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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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5 Years IF
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2007 0 0.46 0 0 21 21 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.2
2008 0 0.49 0 0 24 45 2 0 21 21 0 0 0.23
2009 0 0.47 0 0 22 67 3 0 45 45 0 0 0.24
2010 0.02 0.48 0.01 0.01 16 83 2 1 1 46 1 67 1 1 100 0 0.21
2011 0 0.52 0.01 0 26 109 6 1 2 38 83 0 1 0.04 0.24
2012 0.02 0.52 0.01 0.01 25 134 8 1 3 42 1 109 1 0 0 0.22
2013 0.04 0.56 0.01 0.02 31 165 9 2 5 51 2 113 2 1 50 0 0.24
2014 0 0.55 0 0 35 200 9 5 56 120 0 0 0.23
2015 0.02 0.55 0.01 0.02 36 236 22 2 7 66 1 133 2 0 0 0.23
2016 0.06 0.53 0.04 0.04 47 283 5 11 18 71 4 153 6 4 36.4 0 0.21
2017 0.05 0.54 0.05 0.05 40 323 6 17 35 83 4 174 8 11 64.7 0 0.22
2018 0 0.56 0.01 0.02 57 380 27 4 39 87 189 4 0 0 0.24
2019 0.02 0.58 0.04 0.04 30 410 19 15 54 97 2 215 8 0 1 0.03 0.23
2020 0.11 0.7 0.05 0.06 11 421 0 19 73 87 10 210 13 0 0 0.33
2021 0.12 0.87 0.06 0.1 11 432 1 27 100 41 5 185 18 1 3.7 1 0.09 0.32
2022 0.09 1 0.06 0.15 9 441 0 28 128 22 2 149 22 0 0 0.31
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
22015What are Production Determinants of Bioeconomy?. (2015). MacIejczak, Mariusz. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:230865.

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3O wyborze metody porządkowania liniowego do oceny gospodarki odpadami w Polsce w ujęciu przestrzennym. (2018). Kukua, Karol ; Luty, Lidia . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:275537.

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42018Diversification of European Union Member States Due to the Production of Renewable Energy from Agriculture and Forestry. (2018). Janiszewska, Dorota ; Ossowska, Luiza. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:275528.

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52015The Potential and Significance of Urban Agriculture on the Basis of the Ruhr Metropolis and the Upper Silesian Metropolis. (2015). Sroka, Wojciech ; Polling, Bernd. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:230869.

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62013Risks and risk management in agriculture. (2013). Theuvsen, Ludwig. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:190788.

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72019Price Behaviour and Market Integration: Preliminary Evidence from the Ukrainian and European Union Rapeseed Markets. (2019). Sica, Edgardo ; Makarchuk, Oksana ; Hamulczuk, Mariusz . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:288517.

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8Potencjał energetyczny biomasy roślinnej i możliwości wykorzystania do celów energetycznych. (2017). Jarosz, Zuzanna. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:262062.

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9Zmiany w polskim handlu zagranicznym produktami rolno-spożywczymi po akcesji do Unii Europejskiej. (2014). Pawlak, Karolina. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:189887.

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102018The Problem of Food Waste in Different Types of Households on the Example of the Residents of Poland and Polish People Residing in the United Kingdom – Pilot Study. (2018). Skotnicka, Magdalena ; Miechowska, Maria ; Karwowska, Kaja. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:280736.

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112019Development of the Agricultural Biogas Market in Poland – Production Volume, Feedstocks, Activities and Behaviours of Farmers. (2019). Piwowar, Arkadiusz. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:288521.

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122019Multidimensional Determinants of National Food Security in Azerbaijan: an Application of the ARDL Approach. (2019). Huseynov, Ragif. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:300088.

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13Krajowy rynek rzepaku na tle rynku światowego. (2014). Rosiak, Ewa . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:189827.

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142015Quality Attribute-Price Relationship: Modernization of the Sweet Cherry Sector in Poland. (2015). Florkowski, Wojciech J ; Ysiak, Grzegorz . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:230855.

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15Kształtowanie się cen ziemi rolniczej ze względu na wybrane czynniki użytkowo-rynkowe. (2011). Pietrzykowski, Robert . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:195346.

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162019Rural Demographic Problem Areas in Poland. (2019). Bronisz, Urszula ; Jakubowski, Andrzej. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:291445.

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17Wyniki produkcyjno-ekonomiczne i finansowe indywidualnych gospodarstw rolnych według ich wielkości ekonomicznej (na przykładzie regionu FADN Wielkopolska i Śląsk). (2007). redziska, Joanna ; Poczta, Walenty . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:198943.

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182017Convergence of the Labour Productivity in European Union Agriculture. (2017). Jaroszewska, Joanna ; Pietrzykowski, Robert . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:266509.

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19Innowacyjna działalność produktowa polskich przedsiębiorstw przemysłu spożywczego. (2009). Kaczorowska, Joanna . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:196502.

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20Produktywność gospodarstw rolnych w Polsce na tle innych krajów. (2014). Grochowska, Renata ; Mako, Stanisaw . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:189821.

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212014Food production in Poland, compared to selected European Union Member States. (2014). Wrzesiska-Kowal, Joanna ; Drabarczyk, Katarzyna . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:198885.

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222018Wyniki produkcyjne i ekonomiczne gospodarstw ogrodniczych. (2018). Komorowska, Dorota. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:274516.

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232016Causes and Consequences of Deindustrialization in the Euro Area. (2016). Mucha-Leszko, Bogumia. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:253059.

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242019The World Financial Crisis and The Polish Economy. (2019). Adamowicz, Tomasz. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:288514.

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252011Estimation of technical efficiency by application of the SFA method for panel data. (2011). Bezat, Agnieszka . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:195654.

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262018Selected Aspects of Protectionism of EU Member States in the EU Agri-Food Market. (2018). Ambroziak, Adam ; Grochowska, Renata. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:275527.

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27Konwergencja typu sigma cen gruntów rolnych w państwach Unii Europejskiej. (2019). Twardowska, Anna. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:288525.

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28Uwarunkowania rozwoju przemysłu spożywczego po przystąpieniu Polski do UE. (2011). Szwacka-Mokrzycka, Joanna ; Kociszewski, Micha . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:195691.

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292014Visegrad countries - agrarian foreign trade development in relation to their total merchandise trade performance. (2014). Smutka, Lubo ; Svato, Miroslav. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:198880.

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30Sytuacja dochodowa gospodarstw rolniczych w krajach UE-15 i w Polsce w latach 2007-2013 w świetle statystyki FADN. (2015). Czyewski, Andrzej ; Kryszak, Ukasz. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:202221.

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312017Importance and Comparative Advantages of the EU and US Agri-food Sector in World Trade in 1995-2015. (2017). Pawlak, Karolina. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:266521.

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322015Calendar Effects in the Market of Crude Oil. (2015). Gorska, Anna ; Krawiec, Monika. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:230857.

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33Czy spekulacje finansowe wpływają na międzynarodowe ceny towarów rolno-żywnościowych?. (2011). Zawojska, Aldona. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:195771.

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342012The development of Hungarian agricultural insurance system. (2012). Fogarasi, József ; Kemeny, Gabor ; Varga, Tibor ; Toth, Kristof . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:195284.

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352015Development of Bioenergy from Biomass in Ukraine. (2015). Orlikowskyi, Mykola ; MacIejczak, Mariusz ; Galchynska, Julia . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:230856.

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362018Food Losses and Food Waste Versus Circular Economy. (2018). Parliska, Maria ; Pagare, Abhishek. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:275541.

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37Relacje cenowe w rolnictwie polskim a dochodowość gospodarstw rolnych i gospodarstw domowych rolników. (2015). Kryszak, Ukasz ; Czyewski, Andrzej. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:212772.

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382012Analysis of static and dynamic productivity growth in the Spanish meat processing industry. (2012). Stefanou, Spiro ; Oude Lansink, Alfons ; Kapelko, Magdalena. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:195283.

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392015Correlations Between Fragmentation of Farms in the Republic of Moldova and its Impact on Farm Incomes Compared to Poland and Romania. (2015). Popa, Daniela Grigore ; Dinu, Toma Adrian . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:230868.

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402013Policy Analysis Matrix: An analysis of the effectiveness of state agricultural policy for the dairy sector in Ukraine. (2013). Dibrova, Anatolii ; Chan-khi, Oksana . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:190772.

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412019Analysis of the Global Pulses Market and Programs Encouraging Consumption of This Food. (2019). Jackowska, Magorzata ; Halicka, Ewa ; Rejman, Krystyna ; Szczebyo, Agata. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:296751.

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422012Importance and competitive advantage of the European Union countries in trade in agri-food products. (2012). Pawlak, Karolina. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:195292.

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43Zróżnicowanie funkcji rolniczej w krajach Unii Europejskiej na podstawie wybranych cech. (2016). Janiszewska, Dorota A ; Ossowska, Luiza. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:244336.

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44Dochodowa elastyczność wydatków polskich gospodarstw domowych i jej uwarunkowania. (2014). Laskowski, Wacaw . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:189825.

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452014Polityka rolna Unii Europejskiej i USA w dobie liberalizacji handlu. (2014). Piekutowska, Agnieszka ; Kraciuk, Jakub . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:198851.

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46Nierówności dochodowe gospodarstw domowych rolników na tle innych grup społeczno-ekonomicznych w Polsce w latach 2006-2014. (2017). Jdrzejczak, Alina ; Pekasiewicz, Dorota. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:264488.

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472011Domestic Support of Livestock Production in Ukraine. (2011). Dibrova, Anatolii ; Krylov, Yaroslav . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:195759.

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482014Telework and personnel risk. (2014). Wyrzykowska, Barbara . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:198886.

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49Międzynarodowe uwarunkowania wykorzystania ziemi rolniczej. (2015). Wilkin, Jerzy. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:202237.

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50Warunki tworzenia i stan rozwoju spółdzielni i klastrów energetycznych w Polsce na tle doświadczeń niemieckich. (2018). Baejowska, Magorzata ; Gostomczyk, Waldemar. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:275522.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
22018Diversification of European Union Member States Due to the Production of Renewable Energy from Agriculture and Forestry. (2018). Janiszewska, Dorota ; Ossowska, Luiza. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:275528.

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32015Quality Attribute-Price Relationship: Modernization of the Sweet Cherry Sector in Poland. (2015). Florkowski, Wojciech J ; Ysiak, Grzegorz . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:230855.

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42015Correlations Between Fragmentation of Farms in the Republic of Moldova and its Impact on Farm Incomes Compared to Poland and Romania. (2015). Popa, Daniela Grigore ; Dinu, Toma Adrian . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:230868.

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52015What are Production Determinants of Bioeconomy?. (2015). MacIejczak, Mariusz. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:230865.

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62017Convergence of the Labour Productivity in European Union Agriculture. (2017). Jaroszewska, Joanna ; Pietrzykowski, Robert . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:266509.

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72018The Problem of Food Waste in Different Types of Households on the Example of the Residents of Poland and Polish People Residing in the United Kingdom – Pilot Study. (2018). Skotnicka, Magdalena ; Miechowska, Maria ; Karwowska, Kaja. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:280736.

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82019Price Behaviour and Market Integration: Preliminary Evidence from the Ukrainian and European Union Rapeseed Markets. (2019). Sica, Edgardo ; Makarchuk, Oksana ; Hamulczuk, Mariusz . In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:288517.

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92018Wyniki produkcyjne i ekonomiczne gospodarstw ogrodniczych. (2018). Komorowska, Dorota. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:274516.

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102019Multidimensional Determinants of National Food Security in Azerbaijan: an Application of the ARDL Approach. (2019). Huseynov, Ragif. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:300088.

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112019The World Financial Crisis and The Polish Economy. (2019). Adamowicz, Tomasz. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:288514.

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122017Importance and Comparative Advantages of the EU and US Agri-food Sector in World Trade in 1995-2015. (2017). Pawlak, Karolina. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa Åšwiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:266521.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 2
2022Evaluation of the results and analysis of the impact of the DCFTA with the EU on agricultural trade in Ukraine. (2022). Lienivova, Hanna ; Olefir, Volodymyr ; Kobuta, Iryna ; Ostashko, Tamara. In: Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal. RePEc:ags:areint:330352.

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2022Food Security, Agriculture and Policy Making: When Believing is Not Enough. (2022). Yeung, May T. In: Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy. RePEc:ags:ecjilt:329969.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2021

YearCiting document
2021Determinants of Women’s Empowerment and Household Poverty Reduction in Imbulpe DS Division, Sri Lanka. (2021). Rathnachandra, Seemannge Don ; Pushpa, S H. In: Problems of World Agriculture / Problemy Rolnictwa ?wiatowego. RePEc:ags:polpwa:317103.

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Recent citations received in 2019

YearCiting document
2019Development of Renewable Energy Sources in the Context of Threats Resulting from Low-Altitude Emissions in Rural Areas in Poland: A Review. (2019). Piwowar, Arkadiusz ; Dziku, Maciej. In: Energies. RePEc:gam:jeners:v:12:y:2019:i:18:p:3558-:d:268013.

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