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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2002 0 0.54 0.29 0 7 7 23 2 2 0 0 0 2 0.29 0.31
2003 0.86 0.53 0.38 0.86 14 21 210 8 10 7 6 7 6 3 37.5 2 0.14 0.3
2004 0.48 0.6 0.44 0.48 11 32 30 14 24 21 10 21 10 4 28.6 3 0.27 0.36
2005 0.44 0.6 0.45 0.38 12 44 441 18 44 25 11 32 12 6 33.3 4 0.33 0.36
2006 0.74 0.59 0.91 0.95 14 58 106 53 97 23 17 44 42 8 15.1 8 0.57 0.34
2007 0.54 0.52 0.56 0.55 6 64 35 35 133 26 14 58 32 1 2.9 3 0.5 0.29
2008 0.7 0.59 0.69 0.82 8 72 16 50 183 20 14 57 47 0 0 0.29
2009 0.43 0.58 0.66 0.75 7 79 34 52 235 14 6 51 38 0 1 0.14 0.33
2010 0.47 0.52 0.78 0.96 4 83 0 65 300 15 7 47 45 0 0 0.3
2011 0.55 0.61 1.03 0.51 3 86 2 86 389 11 6 39 20 0 0 0.37
2012 0.29 0.68 0.58 0.32 11 97 24 55 445 7 2 28 9 1 1.8 5 0.45 0.36
2013 0.21 0.67 0.62 0.24 1 98 3 59 506 14 3 33 8 1 1.7 0 0.35
2014 0.17 0.67 0.65 0.15 14 112 250 71 579 12 2 26 4 5 7 16 1.14 0.34
2015 1.33 0.66 0.8 0.76 15 127 52 102 681 15 20 33 25 4 3.9 14 0.93 0.36
2016 1.69 0.65 0.91 1.2 14 141 55 129 810 29 49 44 53 1 0.8 14 1 0.35
2017 0.41 0.62 0.85 0.73 17 158 77 134 945 29 12 55 40 7 5.2 6 0.35 0.35
2018 0.71 0.62 0.61 0.84 14 172 51 105 1050 31 22 61 51 1 1 6 0.43 0.35
2019 0.81 0.63 0.61 0.86 12 184 13 109 1163 31 25 74 64 6 5.5 1 0.08 0.37
2020 0.69 0.72 0.85 0.63 18 202 211 171 1335 26 18 72 45 1 0.6 51 2.83 0.78
2021 2.2 0.99 0.76 1.25 17 219 16 167 1502 30 66 75 94 0 3 0.18 0.41
2022 2.09 0.78 0.83 1.27 18 237 12 197 1699 35 73 78 99 1 0.5 9 0.5 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12014E-lections: Voting Behavior and the Internet. (2014). Heblich, Stephan ; Gold, Robert ; Falck, Oliver. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:14/642.

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22005Dual economy models: a primer for growth economists.. (2005). Temple, Jonathan. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:05/574.

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32003Child Farm Labor: The Wealth Paradox. (2003). Heady, Christopher ; Bhalotra, Sonia. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:03/553.

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42005Does external trade promote financial development?. (2005). Temple, Jonathan ; Huang, Yongfu. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:05/575.

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52020Baby steps: The gender division of childcare during the COVID19 pandemic. (2020). Smith, Sarah ; Sevilla, Almudena. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:20/723.

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62005What determines financial development?. (2005). Huang, Yongfu. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:05/580.

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72005The Cyclical Behavior of Equilibrium Unemployment and Vacancies РA Comment. (2005). Turon, H̩l̬ne ; Burgess, Simon. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:05/573.

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82017Lift and Shift: The Effect of Fundraising Interventions in Charity Space and Time. (2017). Smith, Sarah ; Scharf, Kimberley ; Ottoni-Wilhelm, Mark. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:17/687.

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92007The Weak Instrument Problem of the System GMM Estimator in Dynamic Panel Data Models. (2007). Windmeijer, Frank ; Bun, Maurice. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:07/595.

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102015A Weak Instrument F-Test in Linear IV Models with Multiple Endogenous Variables. (2015). Sanderson, Eleanor . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:15/644.

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112015A Weak Instrument F-Test in Linear IV Models with Multiple Endogenous Variables. (2015). Windmeijer, Frank ; Sanderson, Eleanor . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:14/644.

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122009Large Employers Are More Cyclically Sensitive. (2009). Postel-Vinay, Fabien ; Moscarini, Giuseppe. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:09/609.

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132016Robust Inference for the Two-Sample 2SLS Estimator. (2016). Windmeijer, Frank ; Pacini, David . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:16/676.

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142006GMM for panel count data models. (2006). Windmeijer, Frank. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:06/591.

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152017Protests and Trust in the State: Evidence from African Countries. (2017). Zylberberg, Yanos ; Sangnier, Marc. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:17/682.

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162006Growth and labour markets in developing countries. (2006). Temple, Jonathan ; Satchi, Mathan. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:06/581.

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172002An Assessment of the New Economy. (2002). Temple, Jonathan. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:02/542.

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182020The Income and Consumption Effects of Covid-19 and the Role of Public Policy. (2020). Spittal, Peter ; Piyapromdee, Suphanit. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:20/727.

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192006Macroeconomic policy and the distribution of growth rates. (2006). Temple, Jonathan ; Sirimaneetham, Vatcharin. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:06/584.

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202005Will political liberalisation bring about financial development?. (2005). Huang, Yongfu. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:05/578.

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212006Private investment and financial development in a globalized world. (2006). Huang, Yongfu. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:06/589.

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222006Emerging Markets, Financial Openness and Financial Development. (2006). Huang, Wei. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:06/588.

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232020Subjective Expectations and Demand for Contraception. (2020). de Paula, Aureo ; Valente, Christine ; Miller, Grant. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:20/724.

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242012Nonparametric Analysis of Two-Sided Markets. (2012). Sokullu, Senay. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:12/628.

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252020Persistence through Revolutions. (2020). Zeng, Weihong ; You, Yang ; Yang, David ; Seror, Marlon ; Alesina, Alberto. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:20/722.

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262016How Bad is Involuntary Part-time Work?. (2016). Lalé, Etienne ; Borowczyk-Martins, Daniel. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:15/664.

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272003The Impact of Age Distribution Variables on the Long Run Consumption Function. (2003). Cannon, Edmund ; Clifford L. F. Attfield, . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:03/546.

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282003Sibling Death Clustering in India: Genuine Scarring vs Unobserved Heterogeneity. (2003). Bhalotra, Sonia ; Arulampalam, Wiji. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:03/552.

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292017On the Use of the Lasso for Instrumental Variables Estimation with Some Invalid Instruments. (2017). Windmeijer, Frank ; Farbmacher, Helmut ; Smith, George Davey ; Davies, Neil. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:16/674.

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302004Dualism and cross-country growth regressions. (2004). Woessmann, Ludger ; Temple, Jonathan. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:04/560.

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312018Migrants and Firms: Evidence from China. (2018). Zhang, Yifan ; Imbert, Clément ; Zylberberg, Stephan Yanos ; Seror, Marlon. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:19/713.

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322018Testing Over- and Underidentification in Linear Models, with Applications to Dynamic Panel Data and Asset-Pricing Models. (2018). Windmeijer, Frank. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:18/696.

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332004Parent Altruism, Cash Transfers and Child Poverty. (2004). Bhalotra, Sonia. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:04/561.

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342003Is Child Work Necessary?. (2003). Bhalotra, Sonia. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:03/554.

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352009To Trade or Not to Trade: The Strategic Trading of Insiders around News Announcements. (2009). Lasfer, Meziane ; Korczak, Adriana. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:09/613.

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362005Worker Flows, Job Flows and Unemployment in a Matching Model. (2005). Turon, Hélène ; Burgess, Simon. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:05/572.

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372015The Consumption, Income, and Wealth of the Poorest: Cross-Sectional Facts of Rural and Urban Sub-Saharan Africa for Macroeconomists. (2015). Santaeulalia-Llopis, Raul ; de Magalhaes, Leandro ; de Magalhes, Leandro . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:15/655.

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382018When Does an Additional Stage Improve Welfare in Centralized Assignment?. (2018). Yenmez, M. Bumin ; Dogan, Battal ; Doan, Battal. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:18/704.

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392006Convergence behaviour in exogenous growth models. (2006). Temple, Jonathan ; Mathunjwa, Jochonia S. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:06/590.

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402006Financial Development and Inequality: Brazil 1985-99. (2006). Bittencourt, Manoel. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:06/582.

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412014Reputational Bidding. (2014). Makris, Miltiadis ; Giovannoni, Francesco. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:14/641.

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422012Fiscal Multiplier in a Credit-Constrained New Keynesian Economy. (2012). Sin, Jasmin ; Kara, Engin. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:12/634.

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432006On the political economy of financial reform. (2006). Huang, Yongfu. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:06/586.

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442016Understanding the Response to Financial and Non-Financial Incentives in Education: Field Experimental Evidence Using High-Stakes Assessments. (2016). Metcalfe, Robert ; Burgess, Simon ; Sadoff, Sally . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:16/678.

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452017Semiparametric Estimation of Structural Functions in Nonseparable Triangular Models. (2017). Vella, Francis ; Stouli, Sami ; Fernandez-Val, Ivan ; Chernozhukov, Victor ; Newey, Whitney. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:17/690.

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462020Its complicated: A Non-parametric Test of Preference Stability between Singles and Couples. (2020). Hubner, Stefan . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:20/735.

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472018Inter-ethnic Relations of Teenagers in England’s Schools: the Role of School and Neighbourhood Ethnic Composition. (2018). Platt, Lucinda ; Burgess, Simon. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:18/699.

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482016On the Stock-Yogo Tables. (2016). Windmeijer, Frank ; Skeels, Christopher. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:16/679.

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492016Fear of Fracking: The Impact of the Shale Gas Exploration on House Prices in Britain. (2016). Heblich, Stephan ; Gibbons, Stephen ; Timmins, Christopher ; Lho, Esther . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:16/671.

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502015Virtuous Circles and the Case for Aid. (2015). Temple, Jonathan ; Carter, Patrick. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:14/636.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12020Baby steps: The gender division of childcare during the COVID19 pandemic. (2020). Smith, Sarah ; Sevilla, Almudena. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:20/723.

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22014E-lections: Voting Behavior and the Internet. (2014). Heblich, Stephan ; Gold, Robert ; Falck, Oliver. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:14/642.

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32003Child Farm Labor: The Wealth Paradox. (2003). Heady, Christopher ; Bhalotra, Sonia. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:03/553.

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42005Dual economy models: a primer for growth economists.. (2005). Temple, Jonathan. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:05/574.

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52005Does external trade promote financial development?. (2005). Temple, Jonathan ; Huang, Yongfu. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:05/575.

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62017Protests and Trust in the State: Evidence from African Countries. (2017). Zylberberg, Yanos ; Sangnier, Marc. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:17/682.

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72020The Income and Consumption Effects of Covid-19 and the Role of Public Policy. (2020). Spittal, Peter ; Piyapromdee, Suphanit. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:20/727.

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82020Subjective Expectations and Demand for Contraception. (2020). de Paula, Aureo ; Valente, Christine ; Miller, Grant. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:20/724.

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92017Lift and Shift: The Effect of Fundraising Interventions in Charity Space and Time. (2017). Smith, Sarah ; Scharf, Kimberley ; Ottoni-Wilhelm, Mark. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:17/687.

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102005What determines financial development?. (2005). Huang, Yongfu. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:05/580.

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112016Robust Inference for the Two-Sample 2SLS Estimator. (2016). Windmeijer, Frank ; Pacini, David . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:16/676.

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122020Persistence through Revolutions. (2020). Zeng, Weihong ; You, Yang ; Yang, David ; Seror, Marlon ; Alesina, Alberto. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:20/722.

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132006Financial Development and Inequality: Brazil 1985-99. (2006). Bittencourt, Manoel. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:06/582.

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142020The Effect of Wealth on Worker Productivity. (2020). Sepahsalari, Alireza ; Eeckhout, Jan. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:20/731.

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152022Economics and Econometrics of Gene-Environment Interplay. (2022). von Hinke, Stephanie ; von Hinke Kessler Scholder, Stephanie ; Thom, Kevin ; van Kippersluis, Hans ; Galama, Titus ; Biroli, Pietro. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:22/759.

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162014Reputational Bidding. (2014). Makris, Miltiadis ; Giovannoni, Francesco. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:14/641.

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172018When Does an Additional Stage Improve Welfare in Centralized Assignment?. (2018). Yenmez, M. Bumin ; Dogan, Battal ; Doan, Battal. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:18/704.

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182021Optimal Taxation of Capital in the Presence of Declining Labor Share. (2021). Yazici, Hakki ; Atesagaoglu, Orhan Erem. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:21/739.

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192018Migrants and Firms: Evidence from China. (2018). Zhang, Yifan ; Imbert, Clément ; Zylberberg, Stephan Yanos ; Seror, Marlon. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:19/713.

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202016Understanding the Response to Financial and Non-Financial Incentives in Education: Field Experimental Evidence Using High-Stakes Assessments. (2016). Metcalfe, Robert ; Burgess, Simon ; Sadoff, Sally . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:16/678.

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212020Media reported violence and female labor supply. (2020). Siddique, Zahra. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:20/732.

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222018Testing Over- and Underidentification in Linear Models, with Applications to Dynamic Panel Data and Asset-Pricing Models. (2018). Windmeijer, Frank. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:18/696.

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232018Simultaneous Mean-Variance Regression. (2018). Stouli, Sami ; Spady, Richard H. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:18/697.

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242017On the Use of the Lasso for Instrumental Variables Estimation with Some Invalid Instruments. (2017). Windmeijer, Frank ; Farbmacher, Helmut ; Smith, George Davey ; Davies, Neil. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:16/674.

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252016How Bad is Involuntary Part-time Work?. (2016). Lalé, Etienne ; Borowczyk-Martins, Daniel. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:15/664.

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262017The Donation Response to Natural Disasters. (2017). Smith, Sarah ; Scharf, Kimberley ; Ottoni-Wilhelm, Mark. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:17/688.

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272021Extending alcohol retailers opening hours: Evidence from Sweden. (2021). von Hinke, Stephanie ; Avdic, Daniel. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:21/749.

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282021Words Matter: Gender, Jobs and Applicant Behavior. (2021). Mahajan, Kanika ; Chaturvedi, Sugat ; Siddique, Zahra. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:21/747.

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292006GMM for panel count data models. (2006). Windmeijer, Frank. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:06/591.

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302021Shapes as Product Differentiation: Neural Network Embedding in the Analysis of Markets for Fonts. (2021). Ramakrishnan, Santhosh ; Grauman, Kristen ; Schulman, Eric ; Han, Sukjin. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:21/750.

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312022Do Second Chances Pay Off?. (). Simion, Stefania ; Megalokonomou, Rigissa ; Bizopoulou, Aspasia. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:22/762.

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322005Cantillon, Quesnay, and the Tableau Economique.. (2005). Brewer, Anthony. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:05/577.

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332007The Weak Instrument Problem of the System GMM Estimator in Dynamic Panel Data Models. (2007). Windmeijer, Frank ; Bun, Maurice. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:07/595.

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342015A Weak Instrument F-Test in Linear IV Models with Multiple Endogenous Variables. (2015). Windmeijer, Frank ; Sanderson, Eleanor . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:14/644.

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352018Control Variables, Discrete Instruments, and Identification of Structural Functions. (2018). Stouli, Sami ; Newey, Whitney. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:18/702.

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362022Beyond Barker: Infant Mortality at Birth and Ischaemic Heart Disease in Older Age. (2022). von Hinke Kessler Scholder, Stephanie ; van Kippersluis, Hans ; Biroli, Pietro ; Baker, Samuel . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:22/765.

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372019Sorting On-line and On-time. (2019). Villena-Roldn, Benjamn ; Banfi, Stefano ; Choi, Sekyu ; Se Kyu Choi, . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:19/706.

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382015A Weak Instrument F-Test in Linear IV Models with Multiple Endogenous Variables. (2015). Sanderson, Eleanor . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:15/644.

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392022The Long-Term Effects of Early-Life Pollution Exposure: Evidence from the London Smog. (2022). von Hinke, Stephanie ; von Hinke Kessler Scholder, Stephanie ; Sorensen, Emil. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:22/757.

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402021The Impacts of Weather Shocks on Employment Outcomes: Evidence from South Africa. (2021). Halliday, Simon D ; Taraz, Vis ; Gray, Harriet Brookes. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:21/752.

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412019The Incumbent-Challenger Advantage and the Winner-Runner-up Advantage. (2019). de Magalhaes, Leandro ; Hirvonen, Salomo . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:19/710.

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422022The Labour Supply of Mothers. (2022). Turon, Helene. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:22/769.

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432021The Gender Pay Gap:Micro Sources and Macro Consequences. (2021). Moser, Christian ; Morchio, Iacopo. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:21/751.

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442018Inter-ethnic Relations of Teenagers in England’s Schools: the Role of School and Neighbourhood Ethnic Composition. (2018). Platt, Lucinda ; Burgess, Simon. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:18/699.

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452020Women in economics: A UK Perspective. (2020). Smith, Sarah ; Sevilla, Almudena ; Gamage, Danula K. In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:20/725.

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462019Deconstructing Job Search Behavior. (2019). Villena-Roldn, Benjamn ; Banfi, Stefano ; Choi, Sekyu ; Se Kyu Choi, . In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:bri:uobdis:19/707.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 73
2022When do Minimum Wages Increase Social Welfare? A Sufficient Statistics Analysis with Taxes and Transfers. (2022). Vergara, Dami'An. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2202.00839.

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2022Persistent States: lessons for Scottish devolution and independence. (2022). Trew, Alex ; Roy, Graeme ; Muscatelli, Anton. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gla:glaewp:2022_02.

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2022Persistent States: Lessons for Scottish Devolution and Independence. (2022). Trew, Alex ; Roy, Graeme ; Muscatelli, Anton. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_9510.

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2022Dictatorship, Higher Education and Social Mobility. (2022). Prem, Mounu. In: IAST Working Papers. RePEc:tse:iastwp:127021.

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2022Social mobility and political regimes: intergenerational mobility in Hungary, 1949–2017. (2021). Pet, Rita ; Gaspar, Attila ; Clark, Gregory ; Bukowski, Pawe. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:114309.

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2022Social Mobility and Political Regimes: Intergenerational Mobility in Hungary, 1949–2017. (2022). Peto, Rita ; Gaspar, Attila ; Clark, Gregory ; Bukowski, Pawe. In: Journal of Population Economics. RePEc:spr:jopoec:v:35:y:2022:i:4:d:10.1007_s00148-021-00875-w.

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2022The impact of COVID-19 on the gender division of housework and childcare: Evidence from two waves of the pandemic in Italy. (2022). Paola, Profeta ; Noemi, Oggero ; Cristina, Rossi Maria ; Mariacristina, Rossi ; Del, Boca Daniela . In: IZA Journal of Labor Economics. RePEc:vrs:izajle:v:11:y:2022:i:1:p:20:n:2.

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2022The gender gap in mental well-being at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from the UK. (2022). Spantig, Lisa ; Etheridge, Ben. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:145:y:2022:i:c:s0014292122000502.

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2022Childcare, COVID-19 and Female Firm Exit : Impact of COVID-19 School Closure Policies onGlobal Gender Gaps in Business Outcomes. (2022). Goldstein, Markus P ; Gonzalez, Paula Lorena ; Papineni, Sreelakshmi ; Wimpey, Joshua Seth. In: Policy Research Working Paper Series. RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:10012.

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2022Honey, How Can I Help? Gender and Distribution of Unpaid Labour during COVID-19. (2022). Kumari, Shalini Dananja ; Kailasapathy, Pavithra ; Thennakoon, Dharshani. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:22:p:14972-:d:970829.

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2022Gender Gaps within Couples: Evidence of Time Re-allocations during COVID-19 in Argentina. (2022). Edo, María ; Echeverria, Lucia ; Costoya, Victoria ; Thailinger, Agustina ; Rocha, Ana. In: Journal of Family and Economic Issues. RePEc:kap:jfamec:v:43:y:2022:i:2:d:10.1007_s10834-021-09770-8.

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2022Public finance in the era of the COVID-19 crisis. (2022). Agrawal, David ; Butikofer, Aline. In: International Tax and Public Finance. RePEc:kap:itaxpf:v:29:y:2022:i:6:d:10.1007_s10797-022-09769-3.

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2022Who took care of what? The gender division of unpaid work during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in France. (2022). Godechot, Olivier ; Safi, Mirna ; Recchi, Ettore ; Ferragina, Emanuele ; Folgueras, Marta Dominguez ; Pasqualini, Marta. In: Post-Print. RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03677747.

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2022The gendered division of paid and domestic work under lockdown. (2022). Costa Dias, Monica ; Sevilla, Almudena ; Phimister, Angus ; Krutikova, Sonya ; Kraftman, Lucy ; Farquharson, Christine ; Cattan, Sarah ; Andrew, Alison. In: Fiscal Studies. RePEc:wly:fistud:v:43:y:2022:i:4:p:325-340.

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2022COVID-19, Gender and Labour. (2022). Corsi, Marcella ; Ilkkaracan, Ipek. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:1012.

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2022Gender effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Swiss labor market. (2022). Wu, YU ; Lambertini, Luisa ; Dubois, Corinne. In: Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics. RePEc:spr:sjecst:v:158:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1186_s41937-022-00099-z.

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2022The gendered consequences of the COVID?19 lockdown on unpaid work in Swiss dual earner couples with children. (2022). Vandecasteele, Leen ; Steinmetz, Stephanie ; Lipps, Oliver ; Voorpostel, Marieke ; Lebert, Florence. In: Gender, Work and Organization. RePEc:bla:gender:v:29:y:2022:i:6:p:2034-2051.

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2022The Gender Gap in Income and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ireland. (2022). O'Donoghue, Cathal ; Doorley, Karina ; Odonoghue, Cathal ; Sologon, Denisa M. In: Social Sciences. RePEc:gam:jscscx:v:11:y:2022:i:7:p:311-:d:864836.

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2022Pandemic Depression: COVID-19 and the Mental Health of the Self-Employed. (2022). Kritikos, Alexander ; Caliendo, Marco ; Seebauer, Johannes ; Graeber, Daniel. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp15260.

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2022Pandemic Depression: COVID-19 and the Mental Health of the Self-Employed. (2022). Kritikos, Alexander ; Caliendo, Marco ; Seebauer, Johannes ; Graeber, Daniel. In: CEPA Discussion Papers. RePEc:pot:cepadp:46.

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2022Down and out? The gendered impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on India’s labour market. (2022). Kesar, Surbhi ; Abraham, Rosa ; Basole, Amit. In: Economia Politica: Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics. RePEc:spr:epolit:v:39:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1007_s40888-021-00234-8.

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2022Working from home during Covid-19 pandemic and changes to fertility intentions among parents. (2022). Osiewalska, Beata ; Matysiak, Anna ; Kurowska, Anna. In: Working Papers. RePEc:war:wpaper:2022-22.

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2022Working from Home and Employee Perception of Career Prospects in Europe: the Gender and Family Perspectives. (2022). Kasperska, Agnieszka. In: Working Papers. RePEc:war:wpaper:2022-31.

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2022Expectations Data in Structural Microeconomic Models. (2022). O'Dea, Cormac ; Kosar, Gizem ; Koar, Gizem. In: Staff Reports. RePEc:fip:fednsr:94270.

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2022Women’s use of family planning services: An experiment on the husband’s involvement. (2022). Ringdal, Charlotte ; Dexelle, Ben. In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:158:y:2022:i:c:s0304387822000736.

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2022Gender pay and productivity in UK universities: Evidence from research-intensive Business Schools. (2022). Mate-Sanchez, Mariluz ; Harris, Richard. In: Economics Letters. RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:218:y:2022:i:c:s0165176522002579.

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2022Mental Health and Employment: A Bounding Approach Using Panel Data*. (2022). Roberts, Jennifer ; Rice, Nigel ; Bryan, Mark ; Sechel, Cristina. In: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. RePEc:bla:obuest:v:84:y:2022:i:5:p:1018-1051.

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2022Living with Reduced Income: An Analysis of Household Financial Vulnerability Under COVID-19. (2022). Sere, Mateo ; Mides, Catarina. In: Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement. RePEc:spr:soinre:v:161:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1007_s11205-021-02811-7.

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2022The Impact of Covid-19 on Household Welfare in the Comoros : The Experience of a Small IslandDeveloping State. (2022). Mendiratta, Vibhuti ; Nsababera, Olive Umuhire ; Sam, Hannah. In: Policy Research Working Paper Series. RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:9964.

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2022Separate Lives, Uncertain Futures: Does Covid-19 Align or Differentiate the Lives of Low- and Higher-Wage Young Workers?. (2022). Cheong, Annie ; Chua, Vincent ; Tan, Zhi Han ; Ne, Ire. In: Applied Research in Quality of Life. RePEc:spr:ariqol:v:17:y:2022:i:6:d:10.1007_s11482-022-10068-6.

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2022The impact of COVID-19 on employment and income of vocational graduates in China: Evidence from surveys in January and July 2020. (2022). Yi, Hongmei ; Rozelle, Scott ; Liang, Xiao. In: China Economic Review. RePEc:eee:chieco:v:75:y:2022:i:c:s1043951x22000906.

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2022The impact of US presidents on market returns: Evidence from Trumps tweets. (2022). Duong, Duy ; Anh, Ngoc Quang ; Thao, Duong Phuong. In: Research in International Business and Finance. RePEc:eee:riibaf:v:62:y:2022:i:c:s0275531922000691.

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2022Competitive search with two-sided risk aversion. (2022). Jerez, Belen. In: UC3M Working papers. Economics. RePEc:cte:werepe:34383.

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2022Housing prices and credit constraints in competitive search. (2022). Rincón-Zapatero, Juan Pablo ; Rincon-Zapatero, Juan Pablo ; Jerez, Belen ; Diaz, Antonia. In: UC3M Working papers. Economics. RePEc:cte:werepe:35536.

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2022Wealth accumulation, on-the-job search and inequality. (2022). Shi, Shouyong ; Chaumont, Gaston. In: Journal of Monetary Economics. RePEc:eee:moneco:v:128:y:2022:i:c:p:51-71.

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2022Substitution of social sustainability concerns under the Covid-19 pandemic. (2022). Holzmeister, Felix ; Struwe, Natalie ; Jaber-Lopez, Tarek ; Baier, Alexandra ; Blanco, Esther. In: Ecological Economics. RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:192:y:2022:i:c:s0921800921003189.

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2022Optimal fiscal policy in the automated economy. (2022). Nakatani, Ryota. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:115003.

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2022Model-Rich Approaches to Eliciting Weak Preferences: Evidence from a Multi-Valued Choice Experiment. (2021). Gerasimou, Georgios. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2111.14431.

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2022The Impact of Agricultural Drought on Smallholder Livestock Farmers: Empirical Evidence Insights from Northern Cape, South Africa. (2022). Myeki, Vuyiseka A ; Bahta, Yonas T. In: Agriculture. RePEc:gam:jagris:v:12:y:2022:i:4:p:442-:d:776908.

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2022Population displacement and urban conflict: Global evidence from more than 3300 flood events. (2022). , Thomas ; Thomas, ; del Pilar, Maria ; Castells-Quintana, David. In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:158:y:2022:i:c:s0304387822000797.

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2020Essential work and emergency childcare: Identifying gender differences in COVID-19 effects on labour demand and supply. (2020). Kalb, Guyonne ; Meekes, Jordy. In: Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series. RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2020n24.

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2020Necessities, Home Production, and Economic Impacts of Stay-at-Home Policies. (2020). Sudo, Nao ; Nirei, Makoto. In: IMES Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:ime:imedps:20-e-14.

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2020COVID-19, Family Stress and Domestic Violence: Remote Work, Isolation and Bargaining Power. (2020). Mikola, Derek ; Haddad, Joanne ; Brodeur, Abel ; Beland, Louis-Philippe. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13332.

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2020Fathers Matter: Intra-Household Responsibilities and Childrens Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy. (2020). Pieroni, Luca ; Piccoli, Luca ; Mangiavacchi, Lucia. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13519.

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2020This Time Its Different: The Role of Womens Employment in a Pandemic Recession. (2020). Doepke, Matthias ; Tertilt, Michele ; Olmstead-Rumsey, Jane ; Alon, Titan. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13562.

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2020Pay Transparency Initiative and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Research-Intensive Universities in the UK. (2020). Kavetsos, Georgios ; Sevilla, Almudena ; Mallick, Sushanta ; Gamage, Danula K. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13635.

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2020Work, Care and Gender during the COVID-19 Crisis. (2020). Petrongolo, Barbara ; Hupkau, Claudia. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13762.

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2020Gender Inequality during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Income, Expenditure, Savings, and Job Loss. (2020). Nguyen, Cuong ; Dang, Hai-Anh. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13824.

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2020COVID-19 School Closures and Parental Labor Supply in the United States. (2020). Morales, Marina ; MARCÉN, MIRIAM ; Sevilla, Almudena ; Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13827.

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2020Essential Work and Emergency Childcare: Identifying Gender Differences in COVID-19 Effects on Labour Demand and Supply. (2020). Meekes, Jordy ; Kalb, Guyonne ; Hassink, Wolter. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13843.

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2020Gender Economics: An Assessment. (2020). Sevilla, Almudena. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13877.

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2020Women’s and men’s work, housework and childcare, before and during COVID-19. (2020). rossi, mariacristina ; Profeta, Paola ; Del Boca, Daniela ; Oggero, Noemi. In: Review of Economics of the Household. RePEc:kap:reveho:v:18:y:2020:i:4:d:10.1007_s11150-020-09502-1.

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2020This Time Its Different: The Role of Womens Employment in a Pandemic Recession. (2020). Tertilt, Michele ; Doepke, Matthias ; Olmstead-Rumsey, Jane ; Alon, Titan. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:27660.

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2020The impact of COVID-19 in the allocation of time within couples. Evidence for Argentina. (2020). Edo, María ; Echeverria, Lucia ; Costoya, Victoria ; Thailinger, Agustina ; Rocha, Ana. In: Nülan. Deposited Documents. RePEc:nmp:nuland:3381.

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2020Home-based work, time endowments, and subjective well-being: Gender differences in the United Kingdom. (2020). Gimenez Nadal, Jose ; Velilla, Jorge ; Gimenez-Nadal, Jose Ignacio. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:104937.

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2020The impact of closing schools on working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence using panel data from Japan. (2020). Yamamura, Eiji ; Tsutsui, Yoshiro. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:105021.

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2020Impact of closing schools on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence using panel data from Japan. (2020). Yamamura, Eiji ; Tsutsui, Yoshiro. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:105023.

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2020The impact of COVID-19 in the allocation of time within couples. Evidence for Argentina.. (2020). Thailinger, Agustina ; Rocha, Ana ; Edo, Maria ; Echeverria, Lucia ; Costoya, Victoria. In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:145.

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2020The Advantages and Challenges of e-Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic in Omani Schools from Parents’ Perspectives of Cycle Two Schools (5-9). (2020). al Hadhrami, Shaikha ; al Saadi, Najlaa. In: International Journal of Educational Technology and Learning. RePEc:spi:ijetal:2020:p:26-39.

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2020The gendered effects of the ongoing lockdown and school closures in South Africa: Evidence from NIDS-CRAM Waves 1 and 2. (2020). Shepherd, Debra ; Casale, Daniela. In: Working Papers. RePEc:sza:wpaper:wpapers356.

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2020Colonization, early settlers and development: The case of Latin America. (2020). Reynal-Querol, Marta ; Montalvo, Jose Garcia. In: Economics Working Papers. RePEc:upf:upfgen:1729.

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2020Who on Earth Can Work from Home ?. (2020). Winkler, Hernan ; Viollaz, Mariana ; Rijkers, Bob ; Ozden, Caglar ; Parra, Nicolas Gomez ; Sanchez, Daniel Garrote. In: Policy Research Working Paper Series. RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:9347.

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2020Furloughing. (2020). Boneva, Teodora ; Adamsprassl, Abi ; Rauh, Christopher ; Golin, Marta. In: Fiscal Studies. RePEc:wly:fistud:v:41:y:2020:i:3:p:591-622.

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2020Work, Care and Gender during the COVID?19 Crisis. (2020). Hupkau, Claudia ; Petrongolo, Barbara. In: Fiscal Studies. RePEc:wly:fistud:v:41:y:2020:i:3:p:623-651.

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2020Incentives, Globalization, and Redistribution. (2020). Perroni, Carlo ; Haufler, Andreas. In: The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS). RePEc:wrk:warwec:1282.

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2020Covid-19, family stress and domestic violence: Remote work, isolation and bargaining power. (2020). Mikola, Derek ; Haddad, Joanne ; Brodeur, Abel ; Beland, Louis-Philippe. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:27.

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2020Covid-19, Family Stress and Domestic Violence: Remote Work, Isolation and Bargaining Power. (2020). Mikola, Derek ; Haddad, Joanne ; Brodeur, Abel ; Beland, Louis-Philippe. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:571.

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2020Should we cheer together? Gender differences in instantaneous well-being during joint and solo activities: An application to COVID-19 lockdowns. (2020). Molina, José Alberto ; Gimenez Nadal, Jose ; Velilla, Jorge ; Gimenez-Nadal, Jose Ignacio. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:736.

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2020Gender inequality in COVID-19 times: Evidence from UK Prolific participants. (2020). Quintana-Domeque, Climent ; Oreffice, Sonia. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:738.

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