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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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Raw Data


2000 0 0.54 3 0 2 2 284 6 6 0 0 0 6 3 0.24
2012 0 0.68 1.36 0 12 14 274 19 227 0 0 0 11 0.92 0.36
2013 4.25 0.67 2.4 4.25 11 25 42 59 287 12 51 12 51 1 1.7 1 0.09 0.35
2014 1.65 0.67 1.9 1.65 6 31 47 59 346 23 38 23 38 2 3.4 3 0.5 0.34
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12000Law and finance in transition economies. (2000). Raiser, Martin ; Pistor, Katharina ; Gelfer, Stanislav . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:48.

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22012International shock transmission after the Lehman Brothers collapse – evidence from syndicated lending. (2012). van Horen, Neeltje ; de Haas, Ralph. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:142.

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32000Patterns of legal change: shareholder and creditor rights in transition economies. (2000). Pistor, Katharina . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:49.

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42012Foreign banks and the Vienna Initiative: turning sinners into saints. (2012). Pivovarsky, Alexander ; Korniyenko, Yevgeniya ; de Haas, Ralph ; Loukoianova, Elena . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:143.

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52012Microfinance at the Microfinance at the margin: experimental evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina vidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina. (2012). Augsburg, Britta ; de Haas, Ralph ; Harmgart, Heike . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:146.

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62014When arm’s length is too far: relationship banking over the business cycle. (2014). Degryse, Hans ; Beck, Thorsten ; de Haas, Ralph ; van Horen, Neeltje. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:169.

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72014The dark and bright sides of global banking: a (somewhat) cautionary tale from emerging Europe. (2014). de Haas, Ralph. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:170.

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82012The bullwhip effect and the Great Trade Collapse. (2012). Zavacka, Veronika . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:148.

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92013Does cultural diversity help or hinder entrepreneurs? Evidence from eastern Europe and central Asia. (2013). Simroth, Dora ; Nikolova, Elena. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:158.

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102012Innocent bystanders: How foreign uncertainty shocks harm exporters. (2012). Taglioni, Daria ; Zavacka, Veronika . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:149.

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112013How much do tariffs matter? Evidence from the customs union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. (2013). Isakova, Asel ; Koczan, Zsoka. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:154.

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122013Migration from Ukraine: Brawn or Brain? New Survey Evidence. (2013). Nikolaychuk, Olexandr ; Commander, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:156.

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132013Improving regional performance in Russia: a capability-based approach . (2013). Zhukov, Alexander ; Schober, Uwe ; Sigalova, Olga ; Klos, Nadia ; Farra, Fadi . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:155.

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142013Selection and hidden bias in cross-border bank acquisitions: Ukraine’s takeover wave. (2013). Hove, Leo Van ; Ahunov, Muzaffarjon ; Jegers, Marc ; van Hove, Leo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:162.

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15Defying the odds: initial conditions, reforms and growth in the first decade of transition. (2000). Falcetti, Elisabetta ; Sanfey, Peter ; Raiser, Martin . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:55.

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162012Making sense of competitiveness indicators in south-eastern Europe. (2012). Sanfey, Peter ; Zeh, Simone . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:145.

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172013How important are non-tariff barriers?  Complementarity of infrastructure and institutions of trading partners. (2013). Plekhanov, Alexander ; Koczan, Zsoka. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:159.

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182013Regional inflation and financial dollarisation. (2013). Brown, Martin ; Sokolov, Vladimir ; de Haas, Ralph. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:163.

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19What should the multilateral development banks do?. (2002). Fries, Steven ; Buiter, Willem . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:74.

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20Banking reform and development in transition economies. (2002). Taci, Anita ; Fries, Steven . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:71.

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21Measuring governance and state capture: the role of bureaucrats and firms in shaping the business environment. (2000). Kaufmann, Daniel ; Schankerman, Mark ; Hellman, Joel S. ; Jones, Geraint . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:51.

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22Does transition make you happy?. (2005). Sanfey, Peter ; Teksoz, Utku . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:91.

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232014Giving and promising gifts: experimental evidence on reciprocity from the field. (2014). Lange, Andreas ; Brock, Michelle J. ; Leonard, Kenneth L.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:165.

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24The interest group theory of financial development: evidence from regulation. (2012). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:150.

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252013Mandatory versus voluntary payment for green electricity. (2013). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:161.

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262013Global firms and wages: is there a rent sharing channel?. (2013). Marcolin, Luca. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:164.

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27Liberalisation of the Russian power sector. (2002). Kennedy, David . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:69.

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282013Information effects on consumer willingness to pay for electricity and water service attributes. (2013). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:160.

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29Regulatory induced herding? Evidence from Polish pension funds. (2006). KOMINEK, ZBIGNIEW . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:96.

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30Social capital in transition: a first look at the evidence. (2001). Haerpfer, Christian ; Nowotny, Thomas ; Raiser, Martin ; Wallace, Claire . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:61.

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31An analytical framework for evaluating transition impact of infrastructure projects. (2000). Schankerman, Mark ; Aghion, Philippe . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:57.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12012International shock transmission after the Lehman Brothers collapse – evidence from syndicated lending. (2012). van Horen, Neeltje ; de Haas, Ralph. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:142.

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22000Law and finance in transition economies. (2000). Raiser, Martin ; Pistor, Katharina ; Gelfer, Stanislav . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:48.

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32012Foreign banks and the Vienna Initiative: turning sinners into saints. (2012). Pivovarsky, Alexander ; Korniyenko, Yevgeniya ; de Haas, Ralph ; Loukoianova, Elena . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:143.

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42012The bullwhip effect and the Great Trade Collapse. (2012). Zavacka, Veronika . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:148.

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52012Innocent bystanders: How foreign uncertainty shocks harm exporters. (2012). Taglioni, Daria ; Zavacka, Veronika . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:149.

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62013Improving regional performance in Russia: a capability-based approach . (2013). Zhukov, Alexander ; Schober, Uwe ; Sigalova, Olga ; Klos, Nadia ; Farra, Fadi . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:155.

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72014When arm’s length is too far: relationship banking over the business cycle. (2014). Degryse, Hans ; Beck, Thorsten ; de Haas, Ralph ; van Horen, Neeltje. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:169.

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82000Patterns of legal change: shareholder and creditor rights in transition economies. (2000). Pistor, Katharina . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ebd:wpaper:49.

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