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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2016 0 0.53 0.03 0 34 34 31 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.03 0.21
2017 0.06 0.54 0.03 0.06 32 66 27 2 3 34 2 34 2 0 0 0.22
2018 0.12 0.56 0.11 0.12 26 92 14 10 13 66 8 66 8 0 0 0.24
2019 0.07 0.58 0.18 0.1 32 124 11 22 35 58 4 92 9 0 0 0.23
2020 0.07 0.7 0.18 0.11 26 150 15 27 62 58 4 124 14 0 3 0.12 0.33
2021 0.09 0.87 0.12 0.1 51 201 13 24 86 58 5 150 15 0 6 0.12 0.32
2022 0.14 1 0.11 0.11 39 240 1 27 113 77 11 167 18 0 1 0.03 0.31
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12017The French Law on Duty of Care: A Historic Step Towards Making Globalization Work for All. (2017). Cossart, Sandra ; de Lomenie, Tiphaine Beau ; Chaplier, Jerome . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:02:p:317-323_00.

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22016Business Ethics and Human Rights: An Overview. (2016). Brenkert, George G. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:02:p:277-306_00.

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32017‘What Does This Mean?’: How UK Companies Make Sense of Human Rights. (2017). Obara, Louise J. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:02:p:249-273_00.

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42016The World Economic Forum and Nike: Emerging ‘Shared Responsibility’ and Institutional Control Models for Achieving a Socially Responsible Global Supply Chain?. (2016). Hemphill, Thomas A ; White, George O. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:02:p:307-313_00.

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52016Corporations and Human Rights Obligations. (2016). Arnold, Denis G. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:02:p:255-275_00.

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62018Public Procurement as a Tool for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights: a Study of Collaboration, Due Diligence and Leverage in the Electronics Industry. (2018). Martin-Ortega, Olga. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:3:y:2018:i:01:p:75-95_00.

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72017Human Rights Due Diligence in Law and Practice: Good Practices and Challenges for Business Enterprises. (2017). McCorquodale, Robert ; Brooks, Robin ; Neely, Stuart ; Smit, Lise . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:02:p:195-224_00.

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82017Corporate Readiness and the Human Rights Risks of Applying FPIC in the Global Mining Industry. (2017). Owen, John R ; Kemp, Deanna. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:01:p:163-169_00.

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92019Editorial: Business and Human Rights Scholarship: Past Trends and Future Directions. (2019). Santoro, Michael ; Wettstein, Florian ; Ramasastry, Anita ; Deva, Surya . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:4:y:2019:i:02:p:201-212_00.

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102016Corporate Moral Agency and the Responsibility to Respect Human Rights in the UN Guiding Principles: Do Corporations Have Moral Rights?. (2016). Werhane, Patricia H. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:01:p:5-20_00.

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112021The Climate Change Dimension of Business and Human Rights: The Gradual Consolidation of a Concept of ‘Climate Due Diligence’. (2021). Macchi, Chiara . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:1:p:93-119_5.

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122018Neglecting the Proactive Aspect of Human Rights Due Diligence? A Critical Appraisal of the EU’s Non-Financial Reporting Directive as a Pillar One Avenue for Promoting Pillar Two Action. (2018). Buhmann, Karin . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:3:y:2018:i:01:p:23-45_00.

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132017Business Responsibilities for Human Rights: A Commentary on Arnold. (2017). Hsieh, Nien-He . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:02:p:297-309_00.

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142017Determining Criteria to Evaluate Outcomes of Businesses’ Provision of Remedy: Applying a Human Rights-Based Approach. (2017). Thompson, Benjamin . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:01:p:55-85_00.

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152018Social Bonds for Sustainable Development: A Human Rights Perspective on Impact Investing. (2018). Park, Stephen Kim. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:3:y:2018:i:02:p:233-255_00.

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162016Community-Driven Operational Grievance Mechanisms. (2016). McDonnell, Katherine ; Kaufman, Jonathan . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:01:p:127-132_00.

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172016National Action Plans: Current Status and Future Prospects for a New Business and Human Rights Governance Tool. (2016). Mehra, Amol ; Obrien, Claire Methven ; Poulsen-Hansen, Cathrine Bloch ; Blackwell, Sara . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:01:p:117-126_00.

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182016Company Responses to Human Rights Reports: An Empirical Analysis. (2016). Kamminga, Menno T. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:01:p:95-110_00.

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192019National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights: Progress or Mirage?. (2019). Rivera, Humberto Cantu . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:4:y:2019:i:02:p:213-237_00.

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202020Business and Human Rights Scholarship in Social Issues in Management: An Analytical Review. (2020). van Buren, Harry J ; Schrempf-Stirling, Judith . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:1:p:28-55_2.

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212020Modern Slavery Laws in Australia: Steps in the Right Direction?. (2020). Nolan, Justine ; Sinclair, Amy. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:1:p:164-170_11.

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222021Ten Years After: From UN Guiding Principles to Multi-Fiduciary Obligations. (2021). Davis, Rachel ; Rees, Caroline ; Ruggie, John Gerard. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:2:p:179-197_1.

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232020De-contextualized Corporate Human Rights Benchmarks: Whose Perspective Counts? See Disclaimer. (2020). Maher, Rajiv. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:1:p:156-163_10.

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242021The French Law on the Duty of Vigilance: Theoretical and Practical Challenges Since its Adoption. (2021). Brabant, Stephane ; Savourey, Elsa . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:1:p:141-152_9.

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252017Human Rights Due Diligence as Risk Management: Social Risk Versus Human Rights Risk. (2017). Fasterling, Bjorn . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:02:p:225-247_00.

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262021Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence in Germany and Norway: Stepping, or Striding, in the Same Direction?. (2021). Wohltmann, Franziska ; Tonstad, Kristel ; Krajewski, Markus. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:3:p:550-558_7.

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272020Companies, COVID-19 and Respect for Human Rights. (2020). Tripathi, Salil . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:2:p:252-260_5.

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282016The Necessity for a Business and Human Rights Treaty. (2016). Bilchitz, David . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:02:p:203-227_00.

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292021Wages: An Overlooked Dimension of Business and Human Rights in Global Supply Chains. (2021). Lebaron, Genevieve. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:1:p:1-20_1.

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302020Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: A Business Ethical Assessment. (2020). Ltge, Christoph ; Kriebitz, Alexander. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:1:p:84-104_4.

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312016The Turn to Contractual Responsibility in the Global Extractive Industry. (2016). Gathii, James ; Odumosu-Ayanu, Ibironke T. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:01:p:69-94_00.

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322020Lithium Might Hold the Key to our Clean Energy Future, but Will this Star Metal Fully Deliver on its Green Potential?. (2020). Quijano, Gabriela. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:2:p:276-281_8.

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332021The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implications for Corporate Social Responsibility Research. (2021). Waddock, Sandra ; Rasche, Andreas. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:2:p:227-240_4.

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342021The Child Labour Quagmire in Ghana: Root Causes and Ephemeral Solutions. (2021). Dery, Francis Xavier ; Atuguba, Raymond A ; Dowuona-Hammond, Christine. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:1:p:163-169_12.

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352021Racism as a Human Rights Risk: Reconsidering the Corporate ‘Responsibility to Respect’ Rights. (2021). George, Erika. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:3:p:576-583_10.

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362018The Commitment Curve: Global Regulation of Business and Human Rights. (2018). Kirkebo, Tori Loven ; Langford, Malcolm. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:3:y:2018:i:02:p:157-185_00.

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372019Guest Editorial: Agribusiness and Accountability. (2019). Terwindt, Carolijn ; Schliemann, Christian. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:4:y:2019:i:02:p:317-321_00.

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382020Business Views on Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Regulation: A Comparative Analysis of Two Recent Studies. (2020). Hughes-Jennett, Julianne ; Pietropaoli, Irene ; Bright, Claire ; Smit, Lise ; Hood, Peter. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:2:p:261-269_6.

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392017Respecting Human Rights in Conflict Regions: How to Avoid the ‘Conflict Spiral’. (2017). Iff, Andrea ; Graf, Andreas . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:01:p:109-133_00.

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402017A Domestic Solution for Transboundary Harm: Singapore’s Haze Pollution Law. (2017). Mohan, Mahdev . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:02:p:325-333_00.

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412019The Rise of Private Military and Security Companies in European Union Migration Policies: Implications under the UNGPs. (2019). Davitti, Daria. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:4:y:2019:i:01:p:33-53_00.

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422019The Duty of Care of the Parent Company: A Comparison between French Law, UK Precedents and the Swiss Proposals. (2019). Palombo, Dalia. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:4:y:2019:i:02:p:265-286_00.

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432016Human Rights Responsibility of Multinational Corporations, Political Ecology of Injustice: Learning from Bhopal Thirty Plus?. (2016). Baxi, Upendra . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:01:p:21-40_00.

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442017‘The Elephant in the Room’: Corporate Tax Avoidance & Business and Human Rights. (2017). Darcy, Shane . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:01:p:1-30_00.

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452019Are Internet Protocols the New Human Rights Protocols? Understanding ‘RFC 8280 – Research into Human Rights Protocol Considerations’. (2019). Krishnamurthy, Vivek. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:4:y:2019:i:01:p:163-169_00.

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462020Climate Change as a Business and Human Rights Issue: A Proposal for a Moral Typology. (2020). Toft, Kristian Hyer. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:1:p:1-27_1.

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472021Betting on the Wrong (Trojan) Horse: CSR and the Implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. (2021). Wettstein, Florian. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:2:p:312-325_10.

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482016Beyond Rana Plaza: Next Steps for the Global Garment Industry and Bangladeshi Manufacturers. (2016). Aizawa, Motoko ; Tripathi, Salil. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:01:p:145-151_00.

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492019Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains: Can National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights Close the Governance Gap?. (2019). Hampton, Diane Bulan. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:4:y:2019:i:02:p:239-263_00.

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502016The Record of International Financial Institutions on Business and Human Rights. (2016). Evans, Jessica . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:02:p:327-332_00.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12017The French Law on Duty of Care: A Historic Step Towards Making Globalization Work for All. (2017). Cossart, Sandra ; de Lomenie, Tiphaine Beau ; Chaplier, Jerome . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:02:p:317-323_00.

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22018Public Procurement as a Tool for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights: a Study of Collaboration, Due Diligence and Leverage in the Electronics Industry. (2018). Martin-Ortega, Olga. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:3:y:2018:i:01:p:75-95_00.

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32016Business Ethics and Human Rights: An Overview. (2016). Brenkert, George G. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:02:p:277-306_00.

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42021The Climate Change Dimension of Business and Human Rights: The Gradual Consolidation of a Concept of ‘Climate Due Diligence’. (2021). Macchi, Chiara . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:1:p:93-119_5.

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52017‘What Does This Mean?’: How UK Companies Make Sense of Human Rights. (2017). Obara, Louise J. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:02:p:249-273_00.

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62016Corporations and Human Rights Obligations. (2016). Arnold, Denis G. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:02:p:255-275_00.

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72019Editorial: Business and Human Rights Scholarship: Past Trends and Future Directions. (2019). Santoro, Michael ; Wettstein, Florian ; Ramasastry, Anita ; Deva, Surya . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:4:y:2019:i:02:p:201-212_00.

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82018Neglecting the Proactive Aspect of Human Rights Due Diligence? A Critical Appraisal of the EU’s Non-Financial Reporting Directive as a Pillar One Avenue for Promoting Pillar Two Action. (2018). Buhmann, Karin . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:3:y:2018:i:01:p:23-45_00.

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92019National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights: Progress or Mirage?. (2019). Rivera, Humberto Cantu . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:4:y:2019:i:02:p:213-237_00.

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102017Business Responsibilities for Human Rights: A Commentary on Arnold. (2017). Hsieh, Nien-He . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:2:y:2017:i:02:p:297-309_00.

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112018Social Bonds for Sustainable Development: A Human Rights Perspective on Impact Investing. (2018). Park, Stephen Kim. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:3:y:2018:i:02:p:233-255_00.

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122020Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: A Business Ethical Assessment. (2020). Ltge, Christoph ; Kriebitz, Alexander. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:1:p:84-104_4.

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132021The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implications for Corporate Social Responsibility Research. (2021). Waddock, Sandra ; Rasche, Andreas. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:2:p:227-240_4.

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142020Business and Human Rights Scholarship in Social Issues in Management: An Analytical Review. (2020). van Buren, Harry J ; Schrempf-Stirling, Judith . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:1:p:28-55_2.

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152021The French Law on the Duty of Vigilance: Theoretical and Practical Challenges Since its Adoption. (2021). Brabant, Stephane ; Savourey, Elsa . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:1:p:141-152_9.

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162020De-contextualized Corporate Human Rights Benchmarks: Whose Perspective Counts? See Disclaimer. (2020). Maher, Rajiv. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:1:p:156-163_10.

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172021Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence in Germany and Norway: Stepping, or Striding, in the Same Direction?. (2021). Wohltmann, Franziska ; Tonstad, Kristel ; Krajewski, Markus. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:3:p:550-558_7.

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182020Modern Slavery Laws in Australia: Steps in the Right Direction?. (2020). Nolan, Justine ; Sinclair, Amy. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:1:p:164-170_11.

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192021Wages: An Overlooked Dimension of Business and Human Rights in Global Supply Chains. (2021). Lebaron, Genevieve. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:6:y:2021:i:1:p:1-20_1.

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202020Lithium Might Hold the Key to our Clean Energy Future, but Will this Star Metal Fully Deliver on its Green Potential?. (2020). Quijano, Gabriela. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:5:y:2020:i:2:p:276-281_8.

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212016Community-Driven Operational Grievance Mechanisms. (2016). McDonnell, Katherine ; Kaufman, Jonathan . In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:01:p:127-132_00.

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222016Corporate Moral Agency and the Responsibility to Respect Human Rights in the UN Guiding Principles: Do Corporations Have Moral Rights?. (2016). Werhane, Patricia H. In: Business and Human Rights Journal. RePEc:cup:buhurj:v:1:y:2016:i:01:p:5-20_00.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 11
2022Business and Human Rights: A Configurational View of the Antecedents of Human Rights Infringements by Emerging Market Firms. (2022). Nieri, Federica ; Ciravegna, Luciano. In: Journal of Business Ethics. RePEc:kap:jbuset:v:179:y:2022:i:2:d:10.1007_s10551-021-04861-w.

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2022Modern Slavery and the Discursive Construction of a Propertied Freedom: Evidence from Australian Business. (2022). Michelson, Grant ; Wray-Bliss, Edward. In: Journal of Business Ethics. RePEc:kap:jbuset:v:179:y:2022:i:3:d:10.1007_s10551-021-04845-w.

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2022The extractive industry and human rights in Africa: Lessons from the past and future directions. (2022). Xavier, Francis ; Idemudia, Uwafiokun ; Essah, Marcellinus. In: Resources Policy. RePEc:eee:jrpoli:v:78:y:2022:i:c:s0301420722002860.

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2022Supply Chain 4.0 performance measurement: A systematic literature review, framework development, and empirical evidence. (2022). Nielsen, Tim Straarup ; Jorgensen, Thomas Ballegrd ; Kannan, Devika ; Govindan, Kannan. In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. RePEc:eee:transe:v:164:y:2022:i:c:s1366554522001168.

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2022Resource Availability and Implications for the Development of Plug-In Electric Vehicles. (2022). Kim, Seong Dae ; Long, Suzanna ; Egbue, Ona . In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:3:p:1665-:d:739540.

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2022Land access rights in minerals’ responsible sourcing. The case of cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2022). Deberdt, Raphael. In: Resources Policy. RePEc:eee:jrpoli:v:75:y:2022:i:c:s0301420721005419.

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2022Towards a Business, Human Rights and the Environment Framework. (2022). Nelson, Valerie ; Dehbi, Fatimazahra ; Martin-Ortega, Olga ; Pillay, Renginee. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:11:p:6596-:d:826191.

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2022Towards a Digital Due Diligence (or How to Integrate the Issue of the Environmental Footprint of Digital Economy in the Governance of Companies). (2022). Nicolai, Jean-Philippe ; Devaux, Caroline. In: Post-Print. RePEc:hal:journl:hal-04190349.

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2022Practice approaches to combat child trafficking in trafficking-sensitive areas in Ghana: Experiences of practitioners involved in child trafficking interventions. (2022). Mountz, Sarah ; Arthur, Isaac ; Hassan, Sarah Madinatu ; Ndemole, Ignatus Kpobi ; Mbamba, Crispin Rakibu. In: Children and Youth Services Review. RePEc:eee:cysrev:v:140:y:2022:i:c:s0190740922002183.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2022

YearCiting document
2022Communications on Sustainability in the Apparel Industry: Readability of Information on Sustainability on Apparel Brands’ Web Sites in the United Kingdom. (2022). Costantini, Kyoka. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:20:p:13257-:d:943013.

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Recent citations received in 2021

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2021The Role of Supply Chains in the Global Business of Forced Labour. (2021). Lebaron, Genevieve. In: Journal of Supply Chain Management. RePEc:bla:jscmgt:v:57:y:2021:i:2:p:29-42.

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2021Business, Human Rights and Climate Due Diligence: Understanding the Responsibility of Banks. (2021). Bernaz, Nadia ; Macchi, Chiara. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:15:p:8391-:d:602740.

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2021Risk-Based Due Diligence, Climate Change, Human Rights and the Just Transition. (2021). Buhmann, Karin ; Bright, Claire. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:18:p:10454-:d:639320.

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Recent citations received in 2020

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2020Human Rights Due Diligence As Part Of Corporate Risk Management: Insights From The EU Policy Debate. (2020). Schiffauer, Peter ; Jedrzejowska-Schiffauer, Izabela. In: European Research Studies Journal. RePEc:ers:journl:v:xxiii:y:2020:i:special2:p:973-984.

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2020Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights in Assam Tea Plantations: A Business and Human Rights Approach. (2020). Bernaz, Nadia ; Rao, Madhura. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:12:y:2020:i:18:p:7409-:d:411152.

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2020Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for human rights and modern slavery vulnerabilities in global value chains. (2020). Vos, Hinrich. In: UNCTAD Transnational Corporations Journal. RePEc:unc:tncjou:45.

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Recent citations received in 2019

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