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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2005 0 0.6 0.02 0 82 82 25 2 2 0 0 2 100 2 0.02 0.36
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12005The Balanced Scorecard Implementation in Farm Enterprise - A Case Study from Ukraine. (2005). Lissitsa, Alexej . In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24272.

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22005Strategic Mapping of the Rural Firm: A Balanced Scorecard Approach. (2005). Filho, Hildo Meirelles De Souza, ; Lourenzani, Wagner Luiz ; Queiroz, Timoteo Ramos . In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24263.

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32005Strategic Approach to Farming Success. (2005). Napier, Robert John ; Nell, Wilhelm T.. In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24237.

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42005Comparison of Risk in Organic, Integrated and Conventional Cropping Systems in Eastern Norway. (2005). Richardson, James ; Korsaeth, Audun ; Eltun, Ragnar ; Flaten, Ola ; Schuman, Keith D. ; Lien, Gudbrand. In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24251.

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52005Sources of Competitive Advantage in the Uruguayan and New Zealand Beef Industries. (2005). Woodford, Keith ; Serra, Virginia ; Martin, Sandra . In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24292.

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62005Helping Farmers Adjust to Policy Reforms through Demonstration Farms: Lessons from a Project in England. (2005). Bailey, Alison ; Scott, Tricia ; Beechener, Sam ; Rana, Ram ; Beedell, Jason ; Garforth, Chris ; Angell, Brian. In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24287.

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72005Improving Entrepreneurship in Farming: The Impact of a Training Programme in Dutch Dairy Farming. (2005). Bergevoet, R. H. M., ; van Woerkum, C. M. J., ; van Woerkum, C. M. J., ; Huirne, R. B. M., ; Huirne, R. B. M., ; Saatkamp, H. W. ; Giesen, G. W. J., ; Giesen, G. W. J., ; Bergevoet, R. H. M., . In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24219.

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82005Caring Dairy: A Sustainable Dairy Farming Initiative in Europe. (2005). Mauser, Anniek ; van Calker, Klaas Jan ; Beldman, Alfons C. G., ; Antink, Rudi H. J. Hooch, . In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24234.

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92005Buying Organic Food in France: Shopping Habits and Trust. (2005). Sirieix, Lucie ; Schaer, B.. In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24265.

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102005A Global Project for Comparative Farm Analysis: The International Farm Comparison Network IFCN. (2005). Deblitz, Claus ; Hemm, Torsten ; Plessmann, Frank ; Isermeyer, Folkhard. In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24247.

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112005Agricultural Risk Management - Experiences from an Action Research Approach. (2005). Oksen, Arne ; Larsen, Torben U. ; Lund, Mogens ; Andersen, Henning. In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24291.

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122005How Best to Compare Low and High Input Pastoral Systems. (2005). Holmes, Colin ; Shadbolt, Nicola M. ; de Machado, Maria Buron ; Silva-Villacorta, David. In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24232.

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132005Determining Educational Needs: A Focus Group Approach. (2005). Eberspacher, Beth ; Jose, Douglas H.. In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24242.

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142005Comparison at Dairy Farm Level of Different Policies to Decrease Nutrient Losses to Ground and Surface Waters in the Netherlands. (2005). Berentsen, Paul ; Berentsen, Paul B. M., ; Berentsen, Paul B. M., . In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24290.

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152005Reducing Nutrient Losses in Europe and Implications for Farming - In the Light of the Water Framework Directive. (2005). Jacobsen, Brian ; Abildtrup, Jens ; Orum, Jens Erik. In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24229.

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162005Leadership Values and Sustainable Trading Management for Food Security, Biodiversity and Equity. (2005). Wibberley, John. In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24262.

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172005If We Want Entrepreneurs We Need to Provide the Right Environment. (2005). van Blokland, P. J.. In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24256.

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182005Production of Table Potatoes in Europe - A Multinational Gross Margin Analysis. (2005). Gluska, Anna ; Pedersen, Soren Marcus ; Costa, Luisa Dalla ; Coutinho, Joao ; Bizik, Jan ; Dolezal, Frantisek. In: 15th Congress, Campinas SP, Brazil, August 14-19, 2005. RePEc:ags:ifma05:24235.

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