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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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5 Years IF
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2002 0 0.41 0 0 16 16 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.21
2003 0 0.44 0 0 16 32 2 0 16 16 0 0 0.22
2004 0 0.49 0 0 16 48 0 0 32 32 0 0 0.22
2005 0 0.5 0 0 16 64 5 0 32 48 0 0 0.23
2006 0 0.5 0 0 16 80 3 0 32 64 0 0 0.22
2007 0.03 0.46 0.02 0.03 14 94 23 2 2 32 1 80 2 0 0 0.2
2008 0.07 0.49 0.02 0.03 14 108 4 2 4 30 2 78 2 0 0 0.23
2009 0.04 0.47 0.03 0.01 10 118 4 3 7 28 1 76 1 2 66.7 0 0.24
2010 0.04 0.48 0.01 0.01 10 128 11 1 8 24 1 70 1 0 0 0.21
2011 0.1 0.52 0.04 0.08 14 142 0 6 14 20 2 64 5 1 16.7 0 0.24
2012 0 0.52 0.02 0.05 15 157 28 3 17 24 62 3 0 0 0.22
2013 0.07 0.56 0.05 0.1 17 174 7 8 25 29 2 63 6 1 12.5 0 0.24
2014 0.06 0.55 0.03 0.03 18 192 12 6 31 32 2 66 2 0 0 0.23
2015 0.03 0.55 0.02 0.01 13 205 0 5 36 35 1 74 1 0 0 0.23
2016 0.06 0.53 0.04 0.05 17 222 1 9 45 31 2 77 4 1 11.1 0 0.21
2017 0 0.54 0.06 0.06 9 231 0 14 59 30 80 5 0 0 0.22
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12007Trade, Financial and Growth Nexus in Pakistan. (2007). Qayyum, Abdul ; Khan, Muhammad. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:14/06.

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22012Return performance, Cointegration and short run dynamics of Islamic and non-Islamic indices: evidence from the US and Malaysia during the subprime crisis. (2012). Albaity, Mohamed ; Mudor, Hamdia . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:08/11.

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32012Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from Southern Asia. (2012). Behname, Mehdi. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:10/11.

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42010The Impact of Oil Price Volatility on Macroeconomic Activity in Russia. (2010). Ito, Katsuya. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:05/09.

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52007Determinants of the choice leasing vs Bank Loan: evidence from the french sme by Kacm. (2007). Filareto-Deghaye, Marie Christine . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:06/06.

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62014The causal relationship between remittances and poverty reduction in developing country: using a non-stationary dynamic panel data. (2014). Gaaliche, Makrame . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:01/13.

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72005An Economic Analysis of the Military Expenditure and External Debt in Argentina. (2005). Feridun, Mete. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:16/04.

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82008Impacts Of External Price Shocks On Malaysian Macro Economy-An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis. (2008). Al-Amin, Abul ; Jaafar, Abdul Hamir ; Chamhuri, Siwar. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:10/07.

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92006Analysis of the effectiveness of official development assistance. (2006). Chirino, Jose Boza ; Valdivielso, Marta Wood ; Juan Miguel Baez Melian, . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:12/05.

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102013A Study of the Effect of Social Capital on Human Development in Islamic Countries. (2013). Razmi, Mohammad Javad ; Bazzazan, Sahar Sherkat ; Salimifar, Mostafa . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:03/12.

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112012The relationship of corporate tax avoidance, cost of debt and institutional ownership: evidence from Malaysia. (2012). Kholbadalov, Utkir . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:15/11.

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122012Family firms’ resources and the timing of the export development process. (2012). Mesa, Aristides Olivares ; Cabrera-Suarez, Katiauska M. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:03/11.

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132013Country of origin and brand loyalty on cosmetic products among Universiti Utara Malaysia students. (2013). Azuizkulov, Doniyor . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:07/12.

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142013The relationship between Market Size, Inflation and Energy. (2013). Behname, Mehdi. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:17/12.

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152009Ageing Population and Spanish Pension System Reforms: Effects on Average Pensions and Inequality Among Pensioners. (2009). Muñoz de Bustillo, Rafael ; Rivas, Luis Alberto ; de Pedraza, Pablo . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:07/08.

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162002Portfolio Optimization with Target-Shortfall-Probability Vector.. (2002). Schubert, Leo . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:03/01.

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172014Is poverty the mother of crime? Empirical evidence of the impact of socioeconomic factors on crime in India. (2014). Bharadwaj, Ashish. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:06/13.

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182010Testing of money multiplier model for Pakistan: does monetary base carry any information?. (2010). Khan, Muhammad. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:02/09.

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192014Study of Cash Waqf and Its Impact on Poverty (Case Study of Iran). (2014). Sayyed Mahdi Narimani Zaman Abadi, ; Salari, Taqi Ebrahimi ; Sayyed Mohammad Sayyed Hosseini, . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:09/13.

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202009How Changes In International Trade Effect African Growth?. (2009). Carrera Poncela, Ana ; Adolfo C. Fernandez Puente, ; Calvo, Marta Bengoa . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:01/08.

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212012Tendencias del traslado de actividades en las manufactureras en Puerto Rico y el título de propiedad sobre la planta física, 2005-2011. (2012). Jumah, Ahmad H. ; Cue, Felix ; Morales, Doris ; Llorens-Rivera, Antonio ; Ruiz, Angel. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:13/11.

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222007Violence and Growth in Latin America. (2007). Gimenez, Gregorio ; Esteban, Gregorio Gimenez . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:08/06.

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232016International trade between Spain-Morocco-Portugal: Are there any opportunities for optical products?. (2016). Barrera, Margarita . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:10/15.

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242006An Embarrassment of Riches: Winning Ways to Value with the WACC. (2006). Velez-Pareja, Ignacio ; Tham, Joseph . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:02/05.

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252009Hedging Portfolios with Short ETFs. (2009). Schubert, Leo ; Michalik, Thorsten . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:09/08.

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262007Modeling and Forecasting Pakistan´s Inflaction by Using Time Series Arima Models. (2007). Feridun, Mete ; Salam, Shazia . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:01/06.

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272013La economía sumergida y el ciclo económico. (2013). Pérez-Trujillo, Manuel ; Vasco, Domingo Carbajo ; Santos M. Ruesga Benito, . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:12/12.

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282003Concentración agregada y desigualdad entre empresas: una comparación internacional.. (2003). Jiménez González, Juan ; Campos, Javier ; Jimenez, Juan Luis. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:02/02.

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292016Bilateral Relationship between Technological Changes and Income Inequality in Developing Countries. (2016). Mnif, Sirine. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:04/15.

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302003Un Estudio del Comportamiento de los Ingresos Tributarios de la Provincia de Tucumán Aplicando un Análisis de Serie de Tiempo.. (2003). Panico, Adriana Fatima ; Leguizamon, Maria Cristina . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:09/02.

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312012Growth pattern disparities: an inter-state and intra-state analysis. (2012). Durai, Joseph A. ; Saravanan, S.. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:12/11.

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322009Comparison of Optimal Portfolios Selected by Multicriterial Model Using Absolute and Relative Criteria Values. (2009). marasovic, branka. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:03/08.

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332003The Financial Unlinkage of the Mexican Economy: A Social Accounting Matrix Multiplier Approach for a One-Sector Economy.. (2003). Blancas, Andres . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:14/02.

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342014Study of the Firms Size Effect on Their Efficiency Based on DEA Approach. (2014). Zarif Honarvar, Ali ; Mohammad Hossein Zolfaqar Arani, ; Sayyed Mohammad Sayyed Hosseini, ; Razmi, Mohammad Javad . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:04/13.

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352005How Have European Union Regulation Tools on Maritime Safety Developed After the Prestige Catastrophe? A Special Reference to Spain. (2005). Prado-Dominguez, A. Javier ; Palmero, Federico Martin ; Castillo, Maricela Rios ; Jesus angel Dopico Castro, ; Laxe, Fernando Gonzalez ; Gonzalezlaxe, Fernando . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:10/04.

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362010Tecnologías de la información y comunicación y competitividad administrativa de agencias de viajes minoristas en Mérida, Yucatán. (2010). Morales, Carlos Leyva ; Sosa, Raul Vela ; Encalada, Manuel Caro . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:01/09.

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372014Comparison of efficiency measures for Spanish first division football teams using data envelopment and stochastic frontier analyses. (2014). Agustin Santiago, Jose M. Sautto, ; Oscar. Priego, Miguel. A. Ramirez, ; Jose. F. Garcia, ; Bouza, Carlos . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:13/13.

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382017Compositional Time Series: Past and Perspectives. (2017). Larrosa, Juan. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:03/16.

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392010Municipal Bonds. A Viable Funding Option For Oradea Local Public Administration (Romania). (2010). Bunescu, Liliana. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:08/09.

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402008Multivariate Risk-Return Decision Making Within Dynamic Estimation. (2008). Jurun, Elza ; Pivac, Snjeana ; Arneric, Josip . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:11/07.

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412013Determinantes del precio internacional de la soja. (2013). le Clech, Nestor Adrian . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:15/12.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12012Return performance, Cointegration and short run dynamics of Islamic and non-Islamic indices: evidence from the US and Malaysia during the subprime crisis. (2012). Albaity, Mohamed ; Mudor, Hamdia . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:08/11.

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22012Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from Southern Asia. (2012). Behname, Mehdi. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:10/11.

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32010The Impact of Oil Price Volatility on Macroeconomic Activity in Russia. (2010). Ito, Katsuya. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:05/09.

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42007Trade, Financial and Growth Nexus in Pakistan. (2007). Qayyum, Abdul ; Khan, Muhammad. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:14/06.

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52013A Study of the Effect of Social Capital on Human Development in Islamic Countries. (2013). Razmi, Mohammad Javad ; Bazzazan, Sahar Sherkat ; Salimifar, Mostafa . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:03/12.

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62007Determinants of the choice leasing vs Bank Loan: evidence from the french sme by Kacm. (2007). Filareto-Deghaye, Marie Christine . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:06/06.

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72014The causal relationship between remittances and poverty reduction in developing country: using a non-stationary dynamic panel data. (2014). Gaaliche, Makrame . In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:01/13.

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82012Family firms’ resources and the timing of the export development process. (2012). Mesa, Aristides Olivares ; Cabrera-Suarez, Katiauska M. In: Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016). RePEc:eac:articl:03/11.

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