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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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2014 0 0.67 0.09 0 69 69 60 6 6 0 0 1 16.7 6 0.09 0.34
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
1Environmental Policy Analysis: A Guide to Non‑Market Valuation. (2014). Ruting, Brad ; Baker, Rick . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165810.

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22014Does income growth improve diet diversity in China?. (2014). Doan, Dung . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165836.

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32014Does income growth improve diet diversity in China?. (2014). Doan, Dung . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165833.

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42014Measuring the Impact of Nuclear Accidents on Energy Policy. (2014). Csereklyei, Z.. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165825.

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52014The role of weather derivatives and portfolio effects in agricultural water management. (2014). Musshoff, Oliver ; Buchholz, Matthias. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165812.

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62014Rice mountain Assessment of the Thai rice pledging program. (2014). Vanzetti, David ; Permani, Risti. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165882.

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72014Food Insecurity and its Determinants. (2014). Warr, Peter. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165884.

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82014The Publics Preference for Green Power in Australia. (2014). Ma, Chunbo ; burton, michael. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165858.

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92014Elasticity of Substitution and Farm Heterogeneity in TFP and Size: A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Application to Australian Broadacre Farms. (2014). anonymous, . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165874.

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102014How Does Daylight Saving Time Affect Electricity Demand?. (2014). Pellen, Alistair . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165870.

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112014Collective action in the value chain: A conceptual framework for analysis and policy for the Australian wine industry. (2014). Grant, Bligh ; Mounter, Stuart ; McFarlane, Jim ; Griffith, Garry ; Fleming, Euan. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165838.

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122014Measuring direct losses to rice production from extreme flood events in Quang Nam province, Vietnam. (2014). Holland, John ; Chau, Vu Ngoc ; Cassells, Sue. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165813.

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132014Hunting for optimality: preferences for Sika deer hunting experiences. (2014). Kerr, Geoffrey N. ; Abell, Walt . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165845.

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142014Farm productivity in an Australian region affected by a changing climate. (2014). Feldman, David ; Xayavong, Vilaphonh ; Islam, Nazrul ; Anderton, Lucy . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165842.

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152014Impacts of Asia’s Rise on African and Latin American Trade: Projections to 2030. (2014). Strutt, Anna ; Anderson, Kym. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165805.

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162014Willingness of north Australian pastoralists and graziers to participate in contractual biodiversity conservation. (2014). Greiner, Romy . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165839.

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172014RETHINKING THE TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY OF SMALL SCALE YAM FARMERS IN NIGERIA USING CONVENTIONAL AND NON-CONVENTIONAL INEFFICIENCY PARAMETERS. (2014). Simpa, James O. ; Nmadu, Job N.. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165866.

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182014Unit Cost Reduction across Production Environments and Measurement of Welfare Changes. (2014). Bantilan , MCS, ; Nedumaran, S ; Shyam, Moses D ; Charyulu, Kumara D ; Davis, Jeff ; Bantilan, MCS, . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165847.

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192014Rethinking the Emissions-Income Relationship in Terms of Growth Rates. (2014). Stern, David. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165877.

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202014RETHINKING THE TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY OF SMALL SCALE YAM FARMERS IN NIGERIA USING CONVENTIONAL AND NON-CONVENTIONAL INEFFICIENCY PARAMETERS(Powerpoint). (2014). Simpa, James O. ; Nmadu, Job N.. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165865.

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212014Rethinking the Emissions-Income Relationship in Terms of Growth Rates. (2014). Stern, David ; Gerlagh, Reyer ; Burke, Paul ; Anjum, Zeba . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165876.

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222014Economic analysis of the threat posed by the Asian Tiger Mosquito in Australia. (2014). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Devine, Greg ; Mwebaze, Paul ; de Barro, Paul ; DeBarro, Paul ; Beebe, Nigel ; Muller, Mike. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165863.

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232014An experimental approach to assessment of trading and allocation mechanisms for nutrient trading. (2014). Marsh, Dan ; Tucker, Steve ; Doole, Graeme . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:167195.

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242014Climate change mitigation as catastrophic risk management. (2014). Dietz, Simon. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165831.

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252014Economic Trends in the Australian Wine Industry. (2014). Morales, L. Emilio ; Mounter, Stuart ; McFarlane, Jim ; Fleming, Euan. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165861.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12014Rice mountain Assessment of the Thai rice pledging program. (2014). Vanzetti, David ; Permani, Risti. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165882.

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22014Does income growth improve diet diversity in China?. (2014). Doan, Dung . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165836.

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32014The role of weather derivatives and portfolio effects in agricultural water management. (2014). Musshoff, Oliver ; Buchholz, Matthias. In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165812.

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42014Does income growth improve diet diversity in China?. (2014). Doan, Dung . In: 2014 Conference (58th), February 4-7, 2014, Port Macquarie, Australia. RePEc:ags:aare14:165833.

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