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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2003 0 0.53 0 0 1 1 21 0 0 0 0 0 0.3
2004 1 0.6 0.4 1 4 5 34 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0.36
2005 2.2 0.6 0.79 2.2 14 19 146 14 17 5 11 5 11 5 35.7 3 0.21 0.36
2006 1 0.59 0.87 1 12 31 97 26 44 18 18 19 19 2 7.7 7 0.58 0.34
2007 0.5 0.52 0.41 0.55 13 44 119 18 62 26 13 31 17 2 11.1 1 0.08 0.29
2008 0.68 0.59 0.84 0.82 7 51 86 43 105 25 17 44 36 2 4.7 5 0.71 0.29
2009 0.45 0.58 0.61 0.58 11 62 119 38 143 20 9 50 29 5 13.2 7 0.64 0.33
2010 1.28 0.52 0.66 0.65 9 71 36 47 190 18 23 57 37 3 6.4 2 0.22 0.3
2011 0.45 0.61 0.84 0.96 9 80 54 67 257 20 9 52 50 3 4.5 6 0.67 0.37
2012 0.33 0.68 0.67 0.57 8 88 29 59 316 18 6 49 28 4 6.8 3 0.38 0.36
2013 0.65 0.67 0.7 0.82 10 98 41 69 385 17 11 44 36 3 4.3 2 0.2 0.35
2022 0 0.78 0.28 0 14 112 8 31 777 0 0 2 6.5 2 0.14 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12005Proposed Category System for 1960-2000 Census Occupations. (2005). Meyer, Peter ; Osborne, Anastasiya M.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec050090.

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22009Tobit or Not Tobit?. (2009). Stewart, Jay. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec090100.

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32009Reconciling User Costs and Rental Equivalence: Evidence from the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey. (2009). Verbrugge, Randal ; Garner, Thesia I.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec090050.

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42008The Effect of Hurricane Katrina on the Labor Market Outcomes of Evacuees. (2008). Polivka, Anne E. ; Groen, Jeffrey A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec080010.

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52007R&D and Productivity Growth: A Review of the Literature. (2007). Sveikauskas, Leo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec070070.

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62011Inheritances and the Distribution of Wealth Or Whatever Happened to the Great Inheritance Boom?. (2011). Wolff, Edward ; Gittleman, Maury. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec110030.

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72007Establishment Wage Differentials. (2007). Spletzer, James ; Lane, Julia ; Salmon, Laurie A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec070020.

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82003Episodes of Collective Invention. (2003). Meyer, Peter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec030050.

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92006A Model of Asymmetric Employer Learning With Testable Implications. (2006). Pinkston, Joshua. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec060020.

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102006Job Flows and the Recent Business Cycle: Not All Recoveries Are Created Equal. (2006). Faberman, Jason. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec060030.

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112007Puzzling Divergence of U.S. Rents and User Costs, 1980-2004: Summary and Extensions. (2007). Verbrugge, Randal ; Garner, Thesia I.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec070080.

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122004Gross Job Flows over the Past Two Business Cycles: Not all Recoveries are Created Equal. (2004). Faberman, Jason. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec040020.

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132005Are Traditional Retirements a Thing of the Past? New Evidence on Retirement Patterns and Bridge Jobs. (2005). Quinn, Joseph ; Giandrea, Michael ; Cahill, Kevin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec050100.

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142013New Evidence on Self-Employment Transitions Among Older Americans with Career Jobs. (2013). Giandrea, Michael ; Cahill, Kevin ; Quinn, Joseph F.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec130030.

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152011Does Quality Adjustment Matter for Technologically Stable Products? An Application to the CPI for Food. (2011). Greenlees, John S ; McClelland, Robert . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec110020.

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162010Why Do BLS Hours Series Tell Different Stories About Trends in Hours Worked?. (2010). Stewart, Jay ; Frazis, Harley . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec100010.

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172005Returning to the Returns to Computer Use. (2005). Pabilonia, Sabrina ; Zoghi, Cindy . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec050030.

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182005Economic Well-Being Based on Income, Consumer Expenditures and Personal Assessments of Minimal Needs. (2005). Garner, Thesia ; Short, Kathleen . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec050070.

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202005Studying the Labor Market with the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey. (2005). Faberman, Jason. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec050140.

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212008Self-Employment Transitions among Older American Workers with Career Jobs. (2008). Quinn, Joseph ; Giandrea, Michael ; Cahill, Kevin ; Joseph F. Quinn, Ph. D., . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec080040.

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222012What Effects do Macroeconomic Conditions Have on Families Time Together?. (2012). Pabilonia, Sabrina ; Morrill, Melinda. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec120030.

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232005Personal Assessments of Minimum Income and Expenses: What Do They Tell Us about Minimum Living Thresholds and Equivalence Scales?. (2005). Garner, Thesia ; Short, Kathleen . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec050050.

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242012The Declining Average Size of Establishments: Evidence and Explanations. (2012). Spletzer, James ; Choi, Eleanor J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec120010.

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252004Which Workers Gain from Computer Use?. (2004). Pabilonia, Sabrina ; Zoghi, Cindy . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec040030.

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262008Parental Transfers, Student Achievement, and the Labor Supply of College Students. (2008). Pabilonia, Sabrina ; Kalenkoski, Charlene. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec080020.

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272006Wage Compression and the Division of Returns to Productivity Growth: Evidence from EOPP. (2006). Frazis, Harley ; Loewenstein, Mark A. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec060100.

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282007Workplace Organization and Innovation. (2007). Meyer, Peter ; Zoghi, Cindy ; Mohr, Robert D.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec070040.

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292009The Timing of Maternal Work and Time with Children. (2009). Stewart, Jay. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec090030.

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302010Run-up in the House Price-Rent Ratio: How Much Can Be Explained by Fundamentals?. (2010). Verbrugge, Randal ; Sullivan, Paul ; Sommer, Kamila. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec100090.

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312006Is Job Enrichment Really Enriching?. (2006). Zoghi, Cindy ; Mohr, Robert D.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec060010.

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322013International Trade Price Stickiness and Exchange Rate Pass-through in Micro Data: A Case Study on US-China Trade. (2013). Wu, Jason ; Wang, Jian ; Kim, Mina ; Nam, Deokwoo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec130080.

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332007Are Those Who Bring Work Home Really Working Longer Hours? Implications for BLS Productivity Measures. (2007). Pabilonia, Sabrina ; Eldridge, Lucy P.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec070050.

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342013Understanding the Relationship: CE Survey and PCE. (2013). McCully, Clinton ; Passero, William ; Garner, Thesia I.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec130020.

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352007Some New Evidence on Overtime Use, Total Job Compensation, and Wage Rates. (2007). Barkume, Anthony. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec070010.

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362005What’s In a City?: Understanding the Micro-Level Employer Dynamics Underlying Urban Growth. (2005). Faberman, Jason. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec050120.

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372005A Comparison of Income, Expenditures, and Home Market Value Distributions Using Luxembourg Income Study Data from the 1990s. (2005). Sierminska, Eva ; Garner, Thesia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec050060.

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382006Parental Transfers, Student Achievement, and the Labor Supply of College Students. (2006). Pabilonia, Sabrina ; Kalenkoski, Charlene. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec060130.

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392006Income Imputation and the Analysis of Expenditure Data in the Consumer Expenditure Survey. (2006). Fisher, Jonathan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec060060.

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402010The Role of Re-entry in the Retirement Process. (2010). Quinn, Joseph ; Giandrea, Michael ; Cahill, Kevin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec100070.

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412013Wage Effects of Unionization and Occupational Licensing Coverage in the United States. (2013). Gittleman, Maury ; Kleiner, Morris M.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec130040.

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422006A Micro-level Analysis of Recent Increases in Labor Force Participation among Older Workers. (2006). Quinn, Joseph ; Giandrea, Michael ; Cahill, Kevin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec060120.

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432009Measures of labor underutilization from the Current Population Survey. (2009). Haugen, Steven E.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec090020.

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442011Search and Non-Wage Job Characteristics. (2011). To, Ted ; Sullivan, Paul. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec110070.

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452009The Puzzling Divergence of Rents and User Costs, 1980-2004. (2009). Verbrugge, Randal. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec080080.

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462012Inter-Industry Compensation Differentials. (2012). Gittleman, Maury ; Pierce, Brooks . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec120020.

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472007Improving the CPI’s Age-Bias Adjustment: Leverage, Disaggregation and Model Averaging. (2007). Verbrugge, Randal ; Gallin, Joshua . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec070100.

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482008New Evidence on Outlet Substitution Effects in Consumer Price Index Data. (2008). Greenlees, John S. ; McClelland, Robert . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec080070.

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492008Encouraging Participation in 401(k) Plans: Reconsidering the Employer Match. (2008). Dworak-Fisher, Keenan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec080060.

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502006How Does Household Production Affect Earnings Inequality? Evidence from the American Time Use Survey. (2006). Stewart, Jay ; Frazis, Harley . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec060050.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12008The Effect of Hurricane Katrina on the Labor Market Outcomes of Evacuees. (2008). Polivka, Anne E. ; Groen, Jeffrey A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec080010.

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22009Reconciling User Costs and Rental Equivalence: Evidence from the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey. (2009). Verbrugge, Randal ; Garner, Thesia I.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec090050.

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32012The Declining Average Size of Establishments: Evidence and Explanations. (2012). Spletzer, James ; Choi, Eleanor J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec120010.

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42005Economic Well-Being Based on Income, Consumer Expenditures and Personal Assessments of Minimal Needs. (2005). Garner, Thesia ; Short, Kathleen . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec050070.

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52007R&D and Productivity Growth: A Review of the Literature. (2007). Sveikauskas, Leo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec070070.

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62022Why was Labor Productivity Growth So High during the COVID-19 Pandemic? The Role of Labor Composition. (2022). Stewart, Jay. In: Economic Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:545.

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72005Returning to the Returns to Computer Use. (2005). Pabilonia, Sabrina ; Zoghi, Cindy . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec050030.

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82007Establishment Wage Differentials. (2007). Spletzer, James ; Lane, Julia ; Salmon, Laurie A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec070020.

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92010Run-up in the House Price-Rent Ratio: How Much Can Be Explained by Fundamentals?. (2010). Verbrugge, Randal ; Sullivan, Paul ; Sommer, Kamila. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec100090.

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102009Tobit or Not Tobit?. (2009). Stewart, Jay. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec090100.

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112009The Timing of Maternal Work and Time with Children. (2009). Stewart, Jay. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec090030.

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122007Workplace Organization and Innovation. (2007). Meyer, Peter ; Zoghi, Cindy ; Mohr, Robert D.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec070040.

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132010Why Do BLS Hours Series Tell Different Stories About Trends in Hours Worked?. (2010). Stewart, Jay ; Frazis, Harley . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec100010.

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142005Proposed Category System for 1960-2000 Census Occupations. (2005). Meyer, Peter ; Osborne, Anastasiya M.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec050090.

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152013New Evidence on Self-Employment Transitions Among Older Americans with Career Jobs. (2013). Giandrea, Michael ; Cahill, Kevin ; Quinn, Joseph F.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:ec130030.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor:
Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2022

YearCiting document
2022Distribution of U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditures for 2019: A Prototype Based on Consumer Expenditure Survey Data. (2022). Curtin, Scott ; Matsumoto, Brett ; Martin, Robert S ; Garner, Thesia I. In: Economic Working Papers. RePEc:bls:wpaper:557.

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2022The Impact of COVID on Productivity and Potential Output. (2022). Li, Huiyu ; Fernald, John G. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:fip:fedfwp:94837.

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