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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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1993 0 0.17 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1
1994 0 0.17 0 0 8 9 1 0 1 1 0 0 0.08
1995 0 0.22 0 0 8 17 8 0 9 9 0 0 0.13
1996 0.06 0.25 0.03 0.06 13 30 1 1 1 16 1 17 1 0 0 0.14
1997 0 0.28 0.04 0 17 47 9 2 3 21 30 1 50 2 0.12 0.15
1998 0.07 0.31 0.06 0.06 21 68 33 4 7 30 2 47 3 3 75 1 0.05 0.18
1999 0.05 0.39 0.07 0.04 18 86 49 6 13 38 2 67 3 3 50 3 0.17 0.25
2000 0.23 0.54 0.11 0.12 9 95 10 10 23 39 9 77 9 1 10 1 0.11 0.24
2001 0.11 0.49 0.05 0.06 13 108 23 5 28 27 3 78 5 1 20 0 0.27
2002 0.05 0.54 0.06 0.08 18 126 23 8 36 22 1 78 6 0 0 0.31
2003 0.06 0.53 0.09 0.06 14 140 45 12 48 31 2 79 5 3 25 5 0.36 0.3
2004 0.06 0.6 0.07 0.1 23 163 54 11 59 32 2 72 7 0 1 0.04 0.36
2005 0.08 0.6 0.07 0.1 18 181 42 13 72 37 3 77 8 1 7.7 1 0.06 0.36
2006 0.15 0.59 0.09 0.13 15 196 124 18 90 41 6 86 11 3 16.7 1 0.07 0.34
2007 0.21 0.52 0.13 0.19 13 209 17 27 118 33 7 88 17 2 7.4 0 0.29
2008 0.25 0.59 0.13 0.27 15 224 34 30 148 28 7 83 22 4 13.3 0 0.29
2009 0.14 0.58 0.09 0.13 10 234 46 20 168 28 4 84 11 2 10 1 0.1 0.33
2010 0.32 0.52 0.11 0.15 8 242 48 27 195 25 8 71 11 3 11.1 0 0.3
2011 0.56 0.61 0.19 0.46 10 252 10 49 244 18 10 61 28 1 2 1 0.1 0.37
2012 0.78 0.68 0.17 0.41 6 258 0 43 287 18 14 56 23 2 4.7 0 0.36
2013 0.13 0.67 0.15 0.39 3 261 3 38 325 16 2 49 19 0 0 0.35
2014 0 0.67 0.17 0.3 7 268 1 45 370 9 37 11 0 0 0.34
2015 0.1 0.66 0.17 0.15 3 271 2 45 415 10 1 34 5 1 2.2 1 0.33 0.36
2017 0 0.62 0.09 0 2 273 0 24 465 3 19 0 0 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12006Credit spreads: theory and evidence about the information content of stocks, bonds and cdss. (2006). Forte, Santiago ; Pena, Juan Ignacio . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb063310.

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22010Are all Credit Default Swap databases equal?. (2010). Mayordomo, Sergio ; Schwartz, Eduardo S. ; Juan Ignacio Peña Sanchez de Rivera, . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb104621.

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32009The Effects of Fiscal Incentives for R & D in Spain. (2009). Martínez-Ros, Ester ; Corchuelo Martínez-Azúa, Beatriz ; Corchuelo Martínez-Azúa, Beatriz ; Corchuelo Martínez-Azúa, Beatriz ; Martinez-Ros, Ester ; Corchuelo Martínez-Azúa, Beatriz. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb092302.

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42003Pricing power derivatives: a two-factor jump-diffusion approach. (2003). Villaplana, Pablo . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb031805.

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52004Product strategies and startups survival in turbulent industries: evidence from the security software industry. (2004). Giarratana, Marco ; Fosfuri, Andrea. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb044816.

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61999The role of environmental accounting in international change: an exploration of Spanish companies. (1999). Larrinaga, Carlos ; Correa Ruiz, Carmen ; Larrinaga-Gonzalez, Carlos ; Carrasco-Fenech, Francisco ; Correa-Ruiz, Carmen ; Paez-Sandubete, Jose Maria . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:6434.

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72005Price dynamics, informational efficiency and wealth distribution in continuous double auction markets. (2005). Moreno, David ; Gil-Bazo, Javier ; Tapia, Mikel. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb057819.

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82010Systemic risk measures: the simpler the better. (2010). Rodriguez-Moreno, Maria ; Pea, Juan Ignacio. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:9291.

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91999Collusion via signaling in open ascending auctions with multiple objects and complementarities. (1999). Brusco, Sandro ; Lopomo, Giuseppe. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:6518.

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102004Private benefits extraction in closely-held corporations: the case for multiple large shareholders. (2004). Tribó, Josep ; Tribo, Josep A. ; Gutierrez, Maria . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb044315.

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112006Buyer-supplier relationships influence on traceability implementation in the vegetable industry. (2006). Alfaro, José ; lvarez, Maria Jose ; Rabade, Luis Arturo. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb060502.

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122008The performance of socially responsible mutual funds: the role of fees and management companies. (2008). Santos, Andre ; Gil-Bazo, Javier ; Ruiz-Verdu, Pablo . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb083409.

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131999Markets for technology (why do we see them, why dont we see more of them and why we should care). (1999). Arora, Ashish ; Gambardella, Alfonso ; Fosfuri, Andrea. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:6520.

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142008The sustainability of start-up firms among formerly wage workers. (2008). Muñoz-Bullón, Fernando ; Cueto, Begoña ; Iglesias, Begona Cueto ; Munoz-Bullon, Fernando. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb083108.

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151998Exploring the link between market orientation and innovation in the European and US insurance markets. (1998). Lado, Nora ; Olivares, Alberto Maydeu . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:6528.

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161998Market orientation and business economic performance : a mediational model. (1998). Lado, Nora ; Olivares, Alberto Maydeu . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:6538.

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172002Understanding reverse mergers: a first approach. (2002). Brusco, Sandro ; Arellano-Ostoa, Augusto. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb021711.

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182002Country risk and the international flows of technology: evidence from the chemical industry. (2002). Fosfuri, Andrea. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb022514.

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192009The value of a free customer. (2009). VIDAL-SANZ, JOSE ; Mela, Carl F. ; Gupta, Sunil. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb092903.

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202001New approaches to the analysis of the capital structure of SMEs: empirical evidence from Spanish firms. (2001). CARDONE RIPORTELLA, CLARA ; Cardone-Riportella, Clara . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb011003.

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212001Employee participation in Europe. (2001). Ortega, Jaime ; Cabrera, Elizabeth F.. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb010602.

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222003The nineties in Spain: too much flexibility in the youth labour market?. (2003). Muñoz-Bullón, Fernando ; García Pérez, J. Ignacio. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb030302.

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231995The economics of bank regulation. (1995). Thakor, Anjan ; Boot, Arnoud ; Bhattacharya, Sudipto. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:7082.

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242005When cheaper is better: fee determination in the market for equity mutual funds. (2005). Gil-Bazo, Javier ; Ruiz-Verdu, Pablo . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb054309.

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251998Licensing in the presence of competing technologies. (1998). Arora, Ashish ; Fosfuri, Andrea. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:6532.

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262000The value of SKU rationalization: the pooling effect under suboptimal inventory policies. (2000). Alfaro, José ; Corbett, Charles J. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:9917.

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272004The licensing dilemma: understanding the determinants of the rate of licensing. (2004). Fosfuri, Andrea. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb041507.

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282011What do Basel Capital Accords mean for SMEs?. (2011). Briozzo, Anahi ; Riportella, Clara Cardone ; Trujillo, Antonio . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb111004.

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292003Temporary help agencies and occupational mobility. (2003). Muñoz-Bullón, Fernando ; García Pérez, J. Ignacio. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb034110.

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302005Novelty of product innovation : the role of different networks. (2005). Santamaria, Lluis ; Nieto, Maria Jesus . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb056516.

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312009Are There Arbitrage Opportunities in Credit Derivatives Markets? A New Test and an Application to the Case of CDS and ASPs. (2009). Mayordomo, Sergio ; Pea, Juan Ignacio ; Romo, Juan. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb096303.

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322008Why do I like people like me?. (2008). Bagues, Manuel ; Maria Jose Perez Villadoniga, . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb080601.

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332001Cross-listing, price discovery and the informativeness of the trading process. (2001). PASCUAL, ROBERTO ; Pascual-Fuster, Bartolomé ; Climent, Francisco. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb014511.

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342007Transitions into permanent employment in Spain : an empirical analysis for young workers. (2007). Muñoz-Bullón, Fernando ; García Pérez, J. Ignacio ; Bullon, Fernando Muoz ; Garcia-Perez, Ignacio J. ; MuozBullon, Fernando . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb073808.

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352007Earnings management and corporate social responsibility. (2007). Tribó, Josep ; Prior, Diego ; Tribo, Josep A. ; Surroca, Jordi . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb062306.

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362007Automatic spectral density estimation for Random fields on a lattice via bootstrap. (2007). VIDAL-SANZ, JOSE. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb072606.

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371997Empirical distributions of stock returns: european securities markets, 1990-95. (1997). Estrada, Javier ; Aparicio, Felipe M. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:7054.

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382000Understanding liquidity: a closer look at the limit order book. (2000). Martinez, Miguel Angel ; Tapia, Mikel ; Rubio, Gonzalo. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:9961.

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392006Risk premium: insights over the threshold. (2006). Hasman, Augusto ; Pea, Juan Ignacio ; Jose L. B. Fernandes, . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb062808.

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402004Infinitely many securities and the fundamental theorem of asset pricing. (2004). Downarowicz, Anna ; Balbas, Alejandro . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb043513.

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412013Influences of institutional pressures on corporate social responsibility attitude and corporate social responsibility outcomes. (2013). Martínez-Ros, Ester ; Martinez-Ros, Ester ; Kunapatarawong, Rasi . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb130301.

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421998Capital market inefficiencies, credit rationing and lending relationship in SMEs. (1998). Riportella, Clara Cardone ; Longarela, Iaki R ; Blasco, David Camino . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:6546.

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431997Random walks and the temporal dimension of risk. (1997). Estrada, Javier. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:7040.

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442003Debt refinancing and credit risk. (2003). Forte, Santiago ; Pea, Ignacio J.. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb031704.

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452005Do banking relationships improve credit conditions for Spanish SMEs?. (2005). CARDONE RIPORTELLA, CLARA ; Casasola, Maria-Jose ; Samartin, Margarita . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb052806.

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462002On the time value of ruin in the discrete time risk model. (2002). Li, Shuanming ; Garrido, Jose. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb021812.

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472003Long-term effects of involuntary job separations on labour careers. (2003). Muñoz-Bullón, Fernando ; Malo, Miguel. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb034211.

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482006On the economic link between asset prices and real activity. (2006). Pena, Juan Ignacio ; Rodriguez, Rosa. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb063209.

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492004Liquidity constraints and credit subsidies in auctions. (2004). Quintero, Jose E. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb040604.

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502005The influence of blockholders on R and D investments intensity : evidence from Spain. (2005). Tribó, Josep ; Berrone, Pascual ; Surroca, Jordi . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb054611.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12006Credit spreads: theory and evidence about the information content of stocks, bonds and cdss. (2006). Forte, Santiago ; Pena, Juan Ignacio . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb063310.

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22003Pricing power derivatives: a two-factor jump-diffusion approach. (2003). Villaplana, Pablo . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb031805.

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32001Employee participation in Europe. (2001). Ortega, Jaime ; Cabrera, Elizabeth F.. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb010602.

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42013Influences of institutional pressures on corporate social responsibility attitude and corporate social responsibility outcomes. (2013). Martínez-Ros, Ester ; Martinez-Ros, Ester ; Kunapatarawong, Rasi . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb130301.

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52010Are all Credit Default Swap databases equal?. (2010). Mayordomo, Sergio ; Schwartz, Eduardo S. ; Juan Ignacio Peña Sanchez de Rivera, . In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb104621.

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62002Understanding reverse mergers: a first approach. (2002). Brusco, Sandro ; Arellano-Ostoa, Augusto. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb021711.

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72006Buyer-supplier relationships influence on traceability implementation in the vegetable industry. (2006). Alfaro, José ; lvarez, Maria Jose ; Rabade, Luis Arturo. In: DEE - Working Papers. Business Economics. WB. RePEc:cte:wbrepe:wb060502.

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