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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2010 0 0.48 0.06 0 16 16 48 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.06 0.21
2011 0 0.52 0 0 18 34 135 1 16 16 0 0 0.24
2012 0.12 0.52 0.13 0.12 14 48 110 6 7 34 4 34 4 2 33.3 2 0.14 0.22
2013 0.28 0.56 0.16 0.19 14 62 154 10 17 32 9 48 9 3 30 1 0.07 0.24
2014 0.5 0.55 0.25 0.29 15 77 69 19 36 28 14 62 18 3 15.8 0 0.23
2015 0.72 0.55 0.55 0.61 14 91 57 50 86 29 21 77 47 4 8 1 0.07 0.23
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12013Impact of Mobile Phone-Based Money Transfer Services in Agriculture: Evidence from Kenya. (2013). Kirui, Oliver ; Njiraini, Georgina W. ; Nyikal, Rose A. ; Okello, Julius J.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:173644.

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22011Impact Assessment of Livestock Research and Development in West Africa: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. (2011). Waibel, Hermann ; Liebenehm, Sabine ; Affognon, Hippolyte. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155534.

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32011Impact of Improved Rice Technology (NERICA varieties) on Income and Poverty among Rice Farming Households in Nigeria: A Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE) Approach. (2011). Dontsop Nguezet, Paul Martin ; Diagne, Aliou ; Ojehomon, Vivian ; Okoruwa, Victor Olusegun ; Nguezet, Paul Martin Dontsop, . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155535.

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42012How Mobile Phones Contribute to Growth of Small Farmers? Evidence from India. (2012). Mittal, Surabhi ; Mehar, Mamta. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155478.

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52011Determinants of Agricultural Technology Adoption: The Case of Improved Pigeonpea Varieties in Tanzania. (2011). Simtowe, Franklin ; Berresaw, Menale ; Diagne, Aliou ; Asfaw, Solomon ; Silim, Said ; Kassie, Menale ; Muange, Elijah ; Shiferaw, Bekele. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155537.

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62012Technical Efficiency of Irrigated and Rain-Fed Smallholder Agriculture in Tigray, Ethiopia: A Comparative Stochastic Frontier Production Function Analysis. (2012). Holden, Stein ; Gebregziabher, Gebrehaweria ; Namara, Regassa E.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155477.

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72013Food Price Volatility in Developing Countries and its Determinants. (2013). Kalkuhl, Matthias ; Kornher, Lukas . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:173649.

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82014Determinants of Income Diversification of Farm Households in the Western Region of Ghana. (2014). Agyeman, Bernard Archibald Senyo, ; Asuming-Brempong, Samuel ; Onumah, Edward Ebo . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:195729.

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92010Determinants of Food Security among Rural Households of Central Ethiopia: An Empirical Analysis. (2010). Beyene, Fekadu ; Muche, Mequanent . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155555.

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102015Technical Efficiency and Productivity Differential Effects of Land Right Certification: A Quasi-Experimental Evidence. (2015). Holden, Stein ; Ghebru, Hosaena. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:206294.

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112014Agricultural Production and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Implication for Rural Poverty Alleviation. (2014). Oyakhilomen, Oyinbo ; Zibah, Rekwot Grace . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:195735.

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122012Weather Risk and Household Participation in Off-farm Activities in Rural Ethiopia. (2012). Demeke, Abera Birhanu ; Zeller, Manfred. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155470.

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132011Lessons from Structural Adjustment Programmes and their Effects in Africa. (2011). Heidhues, Franz ; Obare, Gideon . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155490.

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142014Blessing or Evil? Contract Farming, Smallholder Poultry Production and Household Welfare in Kenya. (2014). Nzuma, Jonathan M. ; Wainaina, Priscilla W. ; Okello, Julius J.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:199252.

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152015What Determines Adoption of Fertilizers among Rice-Producing Households in Northern Ghana?. (2015). Wiredu, Alexander Nimo ; Diagne, Aliou ; Zeller, Manfred. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:225953.

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162011Increasing Income of Ghanaian Cocoa Farmers: Is Introduction of Fine Flavour Cocoa a Viable Alternative. (2011). Dziwornu, Ambrose K. ; Osei-Asare, Yaw B. ; Afari-Sefa, Victor ; Gockowski, James ; Sarpong, Daniel Bruce. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155531.

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172013The Impacts of Wage Employment on a Jatropha Plantation on Income and Food Security of Rural Households in Madagascar – A Panel Data Analysis. (2013). Bosch, Christine ; Zeller, Manfred. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:173643.

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182014Smallholder Participation in the Commercialisation of Vegetables: Evidence from Kenyan Panel Data. (2014). Muriithi, Beatrice ; Matz, Julia. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:195733.

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192012Investigating Endogeneity Effects of Social Capital on Household Welfare in Nigeria: A Control Function Approach. (2012). Adepoju, A. A. ; Oni, O. A.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155473.

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202012Droughts in Syria: An Assessment of Impacts and Options for Improving the Resilience of the Poor. (2012). Zhu, Tingju ; Verner, Dorte ; Breisinger, Clemens ; Al-Riffai, Perrihan. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155471.

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212010Determinants of adoption and intensity of use of balance nutrient management systems technologies in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. (2010). Akinola, A. A. ; Adeyemo, R. ; Nziguheba, G. ; Sanogo, D. ; Nwoke, C. ; Alene, Arega D. ; Olanrewaju, A. S.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155541.

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222015How Accessibility to Seeds Affects the Potential Adoption of an Improved Rice Variety: The Case of The New Rice for Africa (NERICA) in The Gambia. (2015). Dibba, Lamin ; Nielsen, Thea ; Diagne, Aliou ; Zeller, Manfred. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:206295.

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232010Is traditional milk marketing and processing viable and efficient? An empirical evidence from Assam, India. (2010). Kumar, Anjani ; Staal, Steven J.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155549.

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242013Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity Growth in Indian Dairy Sector. (2013). Ohlan, Ramphul. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155486.

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252012Geographical Indication for Jasmine Rice: Applying a Logit Model to Predict Adoption Behavior of Thai Farm Households. (2012). Grote, Ulrike ; Ngokkuen, Chuthaporn . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155476.

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262011Determinants of Manure and Fertilizer Applications in Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia. (2011). Aredo, Mengistu ; Ketema, Mengistu ; Bauer, Siegfried. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155533.

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272013Impacts of Weather Variability and Climate Change on Agricultural Revenues in Central Asia. (2013). Mirzabaev, Alisher. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:173648.

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282015Characterization and Assessment of Vegetable Production and Marketing Systems in the Humid Tropics of Ethiopia. (2015). Emana, Bezabih ; Temesgen, Milkessa ; Balemi, Tesfaye ; Ayana, Amsalu ; Dinssa, Fekadu F ; Afari-Sefa, Victor. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:210313.

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292012The Effectiveness of Weather-Based Index Insurance and Area-Yield Crop Insurance: How Reliable are ex post Predictions for Yield Risk Reduction?. (2012). Bokusheva, Raushan ; Breustedt, Gunnar . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155475.

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302012The Effectiveness of Dissemination Pathways on Adoption of “Push-Pull” Technology in Western Kenya. (2012). Murage, A. W. ; Khan, Z. R. ; Midega, C. A. O., ; Chianu, J. ; Pickett, J. A. ; Obare, G. ; Amudavi, D. M.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155472.

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312010Crop diversification decisions: the case of vanilla in Uganda. (2010). Komarek, Adam M.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155551.

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322013Determinants of Household Demand for Fresh Fruit and Vegetable in Nigeria: A Double Hurdle Approach. (2013). Ogundari, Kolawole ; Arifalo, Sadiat Funmilayo . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:173646.

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332014Determinants of Awareness and Use ICT-based Market Information Services in Developing-Country Agriculture: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Kenya. (2014). Kirui, Oliver ; Njiraini, Georgina W. ; Gitonga, Zachary M. ; Okello, Julius J. ; Nzuma, Jonathan M.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:195738.

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342015Adoption and Impact of Black Pepper Certification in India. (2015). Parvathi, Priyanka ; Waibel, Hermann. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:210312.

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352012Poverty and Vulnerability Dynamics: Empirical Evidence from Smallholders in Northern Highlands of Ethiopia. (2012). Tsehay, Abrham Seyoum ; Bauer, Siegfried. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155481.

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362015Governance, Decentralisation and Deforestation: The Case of Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. (2015). Suwarno, Aritta ; Sumarga, Elham ; Hein, Lars. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:206297.

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372012Investments in Kazakhstani Dairy Farming: A Comparison of Classical Investment Theory and the Real Options Approach. (2012). Musshoff, Oliver ; Tubetov, Dulat ; Kellner, Ulla . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155480.

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382014The ‘Five Million Hectare Reforestation Program’ in Vietnam: An Analysis of its Implementation and Transaction Costs - A Case Study in Hoa Binh Province. (2014). Hoanh, Chu Thai ; Zeller, Manfred ; Huong, Tran Thi Thu, . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:199253.

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392013Intensive Commercial Agriculture in Fragile Uplands of Vietnam: How to Harness its Poverty Reduction Potential while Ensuring Environmental Sustainability?. (2013). Keil, Alwin ; Zeller, Manfred ; Saint-MacAry, Camille. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155484.

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402015Transaction Costs on the Ethiopian Formal Seed Market and Innovations for Encouraging Private Sector Investments. (2015). Husmann, Christine. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:206296.

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412015Adoption and Outcomes of Hybrid Maize in the Marginal Areas of India. (2015). Raghu, Prabhakaran ; Krishna, Vijesh ; Erenstein, Olaf ; Bber, Christian . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:210314.

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422013Investments of Rural Households in Northeast Thailand and the Future of Small Scale Farming. (2013). Waibel, Hermann ; Hohfeld, Lena . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:173647.

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432014Yield Trend Estimation in the Presence of Farm Heterogeneity and Non-linear Technological Change. (2014). Finger, Robert ; Bokusheva, Raushan ; Kussaiynov, Talgat ; Conradt, Sarah . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:195732.

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442010Global climate change and vulnerability of African agriculture: implications for resilience and sustained productive capacity. (2010). Molua, Ernest ; Benhin, James ; El-Marsafawy, Samia ; Ouedraogo, Mathieu ; Kabubo-Mariara, Jane . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155547.

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452012The Patterns of Spread and Economics of a Labor-Saving Innovation in Rice Production: the Case of Direct Seeding in Northeast Thailand. (2012). Suphanchaimat, Nongluck ; Velasco, Ma. Lourdes, ; Pandey, Sushil . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155482.

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462011Natural Shocks and Risk Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Cameroon. (2011). Buchenrieder, neé Schrieder, Gertrud ; Balgah, Roland Azibo . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155530.

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472010The relative efficiency of water use in Bangladesh agriculture. (2010). Chowdhury, Nasima Tanveer . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155546.

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482011Rural Employment and Income Effects of a Jatropha Plantation in Madagascar. (2011). Zeller, Manfred ; Grass, Martin. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155538.

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492015Adoption and Outcomes of Hybrid Maize in the Marginal Areas of India: Annex: Questionnaire. (2015). Raghu, Prabhakaran ; Krishna, Vijesh ; Erenstein, Olaf ; Bber, Christian . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:204161.

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502014Application of Coase Theorem to Analyze the Welfare Gain and Loss in a Conflict of Herders’ Damage in Croppers’ Land at the Adamawa Region of Cameroon. (2014). Folefack, Achille Jean Jaza, . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:195727.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12011Impact Assessment of Livestock Research and Development in West Africa: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. (2011). Waibel, Hermann ; Liebenehm, Sabine ; Affognon, Hippolyte. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155534.

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22013Impact of Mobile Phone-Based Money Transfer Services in Agriculture: Evidence from Kenya. (2013). Kirui, Oliver ; Njiraini, Georgina W. ; Nyikal, Rose A. ; Okello, Julius J.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:173644.

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32011Determinants of Agricultural Technology Adoption: The Case of Improved Pigeonpea Varieties in Tanzania. (2011). Simtowe, Franklin ; Berresaw, Menale ; Diagne, Aliou ; Asfaw, Solomon ; Silim, Said ; Kassie, Menale ; Muange, Elijah ; Shiferaw, Bekele. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155537.

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42010Determinants of Food Security among Rural Households of Central Ethiopia: An Empirical Analysis. (2010). Beyene, Fekadu ; Muche, Mequanent . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155555.

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52014Agricultural Production and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Implication for Rural Poverty Alleviation. (2014). Oyakhilomen, Oyinbo ; Zibah, Rekwot Grace . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:195735.

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62014Blessing or Evil? Contract Farming, Smallholder Poultry Production and Household Welfare in Kenya. (2014). Nzuma, Jonathan M. ; Wainaina, Priscilla W. ; Okello, Julius J.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:199252.

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72011Increasing Income of Ghanaian Cocoa Farmers: Is Introduction of Fine Flavour Cocoa a Viable Alternative. (2011). Dziwornu, Ambrose K. ; Osei-Asare, Yaw B. ; Afari-Sefa, Victor ; Gockowski, James ; Sarpong, Daniel Bruce. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155531.

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82015Technical Efficiency and Productivity Differential Effects of Land Right Certification: A Quasi-Experimental Evidence. (2015). Holden, Stein ; Ghebru, Hosaena. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:206294.

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92011Lessons from Structural Adjustment Programmes and their Effects in Africa. (2011). Heidhues, Franz ; Obare, Gideon . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155490.

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102012How Mobile Phones Contribute to Growth of Small Farmers? Evidence from India. (2012). Mittal, Surabhi ; Mehar, Mamta. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155478.

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112015What Determines Adoption of Fertilizers among Rice-Producing Households in Northern Ghana?. (2015). Wiredu, Alexander Nimo ; Diagne, Aliou ; Zeller, Manfred. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:225953.

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122012Technical Efficiency of Irrigated and Rain-Fed Smallholder Agriculture in Tigray, Ethiopia: A Comparative Stochastic Frontier Production Function Analysis. (2012). Holden, Stein ; Gebregziabher, Gebrehaweria ; Namara, Regassa E.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155477.

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132014Smallholder Participation in the Commercialisation of Vegetables: Evidence from Kenyan Panel Data. (2014). Muriithi, Beatrice ; Matz, Julia. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:195733.

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142012Weather Risk and Household Participation in Off-farm Activities in Rural Ethiopia. (2012). Demeke, Abera Birhanu ; Zeller, Manfred. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155470.

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152015Characterization and Assessment of Vegetable Production and Marketing Systems in the Humid Tropics of Ethiopia. (2015). Emana, Bezabih ; Temesgen, Milkessa ; Balemi, Tesfaye ; Ayana, Amsalu ; Dinssa, Fekadu F ; Afari-Sefa, Victor. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:210313.

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162012The Effectiveness of Weather-Based Index Insurance and Area-Yield Crop Insurance: How Reliable are ex post Predictions for Yield Risk Reduction?. (2012). Bokusheva, Raushan ; Breustedt, Gunnar . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155475.

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172013Determinants of Household Demand for Fresh Fruit and Vegetable in Nigeria: A Double Hurdle Approach. (2013). Ogundari, Kolawole ; Arifalo, Sadiat Funmilayo . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:173646.

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182011Impact of Improved Rice Technology (NERICA varieties) on Income and Poverty among Rice Farming Households in Nigeria: A Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE) Approach. (2011). Dontsop Nguezet, Paul Martin ; Diagne, Aliou ; Ojehomon, Vivian ; Okoruwa, Victor Olusegun ; Nguezet, Paul Martin Dontsop, . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155535.

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192011Determinants of Manure and Fertilizer Applications in Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia. (2011). Aredo, Mengistu ; Ketema, Mengistu ; Bauer, Siegfried. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155533.

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202013Food Price Volatility in Developing Countries and its Determinants. (2013). Kalkuhl, Matthias ; Kornher, Lukas . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:173649.

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212012Geographical Indication for Jasmine Rice: Applying a Logit Model to Predict Adoption Behavior of Thai Farm Households. (2012). Grote, Ulrike ; Ngokkuen, Chuthaporn . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155476.

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222012Poverty and Vulnerability Dynamics: Empirical Evidence from Smallholders in Northern Highlands of Ethiopia. (2012). Tsehay, Abrham Seyoum ; Bauer, Siegfried. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155481.

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232014Determinants of Awareness and Use ICT-based Market Information Services in Developing-Country Agriculture: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Kenya. (2014). Kirui, Oliver ; Njiraini, Georgina W. ; Gitonga, Zachary M. ; Okello, Julius J. ; Nzuma, Jonathan M.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:195738.

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242012Investigating Endogeneity Effects of Social Capital on Household Welfare in Nigeria: A Control Function Approach. (2012). Adepoju, A. A. ; Oni, O. A.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155473.

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252012Droughts in Syria: An Assessment of Impacts and Options for Improving the Resilience of the Poor. (2012). Zhu, Tingju ; Verner, Dorte ; Breisinger, Clemens ; Al-Riffai, Perrihan. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155471.

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262012The Effectiveness of Dissemination Pathways on Adoption of “Push-Pull” Technology in Western Kenya. (2012). Murage, A. W. ; Khan, Z. R. ; Midega, C. A. O., ; Chianu, J. ; Pickett, J. A. ; Obare, G. ; Amudavi, D. M.. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155472.

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272015Adoption and Outcomes of Hybrid Maize in the Marginal Areas of India. (2015). Raghu, Prabhakaran ; Krishna, Vijesh ; Erenstein, Olaf ; Bber, Christian . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:210314.

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282015Adoption and Outcomes of Hybrid Maize in the Marginal Areas of India: Annex: Questionnaire. (2015). Raghu, Prabhakaran ; Krishna, Vijesh ; Erenstein, Olaf ; Bber, Christian . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:204161.

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292013The Impacts of Wage Employment on a Jatropha Plantation on Income and Food Security of Rural Households in Madagascar – A Panel Data Analysis. (2013). Bosch, Christine ; Zeller, Manfred. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:173643.

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302012Is ICT in Agricultural Extension Feasible in Enhancing Marketing of Agricultural Produce in Kenya: A Case of Kiambu District. (2012). Nyaga, Elizabeth Kabura . In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:155479.

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312013Soil Degradation, Policy Intervention and Sustainable Agricultural Growth. (2013). Weikard, Hans-Peter ; Sasmal, Joydeb. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. RePEc:ags:qjiage:173651.

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