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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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Raw Data


2012 0 0.52 0.06 0 36 36 212 2 2 0 0 0 2 0.06 0.22
2013 0.44 0.56 0.27 0.44 42 78 169 21 23 36 16 36 16 5 23.8 5 0.12 0.24
2014 0.19 0.55 0.17 0.19 62 140 467 24 47 78 15 78 15 0 8 0.13 0.23
2015 0.41 0.55 0.33 0.42 58 198 158 66 113 104 43 140 59 0 2 0.03 0.23
2016 0.45 0.53 0.47 0.45 65 263 105 124 237 120 54 198 90 12 9.7 4 0.06 0.21
2017 0.24 0.54 0.47 0.47 64 327 129 154 391 123 30 263 123 9 5.8 13 0.2 0.22
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12014The Cross-country Determinants of Potential and Actual Migration. (2014). Ruyssen, Ilse ; Peri, Giovanni ; Docquier, Frédéric. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s37-s99.

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22014Does Cultural Diversity of Migrant Employees Affect Innovation?. (2014). Poot, Jacques ; Peters, Jan Cornelius ; Niebuhr, Annekatrin ; Nijkamp, Peter ; Ozgen, Ceren. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s377-s416.

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32012Pathways to El Norte: Origins, Destinations, and Characteristics of Mexican Migrants to the United States. (2012). Massey, Douglas S. ; Riosmena, Fernando. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:1:p:3-36.

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42012The Dynamics of Repeat Migration: A Markov Chain Analysis. (2012). Zimmermann, Klaus ; Constant, Amelie. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:2:p:362-388.

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52012Social Contacts and the Economic Performance of Immigrants: A Panel Study of Immigrants in G ermany. (2012). Chiswick, Barry ; Kanas, Agnieszka ; Lippe, Tanja ; Tubergen, Frank . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:3:p:680-709.

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62013Unauthorized Immigration to the United States: Annual Estimates and Components of Change, by State, 1990 to 2010. (2013). Warren, John Robert . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:47:y:2013:i:2:p:296-329.

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72013Rainfall Patterns and U.S. Migration from Rural Mexico. (2013). Riosmena, Fernando ; Murray, Sheena ; Hunter, Lori M.. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:47:y:2013:i:4:p:874-909.

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82014The Globalization of Migration: Has the World Become More Migratory?. (2014). Haas, Hein ; Czaika, Mathias. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:283-323.

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92014Undocumented Migration to the United States and the Wages of Mexican Immigrants. (2014). Massey, Douglas S. ; Gentsch, Kerstin . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:482-499.

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102017The Effect of Visas on Migration Processes. (2017). Czaika, Mathias ; de Haas, Hein. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:51:y:2017:i:4:p:893-926.

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112013Looking Down or Looking Up: Status and Subjective Well-Being among Asian and Latino Immigrants in the United States. (2013). Gelatt, Julia . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:47:y:2013:i:1:p:39-75.

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122014Scripting Remittances: Making Sense of Money Transfers in Transnational Relationships. (2014). Carling, Jorgen . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s218-s262.

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132014Can We Measure Immigrants Legal Status? Lessons from Two U.S. Surveys. (2014). Bean, Frank D. ; van Hook, Jennifer ; Bachmeier, James D.. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:538-566.

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142016Comparing Immigration Policies: An Overview from the IMPALA Database. (2016). Rapoport, Hillel ; Thielemann, Eiko ; Schaper, Joep ; McGovern, Patrick ; Hiscox, Michael ; Gest, Justin ; Crock, Mary ; Burgoon, Brian ; Boucher, Anna ; Beine, Michel. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:50:y:2016:i:4:p:827-863.

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152015Conceptualizing and Measuring Immigration Policies: A Comparative Perspective. (2015). Bjerre, Liv ; Zobel, Malisa ; Romer, Friederike ; Helbling, Marc. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:3:p:555-600.

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162015The Occupational Cost of Being Illegal in the United States: Legal Status, Job Hazards, and Compensating Differentials. (2015). Hall, Matthew ; Greenman, Emily . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:2:p:406-442.

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172014New Directions in Immigration Policy: Canadas Evolving Approach to the Selection of Economic Immigrants. (2014). Riddell, W. Craig ; Ferrer, Ana ; Picot, Garnett. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:3:p:846-867.

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182017The Influence of Attitudes toward Immigrants on International Migration. (2017). Pytlikova, Mariola ; Gorinas, Cédric. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:51:y:2017:i:2:p:416-451.

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192015Ethnic Segregation, Tipping Behavior, and Native Residential Mobility. (2015). Neuman, Emma ; Hammarstedt, Mats ; Aldén, Lina ; Alden, Lina. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:1:p:36-69.

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202015Turning the Immigration Policy Paradox Upside Down? Populist Liberalism and Discursive Gaps in South America. (2015). Arcarazo, Diego Acosta ; Freier, Luisa Feline . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:3:p:659-696.

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212015Negative Acculturation and Nothing More? Cumulative Disadvantage and Mortality during the Immigrant Adaptation Process among Latinos in the United States. (2015). Riosmena, Fernando ; Dennis, Jeff A ; Rogers, Richard G ; Everett, Bethany G. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:2:p:443-478.

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222012How does Conflict in Migrants’ Country of Origin Affect Remittance-Sending? Financial Priorities and Transnational Obligations Among Somalis and Pakistanis in Norway. (2012). Horst, Cindy ; Erdal, Marta Bivand ; Carling, Jorgen . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:2:p:283-309.

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232017Does Size Really Matter? On the Relationship between Immigrant Group Size and Anti-Immigrant Prejudice. (2017). Pottie-Sherman, Yolande ; Wilkes, Rima. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:51:y:2017:i:1:p:218-250.

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242012Predicting Immigrant Employment Sequences in the First Years of Settlement. (2012). Fuller, Sylvia ; Martin, Todd F.. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:1:p:138-190.

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252014Comparing Immigrant Integration in North America and Western Europe: How Much Do the Grand Narratives Tell Us?. (2014). Foner, Nancy ; Alba, Richard . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s263-s291.

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262014Occupational downgrading and wages of New Member States immigrants to Ireland. (2014). Voitchovsky, Sarah. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:500-537.

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272015Reunifying Versus Living Apart Together Across Borders: A Comparative Analysis of sub-Saharan Migration to Europe. (2015). Schoumaker, Bruno ; Beauchemin, Cris ; Mazzucato, Valentina ; Caarls, Kim ; Gonzalez-Ferrer, Amparo ; Baizan, Pau ; Nappa, Jocelyn . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:1:p:173-199.

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282014Immigration Policy in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States: An Overview of Recent Trends. (2014). Akbari, Syed ; MacDonald, Martha . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:3:p:801-822.

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292014The Double Disadvantage Reconsidered: Gender, Immigration, Marital Status, and Global Labor Force Participation in the 21st Century. (2014). Jacobs, Anna ; Donato, Katharine M. ; Piya, Bhumika . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s335-s376.

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302013Group Conflict Theory in a Longitudinal Perspective: Analyzing the Dynamic Side of Ethnic Competition. (2013). Lancee, Bram ; Pardos-Prado, Sergi . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:47:y:2013:i:1:p:106-131.

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312013Painful Passages: Traumatic Experiences and Post-Traumatic Stress among U.S. Immigrant Latino Adolescents and their Primary Caregivers. (2013). Ornelas, India ; Perreira, Krista M.. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:47:y:2013:i:4:p:976-1005.

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322015Forecasting Immigration in Official Population Projections Using an Econometric Model. (2015). Skjerpen, Terje ; Cappelen, dne ; Tonnessen, Marianne . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:4:p:945-980.

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332012Marriage-Related Migration to the UK. (2012). Storer-Church, Brooke ; Hear, Nicholas ; Benson, Michaela ; Charsley, Katharine . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:4:p:861-890.

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342016Migration, Household Tasks, and Gender: Evidence from the Republic of Georgia. (2016). Torosyan, Karine ; Gerber, Theodore P ; Goalons-Pons, Pilar . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:50:y:2016:i:2:p:445-474.

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352017Has Migration Been Beneficial for Migrants and Their Children?. (2017). Zuccotti, Carolina V ; Guveli, Ayse . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:51:y:2017:i:1:p:97-126.

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362014Pathways into Irregular Status Among Senegalese Migrants in Europe. (2014). Vickstrom, Erik . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:4:p:1062-1099.

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372017Does Life in the United States Take a Toll on Health? Duration of Residence and Birthweight among Six Decades of Immigrants. (2017). Teitler, Julien ; Reichman, Nancy E ; Martinson, Melissa . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:51:y:2017:i:1:p:37-66.

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382014Intergenerational Mobility of the Mexican-Origin Population in California and Texas Relative to a Changing Regional Mainstream. (2014). Myers, Dowell ; Jimenez, Tomas R. ; Park, Julie . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:442-481.

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392015Is there an Intermarriage Premium for Male Immigrants? Exogamy and Earnings in Sweden 1990–2009. (2015). Nystedt, Paul ; Dribe, Martin. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:1:p:3-35.

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402014Change and Continuity in Australian International Migration Policy. (2014). Hugo, Graeme. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:3:p:868-890.

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412016Constructing Immigrants: Portrayals of Migrant Groups in British National Newspapers, 2010–2012. (2016). Allen, William L ; Blinder, Scott . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:50:y:2016:i:1:p:3-40.

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422014Migration Infrastructure. (2014). Xiang, Biao ; Lindquist, Johan . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s122-s148.

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432012In and Out of the Ethnic Economy: A Longitudinal Analysis of Ethnic Networks and Pathways to Economic Success across Immigrant Categories. (2012). Ma, Dennis ; Roth, Wendy D. ; Seidel, Marc-David L. ; Lo, Eiston . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:2:p:310-361.

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442014Gender Differences in the Role of Migrant Networks: Comparing Congolese and Senegalese Migration Flows. (2014). Toma, Sorana ; Vause, Sophie . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:4:p:972-997.

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452012H ispanic Assimilation and Fertility in New U . S . Destinations. (2012). Lichter, Daniel ; Churilla, Allison ; Turner, Richard N. ; Johnson, Kenneth M.. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:4:p:767-791.

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462013Immigrant Employment Success in C anada: Examining the Rate of Obtaining a Job Match. (2013). Frank, Kristyn . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:47:y:2013:i:1:p:76-105.

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472012Passing by the Girls? Remittance Allocation for Educational Expenditures and Social Inequality in Nepal’s Households 2003–2004. (2012). Vogel, Ann ; Korinek, Kim. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:1:p:61-100.

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482014A Manifesto for Quantitative Multi-sited Approaches to International Migration. (2014). Beauchemin, Cris . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:4:p:921-938.

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492015Kick It Like Özil? Decomposing the Native-Migrant Education Gap. (2015). Schüller, Simone ; Rinne, Ulf ; Krause, Annabelle ; Schuller, Simone. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:3:p:757-789.

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502016The Reverse Gender Gap in Ethnic Discrimination: Employer Stereotypes of Men and Women with Arabic Names. (2016). Arai, Mahmood ; Nekby, Lena ; Bursell, Moa . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:50:y:2016:i:2:p:385-412.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12014The Cross-country Determinants of Potential and Actual Migration. (2014). Ruyssen, Ilse ; Peri, Giovanni ; Docquier, Frédéric. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s37-s99.

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22014The Globalization of Migration: Has the World Become More Migratory?. (2014). Haas, Hein ; Czaika, Mathias. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:283-323.

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32017The Effect of Visas on Migration Processes. (2017). Czaika, Mathias ; de Haas, Hein. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:51:y:2017:i:4:p:893-926.

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42012Social Contacts and the Economic Performance of Immigrants: A Panel Study of Immigrants in G ermany. (2012). Chiswick, Barry ; Kanas, Agnieszka ; Lippe, Tanja ; Tubergen, Frank . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:3:p:680-709.

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52017Does Size Really Matter? On the Relationship between Immigrant Group Size and Anti-Immigrant Prejudice. (2017). Pottie-Sherman, Yolande ; Wilkes, Rima. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:51:y:2017:i:1:p:218-250.

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62016Comparing Immigration Policies: An Overview from the IMPALA Database. (2016). Rapoport, Hillel ; Thielemann, Eiko ; Schaper, Joep ; McGovern, Patrick ; Hiscox, Michael ; Gest, Justin ; Crock, Mary ; Burgoon, Brian ; Boucher, Anna ; Beine, Michel. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:50:y:2016:i:4:p:827-863.

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72015The Occupational Cost of Being Illegal in the United States: Legal Status, Job Hazards, and Compensating Differentials. (2015). Hall, Matthew ; Greenman, Emily . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:2:p:406-442.

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82014Can We Measure Immigrants Legal Status? Lessons from Two U.S. Surveys. (2014). Bean, Frank D. ; van Hook, Jennifer ; Bachmeier, James D.. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:538-566.

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92013Rainfall Patterns and U.S. Migration from Rural Mexico. (2013). Riosmena, Fernando ; Murray, Sheena ; Hunter, Lori M.. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:47:y:2013:i:4:p:874-909.

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102014Scripting Remittances: Making Sense of Money Transfers in Transnational Relationships. (2014). Carling, Jorgen . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s218-s262.

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112012The Dynamics of Repeat Migration: A Markov Chain Analysis. (2012). Zimmermann, Klaus ; Constant, Amelie. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:2:p:362-388.

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122014Occupational downgrading and wages of New Member States immigrants to Ireland. (2014). Voitchovsky, Sarah. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:500-537.

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132014Undocumented Migration to the United States and the Wages of Mexican Immigrants. (2014). Massey, Douglas S. ; Gentsch, Kerstin . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:482-499.

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142013Looking Down or Looking Up: Status and Subjective Well-Being among Asian and Latino Immigrants in the United States. (2013). Gelatt, Julia . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:47:y:2013:i:1:p:39-75.

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152015Conceptualizing and Measuring Immigration Policies: A Comparative Perspective. (2015). Bjerre, Liv ; Zobel, Malisa ; Romer, Friederike ; Helbling, Marc. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:3:p:555-600.

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162013Painful Passages: Traumatic Experiences and Post-Traumatic Stress among U.S. Immigrant Latino Adolescents and their Primary Caregivers. (2013). Ornelas, India ; Perreira, Krista M.. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:47:y:2013:i:4:p:976-1005.

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172015Ethnic Segregation, Tipping Behavior, and Native Residential Mobility. (2015). Neuman, Emma ; Hammarstedt, Mats ; Aldén, Lina ; Alden, Lina. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:1:p:36-69.

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182015Forecasting Immigration in Official Population Projections Using an Econometric Model. (2015). Skjerpen, Terje ; Cappelen, dne ; Tonnessen, Marianne . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:4:p:945-980.

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192012In and Out of the Ethnic Economy: A Longitudinal Analysis of Ethnic Networks and Pathways to Economic Success across Immigrant Categories. (2012). Ma, Dennis ; Roth, Wendy D. ; Seidel, Marc-David L. ; Lo, Eiston . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:2:p:310-361.

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202017Has Migration Been Beneficial for Migrants and Their Children?. (2017). Zuccotti, Carolina V ; Guveli, Ayse . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:51:y:2017:i:1:p:97-126.

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212014The Double Disadvantage Reconsidered: Gender, Immigration, Marital Status, and Global Labor Force Participation in the 21st Century. (2014). Jacobs, Anna ; Donato, Katharine M. ; Piya, Bhumika . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s335-s376.

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222014Immigration Policy in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States: An Overview of Recent Trends. (2014). Akbari, Syed ; MacDonald, Martha . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:3:p:801-822.

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232013Group Conflict Theory in a Longitudinal Perspective: Analyzing the Dynamic Side of Ethnic Competition. (2013). Lancee, Bram ; Pardos-Prado, Sergi . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:47:y:2013:i:1:p:106-131.

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242013Unauthorized Immigration to the United States: Annual Estimates and Components of Change, by State, 1990 to 2010. (2013). Warren, John Robert . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:47:y:2013:i:2:p:296-329.

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252014Diaspora Institutions and Diaspora Governance. (2014). Gamlen, Alan . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s180-s217.

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262017The Influence of Attitudes toward Immigrants on International Migration. (2017). Pytlikova, Mariola ; Gorinas, Cédric. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:51:y:2017:i:2:p:416-451.

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272014New Directions in Immigration Policy: Canadas Evolving Approach to the Selection of Economic Immigrants. (2014). Riddell, W. Craig ; Ferrer, Ana ; Picot, Garnett. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:3:p:846-867.

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282014Change and Continuity in Australian International Migration Policy. (2014). Hugo, Graeme. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:3:p:868-890.

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292014Migration Infrastructure. (2014). Xiang, Biao ; Lindquist, Johan . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s122-s148.

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302012Marriage-Related Migration to the UK. (2012). Storer-Church, Brooke ; Hear, Nicholas ; Benson, Michaela ; Charsley, Katharine . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:4:p:861-890.

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312015Has Opposition to Immigration Increased in the United States after the Economic Crisis? An Experimental Approach. (2015). Creighton, Mathew J ; Malancu, Natalia C ; Jamal, Amaney . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:3:p:727-756.

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322014Does Cultural Diversity of Migrant Employees Affect Innovation?. (2014). Poot, Jacques ; Peters, Jan Cornelius ; Niebuhr, Annekatrin ; Nijkamp, Peter ; Ozgen, Ceren. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s377-s416.

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332012Passing by the Girls? Remittance Allocation for Educational Expenditures and Social Inequality in Nepal’s Households 2003–2004. (2012). Vogel, Ann ; Korinek, Kim. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:1:p:61-100.

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342012How does Conflict in Migrants’ Country of Origin Affect Remittance-Sending? Financial Priorities and Transnational Obligations Among Somalis and Pakistanis in Norway. (2012). Horst, Cindy ; Erdal, Marta Bivand ; Carling, Jorgen . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:2:p:283-309.

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352015Negative Acculturation and Nothing More? Cumulative Disadvantage and Mortality during the Immigrant Adaptation Process among Latinos in the United States. (2015). Riosmena, Fernando ; Dennis, Jeff A ; Rogers, Richard G ; Everett, Bethany G. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:2:p:443-478.

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362015Is there an Intermarriage Premium for Male Immigrants? Exogamy and Earnings in Sweden 1990–2009. (2015). Nystedt, Paul ; Dribe, Martin. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:1:p:3-35.

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372017Understanding Membership in a World of Global Migration: (How) Does Citizenship Matter?. (2017). Bloemraad, Irene ; Sheares, Alicia. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:51:y:2017:i:4:p:823-867.

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382016The Reverse Gender Gap in Ethnic Discrimination: Employer Stereotypes of Men and Women with Arabic Names. (2016). Arai, Mahmood ; Nekby, Lena ; Bursell, Moa . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:50:y:2016:i:2:p:385-412.

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392017Rethinking the Hispanic Paradox: The Mortality Experience of Mexican Immigrants in Traditional Gateways and New Destinations. (2017). Fenelon, Andrew . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:51:y:2017:i:3:p:567-599.

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402015A Local Dimension of Integration Policies? A Comparative Study of Berlin, Malmö, and Rotterdam. (2015). Dekker, Rianne ; Scholten, Peter ; Krieger, Bernhard ; Emilsson, Henrik . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:3:p:633-658.

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412013Immigration, Repatriation, and Deportation: The Mexican-Origin Population in the United States, 1920–1950. (2013). Gratton, Brian ; Merchant, Emily . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:47:y:2013:i:4:p:944-975.

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422012Pathways to El Norte: Origins, Destinations, and Characteristics of Mexican Migrants to the United States. (2012). Massey, Douglas S. ; Riosmena, Fernando. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:46:y:2012:i:1:p:3-36.

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432014Gender Differences in the Role of Migrant Networks: Comparing Congolese and Senegalese Migration Flows. (2014). Toma, Sorana ; Vause, Sophie . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i:4:p:972-997.

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452014Reconsidering Migration and Class. (2014). van Hear, Nicholas. In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:48:y:2014:i::p:s100-s121.

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492015Reunifying Versus Living Apart Together Across Borders: A Comparative Analysis of sub-Saharan Migration to Europe. (2015). Schoumaker, Bruno ; Beauchemin, Cris ; Mazzucato, Valentina ; Caarls, Kim ; Gonzalez-Ferrer, Amparo ; Baizan, Pau ; Nappa, Jocelyn . In: International Migration Review. RePEc:bla:intmig:v:49:y:2015:i:1:p:173-199.

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