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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2001 0 0.49 0.4 0 10 10 45 4 4 0 0 0 4 0.4 0.27
2002 1.3 0.54 0.85 1.3 10 20 53 13 21 10 13 10 13 0 0 0.31
2003 0.25 0.53 0.43 0.25 8 28 82 11 33 20 5 20 5 0 6 0.75 0.3
2004 1.33 0.6 1.1 1 3 31 59 29 67 18 24 28 28 0 1 0.33 0.36
2005 2.45 0.6 1.22 1.35 24 55 468 67 134 11 27 31 42 0 24 1 0.36
2006 1.63 0.59 1.14 1.18 4 59 44 67 201 27 44 55 65 0 2 0.5 0.34
2007 1.43 0.52 1.17 1.39 6 65 26 76 277 28 40 49 68 0 5 0.83 0.29
2008 1 0.59 0.91 1.27 2 67 0 60 338 10 10 45 57 0 0 0.29
2009 0.88 0.58 0.7 0.97 4 71 71 48 388 8 7 39 38 0 7 1.75 0.33
2010 1.5 0.52 0.58 0.95 5 76 40 44 432 6 9 40 38 0 3 0.6 0.3
2012 0.4 0.68 0.78 1.06 2 78 5 61 561 5 2 17 18 0 0 0.36
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12005Robust Mechanism Design. (2005). Morris, Stephen ; Bergemann, Dirk. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000593.

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22009Revealed Attention. (2009). Ozbay, Erkut ; Nakajima, Daisuke ; Masatlioglu, Yusufcan. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:814577000000000409.

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32005Whos Who in Networks. Wanted: the Key Player. (2005). Zenou, Yves ; Calvó-Armengol, Antoni ; Ballester, Coralio ; Calvo-Armengol, Antoni . In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000586.

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42004Fairness and Redistribution. (2004). Angeletos, George-Marios ; Alesina, Alberto. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:122247000000000306.

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52005The Folk Theorem for Games with Private, Almost-Perfect Monitoring. (2005). Olszewski, Wojciech ; Hörner, Johannes ; Horner, Johannes. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:172782000000000006.

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62010Competitive Markets without Commitment. (2010). Scheuer, Florian ; Netzer, Nick. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:814577000000000462.

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72003Beauty Contests, Bubbles and Iterated Expectations in Asset Markets. (2003). Shin, Hyun Song ; Morris, Stephen ; Allen, Franklin. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:391749000000000553.

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82006Sequential Innovation, Patents, and Innovation. (2006). Maskin, Eric ; Bessen, James. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:321307000000000021.

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92005Discounting and altruism to future decision-makers. (2005). Weibull, Jörgen ; Saez-Marti, Maria. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:784828000000000001.

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102002Persistence in Law-of-One-Price Deviations: Evidence From Micro-Price Data. (2002). Shintani, Mototsugu ; Crucini, Mario. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:506439000000000019.

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11The Concept of Income in a General Equilibrium. (2005). Weale, Martin ; Sefton, James. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:122247000000000844.

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122002Two-Class Voting: A Mechanism for Conflict Resolution?. (2002). Yilmaz, Bilge ; Maug, Ernst. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:391749000000000536.

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132003Bounded Memory and Biases in Information Processing. (2003). Wilson, Andrea . In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:234936000000000070.

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142005Optimal Menu of Menus with Self-Control Preferences. (2005). Miyagawa, Eiichi ; Esteban, Susanna. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:784828000000000455.

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152005Information Transmission with Cheap and Almost-Cheap Talk. (2005). Kartik, Navin. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000650.

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162002Can We Really Observe Hyperbolic Discounting?. (2002). Fernandez-Villaverde, Jesus ; Mukherji, Arijit . In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:391749000000000478.

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172007Equilibrium Degeneracy and Reputation Effects. (2007). Faingold, Eduardo ; Sannikov, Yuliy . In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:843644000000000216.

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182005The Canonical Type Space for Interdependent Preferences. (2005). Pesendorfer, Wolfgang ; Gul, Faruk. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000635.

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192001Costly Voting. (2001). Börgers, Tilman ; Borgers, Tilman . In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:625018000000000232.

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202009Bayesian Persuasion. (2009). Gentzkow, Matthew ; Kamenica, Emir. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:814577000000000369.

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212001Consumption Savings Decisions with Quasi-Geometric Discounting. (2001). Smith, Anthony ; Krusell, Per. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:625018000000000251.

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222006A Dynamic Theory of Public Spending, Taxation and Debt. (2006). Coate, Stephen ; Battaglini, Marco. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:321307000000000026.

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232003Limited Computational Resources Favor Rationality. (2003). Salant, Yuval . In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000082.

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242003Aggregative Public Goods Games. (2003). Hartley, Roger ; Cornes, Richard. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000063.

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252001The Long March of History: Farm Laborers Wages in England 1208-1850. (2001). Clark, Gregory. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:625018000000000238.

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262009Choice by Sequential Procedures. (2009). Ballester, Miguel ; Apesteguia, Jose. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:814577000000000404.

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272001Two Competing Models of How People Learn in Games. (2001). Hopkins, Ed. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:625018000000000226.

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282003Addiction and Cue-Conditioned Cognitive Processes. (2003). Rangel, Antonio ; Bernheim, B. Douglas. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000052.

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292005The Rhetoric of Inequity Aversion. (2005). Shaked, Avner . In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000612.

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302004Price Dispersion, Inflation and Welfare. (2004). kumar, alok ; Head, Allen. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:122247000000000241.

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312012Bounded Rationality and Limited Datasets. (2012). Rozen, Kareen ; de Clippel, Geoffroy ; DeClippel, Geoffroy . In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:786969000000000487.

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322007The Optimal Multi-Stage Contest. (2007). Lu, Jingfeng ; Fu, Qiang. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:843644000000000387.

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33Wishful Thinking in Strategic Environments. (2005). Yildiz, Muhamet. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000598.

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342005Strategic Experimentation in Networks. (2005). Kranton, Rachel ; Bramoullé, Yann. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:784828000000000417.

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352007Contractually Stable Networks. (2007). Vannetelbosch, Vincent ; Caulier, Jean-François ; Mauleon, Ana. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:843644000000000084.

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362007Private Monitoring with Infinite Histories. (2007). Skrzypacz, Andrzej ; Phelan, Christopher. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:843644000000000079.

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372004Optimal Voting Schemes with Costly Information Acquisition. (2004). Gershkov, Alex ; Szentes, Balazs. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:122247000000000311.

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382006A Theory of Momentum in Sequential Voting. (2006). Kartik, Navin ; Ali, S. Nageeb. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:321307000000000016.

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392005Revealing Preferences for Fairness in Ultimatum Bargaining. (2005). Petrie, Ragan ; Castillo, Marco ; Andreoni, James. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000644.

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402001Arms Races and Negotiations. (2001). Sjostrom, Tomas ; Baliga, Sandeep. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:391749000000000005.

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412003The Linking of Collective Decisions and Efficiency. (2003). Sonnenschein, Hugo ; Jackson, Matthew. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000057.

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422001Participation Externalities and Asset Price Volatility. (2001). Herrera, Helios. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:625018000000000242.

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432001Instantaneous Gratification. (2001). Laibson, David ; Harris, Christopher. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:625018000000000267.

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442003Building Rational Cooperation. (2003). Andreoni, James ; Samuelson, Larry. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000068.

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452005The Rhetoric of Inequity Aversion- A Reply. (2005). Schmidt, Klaus ; Fehr, Ernst. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000616.

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462005Simultaneous Search. (2005). Smith, Lones ; Chade, Hector. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:172782000000000033.

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472005Art and the Internet: Blessing the Curse?. (2005). Legros, Patrick. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:172782000000000001.

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482010Overcoming Ideological Bias in Elections. (2010). Morgan, John ; Krishna, Vijay. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:814577000000000498.

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492009Democratic Peace and Electoral Accountability. (2009). Zanardi, Maurizio ; Sahuguet, Nicolas ; Conconi, Paola. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:814577000000000388.

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502005On the Existence of Monotone Pure Strategy Equilibria in Bayesian Games. (2005). Reny, Philip. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:784828000000000413.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12005Robust Mechanism Design. (2005). Morris, Stephen ; Bergemann, Dirk. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:666156000000000593.

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22005Discounting and altruism to future decision-makers. (2005). Weibull, Jörgen ; Saez-Marti, Maria. In: NajEcon Working Paper Reviews. RePEc:cla:najeco:784828000000000001.

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