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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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1989 0 83 83 0 4 0 4
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
11989Estimation of Frontier Production Functions and the Efficiencies of Indian Farms Using Panel Data from ICRISATs Village Level Studies. (1989). Coelli, Timothy ; Battese, George E. ; Colby, T. C.. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144383.

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21989Political Preference Functions and the Market for Public Policy Reform. (1989). Rausser, Gordon ; Foster, William. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144820.

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31989Economics of Wild Oats Control: An Application of a Stochastic Dynamic Programming Model. (1989). Pandey, Sushil . In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144816.

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41989Australian Agricultural Policy: 1983-88. (1989). Martin, Will. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144754.

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51989The Resource Costs of Blended Milk Pricing in Victoria. (1989). Williamson, G. ; Topp, Vernon ; Beare, Stephen ; Lembit, Murray . In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144830.

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61989Production Flexibility Revisited. (1989). Lawrence, Denis ; Zeitsch, John . In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144747.

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71989Agribusiness Management and Farm Management: Some Parallels and Their Implications. (1989). Wright, Vic . In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144893.

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81989Why Has The Supply of Beef in Japan Grown So Rapidly?. (1989). Dickson, Andrew ; Corra, Greg S. ; Teal, Francis . In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144672.

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91989The Rejection of Homogeneity in Demand and Supply Analysis: An Explanation and Solution. (1989). Elliott, Graham ; Bewley, Ronald A.. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144390.

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101989Trans-Tasman Trade in Manufactured Dairy Products: A Mathematical Programming Model of Imperfect Sectoral Competition. (1989). Domine, Lora ; Beare, Stephen ; Lembit, Murray . In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144385.

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111989Trans-Tasman Trade in Manufactured Dairy Products: A Mathematical Programming Model of Imperfect Sectoral Competition. (1989). Lembit, Murray ; Domine, Lora ; Beare, Stephen . In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144384.

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121989Big Problems Facing Small Societies. (1989). Edwards, Geoff W.. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144712.

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131989The Economics of Species Preservation: Theory and Methodology. (1989). Dragun, A. K. ; Jakobsson, K. M.. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144737.

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141989The Influence of Short-Run Price Variability on Sydney Pork Price Spreads: A Preliminary Analysis. (1989). Duff, G. L. ; Griffith, Garry R.. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144726.

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151989Estimation of Marginal Risks with Seemingly Unrelated Regression and Panel Data. (1989). Wan, Guanghua ; Anderson, Jock ; Griffiths, William E.. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144886.

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161989International Consequences of U.S. Agricultural Policies. (1989). Gardner, Bruce L.. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144723.

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171989Alternative Management Policies for Mountain Ash (Eucayptus Regnans F.Muell) In Victoria.. (1989). Galapitage, D. C.. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144722.

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181989A Vector Error-Correction Model of Money and Price Dynamics In New Zealand. (1989). Orden, David ; Robertson, John. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144823.

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191989Adding Input Demands to Partial Equilibrium Agricultural Trade Models. (1989). Zeitsch, John . In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144900.

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201989Macroeconomic Policies and Agricultural Sector Responses. (1989). Robinson, Barry ; Chiao, Yen-Shong ; Reynolds, Russell G.. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144822.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
11989Estimation of Frontier Production Functions and the Efficiencies of Indian Farms Using Panel Data from ICRISATs Village Level Studies. (1989). Coelli, Timothy ; Battese, George E. ; Colby, T. C.. In: 1989 Conference (33rd), February 7-9, 1989, Christchurch, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare89:144383.

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