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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2006 0 0.5 0.27 0 11 11 351 3 3 0 0 0 3 0.27 0.22
2007 0.82 0.46 0.42 0.82 32 43 537 16 21 11 9 11 9 0 7 0.22 0.2
2008 0.95 0.49 0.59 0.95 47 90 999 53 74 43 41 43 41 0 12 0.26 0.23
2009 0.56 0.47 0.64 0.69 13 103 356 66 140 79 44 90 62 0 2 0.15 0.24
2010 0.73 0.48 0.81 0.77 1 104 0 84 224 60 44 103 79 0 0 0.21
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12008Appendix to Utility in WTP space: a tool to address confounding random scale effects in destination choice to the Alps. (2008). Train, Kenneth ; Scarpa, Riccardo ; Thiene, M.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164029.

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22008AJAE Appendix: The Impact of Regulations on Agricultural Trade: Evidence from the SPS and TBT Agreements. (2008). Fontagné, Lionel ; Disdier, Anne-Célia ; Fontagne, Lionel ; Mimouni, Mondher. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7043.

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32006AJAE APPENDIX: CONSUMERS’ WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR THE COLOR OF SALMON: A CHOICE EXPERIMENT WITH REAL ECONOMIC INCENTIVES. (2006). Guttormsen, Atle ; Alfnes, Frode ; Kolstad, Kari ; Steine, Gro . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7393.

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42006AJAE Appendix: Land Market Imperfections and Agricultural Policy Impacts in the New EU Member States: A Partial Equilibrium Analysis. (2006). Swinnen, Johan ; Ciaian, Pavel. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7394.

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52008AJAE Appendix: Risk Rationing and Wealth Effects in Credit Markets: Theory and Implications for Agriculture Development. (2008). Guirkinger, Catherine ; Carter, Michael ; Boucher, Stephen R.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7094.

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62009AJAE appendix for “Finding Missing Markets (and a Disturbing Epilogue): Evidence from an Export Crop Adoption and Marketing Intervention in Kenya”. (2009). Karlan, Dean ; Gine, Xavier ; Ashraf, Nava . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164204.

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72007AJAE Appendix: Is There Persistence in the Impact of Emergency Food Aid? Evidence on Consumption, Food Security and Assets in Rural Ethiopia. (2007). Hoddinott, John ; Gilligan, Daniel. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7414.

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82009AJAE appendix for ‘Credit Market Imperfections and the Distribution of Policy Rents’. (2009). Swinnen, Johan ; Ciaian, Pavel ; Swinnen, Johan F. M., ; Swinnen, Johan F. M., . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164203.

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92007AJAE Appendix: Testing Household-Specific Explanations for the Inverse Productivity Relationship. (2007). Braido, Luis ; Assuncao, Juliano ; Braido, Luis H. B., ; Braido, Luis H. B., . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7103.

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102007AJAE Appendix: Dynamic Efficiency Measurement: Theory and Application. (2007). Stefanou, Spiro ; Silva, Elvira . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7418.

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112008AJAE Appendix: Does Participation in the Food Stamp Program Increase the Prevalence of Obesity and Health Care Spending?. (2008). Meyerhoefer, Chad D. ; Pylypchuk, Vuriy. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7045.

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122007AJAE Appendix: Time to Eat: Household Production Under Increasing Income Inequality. (2007). Hamermesh, Daniel. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7099.

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132007AJAE Appendix: Estimating Policy Effects on Spatial Market Efficiency: An Extension to the Parity Bounds Model. (2007). Myers, Robert ; Muleta, Asfaw Negassa. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7410.

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142008AJAE appendix for “Food Values”. (2008). Lusk, Jayson ; Briggeman, Brian C.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164066.

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152006AJAE Appendix: Tariff Equivalent of Technical Barriers to Trade with Imperfect Substitution and Trade Costs. (2006). Yue, Chengyan ; Jensen, Helen ; Beghin, John. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7396.

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162007AJAE Appendix: Modeling Farm Households Price Responses in the Presence of Transaction Costs and Heterogeneity in Labor Markets. (2007). Henningsen, Arne ; Henning, Christian H. C. A., ; Henning, Christian H. C. A., . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7409.

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172009AJAE appendix for ‘Consumer and Market Responses to Mad-Cow Disease’. (2009). Villas-Boas, Sofia ; Schlenker, Wolfram. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164205.

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182009Farmers Subjective Valuation of Subsistence Crops: The Case of Traditional Maize in Mexico. (2009). Taylor, J. Edward ; Arslan, Aslihan. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164210.

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192009“AJAE Appendix: The Tariff Equivalent and Forgone Trade Effects of Prohibitive Technical Barriers to Trade”. (2009). Beghin, John ; Yue, Chengyan. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164212.

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202008AJAE Appendix for Standards as Barriers versus Standards as Catalysts: Assessing the Impact of HACCP Implementation on U.S. Seafood Imports. (2008). Caswell, Julie ; Anders, Sven. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164075.

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212008AJAE Appendix: Experiments on Damage-Based Ambient Taxes for Nonpoint Source Polluters. (2008). Vossler, Christian ; Suter, Jordan ; Segerson, Kathleen ; Poe, Gregory. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7105.

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222007AJAE Appendix: Risk, Wealth and Sectoral Choice in Rural Credit Markets. (2007). Guirkinger, Catherine ; Boucher, Stephen R.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7097.

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232007AJAE Appendix: Challenges to the Development of a Dedicated Energy Crop. (2007). Roberts, Roland ; Epplin, Francis ; Clark, Christopher ; Hwang, Seonghuyk . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7072.

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242008AJAE Appendix: ‘Do Overlapping Land Rights Reduce Agricultural Investment? Evidence from Uganda’. (2008). Deininger, Klaus ; Ali, Daniel Ayalew. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164031.

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252006AJAE Appendix: Livestock in China: Commodity-specific Total Factor Productivity Decomposition Using New Panel Data. (2006). Rozelle, Scott ; Ma, Hengyun ; Huang, Jingzhi ; Rae, A. N.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7398.

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262006AJAE Appendix: Posted Prices and Bid Affiliation: Evidence from Experimental Auctions. (2006). Rousu, Matthew ; Corrigan, Jay. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7395.

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272008AJAE Appendix: The Commodity Terms of Trade, Unit Roots, and Nonlinear Alternatives. (2008). Balagtas, Joseph ; Holt, Matthew T.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164070.

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282007AJAE Appendix: Modeling Starting Point Bias as Unobserved Heterogeneity in Contingent Valuation Surveys: An Application to Air Pollution. (2007). CHANEL, Olivier ; Aprahamian, Frederic ; Luchini, Stephane. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7416.

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292009AJAE appendix for Food aid, food prices and producer disincentives in Ethiopia. (2009). Shively, Gerald ; Tadesse, Getaw. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164211.

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302008AJAE appendix for “Nonpecuniary Benefits to Farming: Implications for Supply Response to Decoupled Payments”. (2008). Roberts, Michael ; Key, Nigel. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164068.

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312009AJAE Appendix: “Does Production Labeling Stigmatize Conventional Milk?”. (2009). Messer, Kent ; Kaiser, Harry ; Katner, Christopher . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164209.

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322008AJAE appendix for “Valuing Water Quality as a Function of Water Quality Measures”. (2008). Kling, Catherine ; Herriges, Joseph ; Egan, Kevin ; Downing, John A.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164069.

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332009AJAE APPENDIX FOR “JOINT ESTIMATION OF RISK PREFERENCES AND TECHNOLOGY: FLEXIBLE UTILITY OR FUTILITY?”. (2009). Lence, Sergio. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164194.

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342008AJAE appendix for ‘Conservation Payments, Liquidity Constraints and Off-Farm Labor: Impact of the Grain for Green Program on Rural Households in China’. (2008). Uchida, Emi ; Jintao, Xu ; Rozelle, Scott. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164062.

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352007AJAE appendix: Measuring the Impact of Meat Packing and Processing Facilities in Non-metropolitan Counties: A Difference-in-Differences Approach. (2007). Orazem, Peter ; Artz, Georgeanne ; Otto, Daniel M.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:60954.

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362008AJAE Appendix for “Removing Distortions in the U.S. Ethanol Market: What Does It Imply for the United States and Brazil?”. (2008). Tokgoz, Simla ; Elobeid, Amani ; el Obeid, Amani. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164027.

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372007AJAE Appendix: Grading, Minimum Quality Standards, and the Labeling of Genetically Modified Products. (2007). Moschini, GianCarlo ; Lapan, Harvey. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7404.

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382007AJAE Appendix: Brand-Supermarket Demand for Breakfast Cereals and Retail Competition. (2007). Lopez, Rigoberto ; Chidmi, Benaissa. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7413.

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392009Title: “AJAE appendix for Riparian Buffers and Hedonic Prices: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis of Residential Property Values in the Neuse River Basin”. (2009). Landry, Craig ; Bin, Okmyung ; Meyer, Gregory F.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164208.

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402008AJAE appendix for ‘The Gains from Differentiated Policies to Control Stock Pollution when Producers Are Heterogeneous’. (2008). Zilberman, David ; Xabadia, Angels ; Goetz, Renan. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164026.

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412006AJAE Appendix: Dynamic Random Utility Modeling: A Monte Carlo Analysis. (2006). Schnier, Kurt ; Hicks, Robert. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7397.

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422007AJAE Appendix: Pricing-to-Market: Price Discrimination or Product Differentiation?. (2007). Liu, Qihong ; Lavoie, Nathalie. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7405.

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432008AJAE Appendix: The Role of Patent Rights in Mergers: Consolidation in Plant Biotechnology. (2008). Rausser, Gordon ; Marco, Alan. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7107.

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442008AJAE Appendix for “Comparing Open-Ended Choice Experiments and Experimental Auctions: An Application to Golden Rice”. (2008). Wu, Ximing ; Nayga, Rodolfo ; Corrigan, Jay ; Depositario, Dinah Pura T., ; Nayga, Rodolfo M. Jr., ; Depositario, Dinah Pura T., . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164192.

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452008AJAE Appendix: The Problem of Free Riding in Voluntary Generic Advertising: Parallelism and Possible Solutions from the Lab. (2008). Messer, Kent ; Kaiser, Harry ; Schulze, William D.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7091.

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462006AJAE Appendix: Regulating Nitrogen Pollution with Risk-Averse Farmers under Hidden Information and Moral Hazard. (2006). Thomas, Alban ; Bontems, Philippe. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7403.

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472008AJAE Appendix: Differentiation and Synergies in Rural Tourism: Estimation and Simulation of the Israeli Market. (2008). Finkelshtain, Israel ; Fleischer, Aliza ; Tchetchik, Anat. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7092.

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482009AJAE appendix for “The Financial Health of Agricultural Lenders”. (2009). Gunderson, Michael ; Gloy, Brent A. ; Briggeman, Brian C.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164213.

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492008“AJAE appendix for “The Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Agricultural Trade”. (2008). Kandilov, Ivan. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164025.

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502007AJAE Appendix: Supply Response to Counter-cyclical Payments and Base Acre Updating under Uncertainty: An Experimental Study. (2007). Shogren, Jason ; McIntosh, Christopher ; Dohlman, Erik. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7098.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12008Appendix to Utility in WTP space: a tool to address confounding random scale effects in destination choice to the Alps. (2008). Train, Kenneth ; Scarpa, Riccardo ; Thiene, M.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164029.

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22008AJAE Appendix: The Impact of Regulations on Agricultural Trade: Evidence from the SPS and TBT Agreements. (2008). Fontagné, Lionel ; Disdier, Anne-Célia ; Fontagne, Lionel ; Mimouni, Mondher. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7043.

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32008AJAE Appendix: Risk Rationing and Wealth Effects in Credit Markets: Theory and Implications for Agriculture Development. (2008). Guirkinger, Catherine ; Carter, Michael ; Boucher, Stephen R.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7094.

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42009AJAE appendix for “Finding Missing Markets (and a Disturbing Epilogue): Evidence from an Export Crop Adoption and Marketing Intervention in Kenya”. (2009). Karlan, Dean ; Gine, Xavier ; Ashraf, Nava . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164204.

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52007AJAE Appendix: Testing Household-Specific Explanations for the Inverse Productivity Relationship. (2007). Braido, Luis ; Assuncao, Juliano ; Braido, Luis H. B., ; Braido, Luis H. B., . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7103.

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62006AJAE APPENDIX: CONSUMERS’ WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR THE COLOR OF SALMON: A CHOICE EXPERIMENT WITH REAL ECONOMIC INCENTIVES. (2006). Guttormsen, Atle ; Alfnes, Frode ; Kolstad, Kari ; Steine, Gro . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7393.

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72009AJAE appendix for ‘Consumer and Market Responses to Mad-Cow Disease’. (2009). Villas-Boas, Sofia ; Schlenker, Wolfram. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164205.

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82006AJAE Appendix: Land Market Imperfections and Agricultural Policy Impacts in the New EU Member States: A Partial Equilibrium Analysis. (2006). Swinnen, Johan ; Ciaian, Pavel. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7394.

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92007AJAE Appendix: Dynamic Efficiency Measurement: Theory and Application. (2007). Stefanou, Spiro ; Silva, Elvira . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7418.

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102007AJAE Appendix: Is There Persistence in the Impact of Emergency Food Aid? Evidence on Consumption, Food Security and Assets in Rural Ethiopia. (2007). Hoddinott, John ; Gilligan, Daniel. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7414.

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112009AJAE appendix for ‘Credit Market Imperfections and the Distribution of Policy Rents’. (2009). Swinnen, Johan ; Ciaian, Pavel ; Swinnen, Johan F. M., ; Swinnen, Johan F. M., . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164203.

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122008AJAE Appendix: Experiments on Damage-Based Ambient Taxes for Nonpoint Source Polluters. (2008). Vossler, Christian ; Suter, Jordan ; Segerson, Kathleen ; Poe, Gregory. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7105.

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132009Farmers Subjective Valuation of Subsistence Crops: The Case of Traditional Maize in Mexico. (2009). Taylor, J. Edward ; Arslan, Aslihan. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164210.

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142008AJAE Appendix: ‘Do Overlapping Land Rights Reduce Agricultural Investment? Evidence from Uganda’. (2008). Deininger, Klaus ; Ali, Daniel Ayalew. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164031.

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152009AJAE appendix for Food aid, food prices and producer disincentives in Ethiopia. (2009). Shively, Gerald ; Tadesse, Getaw. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164211.

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162009AJAE appendix for “The Financial Health of Agricultural Lenders”. (2009). Gunderson, Michael ; Gloy, Brent A. ; Briggeman, Brian C.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164213.

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172007AJAE Appendix: Risk, Wealth and Sectoral Choice in Rural Credit Markets. (2007). Guirkinger, Catherine ; Boucher, Stephen R.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7097.

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182008AJAE Appendix: Does Participation in the Food Stamp Program Increase the Prevalence of Obesity and Health Care Spending?. (2008). Meyerhoefer, Chad D. ; Pylypchuk, Vuriy. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7045.

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192006AJAE Appendix: Livestock in China: Commodity-specific Total Factor Productivity Decomposition Using New Panel Data. (2006). Rozelle, Scott ; Ma, Hengyun ; Huang, Jingzhi ; Rae, A. N.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7398.

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202007AJAE appendix: Measuring the Impact of Meat Packing and Processing Facilities in Non-metropolitan Counties: A Difference-in-Differences Approach. (2007). Orazem, Peter ; Artz, Georgeanne ; Otto, Daniel M.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:60954.

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212007AJAE Appendix: Time to Eat: Household Production Under Increasing Income Inequality. (2007). Hamermesh, Daniel. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7099.

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222008AJAE Appendix: Spatial Dynamics of Water and Nitrogen Management in Irrigated Agriculture. (2008). Knapp, Keith C. ; Schwabe, Kurt A.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7042.

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232009“AJAE Appendix: The Tariff Equivalent and Forgone Trade Effects of Prohibitive Technical Barriers to Trade”. (2009). Beghin, John ; Yue, Chengyan. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164212.

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242007AJAE Appendix: Estimating Policy Effects on Spatial Market Efficiency: An Extension to the Parity Bounds Model. (2007). Myers, Robert ; Muleta, Asfaw Negassa. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7410.

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252009AJAE APPENDIX FOR “JOINT ESTIMATION OF RISK PREFERENCES AND TECHNOLOGY: FLEXIBLE UTILITY OR FUTILITY?”. (2009). Lence, Sergio. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164194.

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262007AJAE Appendix: Asset Pricing in Created Markets. (2007). Sanchirico, James ; Papps, Kerry ; Newell, Richard. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7415.

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272008“AJAE appendix for “The Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Agricultural Trade”. (2008). Kandilov, Ivan. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164025.

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282009AJAE Appendix: “Does Production Labeling Stigmatize Conventional Milk?”. (2009). Messer, Kent ; Kaiser, Harry ; Katner, Christopher . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164209.

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292008AJAE Appendix: The Problem of Free Riding in Voluntary Generic Advertising: Parallelism and Possible Solutions from the Lab. (2008). Messer, Kent ; Kaiser, Harry ; Schulze, William D.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7091.

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302007AJAE Appendix: Modeling Farm Households Price Responses in the Presence of Transaction Costs and Heterogeneity in Labor Markets. (2007). Henningsen, Arne ; Henning, Christian H. C. A., ; Henning, Christian H. C. A., . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7409.

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312009Title: “AJAE appendix for Riparian Buffers and Hedonic Prices: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis of Residential Property Values in the Neuse River Basin”. (2009). Landry, Craig ; Bin, Okmyung ; Meyer, Gregory F.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164208.

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322007AJAE Appendix: Grading, Minimum Quality Standards, and the Labeling of Genetically Modified Products. (2007). Moschini, GianCarlo ; Lapan, Harvey. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7404.

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332006AJAE Appendix: Dynamic Random Utility Modeling: A Monte Carlo Analysis. (2006). Schnier, Kurt ; Hicks, Robert. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7397.

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342007AJAE Appendix: The Use of Conditional Cost Functions to Generate Estimable Mixed Demand Systems. (2007). Wong, Gary ; Park, Hoan Jae . In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7411.

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352008AJAE Appendix: Differentiation and Synergies in Rural Tourism: Estimation and Simulation of the Israeli Market. (2008). Finkelshtain, Israel ; Fleischer, Aliza ; Tchetchik, Anat. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7092.

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362007AJAE Appendix: Contract Enforcement, Social Efficiency, and Distribution: Some Experimental Evidence. (2007). Wu, Steven ; Roe, Brian. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7412.

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372009“The Profitability of Transitioning to Organic Grain Crops in Indiana”. (2009). Clark, Samuel F.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:164215.

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382008AJAE Appendix: Farmers Perceived Costs of Wetlands: Effects of Wetland Size, Hydration, and Dispersion. (2008). Peterson, Jeffrey ; Fox, John ; Gelso, Brett R.. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7104.

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392006AJAE Appendix: Regulating Nitrogen Pollution with Risk-Averse Farmers under Hidden Information and Moral Hazard. (2006). Thomas, Alban ; Bontems, Philippe. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7403.

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402008AJAE Appendix: Incentives to Reduce Crop Trait Durability. (2008). Lemarié, Stéphane ; Langinier, Corinne ; Ambec, Stefan ; Lemarie, Stephane. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7095.

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412007AJAE Appendix: Valuing Agricultural Insurance. (2007). Chambers, Robert. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7406.

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422007AJAE Appendix: Supply Response to Counter-cyclical Payments and Base Acre Updating under Uncertainty: An Experimental Study. (2007). Shogren, Jason ; McIntosh, Christopher ; Dohlman, Erik. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES. RePEc:ags:ajaeap:7098.

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