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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
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1986 0 22 22 0 2 0 2 2
1987 0 22 44 0 0
1999 0 0.39 1.48 0 54 98 13962 145 482 0 0 28 19.3 58 1.07 0.25
2011 0 0.61 8.8 0 20 118 5764 1038 10484 0 0 16 1.5 85 4.25 0.37
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
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CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
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SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12011Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings. (2011). Acemoglu, Daron ; Autor, David. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-12.

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21999The causal effect of education on earnings. (1999). Card, David. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-30.

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31999Labor supply: A review of alternative approaches. (1999). Blundell, Richard ; MacUrdy, Thomas . In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-27.

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41999The economics and econometrics of active labor market programs. (1999). Heckman, James J. ; LaLonde, Robert J. ; Smith, Jeffrey A.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-31.

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51999Changes in the wage structure and earnings inequality. (1999). Autor, David H. ; Katz, Lawrence F.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-26.

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61999Race and gender in the labor market. (1999). Altonji, Joseph G. ; Blank, Rebecca M.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-48.

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72011Decomposition Methods in Economics. (2011). Fortin, Nicole ; Lemieux, Thomas ; Firpo, Sergio. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:4-01.

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81999Empirical strategies in labor economics. (1999). Krueger, Alan B. ; Angrist, Joshua D.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-23.

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91999Labor market institutions and economic performance. (1999). Layard, Richard ; Nickell, Stephen. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-46.

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101999New developments in models of search in the labor market. (1999). Pissarides, Christopher A. ; Mortensen, Dale T.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-39.

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111999Executive compensation. (1999). Murphy, Kevin J.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-38.

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121999Intergenerational mobility in the labor market. (1999). Solon, Gary. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-29.

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132011Human Capital Development before Age Five. (2011). Currie, Janet ; Almond, Douglas. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-15.

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141999The economic analysis of immigration. (1999). Borjas, George J.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-28.

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152011Recent Developments in Intergenerational Mobility. (2011). PaulJ. Devereux, ; Black, Sandra E. ; SandraE. Black, . In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-16.

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161999Health, health insurance and the labor market. (1999). Madrian, Brigitte C. ; Currie, Janet. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-50.

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172011New Perspectives on Gender. (2011). Bertrand, Marianne. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-17.

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181999Gross job flows. (1999). Haltiwanger, John ; Davis, Steven J.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-41.

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191999Firm size and wages. (1999). Idson, Todd L. ; Oi, Walter Y.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-33.

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201999Chapter 48 Race and gender in the labor market. (1999). Altonji, Joseph G ; Blank, Rebecca M. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pc:p:3143-3259.

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212011Local Labor Markets. (2011). Moretti, Enrico. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-14.

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221986Chapter 10 Wage determinants: A survey and reinterpretation of human capital earnings functions. (1986). Willis, Robert J. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:1:y:1986:i:c:p:525-602.

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231987Female labor supply: A survey. (1987). Heckman, James J. ; Killingsworth, Mark R.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:1-02.

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241999Minimum wages, employment, and the distribution of income. (1999). Brown, Charles. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-32.

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251999Mobility and stability: The dynamics of job change in labor markets. (1999). Farber, Henry S.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-37.

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261999Chapter 38 Executive compensation. (1999). Murphy, Kevin J. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pb:p:2485-2563.

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271999The economics of crime. (1999). Freeman, Richard B.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-52.

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281999Economic analysis of transfer programs targeted on people with disabilities. (1999). Bound, John ; Burkhauser, Richard V.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-51.

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291999The analysis of labor markets using matched employer-employee data. (1999). Kramarz, Francis ; Abowd, John M.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-40.

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301999Recent developments in public sector labor markets. (1999). Borland, Jeff ; Gregory, Robert G.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-53.

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312011Lab Labor: What Can Labor Economists Learn from the Lab?. (2011). Charness, Gary ; Kuhn, Peter. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:4-03.

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321987Labor supply of men: A survey. (1987). Pencavel, John . In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:1-01.

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332011Imperfect Competition in the Labor Market. (2011). Manning, Alan. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-11.

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341999Chapter 39 New developments in models of search in the labor market. (1999). Mortensen, Dale T ; Pissarides, Christopher A. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pb:p:2567-2627.

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351999Labor markets and economic growth. (1999). Topel, Robert. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-44.

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361999Careers in organizations: Theory and evidence. (1999). Waldman, Michael ; Gibbons, Robert . In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-36.

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371986Chapter 12 The theory of equalizing differences. (1986). Rosen, Sherwin . In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:1:y:1986:i:c:p:641-692.

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381999New developments in the economic analysis of retirement. (1999). Mitchell, Olivia S. ; Lumsdaine, Robin L.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-49.

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391999The causes and consequences of longterm unemployment in Europe. (1999). Manning, Alan ; Machin, Stephen. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-47.

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402011Human Resource Management and Productivity. (2011). VanReenen, John ; Bloom, Nicholas ; van Reenen, John. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-19.

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411986Chapter 15 Job search and labor market analysis. (1986). Mortensen, Dale T. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:2:y:1986:i:c:p:849-919.

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422011Field Experiments in Labor Economics. (2011). Rasul, Imran ; List, John A.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:4-02.

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431999Chapter 50 Health, health insurance and the labor market. (1999). Currie, Janet ; Madrian, Brigitte C. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pc:p:3309-3416.

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442011Institutional Reforms and Dualism in European Labor Markets. (2011). Boeri, Tito. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-13.

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451999Individual employment contracts. (1999). MALCOMSON, James M.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-35.

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461999Institutions and laws in the labor market. (1999). Blau, Francine D. ; Kahn, Lawrence M.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-25.

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471999Chapter 46 Labor market institutions and economic performance. (1999). Nickell, Stephen ; Layard, Richard. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pc:p:3029-3084.

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482011Earnings, Consumption and Life Cycle Choices. (2011). Meghir, Costas ; Pistaferri, Luigi. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-09.

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492011Search in Macroeconomic Models of the Labor Market. (2011). Rogerson, Richard ; Shimer, Robert. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:4-07.

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501986Chapter 1 Labor supply of men: A survey. (1986). Pencavel, John . In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:1:y:1986:i:c:p:3-102.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12011Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings. (2011). Acemoglu, Daron ; Autor, David. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-12.

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22011Decomposition Methods in Economics. (2011). Fortin, Nicole ; Lemieux, Thomas ; Firpo, Sergio. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:4-01.

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31999Race and gender in the labor market. (1999). Altonji, Joseph G. ; Blank, Rebecca M.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-48.

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42011New Perspectives on Gender. (2011). Bertrand, Marianne. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-17.

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52011Human Capital Development before Age Five. (2011). Currie, Janet ; Almond, Douglas. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-15.

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61999Chapter 48 Race and gender in the labor market. (1999). Altonji, Joseph G ; Blank, Rebecca M. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pc:p:3143-3259.

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72011Recent Developments in Intergenerational Mobility. (2011). PaulJ. Devereux, ; Black, Sandra E. ; SandraE. Black, . In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-16.

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81999The causal effect of education on earnings. (1999). Card, David. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-30.

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91999The economics and econometrics of active labor market programs. (1999). Heckman, James J. ; LaLonde, Robert J. ; Smith, Jeffrey A.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-31.

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101999Changes in the wage structure and earnings inequality. (1999). Autor, David H. ; Katz, Lawrence F.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-26.

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111999Empirical strategies in labor economics. (1999). Krueger, Alan B. ; Angrist, Joshua D.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-23.

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121999Labor supply: A review of alternative approaches. (1999). Blundell, Richard ; MacUrdy, Thomas . In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-27.

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131999Chapter 38 Executive compensation. (1999). Murphy, Kevin J. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pb:p:2485-2563.

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141999Intergenerational mobility in the labor market. (1999). Solon, Gary. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-29.

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151986Chapter 12 The theory of equalizing differences. (1986). Rosen, Sherwin . In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:1:y:1986:i:c:p:641-692.

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161999Executive compensation. (1999). Murphy, Kevin J.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-38.

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171999The economic analysis of immigration. (1999). Borjas, George J.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-28.

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182011Local Labor Markets. (2011). Moretti, Enrico. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-14.

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191999Firm size and wages. (1999). Idson, Todd L. ; Oi, Walter Y.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-33.

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202011Imperfect Competition in the Labor Market. (2011). Manning, Alan. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-11.

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211999New developments in models of search in the labor market. (1999). Pissarides, Christopher A. ; Mortensen, Dale T.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-39.

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221986Chapter 15 Job search and labor market analysis. (1986). Mortensen, Dale T. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:2:y:1986:i:c:p:849-919.

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231999Chapter 39 New developments in models of search in the labor market. (1999). Mortensen, Dale T ; Pissarides, Christopher A. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pb:p:2567-2627.

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241999Health, health insurance and the labor market. (1999). Madrian, Brigitte C. ; Currie, Janet. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-50.

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251999Chapter 50 Health, health insurance and the labor market. (1999). Currie, Janet ; Madrian, Brigitte C. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pc:p:3309-3416.

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262011Lab Labor: What Can Labor Economists Learn from the Lab?. (2011). Charness, Gary ; Kuhn, Peter. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:4-03.

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271999Labor market institutions and economic performance. (1999). Layard, Richard ; Nickell, Stephen. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-46.

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281999Chapter 46 Labor market institutions and economic performance. (1999). Nickell, Stephen ; Layard, Richard. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pc:p:3029-3084.

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292011Field Experiments in Labor Economics. (2011). Rasul, Imran ; List, John A.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:4-02.

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302011Institutional Reforms and Dualism in European Labor Markets. (2011). Boeri, Tito. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-13.

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312011Earnings, Consumption and Life Cycle Choices. (2011). Meghir, Costas ; Pistaferri, Luigi. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-09.

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321999Gross job flows. (1999). Haltiwanger, John ; Davis, Steven J.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-41.

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332011Human Resource Management and Productivity. (2011). VanReenen, John ; Bloom, Nicholas ; van Reenen, John. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-19.

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341999The economics of crime. (1999). Freeman, Richard B.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-52.

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351986Chapter 20 Union relative wage effects. (1986). Lewis, Gregg H. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:2:y:1986:i:c:p:1139-1181.

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361999Minimum wages, employment, and the distribution of income. (1999). Brown, Charles. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-32.

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372011The Structural Estimation of Behavioral Models: Discrete Choice Dynamic Programming Methods and Applications. (2011). Wolpin, Kenneth I. ; Todd, Petra E. ; Keane, Michael P.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:4-04.

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381999Chapter 33 Firm size and wages. (1999). Oi, Walter Y ; Idson, Todd L. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pb:p:2165-2214.

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391986Chapter 2 Female labor supply: A survey. (1986). Killingsworth, Mark R ; Heckman, James J. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:1:y:1986:i:c:p:103-204.

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401999The causes and consequences of longterm unemployment in Europe. (1999). Manning, Alan ; Machin, Stephen. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-47.

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412011Personnel Economics: Hiring and Incentives. (2011). Oyer, Paul ; Schaefer, Scott . In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-20.

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421999Chapter 52 The economics of crime. (1999). Freeman, Richard B. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pc:p:3529-3571.

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431999Mobility and stability: The dynamics of job change in labor markets. (1999). Farber, Henry S.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-37.

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441999Chapter 32 Minimum wages, employment, and the distribution of income. (1999). Brown, Charles. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pb:p:2101-2163.

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452011Search in Macroeconomic Models of the Labor Market. (2011). Rogerson, Richard ; Shimer, Robert. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:4-07.

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461999Chapter 37 Mobility and stability: The dynamics of job change in labor markets. (1999). Farber, Henrys . In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:3:y:1999:i:pb:p:2439-2483.

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471986Chapter 1 Labor supply of men: A survey. (1986). Pencavel, John . In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:v:1:y:1986:i:c:p:3-102.

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481999Recent developments in public sector labor markets. (1999). Borland, Jeff ; Gregory, Robert G.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-53.

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491999Labor markets and economic growth. (1999). Topel, Robert. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:3-44.

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502011Racial Inequality in the 21st Century: The Declining Significance of Discrimination. (2011). Fryer, Roland G.. In: Handbook of Labor Economics. RePEc:eee:labchp:5-10.

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