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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2011 0 0.61 0.36 0 14 14 73 1 5 0 0 0 1 0.07 0.37
2012 0 0.68 0.18 0 14 28 75 5 10 14 14 1 20 5 0.36 0.36
2013 0.46 0.67 0.83 0.46 8 36 141 29 40 28 13 28 13 0 16 2 0.35
2014 0.73 0.67 0.45 0.61 13 49 57 22 62 22 16 36 22 0 0 0.34
2015 1.52 0.66 0.86 0.8 1 50 13 43 105 21 32 49 39 0 2 2 0.36
2016 0.79 0.65 0.73 0.76 6 56 0 41 146 14 11 50 38 0 0 0.35
2017 0.14 0.62 0.75 0.93 13 69 30 52 198 7 1 42 39 0 2 0.15 0.35
2018 0.32 0.62 0.63 0.73 4 73 1 46 244 19 6 41 30 0 0 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12013Is There Really Granger Causality Between Energy Use and Output?. (2013). Stern, David ; Gross, Christian ; Bruns, Stephan. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1307.

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22013Uncertainty Measures for Economics Journal Impact Factors. (2013). Stern, David. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1302.

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32011Determinants of Residential Water Consumption: Evidence and Analysis from a Ten-country Household Survey. (2011). Ward, Michael ; To, Hang ; Kompas, Tom ; Grafton, R. Quentin. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1114.

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42014High-Ranked Social Science Journal Articles Can Be Identified from Early Citation Information. (2014). Stern, David. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1406.

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52012Ecological Economics. (2012). Stern, David. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1203.

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62017Income and energy use in Bangladesh: A household level analysis. (2017). Hasan, Syed ; Mozumder, Pallab. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1701.

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72012Environmental and Health Protections, or New Protectionism? Determinants of SPS Notifications by WTO Members. (2012). Aisbett, Emma ; Pearson, Lee M.. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1213.

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82012Certifying in Contested Spaces: Private Regulation in Indonesian Forestry and Palm Oil. (2012). McCarthy, John F.. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1210.

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92015Research Assessment Using Early Citation Information. (2015). Stern, David ; Bruns, Stephan. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1501.

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102011From Correlation to Granger Causality. (2011). Stern, David. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1113.

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112014Output Composition of the Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism: Is Australia Different?. (2014). Phan, Tuan. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1403.

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122013Repayment Burdens of Student Loans for Vietnamese Higher Education. (2013). Liu, Amy ; Chapman, Bruce ; Amy Y. C. Liu, . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1306.

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132011Making Outsiders Votes Count: Detecting Electoral Fraud Through a Natural Experiment. (2011). Horiuchi, Yusaku ; Fukumoto, Kentaro . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1101.

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142014Trade Liberalisation and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Does Stage of Development Matter?. (2014). Paudel, Ramesh. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1413.

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152011In Search of Soft Power: Does Foreign Public Opinion Matter for U.S. Foreign Policy. (2011). Horiuchi, Yusaku ; Goldsmith, Benjamin . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1108.

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162012West and Central African Iron Ore: A Lesson in the Contestability of the Iron Ore Market. (2012). Hurst, Luke. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1202.

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172017An Alternative Specification for Technical Efficiency Effects in a Stochastic Frontier Production Function. (2017). Paul, Satya ; Shanker, Sriram . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1703.

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182018Australias growth in households and house prices. (2018). Day, Creina. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1803.

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192017Price hike of staple food, nutritional impact and consumption adjustment: Evidence from the 2005-2010 rice price increase in rural Bangladesh. (2017). Hasan, Syed. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1702.

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202011Should Candidates Smile to Win Elections? An Application of Automated Face Recognition Technology. (2011). Horiuchi, Yusaku ; Nakaya, Fumio ; Komatsu, Tadashi . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1102.

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21Renewable Technologies and Risk Mitigation in Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Fijis Electricity Sector. (2012). Jotzo, Frank ; Dornan, Matthew. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1201.

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222014Understanding Chinas Lewis Turning Point: The Role of Regional Heterogeneity. (2014). Wei, Zheng ; Kwan, Fung. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1408.

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232012Language, Mixed Communes and Infrastructure: Sources of Inequality and Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam. (2012). Ward, Michael ; Nguyen, Hoa ; Kompas, Tom ; Breusch, Trevor ; Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1207.

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242016Impacts of Large Scale Foreign Land Acquisitions on Rural Households: Evidence from Ethiopia. (2016). Barbanente, Giulia ; Aisbett, Emma. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:2016-02.

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252012Wage Differentials between Immigrants and the Native-Born in Australia. (2012). Liu, Amy ; Cai, Lixin ; Amy Y. C. Liu, . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1212.

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262011When the Claim Hits: Bilateral Investment Treaties and Bounded Rational Learning. (2011). Aisbett, Emma ; Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen, . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1105.

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272011English Proficiency and Labour Supply of Immigrants in Australia. (2011). Law, Vincent. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1112.

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282012Spatial Dimensions of Expenditure Inequality and the Role of Education in Indonesia: An Analysis of the 2008-2010 Susenas Panel Data. (2012). Kataoka, Mitsuhiko ; Akita, Takahiro ; Hayashi, Mitsuhiro . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1211.

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292014The Determinants of Inflation in Vietnam: VAR and SVAR Approaches. (2014). Phan, Tuan. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1404.

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302011How Many Jobs is 23,510, Really?. (2011). Chapman, Bruce. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1104.

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312014Economic Analysis of the Effects of Eastern Australias LNG Exports in Asia-Pacific on Domestic Gas Users. (2014). Kompas, Tom ; Che, Nhu. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1410.

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322017An alternative single parameter functional form for Lorenz curve. (2017). Paul, Satya ; Shankar, Sriram. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1712.

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332011Is Reaction to Terrorist Attacks a Localised Phenomenon?. (2011). Law, Vincent. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1110.

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342013Dynamics of Public Sector Reforms in Bhutan: Interaction of Values within a Hybrid Administration. (2013). Ugyel, Lhawang . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1301.

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352014The Structure and Dynamics of Liquefied Natural Gas Pricing in Asia and the Pacific and Implications for Australia. (2014). Kompas, Tom ; Che, Nhu. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1409.

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362017Food and biosecurity: livestock production and towards a world free of foot-and-mouth disease. (2017). Nguyen, Hoa ; Kompas, Tom ; van Ha, Pham ; Hoa-Thi-Minh Nguyen, . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1709.

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372012Developing High Performance: Performance Management in the Australian Public Service. (2012). West, Damian ; O'Donnell, Michael ; O'Flynn, Janine L. ; Buick, Fiona ; Blackman, Deborah Ann . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1209.

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382014Fiscal Stimulus and HouseholdsÕ Non-Durable Consumption Expenditures: Evidence from the 2009 Australian Nation Building and Jobs Plan. (2014). Steinhauser, Ralf ; Brückner, Markus ; Aisbett, Emma ; Wilcox, Rhett . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1402.

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392016Impacts of Large Scale Foreign Land Acquisitions on Rural Households: Evidence from Ethiopia. (2016). Aisbett, Emma ; Barbanente, Giulia . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1602.

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402017Optimal rice land protection in a command economy. (2017). Nguyen, Hoa ; Kompas, Tom ; Bui, Trinh ; Dang, Khoi ; Chu, Long . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1707.

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412011Promoting Domestic Reforms Through Regionalism. (2011). Dee, Philippa. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1107.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12017Income and energy use in Bangladesh: A household level analysis. (2017). Hasan, Syed ; Mozumder, Pallab. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1701.

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22013Uncertainty Measures for Economics Journal Impact Factors. (2013). Stern, David. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1302.

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32011Determinants of Residential Water Consumption: Evidence and Analysis from a Ten-country Household Survey. (2011). Ward, Michael ; To, Hang ; Kompas, Tom ; Grafton, R. Quentin. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1114.

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42014High-Ranked Social Science Journal Articles Can Be Identified from Early Citation Information. (2014). Stern, David. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1406.

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52013Is There Really Granger Causality Between Energy Use and Output?. (2013). Stern, David ; Gross, Christian ; Bruns, Stephan. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1307.

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62012Certifying in Contested Spaces: Private Regulation in Indonesian Forestry and Palm Oil. (2012). McCarthy, John F.. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1210.

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72012Environmental and Health Protections, or New Protectionism? Determinants of SPS Notifications by WTO Members. (2012). Aisbett, Emma ; Pearson, Lee M.. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1213.

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82011In Search of Soft Power: Does Foreign Public Opinion Matter for U.S. Foreign Policy. (2011). Horiuchi, Yusaku ; Goldsmith, Benjamin . In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1108.

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92015Research Assessment Using Early Citation Information. (2015). Stern, David ; Bruns, Stephan. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1501.

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102011From Correlation to Granger Causality. (2011). Stern, David. In: Crawford School Research Papers. RePEc:een:crwfrp:1113.

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