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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
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2010 0 0.52 0.17 0 109 109 116 18 18 0 0 0 18 0.17 0.3
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12010Has growth in productivity in Australian broadacre agriculture slowed?. (2010). Sheng, Yu ; Mullen, John Denis ; Zhao, Shiji. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59266.

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22010Effects of alternative elicitation formats in discrete choice experiments. (2010). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Scheufele, Gabriela. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59158.

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32010Closing the factory doors until better times: CGE modelling of drought using a theory of excess capacity. (2010). Wittwer, Glyn ; Griffith, Marnie. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59263.

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42010Valuing protection of the Great Barrier Reef with choice modelling by management policy options. (2010). Windle, Jill ; Rolfe, John. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59153.

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52010METAFRONTIER ANALYSIS OF FARM-LEVEL EFFICIENCIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL-TECHNOLOGY GAPS IN PHILIPPINE RICE FARMING. (2010). Villano, Renato ; Fleming, Euan ; Acda, Rachelle ; Mariano, Marc Jim . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59099.

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62010An analytical framework for incorporating land use change and forestry in a dynamic CGE model. (2010). Pant, Hom M.. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59150.

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72010Strategic response to a sequence of discrete choice questions. (2010). McNair, Ben ; Hensher, David ; Bennett, Jeffrey. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59102.

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82010Ecosystem services review of water projects. (2010). Cullen, Ross ; Hearnshaw, Edward ; Hughey, Ken . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:58895.

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92010What impact has food price inflation had on consumer welfare: a global analysis. (2010). Haq, Zahoor ul ; Cranfield, John ; Cranfeild, John . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:58894.

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102010The Impacts of Attribute Level Framing and Changing Cost Levels on Choice Experiments Value Estimates. (2010). Kragt, Marit ; Bennett, Jeffrey ; Bennett, J. W, ; Kragt, M. E, . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59091.

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112010Would Freeing Up World Trade Reduce Poverty and Inequality? The Vexed Role of Agricultural Distortions. (2010). Martin, Will ; Cockburn, John ; Anderson, Kym. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:58880.

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122010agri benchmark: Benchmarking Beef Farming Systems Worldwide. (2010). Deblitz, Claus. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59096.

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132010Changing contributions of different agricultural policy instruments to global reductions in trade and welfare. (2010). Anderson, Kym ; Croser, Joanna . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:58881.

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142010Measuring the Efficiency of Wheat Production of Western Australian Growers. (2010). Tozer, Peter. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59168.

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152010THE LOGIC OF COLLECTIVE ACTION AND AUSTRALIAS CLIMATE POLICY. (2010). Pezzey, John ; Mazouz, Salim ; Jotzo, Frank ; Pezzey, John C. V, . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59577.

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162010Decomposing the social discount rate. (2010). Scarborough, Helen. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59156.

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172010Urban Water Restrictions: Attitudes and Avoidance. (2010). Crase, Lin ; burton, michael ; Cooper, Bethany. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:58892.

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182010The Living Murray NSW Market Purchase Measure: A survey of participants in permanent water trading for the environment. (2010). Enders, G. R. ; Walpole, S. C. ; Roe, M. L.. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59258.

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192010Indonesian agricultural trade policy at the crossroads. (2010). Vanzetti, David ; Oktaviani, Rina ; Setyoko, Nur Rakjman . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59109.

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202010Evidence of price premiums for non-GM grains in world markets. (2010). Foster, Max . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59079.

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212010Understanding values associated with stormwater remediation options in marine coastal ecosystems: A case study from Auckland, New Zealand. (2010). Meister, Anton ; Stewart-Carbines, Megan ; Kerr, Geoff ; Bastone, Chris ; Sharp, Basil . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59578.

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222010Economics of managing acid soils in dryland mixed cropping systems: comparing gross margins with whole-farm analysis derived using a business process model. (2010). Li, Guangdi ; Nordblom, Tom ; Hutchings, Tim ; Conyers, Mark . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59088.

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232010Long-Distance Marketing of Sweet Potato from the Highlands of Papua New Guinea: An Analysis of Consumer Preferences and Supplier Responsiveness. (2010). Chang, Christie ; Omot, Norah ; Spriggs, John. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59110.

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242010Modelling riparian buffers for water quality enhancement in the Karapiro catchment. (2010). Scrimgeour, Francis ; Marsh, Dan ; Ramilan, Thiagarajah . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59166.

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252010Custom and Capital: A Financial Appraisal of Alternative Arrangements for Large-Scale Oil Palm Development on Customary Land in Sarawak, Malaysia. (2010). Cramb, R. A, ; Ferraro, Deanna ; Cramb, R. A, . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59072.

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262010Climate change policy distortions in the wood and food market. (2010). Ajani, Judith . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:58877.

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272010An economic analysis of options for utilising additional land on a high rainfall Gippsland dairy farm. (2010). Armstrong, D. P, ; Wales, W. J, ; Tarrant, K. A, ; Ho, C. K. M, ; Malcolm, B.. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59164.

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282010Estimating the economic implications for grazing properties in the Mackay Whitsunday catchments of practice changes to more sustainable landscapes. (2010). East, Miriam . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59070.

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292010Integration of biological, economic and sociological knowledge by Bayesian belief networks: the interdisciplinary evaluation of potential Baltic salmon management plan. (2010). Haapasaari, Paivi ; Kulmala, Soile ; Kuikka, Sakari ; Levontin, Polina . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59093.

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302010TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION AND EFFICIENCY IN MAIZE PRODUCTION IN BENUE STATE NIGERIA: A PARAMETRIC STOCHASTIC INPUT DISTANCE FUNCTION APPROACH. (2010). Mungatanga, E. D. ; Aye, Goodness C.. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:58882.

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312010Impact of Tariff Reductions in NAMA and Agriculture WTO Negotiations on GCC Common External Tariffs. (2010). Vanzetti, David ; Peters, Ralf. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59175.

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322010REVENUE FUNDS COUNTERACT THE DETERMINANTS OF DUTCH DISEASE: LESSONS FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIA. (2010). . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59084.

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332010On the Impact Assessment of ACIAR (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research) Projects. (2010). Farquharson, Bob ; Spriggs, John ; Martin, Bob . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59162.

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342010CONSUMER ATTITUDES TOWARDS FAIR TRADE COFFEE. (2010). Romberger, Carissa Leigh ; Wolf, Marianne Mcgarry . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59264.

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352010TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY AND TECHNOLOGY GAPS ON CLEAN AND SAFE VEGETABLE FARMS IN NORTHERN THAILAND: A COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES. (2010). Villano, Renato ; Fleming, Euan ; Kramol, Prathanthip ; Kristiansen, Paul . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59092.

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362010Dynamic trade-offs in water use between irrigation and reservoir aquaculture in Vietnam. (2010). Tran, Lap ; Schilizzi, Steven ; Kingwell, Ross. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59171.

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372010Valuing Ecosystem Services: a critical review. (2010). Godden, David . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59081.

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382010Lessons from implementing INFFER with regional catchment management organisations. (2010). Pannell, David ; Roberts, Anna M. ; Marsh, Sally P. ; Park, Geoff ; Curatolo, April . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59100.

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392010A new biosecurity investment decision framework to promote more efficient biosecurity policy. (2010). Smith, Harley ; Webster, Stewart . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59161.

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402010Policy for climate change adaptation in agriculture. (2010). Pannell, David. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59149.

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412010Italian wines and Asian markets: opportunities and threats under new policy scenarios and competitive dynamics. (2010). Corsi, Armando Maria ; Sottini, Veronica Alampi ; Marinelli, Nicola . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:58893.

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422010Comparing responses from web and paper-based collection modes in a choice modelling experiment. (2010). Windle, Jill ; Rolfe, John. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59261.

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432010Agricultural Distortions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Trade and Welfare Indicators, 1961 to 2004. (2010). Anderson, Kym ; Croser, Joanna . In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:58879.

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442010Defining property rights to water in complex regulated river systems: generalising the capacity sharing concept. (2010). Hughes, Neal. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59087.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12010Valuing protection of the Great Barrier Reef with choice modelling by management policy options. (2010). Windle, Jill ; Rolfe, John. In: 2010 Conference (54th), February 10-12, 2010, Adelaide, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare10:59153.

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