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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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2013 0 0.67 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.35
2014 0 0.67 0.03 0 113 118 82 4 4 5 5 0 4 0.04 0.34
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12014Are Resources a Curse? An Investigation of Chinese Provinces. (2014). Zuo, NA ; Jack, Schieffer . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162429.

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22014A Demand Model of the Wholesale Vegetable Oils Market in the U.S.A. (2014). Parcell, Joe ; Cain, Jewelwayne ; Kojima, Yasutomo . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162472.

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32014Analysis of Factors Influencing Agritourism Businesses in Expansion. (2014). Jensen, Kimberly ; English, Burton ; Menard, Jamey . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:161401.

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42014Estimation of U.S. Demand for Imported Shrimp by Country: A Two-stage Differential Production Approach. (2014). Reed, Michael ; Wang, Xiaojin . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162459.

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52014Food Insecurity and Educational Achievement. (2014). Angioloni, Simone ; Houston, Jack . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162478.

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62014Willingness to Pay for Safer Dairy Product in China: Evidence from Shanghai Customers Purchasing Decision of Bright Dairys Baby Cheese. (2014). Colson, Gregory ; Yan, Yiwei ; Chen, Tinggui . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162497.

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72014Assessing the impact of migration and remittances on technology adoption in rural Senegal. (2014). Fonsah, Esendugue ; Tshikala, Sam Kaninda. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162550.

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82014Bayesian Estimation of Optimal Nitrogen Rates with a Non-Normally Distributed Stochastic Plateau Function. (2014). Brorsen, B ; Ouedraogo, Frederic B. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162447.

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92014Understanding Producer Strategies: Identifying Key Success Factors of Commercial Farms in 2013. (2014). Widmar, Nicole ; Gunderson, Michael ; Holland, Jacqueline K ; Ortega, David L ; Olynk, Nicole J. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162422.

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102014Assessing the impact of migration and remittances on technology adoption in rural Senegal. (2014). Fonsah, Esendugue ; Tshikala, Sam Kaninda . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162461.

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112014Participation in Informal Off-farm Labor Market and its Impact on Household Income and Food Security in Malawi. (2014). Mishra, Ashok ; Khanal, Aditya ; Gillespie, Jeffrey ; Sitienei, Isaac . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162498.

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122014Estimating the Benefits of Water Quality Improvements Using Meta-Analysis and Benefits Transfer. (2014). Asci, Serhat ; Alvarez, Sergio. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162534.

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132014Cognitive Biases in the Assimilation of Scientific Information on Global Warming and Genetically Modified Food. (2014). McFadden, Brandon ; Lusk, Jayson. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162532.

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142014Consumer Willingness to Pay for Environmental Production Attributes in Tomatoes: A Southeastern Consumer Survey. (2014). Morgan, Kimberly ; Interis, Matthew ; Hood, Kenneth ; Harri, Ardian ; Maples, Mckenzie . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162504.

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152014Do Outdoor Recreation Participants Place their Lands in Conservation Easements?. (2014). Ghimire, Ramesh ; Cordell, Ken H ; Poudyal, Neelam C ; Green, Gary T. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162451.

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162014Factors that Affect Seasonality in Kentucky Feeder Calf Prices and How Calving Dates Affect Cow-Calf Enterprise Profitability. (2014). Saghaian, Sayed ; Hardin, Dan . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162495.

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172014Demographic and Economic Factors Affecting Demand for Brand-Level Milk in Texas. (2014). Salin, Victoria ; Capps, Oral ; Bingham, David ; Dharmasena, Senarath. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162369.

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182014Economic Risk, Tropical Storm Intensity and Coastal Wetlands: A Factor Analysis. (2014). Boutwell, Luke J ; Westra, John . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162509.

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192014Export Demand Estimation for U.S. Corn and Soybeans to Major Destinations. (2014). Saghaian, Sayed ; Reed, Michael. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162546.

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202014Agricultural Banking and Bank Failures of the Late 2000s Financial Crisis: A Survival Analysis Using Cox Proportional Hazard Model. (2014). Escalante, Cesar ; Epperson, James ; Li, Xiaofei. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162436.

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212014Non-Radial Technical Efficiency of Water and Nitrogen Usage in Arkansas Rice Production. (2014). Watkins, Bradley K ; Hardke, Jarrod T ; Schmidt, Lance ; Mazzanti, Ralph ; Henry, Christopher G. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162593.

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222014Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Seafood Attributes: A Multi-species and Multi-state Comparison. (2014). Hu, Wuyang ; Meas, Thong . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162505.

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232014Impacts of Fuel price, Supply/Demand, and Seasonality on Class I Milk Price Differentials. (2014). McCarl, Bruce ; Seo, Hongseok . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162420.

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242014Analyzing Replacement and Expansion of Grain Storage in Oklahoma. (2014). Basnet, Arjun ; Kenkel, Philip L. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162542.

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252013The Effect of Mail-in Utility Rebates on Willingness-to-Pay for ENERGY STAR® Certified Refrigerators. (2013). Li, Xiaogu ; Jensen, Kimberly ; Clark, Christopher ; Yen, Steven T. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:159795.

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262014PRODUCTIVITY AND EFFICIENCY OF U.S. MEAT GOAT FARMS. (2014). Gillespie, Jeffrey ; Qushim, Berdikul ; McMillin, Kenneth . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162435.

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272014LOCAL FOOD SYSTEM INVESTMENT: A PROPOSAL FOR A NOVEL AND TARGETED APPROACH. (2014). Boys, Kathryn ; Donovan, Patricia . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162590.

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282014Evaluating the Impact of Proposed Farm Bill Programs with Crop Insurance for Southern Crops. (2014). Davis, Todd ; Smith, Nathan ; Anderson, John A. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162409.

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292014The Effects of State-Specific Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Policies on Individual Migration. (2014). Ferro, Gabrielle ; Grogan, Kelly A. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162541.

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302014Determining Willingness to Adopt Mechanical Harvesters among Southeastern Blueberry Producers. (2014). Tack, Jesse ; Morgan, Kimberly ; Coble, Keith ; Rodgers, Aaron D ; Hood, Ken ; Harri, Ardian. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162529.

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312014Economic analysis of carbon sequestration and bioenergy production under catastrophic risk and price uncertainty. (2014). Hu, Lijiao. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162566.

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322014U.S. Imports Demand for Cocoa Products by Country of Origin. (2014). Seale, James ; Kadjo, Abena Lucie ; James, . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162464.

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332014Migration and Remittance and Their Impacts on Food Security in Nepal. (2014). Regmi, Madhav ; Williams, Deborah ; Paudel, Krishna P. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162503.

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342014Hog price transmission in Global markets: China EU and U.S. (2014). Tan, Ying ; Zapata, Hector O. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162540.

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352014Cost Efficiency of International Corn Production. (2014). Langemeier, Michael ; Hu, Xiangdong ; Zimmer, Yelto. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162450.

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362014Assessing the feasibility of cofiring wood pellets with coal for electricity generation: A real option analysis. (2014). Colson, Gregory ; Xian, Hui ; Wetzstein, Wetzstein E ; Mei, Bin. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162484.

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372014Optimal Cross Hedging Winter Canola. (2014). Brorsen, B ; Kim, Seon-Woong ; Yoon, Byung-Sam . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162428.

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382014Farmers’ Willingness to Participate in Best Management Practices in Kentucky. (2014). Zhong, Hua ; Hu, Wuyang. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162462.

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392014Determinants of Rice Productivity and Technical Efficiency in the Philippines. (2014). Mishra, Ashok ; Koirala, Krishna H ; Mohanty, Samarendu. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162501.

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402014Dynamics of Macroeconomic Shocks on Food Assistance Programs in the United States. (2014). Capps, Oral ; Bessler, David ; Dharmasena, Senarath ; Ishdorj, Ariun. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162368.

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412014Land Allocation Dynamics in China among Five Top Staple Crops: Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Rice, and Cotton from 1985-2009. (2014). Seale, James ; Vorotnikova, Ekaterina . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162539.

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422014Feedlot vs. Pasture Impacts on Feeder Cattle Prices. (2014). Burdine, Kenneth ; Halich, Greg . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162898.

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432014The Impacts of Food Safety Incidents on U.S. Beef Trade: A Gravity Model Approach. (2014). Tonsor, Glynn ; Shang, Xia ; Glynn, Tonsor . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162483.

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442014Factors Influencing Adoption of VSH Queens in the Honey Bee Breeding Industry. (2014). Leiby, Julie ; Westra, John . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162508.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12014Export Demand Estimation for U.S. Corn and Soybeans to Major Destinations. (2014). Saghaian, Sayed ; Reed, Michael. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162546.

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22014Are Resources a Curse? An Investigation of Chinese Provinces. (2014). Zuo, NA ; Jack, Schieffer . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162429.

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32014Assessing the impact of migration and remittances on technology adoption in rural Senegal. (2014). Fonsah, Esendugue ; Tshikala, Sam Kaninda . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162461.

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42014Assessing the impact of migration and remittances on technology adoption in rural Senegal. (2014). Fonsah, Esendugue ; Tshikala, Sam Kaninda. In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162550.

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52014Willingness to Pay for Safer Dairy Product in China: Evidence from Shanghai Customers Purchasing Decision of Bright Dairys Baby Cheese. (2014). Colson, Gregory ; Yan, Yiwei ; Chen, Tinggui . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, February 1-4, 2014, Dallas, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea14:162497.

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