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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
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2002 0 0.54 0.36 0 182 182 1561 66 66 0 0 0 66 0.36 0.31
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12002ìNew Views on the Optimum Currency Area Theory: What is EMU Telling US?. (2002). Mongelli, Francesco. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:140.

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22002External Wealth, the Trade Balance, and the Real Exchange Rate. (2002). Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria ; Lane, Philip. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:119.

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32002University of Warwick. (2002). Smith, Jeremy ; Naylor, Robin ; Arulampalam, Wiji. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:9.

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42002Hidden Cointegration. (2002). Granger, Clive ; Yoon, Gawon . In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:92.

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52002Forecast Uncertainties In Macroeconometric Modelling: An Application to the UK Economy. (2002). shin, yongcheol ; Pesaran, M ; Lee, Kevin ; Garratt, Anthony. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:82.

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62002Ownership of Stocks and Mutual Funds: A Panel Data Analysis. (2002). van soest, arthur ; Hochguertel, Stefan ; alessie, rob. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:3.

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72002Equilibrium Exchange Rates and Supply Side Performance. (2002). Thoenissen, Christoph ; Benigno, Gianluca. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:19.

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82002Asset Prices and the Conduct of Monetary Policy. (2002). Hofmann, Boris ; Goodhart, Charles. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:88.

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92002Keep It Real!: A Real-time UK Macro Data Set. (2002). Vahey, Shaun ; Egginton, Donald ; Pick, Andreas. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:69.

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102002Does Money Buy Happiness? A Longitudinal Study Using Data on Windfalls.. (2002). Oswald, Andrew ; Gardner, Jonathan. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:81.

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112002Macro Economic Instability and Business Exit: Determinants of Failures and Acquisitions of Large UK Firms. (2002). Holly, Sean ; Bhattacharjee, Arnab ; Bhattacharje,e A., ; KATTUMAN, P. ; Higson, C.. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:27.

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122002A Timeless Perspective on Optimality in Forward-Looking Rational Expectations Models. (2002). Blake, Andrew. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:30.

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132002Changes in Intergenerational Mobility in Britain. (2002). Machin, Stephen ; Gregg, Paul ; Blanden, Joanne ; Goodman, Alissa . In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:31.

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142002Staggered Price and Trend Inflation:Some Nuisances. (2002). Ascari, Guido. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:10.

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152002The Promise of Workplace Training for Non-College-Bound Youth: Theory and Evidence from German Apprenticeship. (2002). Fahr, René. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:52.

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162002Modelling Monetary Policy: Inflation Targeting in Practice. (2002). Milas, Costas ; Martin, Christopher. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:137.

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172002House Price Shocks, Negative Equity and Household Consumption in the UK in the 1990s. (2002). Henley, Andrew ; Jevons, David ; Disney, Richard. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:64.

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182002Education Choice under Uncertainty. (2002). Walker, Ian ; Hogan, Vincent. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:103.

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192002Financial Pressure and Balance Sheet Adjustment by UK Firms. (2002). Young, Garry ; Benito, Andrew. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:20.

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202002Footloose Multinationals?. (2002). Strobl, Eric ; G, . In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:89.

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212002Chi-squared tests of interval and density forecasts, and the Bank of Englands fan charts. (2002). Wallis, Kenneth. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:181.

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222002Estimating Poverty Persistence in Britain. (2002). Devicienti, Francesco. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:61.

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232002Rich Nations, Poor Nations: How much can multiple equilibria explain?. (2002). Temple, Jonathan ; Graham, Bryan. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:91.

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242002Compatibility Between Monetary and Fiscal Policy Under EMU. (2002). Wren-Lewis, Simon ; Leith, Campbell. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:124.

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252002Transparency, Liquidity and Price Formation. (2002). Rindi, Barbara. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:159.

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262002Measuring Vulnerability. (2002). Schechter, Laura ; Ligon, Ethan. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:128.

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272002Smooth Transition Regression Models in UK Stock Returns. (2002). Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise ; Aslanidis, Nektarios. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:11.

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282002Are Preferential trade Agreements with Non-trade Objectives a Stumbling Block for Multilateral Liberalization?. (2002). Limão, Nuno. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:129.

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292002Investment, the Cost of Capital, and Monetary Policy in the Nineties in France: A Panel Data Investigation. (2002). Chatelain, Jean-Bernard ; Tiomo, Andr. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:45.

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302002Building and Managing Facilities for Public Services. (2002). Iossa, Elisabetta ; Bennett, John. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:22.

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312002Economic Forecasting: Some Lessons from Recent Research. (2002). Hendry, David ; Clements, Michael. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:99.

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322002Just Like Daddy: The occupational choice of UK Graduates. (2002). Chevalier, Arnaud. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:47.

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332002Do Global Credit Rating Agencies Think Globally? The Information Content of Firm Ratings around the World. (2002). Ferri, Giovanni ; Liu, Li-Gang . In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:74.

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342002Impact of Uncertainty and Sunk Costs on Firm Survival and Industry Dynamics. (2002). Ghosal, Vivek. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:86.

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352002Factor Utilisation and Productivity Estimates for the United Kingdom. (2002). Neiss, Katharine ; Larsen, Jens ; Shortall, Fergal . In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:120.

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362002Risk Aversion in Cumulative Prospect Theory. (2002). Schmidt, Ulrich ; Zank, Horst . In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:162.

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372002Does Seasonality Change over the Business Cycle? An Investigation using Monthly Industrial Production Series. (2002). Osborn, Denise ; Matas Mir, Antonio ; Matas-Mir, Antoni. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:139.

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382002Testing for PPP: Should We Use Panel Methods?. (2002). Osbat, Chiara ; Marcellino, Massimiliano ; Banerjee, Anindya. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:13.

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392002The Role of Human Capital and Population Growth in R&D-Based Models of Economic Growth. (2002). Strulik, Holger. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:170.

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402002The Impact of the Introduction of the UK Minimum Wage on the Employment Probabilities of Low Wage Workers. (2002). Stewart, Mark. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:169.

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41The Cross Sectional Dependence Puzzle. (2002). cerrato, mario. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:42.

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422002The Determinants of Urban Households Transport Decisions: A Microeconometric Study using Irish Data. (2002). Nolan, Anne. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:150.

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432002Heterogeneous Mark-ups, Demand Composition, and the Inequality-Growth Relation. (2002). Zweimüller, Josef ; Foellmi, Reto. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:76.

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442002Inflation Targets as a Stabilisation Device. (2002). Sterne, Gabriel ; Mahadeva, Lavan. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:134.

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452002Technology, Human Capital and Growth: evidence from a middle income country case study applying dynamic heterogeneous panel analysis. (2002). Fedderke, Johannes. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:71.

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462002Redistribution through Education and Other Transfer Mechanisms. (2002). Yilmaz, Kuzey ; Leung, Charles ; Hanushek, Eric. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:94.

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472002So Many Rocket Scientists, So Few Marketing Clerks: Occupational Mobility in Times of Rapid Technological Change. (2002). Campos, Nauro ; Dabusinskas, Aurelijus . In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:38.

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482002Policy compromises: corruption and regulation in a dynamic democracy. (2002). Dutta, Jayasri ; Aidt, Toke. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:1.

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492002Merger Activity and Executive Pay. (2002). Wright, Peter ; Girma, Sourafel ; Thompson, Steve. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:87.

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502002Venture Capital Backed Growth. (2002). Keuschnigg, Christian. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:114.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12002Hidden Cointegration. (2002). Granger, Clive ; Yoon, Gawon . In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:92.

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22002ìNew Views on the Optimum Currency Area Theory: What is EMU Telling US?. (2002). Mongelli, Francesco. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:140.

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32002External Wealth, the Trade Balance, and the Real Exchange Rate. (2002). Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria ; Lane, Philip. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:119.

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42002Does Money Buy Happiness? A Longitudinal Study Using Data on Windfalls.. (2002). Oswald, Andrew ; Gardner, Jonathan. In: Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002. RePEc:ecj:ac2002:81.

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