMPACTS ON AGRICULTURE OF DEREGULATING THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM. (1981). Johnson, Marc A. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279412.

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101981Marketing Slaughter Hogs by Remote-Access Computerized Auction: Theory and Empirical Results. (1981). Baldwin, Dean E ; Henderson, Dennis R. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279414.

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111981THE CONDUCT OF THE SURVEY ON THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR AND STATUS OF WOMEN IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. (1981). Clauson, Annette L ; Lundeen, Ardelle A. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279402.

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121981ECONOMICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK*. (1981). Schuh, Edward G. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279342.

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131981THE FEEDBACK EFFECTS OF HIGHER OIL PRICES ON PRODUCTION OF BIOMASS ALCOHOLS AND SYNFUELS. (1981). Hoff, John D. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279388.

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141981Government and Agriculture Revisited: A Review of Two Decades of Change. (1981). Hathaway, Dale E. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279249.

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151981Diverging Interests in Soil Conservation a d Water Quality: Society vs. the Farmer. (1981). Crosson, Pierre. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279523.

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161981IRRIGATION SCHEDULING IN THE OKLAHOMA PANHANDLE USING STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE THEORY. (1981). , Harry ; Harris, Thomas R. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279304.

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171981The Hog Cycle Revisited. (1981). Spreen, Thomas ; Shonkwiler, J. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279384.

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181981EXTENSION PROGRAM DELIVERY-PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE : AN OVERVIEW. (1981). Armbruster, Walter J ; Hildreth, R J. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279260.

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191981Interrelationship Among Export Markets, Resource Conservation and Agricultural Productivity. (1981). Short, Cameron ; Heady, Earl O. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279417.

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201981GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION AND FOOD PRICE INFLATION. (1981). freebairn, john ; de Gorter, Harry ; DeGorter, Harry ; Rausser, Gordon C. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279333.

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211981COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE. (1981). Langham, Max R ; McPherson, W W. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279284.

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221981THE INFLUENCE OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS ON THE LONG-RUN SOCIAL RETURNS TO SOIL CONSERVATION. (1981). Taylor, Daniel ; Holland, David ; Young, Douglas. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279429.

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231981HEDGING PORK PRODUCTS USING LIVE HOG FUTURES: A FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS. (1981). Dipietre, Dennis D ; Hayenga, Marvin L. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279413.

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241981RESEARCH AND THE FAMILY FARM: IMPLICATIONS FOR AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS RESEARCH. (1981). Day, Lee M. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279246.

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251981The Impact of Diversification. on Farm-Risk. (1981). Schurle, Bryan ; Zenger, Sheldon. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279456.

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261981Market Implications of Soybean Oil Use As a Diesel Fuel Substitute. (1981). Meyers, William H ; Levins, Richard A. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279400.

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271981FUNDING FOR AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS: Needs and Strategies for the 1980s. (1981). Farrell, Kenneth R ; Stanton, Bernard F. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279251.

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281981The Impact of the Farmer-Owned Reserve on Market Structure: The Case of Wheat. (1981). Bredahl, Maury E ; Womack, Abner W ; Meyers, William H. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279411.

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291981HOW FARMERS VIEW AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD POLICY ISSUES. (1981). Guither, Harold D. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279337.

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301981DEMAND ELASTICITIES AND CROSS ELASTICITIES FOR DIESEL FUEL--CROP PRODUCERS. (1981). Kliebenstein, James B ; McCamley, Francis P. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279240.

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311981Agricultural Prices in the 1970s and the Quantity Theory of Money. (1981). Bessler, David ; Barnett, Richard ; Thompson, Robert L. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279398.

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321981CHANGING DELIVERY SYSTEMS FOR AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION THE EXTENSION TEACHER - CHANGING ROLES AND COMPETENCIES. (1981). Brown, Tom. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279259.

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331981MOTIVATING ADOPTION OF BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: IMPLICATIONS FOR COST EFFECTIVENESS. (1981). Matulich, Scott C ; Killingsworth, Donald G. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279292.

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341981FOOD AID DISINCENTIVES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: SOME RECONSIDERATIONS IN LIGHT OF THE TUNISIAN EXPERIENCE. (1981). Deaton, Brady J ; Bezuneh, Mesfin . In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279382.

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351981Estimation of Demand for Truck-Barge Transportation of Pacific Northwest Wheat. (1981). Mittelhammer, Ron ; Rogers, Leroy ; Casavant, Ken ; Logsdon, Charles. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279404.

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361981COMMODITY FUTURES PRICE THEORY FOR SEMI-STORABLE PRODUCTS. (1981). BLANK, Steve. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279270.

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371981ECONOMIC MODELING INPUTS TO PESTICIDE REGULATORY DECISIONS. (1981). Arnold, Fred T. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279441.

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381981Microcomputer Hardware, Operating Systems and Languages, Is There An Industry Standard?. (1981). Rowe, Gordon A. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279347.

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391981THE SCARCITY SYNDROME. (1981). Paarlberg, Don. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279262.

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401981• A COMPARISON OF THE ECONOMIC AND TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY OF SMALL-SCALE ALCOHOL AND SUNFLOWER OIL PRODUCTION. (1981). Tyner, Wallace E ; Reining, Robert C. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279386.

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411981AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS FACULTY RESOURCES, PRODUCTIVITY AND REWARDS. (1981). Ziemer, Rod F ; Broder, Josef M. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279278.

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421981New Agricultural Development Issues Implications for Research and Training Institutions. (1981). Havener, Robert D. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279344.

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431981RISK AND SOCIAL POSITION IN EXPLAINING THE ADOPTION OF SOIL CONSERVATION PRACTICES: AN APPLICATION OF CANCIANS THESIS. (1981). Wagener, Don ; Nowak, Peter. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279427.

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441981Effect of Variable Interest Rate Loans on the Agricultural Sector. (1981). Langrehr, Staurt ; Dougherty, Thomas J ; Solverson, Lyle ; Shumaker, George A ; Herr, William Mcd. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279276.

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451981ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING RURAL REAL ESTATE VALUES IN EASTERN OKLAHOMA. (1981). Burton, William E ; Nelson, James R. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279421.

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461981CRITERIA FOR MODEL SPECIFICATION OF DEMAND SYSTEMS. (1981). , Joseph. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279294.

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471981DETECTION AND TREATMENT OF MULTICOLLINEARITY IN SIMULTANEOUS SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS. (1981). , Oral ; Semprevio, Ralph R. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279383.

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481981THE VALUE OF ENDOGENIZING AGRICULTURE IN A MULTI-SECTOR MACROECONOMIC MODEL. (1981). , John ; John , ; Hughes, Dean W. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279275.

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491981FOOD AWAY FROM HOME EXPENDITURES BY SOURCE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME. (1981). Kinsey, Jean. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279455.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
11981AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS IN AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE. (1981). Boulding, Kenneth E. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279250.

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21981IMPACTS ON AGRICULTURE OF DEREGULATING THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM. (1981). Johnson, Marc A. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279412.

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31981On the Power of Macroeconomic Linkages to Explain Events in U.S. Agriculture. (1981). Gardner, Bruce. In: 1981 Annual Meeting, July 26-29, Clemson, South Carolina. RePEc:ags:aaea81:279254.

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