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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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1999 0 0.39 0 0 3 3 14 0 0 0 0 0 0.25
2000 0 0.54 0 0 3 6 15 0 3 3 0 0 0.24
2001 0.33 0.49 0.91 0.33 5 11 22 10 10 6 2 6 2 10 100 4 0.8 0.27
2002 0.38 0.54 1 0.27 7 18 28 18 28 8 3 11 3 18 100 2 0.29 0.31
2003 0.33 0.53 1.66 0.22 11 29 48 48 76 12 4 18 4 47 97.9 21 1.91 0.3
2004 0.28 0.6 0.89 0.17 8 37 23 33 109 18 5 29 5 31 93.9 6 0.75 0.36
2005 0.16 0.6 0.29 0.09 8 45 33 13 122 19 3 34 3 11 84.6 1 0.13 0.36
2006 0.25 0.59 2.37 0.1 7 52 22 118 245 16 4 39 4 117 99.2 10 1.43 0.34
2007 0.4 0.52 1.84 0.29 5 57 50 105 350 15 6 41 12 95 90.5 3 0.6 0.29
2008 0.25 0.59 0.1 0.13 2 59 1 6 356 12 3 39 5 1 16.7 0 0.29
2009 0.29 0.58 0.18 0.2 9 68 28 11 368 7 2 30 6 1 9.1 1 0.11 0.33
2010 0.55 0.52 0.29 0.42 8 76 52 22 390 11 6 31 13 1 4.5 4 0.5 0.3
2011 0.65 0.61 0.36 0.55 4 80 25 29 419 17 11 31 17 0 1 0.25 0.37
2012 1 0.68 0.41 0.64 5 85 138 35 454 12 12 28 18 3 8.6 0 0.36
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12012US Residential Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency: A Stochastic Demand Frontier Approach. (2012). Hunt, Lester ; Filippini, Massimo. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:12-83.

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22007The drivers of and barriers to energy efficiency in renovation decisions of single-family home-owners. (2007). Jakob, Martin . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:07-56.

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32003Energy use and energy access in relation to poverty. (2003). Spreng, Daniel ; Pachauri, Shonali. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:03-25.

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42010Convergence in per capita CO2 emissions: a robust distributional approach. (2010). Ordás Criado, Carlos ; Grether, Jean-Marie. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:10-70.

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52010Export Restraints on Russian Natural Gas and Raw Timber: What are the Economic Impacts?. (2010). Tarr, David. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:10-74.

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62001Scale and cost efficiency in the Swiss electricity distribution industry: evidence from a frontier cost approach. (2001). Filippini, Massimo ; Wild, Jorg ; Kuenzle, Michael . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:01-08.

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72002Elasticities of Electricity Demand in Urban Indian Households. (2002). Filippini, Massimo ; Pachauri, Shonali. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:02-16.

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82000Regional Differences in Electricity Distribution Costs and their Consequences for Yardstick Regulation of Access Prices.. (2000). Filippini, Massimo ; Wild, Jorg . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:00-05.

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92003Fuel tourism in border regions. (2003). Hunt, Lester ; Filippini, Massimo ; Banfi, Silvia . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:03-23.

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102007Benchmarking and Regulation in the Electricity Distribution Sector. (2007). Filippini, Massimo ; Farsi, Mehdi ; Fetz, Aurelio . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:07-54.

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112005A Benchmarking Analysis of Electricity Distribution Utilities in Switzerland. (2005). Filippini, Massimo ; Farsi, Mehdi. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:05-43.

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122002Deregulation of the Swiss Electricity Industry: Implication for the Hydropower Sector. (2002). Filippini, Massimo ; Luchsinger, Cornelia ; Banfi, Silvia . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:02-13.

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132011Utility Rebates for ENERGY STAR Appliances: Are They Effective?. (2011). Datta, Souvik ; Gulati, Sumeet. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:11-81.

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142003Exploring Experience Curves for the Building Envelope: An Investigation for Switzerland for 1970–2020. (2003). Madlener, Reinhard ; Jakob, Martin . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:03-22.

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152009Allowance Price Drivers in the First Phase of the EU ETS. (2009). Hintermann, Beat. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:09-63.

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161999Northern Consumption: A Critical Review of Issues, Driving Forces, Disciplinary Approaches and Critiques. (1999). Goldblatt, David . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:99-03.

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17A Real Options Evaluation Model for the Diffusion Prospects of New Renewable Power Generation Technologies. (2004). Madlener, Reinhard ; Kumbaroglu, Gurkan ; Demirel, Mustafa. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:04-35.

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182003Energy storage as an essential part of sustainable energy systems. (2003). Semadeni, Marco . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:03-24.

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192003Rent of Hydropower Generation in Switzerland in a Liberalized Market. (2003). Muller, Adrian ; Filippini, Massimo ; Banfi, Silvia . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:01-20.

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202004Efficiency Measurement in Network Industries: Application to the Swiss Railway Companies. (2004). Greene, William ; Filippini, Massimo ; Farsi, Mehdi. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:04-32.

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212001A Description of the Hybrid Bottom-Up CGE Model SCREEN with an Application to Swiss Climate Policy Analysis. (2001). Madlener, Reinhard ; Kumbaroglu, Gurkan . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:01-10.

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221999A First Step to Constructing Energy Consumption Indicators for India. Interim Report of The Indicator Project.. (1999). Pachauri, Shonali. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:99-02.

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232012Residential electricity demand for Spain: new empirical evidence using aggregated data. (2012). Filippini, Massimo ; Boogen, Nina ; Leticia, Blazquez . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:12-82.

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242005Fuel Choices in Urban Indian Households. (2005). Filippini, Massimo ; Farsi, Mehdi ; Pachauri, Shonali. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:05-42.

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252003Regulation and Measuring Cost Efficiency with Panel Data Models: Application to Electricity Distribution Utilities. (2003). Filippini, Massimo ; Farsi, Mehdi. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:03-19.

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262000Monatlicher Verbrauch von Heizöl extraleicht im Dienstleistungssektor. (2000). Huser, Alois ; Aebischer, Bernard . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:00-04.

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271999Researchers Use of Indicators. Interim Report of The Indicator Project.. (1999). Scheller, Andrea . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:99-01.

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282002Impact of the new Swiss electricity law on the competitiveness of hydropower. (2002). Filippini, Massimo ; Banfi, Silvia . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:02-12.

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292012Analysing the Impact of ENERGY STAR Rebate Policies in the US. (2012). Filippini, Massimo ; Datta, Souvik. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:12-86.

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302003Modelling the Adoption and Diffusion of Decentralised Energy Conversion Technologies with Hazard Rate Models. (2003). Madlener, Reinhard. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:03-28.

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312006Regional disparities in electrification of India – do geographic factors matter?. (2006). Kemmler, Andreas. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:06-51.

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322003Differences in Characteristics ofReligious Groups in India: As Seen From Household Survey Data. (2003). Aruga, Kentaka. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:03-26.

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332003Incentive Compatible Extraction of Natural Resource Rent. (2003). Muller, Adrian ; Luchsinger, Cornelia . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:03-21.

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342004Modeling Technology Adoption as an Irreversible Investment Under Uncertainty: The Case of the Turkish Electricity Supply Industry. (2004). Madlener, Reinhard ; Ediger, Volkan ; Kumbaroglu, Gurkan . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:04-30.

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352002Efficiency and Regulation of the Slovenian Electricity Distribution Companies. (2002). Filippini, Massimo ; Zoric, Jelena . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:02-14.

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362011Smart Meter Devices and The Effect of Feedback on Residential Electricity Consumption: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Northern Ireland. (2011). Longo, Alberto ; Alberini, Anna ; Gans, Will . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:11-78.

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372007Economies of Scale and Scope in the Swiss Multi-Utilities Sector. (2007). Filippini, Massimo ; Farsi, Mehdi ; Fetz, Aurelio . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:07-59.

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382004Cost Efficiency in Regional Bus Companies: An Application of Alternative Stochastic Frontier Models. (2004). Filippini, Massimo ; Farsi, Mehdi ; Kuenzle, Michael . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:04-33.

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392005Willingness to Pay for Energy-Saving Measures in Residential Buildings. (2005). Filippini, Massimo ; Farsi, Mehdi ; Jakob, Martin ; Banfi, Silvia . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:05-41.

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402005Promoting renewable electricity generation in imperfect markets: price vs. quantity control. (2005). Madlener, Reinhard ; Zweifel, Peter ; Gao, Weiyu . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:05-45.

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412003A Sustainability Framework for Enhancing the Long-Term Success of LULUCF Projects. (2003). Madlener, Reinhard ; Muys, Bart ; Domac, Julije ; Robledo, Carmenza ; Hektor, Bo. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:03-29.

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422004Resource Rent Taxation – A New Perspective for the (Swiss) Hydropower Sector. (2004). Filippini, Massimo ; Luchsingerl, Cornelia ; Banfi, Silvia . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:04-34.

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432006Economies of scale and scope in local public transportation. (2006). Filippini, Massimo ; Farsi, Mehdi ; Fetz, Aurelio . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:06-48.

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442002Long-Term Energy Scenarios: Information on Aspects of Sustainable Energy Supply as a Prelude to Participatory Sessions. (2002). Semadeni, Marco . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:02-17.

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452006An Analysis of Direct and Indirect Benefits and Costs of Energy-Efficiency Attributes in Residential Buildings.. (2006). Baur, Martin ; Ott, Walter ; Jakob, Martin . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:06-47.

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462001Energie, Umwelt und die 2000 Watt Gesellschaft. (2001). Spreng, Daniel ; Semadeni, Marco . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:01-11.

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472006Multi-Criteria versus Data Envelopment Analysis for Assessing the Performance of Biogas Plants. (2006). Madlener, Reinhard ; Dias, Luis ; Antunes, Carlos Henggeler. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:06-49.

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482005Economies of Scale in the Swiss Hydropower Sector. (2005). Filippini, Massimo ; Luchsinger, Cornelia . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:05-44.

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492006Diffusion of bioenergy in urban areas: socio-economic analysis of the planned Swiss wood-fired cogeneration plant in Basel. (2006). Madlener, Reinhard ; Vogtli, Stefan . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:06-53.

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502009An Options Pricing Approach for CO2 Allowances in the EU ETS. (2009). Hintermann, Beat. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:09-64.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12012US Residential Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency: A Stochastic Demand Frontier Approach. (2012). Hunt, Lester ; Filippini, Massimo. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:12-83.

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22007The drivers of and barriers to energy efficiency in renovation decisions of single-family home-owners. (2007). Jakob, Martin . In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:07-56.

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32003Energy use and energy access in relation to poverty. (2003). Spreng, Daniel ; Pachauri, Shonali. In: CEPE Working paper series. RePEc:cee:wpcepe:03-25.

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