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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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Raw Data


2006 0 0.59 0.33 0 15 15 54 4 5 0 0 0 4 0.27 0.34
2007 0.13 0.52 0.41 0.13 14 29 64 12 17 15 2 15 2 0 6 0.43 0.29
2009 0.14 0.58 0.14 0.14 14 43 22 6 35 14 2 29 4 0 2 0.14 0.33
2010 0.21 0.52 0.38 0.3 12 55 52 21 56 14 3 43 13 0 1 0.08 0.3
2012 0.5 0.68 0.29 0.35 25 80 41 23 98 12 6 40 14 0 2 0.08 0.36
2014 0.16 0.67 0.28 0.29 14 94 29 25 146 25 4 51 15 0 3 0.21 0.34
2015 0.64 0.66 0.31 0.29 16 110 30 34 180 14 9 51 15 0 3 0.19 0.36
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12007Employment Growth in Italy in the 1990s: Institutional Arrangements and Market Forces. (2007). Rosolia, Alfonso ; Cipollone, Piero ; Casadio, Piero ; Magnani, Marco ; Brandolini, Andrea. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:02-04.

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22006Macroeconometric Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies in Germany. A Dynamic Panel Approach Using Regional Data. (2006). Zeiss, Christopher ; Blien, Uwe ; Hujer, Reinhard ; Caliendo, Marco . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:01-14.

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32010Structural Change and Labour Reallocation Across Regions: A Review of the Literature. (2010). Floro Ernesto Caroleo , ; Pastore, Francesco. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:04-02.

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42006Regional Wage Flexibility: the Wage Curve in Five EU Countries. (2006). Garcia, Inmaculada ; Montuenga, Victor ; Fernandez, Melchor . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:01-12.

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52006Regional Employment Dynamics in the EU: Structural Outlook, Co-Movements, Clusters and Common Shocks. (2006). Marelli, Enrico . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:01-04.

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62010Internal Labour Mobility in Central Europe and the Baltic Region: Evidence from Labour Force Surveys. (2010). Tiongson, Erwin R. ; Paci, Pierella ; Walewski, Mateusz ; Liwinski, Jacek . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:04-08.

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72010Transition, Regional Features, Growth and Labour Market Dynamics. (2010). Marelli, Enrico ; Signorelli, Marcello. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:04-05.

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82010Assessing Active Labour Market Policies in Transition Economies. (2010). Lehmann, Hartmut ; Kluve, Jochen. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:04-11.

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9The ’93 July Agreement in Italy: Bargaining Power, Efficiency Wages or Both?. (2007). Cristini, Annalisa ; Leoni, Riccardo . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:02-06.

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102007Searching for the EU Social Dialogue Model. (2007). Freeman, Richard B.. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:02-11.

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112015Structural Funds and Regional Convergence: Some Sectoral Estimates for Italy. (2015). De Stefanis, Sergio ; Destefanis, Sergio . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:08-14.

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122009Volunteer Labour Supply: Micro-econometric Evidence from Italy. (2009). Fiorillo, Damiano . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:03-10.

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132015Compensating Wage Differentials Across Russian Regions. (2015). Oshchepkov, Aleksey . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:08-04.

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142006Regional Unemployment in the OST Literature. (2006). Ferragina, Anna Maria ; Pastore, Francesco. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:01-03.

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15Civilian Disability Pensions as an Antipoverty Policy Instrument? A Spatial Analysis of Italian Provinces, 2003–2005. (2012). Parodi, Giuliana ; Agovino, Massimiliano. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:05-08.

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162012Education and Socioeconomic Mobility in Post-Communist Countries. (2012). Veraschagina, Alina . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:05-04.

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172006Regional Disparities in Europe. (2006). Amendola, Adalgiso ; Caroleo, Floro Ernesto ; Floro Ernesto Caroleo , . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:01-02.

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182012Is There a Trade-off Between Labour Flexibility and Productivity Growth? Some Evidence from Italian Firms. (2012). Lucidi, Federico . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:06-13.

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192006A Panel of Regional Indicators of Labour Market Flexibility: the UK, 1979–998. (2006). Monastiriotis, Vassilis. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:01-11.

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202012Non-Standard Employment and Quality of Work: Towards New Forms of Measurement. (2012). Solinas, Giovanni ; Addabbo, Tindara . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:06-12.

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212010Labour Productivity Polarization Across Western European Regions: Threshold Effects Versus Neighbourhood Effects. (2010). Basile, Roberto. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:04-04.

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222014Temporary Contracts and Young Workers’ Job Satisfaction in Italy. (2014). Floro Ernesto Caroleo , ; Pagan, Ricardo ; Giovanni S. F. Bruno, . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:07-06.

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232007The July Protocol and Economic Growth: The Chance Missed. (2007). Tronti, Leonello . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:02-05.

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242012A Microeconometric Analysis of Female Labour Force Participation in Italy. (2012). Bratti, Massimiliano ; Staffolani, Stefano. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:06-02.

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252014Differences between Spanish and Foreign Workers in the Duration of Workplace Accident Leave: A Stochastic Frontier Approach. (2014). Moral, Alfonso ; Martin-Roman, Angel L.. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:07-13.

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262014Can the Crisis be an Opportunity for Women?. (2014). Verashchagina, Alina ; Ghignoni, Emanuela. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:07-12.

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272006Skill Mismatch and Regional Unemployment in Poland. (2006). Newell, Andrew . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:01-09.

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282007Wage Bargaining Institutions in Europe. A Happy Marriage or Preparing for Divorce?. (2007). Visser, Jelle . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:02-07.

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292014Youth Unemployment: Key Determinants and the Impact of Crisis. (2014). Marelli, Enrico ; Choudhry, Misbah T. ; Signorelli, Marcello ; Giovanni S. F. Bruno, . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:07-07.

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302015Spatial Patterns of German Labor Market: Panel Data Analysis of Regional Unemployment. (2015). Semerikova, Elena . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:08-03.

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312010Spatial Search and Commuting with Asymmetric Changes of the Wage Distribution. (2010). Aldashev, Alisher . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:04-09.

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322007From First- to Second-Generation Social Pacts. (2007). di Bartolomeo, Giovanni ; Tirelli, Patrizio ; Acocella, Nicola. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:02-12.

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332009Wage Effects of Recruitment Methods: The Case of the Italian Social Service Sector. (2009). Pastore, Francesco ; Mosca, Michele . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:03-08.

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342012Disability and Social Exclusion. (2012). Jones, Melanie K. ; Sloane, Peter J.. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:05-07.

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352009Perceived Fairness and Worker Well-Being in Public, For-Profit and NonProfit Firms: Evidence from the Italian Social Service Sector. (2009). Tortia, Ermanno. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:03-07.

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362009Voluntary Associations and Trustworthiness: An Empirical Examination at Italian Regional Level. (2009). Antoni, Giacomo Degli. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:03-11.

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372012Poverty and Unemployment: The Cases of Italy and Spain. (2012). MacCagnan, Anna ; Addabbo, Tindara ; Garcia-Fernandez, Rosa ; Llorca-Rodriguez, Carmen . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:05-10.

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382014The Dynamics of Disability and Labour Force Participation in Italy. (2014). Sciulli, Dario ; Agovino, Massimiliano ; Parodi, Giuliana . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:07-03.

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392010Where Do the Brainy Italians Go?. (2010). Constant, Amelie F. ; DAgosto, Elena . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:04-10.

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402012Measuring the Long Wave. Unemployment, Discouragement and Semi-Employment in Italy, During and After the Crisis. (2012). Tronti, Leonello ; Gatto, Riccardo . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:05-09.

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412009How Nonprofit Organizations Manage Risk. (2009). Young, Dennis R.. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:03-03.

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422014Disability and Work: Empirical Evidence from Italy. (2014). Sarti, Elena ; Addabbo, Tindara ; Krishnakumar, Jaya . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:07-02.

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432014Disadvantaged Workers in the Italian Labour Market: Gender and Regional Gaps. (2014). Mussida, Chiara ; Baussola, Maurizio . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:07-11.

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442012Health, Lifestyle and Growth. (2012). . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:05-02.

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452015Worker Turnover Across Italian Regions. (2015). Mussida, Chiara ; Pastore, Francesco. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:08-02.

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462015Regional Price Indices and Real Wage Equalization in Poland. (2015). Rokicki, Bartlomiej. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:08-16.

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472014Duration of Joblessness and Long-term Unemployment: Is Duration as Long as Official Statistics Say?. (2014). Garcia-Serrano, Carlos ; Arranz, Jose Maria. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:07-14.

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482015Fostering the Self-Employment in Spain: An Evaluation of the Capitalisation of Unemployment Benefits Programme. (2015). Mayor, Matias ; Suarez, Patricia ; Cueto, Begoa. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:08-15.

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492010Regional Female Labour Force Participation: An Empirical Application with Spatial Effects. (2010). Falk, Martin ; Leoni, Thomas. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:04-12.

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502014Hiring Workers with Disabilities when a Quota Requirement Exists: The Relevance of Firm’s Size. (2014). Malo, Miguel Angel ; Pagan, Ricardo . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:07-04.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12007Employment Growth in Italy in the 1990s: Institutional Arrangements and Market Forces. (2007). Rosolia, Alfonso ; Cipollone, Piero ; Casadio, Piero ; Magnani, Marco ; Brandolini, Andrea. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:02-04.

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22015Structural Funds and Regional Convergence: Some Sectoral Estimates for Italy. (2015). De Stefanis, Sergio ; Destefanis, Sergio . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:08-14.

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32014Disadvantaged Workers in the Italian Labour Market: Gender and Regional Gaps. (2014). Mussida, Chiara ; Baussola, Maurizio . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:07-11.

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42015Spatial Patterns of German Labor Market: Panel Data Analysis of Regional Unemployment. (2015). Semerikova, Elena . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:08-03.

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52012Measuring the Long Wave. Unemployment, Discouragement and Semi-Employment in Italy, During and After the Crisis. (2012). Tronti, Leonello ; Gatto, Riccardo . In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:05-09.

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62014Differences between Spanish and Foreign Workers in the Duration of Workplace Accident Leave: A Stochastic Frontier Approach. (2014). Moral, Alfonso ; Martin-Roman, Angel L.. In: AIEL Series in Labour Economics. RePEc:ail:chapts:07-13.

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