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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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1994 0 0.17 0.08 0 130 130 71 10 10 0 0 0 10 0.08 0.08
2013 0 0.67 0 0 1 131 0 63 0 0 0 0 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
11994Economics, Agriculture and the Gatt. (1994). MacLaren, Donald. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148472.

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21994Trade and Tax Policy Reform and the Environment: The Economics of Soil Erosion in Developing Countries. (1994). jayasuriya, sisira ; Coxhead, Ian. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148111.

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31994Price, Quality, and Regulation: An Analysis of Price-Capping and the Reliability of Electricity Supply. (1994). Fraser, Robert. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148211.

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41994R&D and Productivity Growth in Australian Broadacre Agriculture. (1994). Mullen, John D. ; Cox, Thomas L.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148013.

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51994Evaluation of Postharvest Research: Results for an Application to Tropical Fruit Research Projects and Some Further Methodological Issues. (1994). Lubulwa, Godfrey ; Davis, Jeffrey S.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148168.

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61994The National Interest, Westminster, and Public Choice. (1994). Johnson, R. W. M., . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:147923.

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71994From Cold War To Cooperation in Negotiating Temperate-Zone Agricultural and Trade Policies. (1994). Hillman, Jimmye S.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:147925.

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81994Developments in Adjustment Policy. (1994). Curthoys, Catherine ; Davenport, Scott V. ; Booth, J.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148165.

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91994Regulating and deregulating the dairy industry. (1994). Bardsley, Peter ; Daniel, Peter ; Stoneham, Gary . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148728.

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101994Water quality improvement in the Darling River: A contingent valuation study. (1994). Hill, Christine M.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148253.

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111994Sticky Labels on Fresh Fruit: Marketing Sense or Nonsense. (1994). Yabsley, D. ; Wright, V.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148774.

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121994The Wool Debt, The Wool Stockpile and the National Interest: Did Garnaut Get it Right?. (1994). Edwards, Geoff W. ; Chisholm, Tony ; Hone, Phillip ; Haszler, Henry . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148109.

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131994Australias Wool Policy Debacle: Continuing Government Failure. (1994). Haszler, Henry . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148239.

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141994A Stochastic Analysis of On-Farm Irrigation Drainage Recirculation. (1994). Marshall, Graham ; Darvall, David ; Jones, Randall ; WALL, LISA . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148334.

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151994Economic Costs of Land Degradation: Assessment, Analysis and Policy Implications. (1994). Young, Michael ; Mallawaarachchi, Thilak. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148477.

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161994Farmer decisions and aggregate supply: An explanation of the impact of major price changes. (1994). Murray-Prior, Roy ; Wright, Vic . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148508.

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171994Technical Change and Labour Demand in Thai Agriculture. (1994). Coelli, Timothy ; Fleming, E. M. ; Krasachat, W.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148456.

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181994Economics of Herbicide Resistant Weeds. (1994). Pannell, David ; Schmidt, Carmel ; Stewart, Vanessa. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148677.

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191994Identification of Factors which Influence the Technical Inefficiency of Indian Farmers. (1994). Coelli, Timothy ; Battese, George E.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148110.

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201994Estimation of Recreational Benefits of Lake Mokoan, Victoria, Australia Using the Travel Cost Method. (1994). Herath, Gamini ; Jackson, Julie . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148251.

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211994Farm-level Economics of Annual Cropping and Soil Conservation in the Central Highlands Region of Queensland. (1994). Parton, K. A. ; Morfe, T. A.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148487.

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221994Whither Agricultural Economics: A Look Ahead to the Twenty First Century. (1994). Arcus, Peter L.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:147929.

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231994The Economics of Restricting Exports of Wool. (1994). Edwards, Geoff W.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148171.

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241994Optimal Management of Multiple-Use Forest Under Risk. (1994). Kennedy, John ; Kennedy, John O. S., ; Kennedy, John O. S., . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148335.

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251994The Changing Victorian Meat Processing Industry. (1994). Malcolm, Bill ; Sturgess, Read ; Read, Mike . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148673.

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261994Significance of Farmer Response for Estimating Agricultural Costs of Land Salinisation. (1994). Marshall, Graham ; McGrath, Sally ; Jones, Randall . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148482.

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271994Making Sense of Sustainability. (1994). Randall, Alan. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:147928.

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281994Improving Policy Analysis by Linking An Indonesian CGE and Agricultural Sector Models. (1994). Trewin, Ray ; Erwidodo, ; Rachmat, Muchjidin . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148755.

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291994Dynamics of Supply and Demand for the New Zealand Deer Industry. (1994). Dake, Chris ; SreRamaratnam, Ram ; Pearse, Elaine . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148670.

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301994Linking Farm Risk to Institutional Credit Risk. (1994). Bramma, Keith M. ; Batterham, Robert L.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148074.

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311994Optimal Timing of Resource Protection: Interactions of Groundwater Management with Rootzone Productivity and Salt Balance in the Shepparton Region. (1994). Prendergast, Bernard ; Gyles, Oliver ; Young, Michael . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148231.

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32The socio-economic assessment of a protected area in Vanuatu. (1994). Tacconi, Luca ; Bennett, Jeffrey. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148735.

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331994A Stochastic Analysis of Drought Management Strategies in The Western Division of New South Wales. (1994). Thompson, David ; Tapp, Nicola ; Hoadley, Jim ; Deranie, Jackson . In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148264.

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341994Utility-Efficient Programming: An Evaluation. (1994). Hardaker, Brian J. ; Ogisi, Mofe E. ; Torkamani, J.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148518.

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351994Contestability, Sunk Costs and Deregulation of the Australian Airline Industry: Implications for Agriculture. (1994). Jensen, Paul ; Ahmadi-Esfahani, Fredoun Z.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148015.

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361994Technical Efficiencies of Smallholder Cocoa Producers in Papua New Guinea: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis. (1994). Fleming, E. M. ; Gimbol, K. C. ; Battese, G. E.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148217.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
11994R&D and Productivity Growth in Australian Broadacre Agriculture. (1994). Mullen, John D. ; Cox, Thomas L.. In: 1994 Conference (38th), February 8-10, 1994, Wellington, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:aare94:148013.

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