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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2009 0 0.58 0.45 0 20 20 215 5 9 0 0 0 5 0.25 0.33
2010 0.75 0.52 0.61 0.75 31 51 181 31 40 20 15 20 15 0 16 0.52 0.3
2011 0.98 0.61 0.93 0.98 3 54 5 50 90 51 50 51 50 0 0 0.37
2020 0 0.72 0.28 0 13 67 36 19 387 0 0 0 6 0.46 0.78
2021 1.38 0.99 0.52 1.38 2 69 3 36 423 13 18 13 18 0 4 2 0.41
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12009Beyond the Home Market Effect: Market Size and Specialization in a Multi-Country World. (2009). Tabuchi, Takatoshi ; Ottaviano, Gianmarco ; Lamorgese, Andrea R ; Behrens, Kristian. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:56212.

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22010Family Values and the Regulation of Labor. (2010). Giuliano, Paola ; Cahuc, Pierre ; Algan, Yann ; Alesina, Alberto. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:90908.

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32010Social Capital and Political Accountability. (2010). Tabellini, Guido ; Nannicini, Tommaso ; Stella, Andrea ; Troiano, Ugo. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:90944.

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42009Trade Complexity and Productivity. (2009). Bekes, Gabor ; Altomonte, Carlo. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:54170.

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52020The Effects of Air Pollution on COVID-19 Related Mortality in Northern Italy. (2020). Pontarollo, Nicola ; Parisi, Maria Laura ; Lippo, Enrico ; Guastella, Gianni ; Fabrizi, Enrico ; Cavalli, Laura ; Coker, Eric ; Vergalli, Sergio ; Varacca, Alessandro ; Rizzati, Massimiliano . In: 2030 Agenda. RePEc:ags:feemgc:305209.

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62009Cultural Diversity and Economic Performance: Evidence from European Regions. (2009). Ottaviano, Gianmarco ; Bellini, Elena ; Prarolo, Giovanni ; Pinelli, Dino. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:54171.

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72009Household Responses to Individual Shocks: Disability and Labor Supply. (2009). Gallipoli, Giovanni ; Turner, Laura. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:55323.

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82009Winning Big but Feeling no Better? The Effect of Lottery Prizes on Physical and Mental Health. (2009). Clark, Andrew ; Apouey, Benedicte. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:55295.

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92009Cultural Identity and Knowledge Creation in Cosmopolitan Cities. (2009). Ottaviano, Gianmarco ; Prarolo, Giovanni. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:54291.

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102010“Google it!” Forecasting the US Unemployment Rate with a Google Job Search index. (2010). Marcucci, Juri ; Damuri, Francesco. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:60680.

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112010Returns to Migration, Education, and Externalities in the European Union. (2010). Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés ; Tselios, Vassilis ; Rodriguez-Pose, Andres. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:59851.

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122010Trade and Geography in the Economic Origins of Islam: Theory and Evidence. (2010). Michalopoulos, Stelios ; Prarolo, Giovanni ; Naghavi, Alireza. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:91008.

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132010Immigration, Offshoring and American Jobs. (2010). Peri, Giovanni ; Ottaviano, Gianmarco ; Wright, Greg C. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:98462.

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142010Are Academics Messy? Testing the Broken Windows Theory with a Field Experiment in the Work Environment. (2010). Torgler, Benno ; Ramos, Joao. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:94623.

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152010Path Dependence, Institutions and the Density of Economic Activities: Evidence from Italian Cities. (2010). Percoco, Marco. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:94792.

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162011Democracy, Property Rights, Income Equality, and Corruption. (2011). Torgler, Benno ; Dong, Bin. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:99685.

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172010Loving Cultural Heritage. Private Individual Giving and Prosocial Behavior. (2010). Signorello, Giovanni ; Santagata, Walter ; Bertacchini, Enrico . In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:59415.

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182009The Fragility of Social Capital. (2009). Antoci, Angelo ; Sodini, Mauro ; Sabatini, Fabio. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:50401.

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192010Spatial Development. (2010). Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban ; Desmet, Klaus. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:59852.

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202010The Right Amount of Trust. (2010). Guiso, Luigi ; Giuliano, Paola ; Butler, Jeffrey. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:90947.

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212009Productivity and Firm Selection: Quantifying the “New” Gains from Trade. (2009). Ottaviano, Gianmarco ; Mion, Giordano ; del Gatto, Massimo ; Corcos, Gregory. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:56208.

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222009Political Persistence, Connections and Economic Growth. (2009). Prarolo, Giovanni ; Ceroni, Carlotta Berti ; Bellettini, Giorgio. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:55828.

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232010Advocatus, et non latro? Testing the Supplier-Induced-Demand Hypothesis for Italian Courts of Justice. (2010). Galizzi, Matteo M ; Buonanno, Paolo. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:90903.

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242021Partial Order Algorithms for the Assessment of Italian Cities Sustainability. (2021). Cavalli, Laura ; Fattore, Marco ; Arcagni, Alberto. In: 2030 Agenda. RePEc:ags:feemgc:309036.

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252009SMEs in Argentina: Who are the Exporters. (2009). Ottaviano, Gianmarco ; Martincus, Christian Volpe. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:55287.

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262009Firm Heterogeneity, Contract Enforcement, and the Industry Dynamics of Offshoring. (2009). Ottaviano, Gianmarco ; Naghavi, Alireza. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:52542.

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272009Mapping the Evolution of Clusters: A Meta-analysis. (2009). Uberti, Teodora Erika ; Gambarotto, Francesca ; Maggioni, Mario A. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:54293.

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282010Conscription and Crime: Evidence from the Argentine Draft Lottery. (2010). Rossi, Martín ; Galiani, Sebastian ; Schargrodsky, Ernesto. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:90907.

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292010Juvenile Delinquency and Conformism. (2010). Zenou, Yves ; Patacchini, Eleonora. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:90945.

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302020Welfare Costs of Catastrophes: Lost Consumption and Lost Lives. (2020). Martin, Ian ; Pindyck, Robert S ; Ian, . In: 2030 Agenda. RePEc:ags:feemgc:308023.

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312009Does Social Capital Create Trust? Evidence from a Community of Entrepreneurs. (2009). Sabatini, Fabio. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:52340.

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322010Women’s Rights and Development. (2010). Fernandez, Raquel . In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:90943.

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332009Education, Reputation or Network? Evidence from Italy on Migrant Workers Employability. (2009). Ponti, Giovanni ; Mazzanti, Massimiliano ; Piva, Nora ; Mancinelli, Susanna. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:52344.

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342009Like Oil and Water or Chocolate and Peanut Butter? Ethnic Diversity and Social Participation of Young People in England. (2009). Fumagalli, Laura . In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:55293.

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352010Using the Law to Change the Custom. (2010). Wahhaj, Zaki ; Platteau, Jean-Philippe ; Chaara, Imane ; Aldashev, Gani. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:90946.

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362009The Decision to Migrate and Social Capital: Evidence from Albania. (2009). Cattaneo, Cristina. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:55290.

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372010Tourism and Development: A Recent Phenomenon Built on Old (Institutional) Roots?. (2010). Pigliaru, Francesco ; Di Liberto, Adriana ; Brau, Rinaldo . In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:59425.

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382020Commuting in Europe: An Inter-regional Analysis on its Determinants and Spatial Effects. (2020). Parenti, Angela ; Castelli, Chiara. In: 2030 Agenda. RePEc:ags:feemgc:307985.

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392010The Solaria Syndrome: Social Capital in a Growing Hyper-technological Economy. (2010). Sabatini, Fabio ; Antoci, Angelo ; Sodini, Mauro. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:93415.

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402009Input Production Joint Venture. (2009). Vergari, Cecilia ; Rossini, Gianpaolo. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:55288.

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412020Port of the Future - Addressing Efficiency and Sustainability at the Port of Livorno with 5G. (2020). Lizzi, Giulia ; Cavalli, Laura. In: 2030 Agenda. RePEc:ags:feemgc:305211.

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422009Youth Unemployment Challenges in Mining Areas of Ghana. (2009). Donkor, P ; Adjaloo, M K ; Sarfo-Mensah, Paul. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:56215.

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432010Internal Migration Across Italian regions: Macroeconomic Determinants and Accommodating Potential for a Dualistic Economy. (2010). Piras, Romano. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:96626.

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442020Is Environmentalism the Right Strategy to Decarbonize the World?. (2020). Marini, Marco ; Thisse, Jacques-Franois ; Tarola, Ornella. In: 2030 Agenda. RePEc:ags:feemgc:308106.

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452020Effects of Carbon Tax on Electricity Price Volatility: Empirical Evidences from the Australian Market. (2020). Vergalli, Sergio ; Comincioli, Nicola. In: 2030 Agenda. RePEc:ags:feemgc:305205.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12020The Effects of Air Pollution on COVID-19 Related Mortality in Northern Italy. (2020). Pontarollo, Nicola ; Parisi, Maria Laura ; Lippo, Enrico ; Guastella, Gianni ; Fabrizi, Enrico ; Cavalli, Laura ; Coker, Eric ; Vergalli, Sergio ; Varacca, Alessandro ; Rizzati, Massimiliano . In: 2030 Agenda. RePEc:ags:feemgc:305209.

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22009Trade Complexity and Productivity. (2009). Bekes, Gabor ; Altomonte, Carlo. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:54170.

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32009Beyond the Home Market Effect: Market Size and Specialization in a Multi-Country World. (2009). Tabuchi, Takatoshi ; Ottaviano, Gianmarco ; Lamorgese, Andrea R ; Behrens, Kristian. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:56212.

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42021Partial Order Algorithms for the Assessment of Italian Cities Sustainability. (2021). Cavalli, Laura ; Fattore, Marco ; Arcagni, Alberto. In: 2030 Agenda. RePEc:ags:feemgc:309036.

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52009Education, Reputation or Network? Evidence from Italy on Migrant Workers Employability. (2009). Ponti, Giovanni ; Mazzanti, Massimiliano ; Piva, Nora ; Mancinelli, Susanna. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:52344.

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62010“Google it!” Forecasting the US Unemployment Rate with a Google Job Search index. (2010). Marcucci, Juri ; Damuri, Francesco. In: Global Challenges Papers. RePEc:ags:feemgc:60680.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 8
2022Particulate matter and COVID-19 excess deaths: Decomposing long-term exposure and short-term effects. (2022). Conzo, Pierluigi ; Becchetti, Leonardo ; Salustri, Francesco ; de Santis, Davide ; Beccari, Gabriele. In: Ecological Economics. RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:194:y:2022:i:c:s0921800922000027.

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2022Quantifying the Transmission of Outdoor Pollutants into the Indoor Environment and Vice Versa—Review of Influencing Factors, Methods, Challenges and Future Direction. (2022). Calautit, John ; Mohammadi, Murtaza. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:17:p:10880-:d:903107.

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2022Government Intervention, Human Mobility, and COVID-19: A Causal Pathway Analysis from 121 Countries. (2022). Huang, Danwen ; Ge, Xing ; Wang, Feng. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:6:p:3694-:d:776292.

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2022Where did it hit harder? Understanding the geography of excess mortality during the COVID?19 pandemic. (2022). Lembcke, Alexander C ; Veneri, Paolo ; Ramirez, Marcos Diaz. In: Journal of Regional Science. RePEc:bla:jregsc:v:62:y:2022:i:3:p:889-908.

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2022Long-term commuting times and air quality relationship to COVID-19 in São Paulo. (2022). Miranda, R M ; Ribeiro, H ; Slovic, A D ; Connerton, P ; de Assuno, J V ; Dunck, J A ; Perez-Martinez, P J. In: Journal of Transport Geography. RePEc:eee:jotrge:v:101:y:2022:i:c:s0966692322000722.

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2022Questioning the spatial association between the initial spread of COVID-19 and transit usage in Italy. (2022). Percoco, Marco ; Nocera, Silvio ; Borsati, Mattia. In: Research in Transportation Economics. RePEc:eee:retrec:v:95:y:2022:i:c:s0739885922000178.

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2022Environmental policy with green consumerism. (2022). De Donder, Philippe ; DeDonder, Philippe ; Ambec, Stefan. In: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. RePEc:eee:jeeman:v:111:y:2022:i:c:s0095069621001297.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2021

YearCiting document
2021Partial Order Algorithms for the Assessment of Italian Cities Sustainability. (2021). Fattore, Marco ; Cavalli, Laura ; Arcagni, Alberto. In: FEEM Working Papers. RePEc:ags:feemwp:309036.

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2021Random Encounters and Information Diffusion about Product Quality. (2021). Zanaj, Skerdilajda ; Marini, Marco ; Gabszewicz, Jean J. In: FEEM Working Papers. RePEc:ags:feemwp:309915.

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2021Partial Order Algorithms for the Assessment of Italian Cities Sustainability. (2021). Cavalli, Laura ; Arcagni, Alberto ; Fattore, Marco. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fem:femwpa:2021.01.

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2021Random Encounters and Information Diffusion about Product Quality. (2021). Marini, Marco ; Zanaj, Skerdilajda ; Gabszewicz, Jean J. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fem:femwpa:2021.02.

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Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statement on the occasion of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. (2020). Koundouri, Phoebe ; Gaviria, Alejandro ; Were, Miriam Khamadi ; Karim, Salim Abdool ; Torres, Emma ; Wang, Chen ; Hotez, Peter ; Sachs, Jeffrey D ; Lafortune, Guillaume ; Haines, Andy ; Caman, Ozge Karadag ; Vike-Freiberga, Vaira ; Barredo, Lauren ; Thwaites, John ; Gaspar, Vitor ; ben Amor, Yanis ; Shah, Raj ; Espinosa, Maraa Fernanda ; Bottazzi, Maria Elena ; Serageldin, Ismail ; Daszak, Peter ; Bahadur, Chandrika ; Reddy, Srinath ; Barron, Gabriela Cuevas ; Zhu, Min ; Polman, Paul ; Brosbol, Kirsten ; Xue, Lan ; Pate, Muhammad ; Allen, Joseph ; Bascunan, Felipe Larrain ; Lee, Jong-Koo ; Aknin, Lara ; Ethridge, Ismini. In: DEOS Working Papers. RePEc:aue:wpaper:2032.

2020Effects of Carbon Tax on Electricity Price Volatility: Empirical Evidences from the Australian Market. (2002). Vergalli, Sergio ; Comincioli, Nicola. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fem:femwpa:2020.02.

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2020Family Ties and the Pandemic: Some Evidence from Sars-CoV-2. (2020). Marè, Mauro ; Mare, Mauro ; di Gialleonardo, Luca ; Porcelli, Francesco ; Motroni, Antonello. In: Working papers. RePEc:ipu:wpaper:100.

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2020Mitigating Disaster Risks to Sustain Growth. (2020). Wang, Neng ; Hong, Harrison ; Yang, Jinqiang. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:27066.

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2020COVID-19 and the Welfare Effects of Reducing Contagion. (2020). Pindyck, Robert. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:27121.

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2020Analysis of monthly CO2 emission trends for major EU Countries: a time series approach. (2020). Quatrosi, Marco. In: SEEDS Working Papers. RePEc:srt:wpaper:1520.

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