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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2008 0 0.59 0 0 10 10 14 0 0 0 0 0 0.29
2009 0.2 0.58 0.31 0.2 35 45 91 14 14 10 2 10 2 2 14.3 12 0.34 0.33
2010 0.33 0.52 0.57 0.33 43 88 111 50 64 45 15 45 15 18 36 31 0.72 0.3
2011 0.29 0.61 0.28 0.26 14 102 8 29 93 78 23 88 23 5 17.2 0 0.37
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12010Comparing the Copenhagen emissions targets. (2010). Jotzo, Frank. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1078.

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22009Using Choice Experiments to value River and Estuary Health in Tasmania with Individual Preference Heterogeneity.. (2009). Kragt, Marit ; Bennett, Jeffrey. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0916.

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32010Effects of alternative elicitation formats in discrete choice experiments. (2010). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Scheufele, Gabriela. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1052.

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42010A systems approach to livability and sustainability: defining terms and mapping relationships to link desires with ecological opportunities and constraints.. (2010). de Chazal, Jacqueline . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1064.

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52009Linking the Australian Emissions Trading Scheme. (2009). Jotzo, Frank ; Betz, Regina. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0914.

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62010Modeling International Trends in Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emissions. (2010). Stern, David. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1054.

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72009Interfuel Substitution: A Meta Analysis. (2009). Stern, David. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0933.

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82009Cod today and none tomorrow: The Economic Value of a Marine Reserve. (2009). Kompas, Tom ; Grafton, R. Quentin. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0922.

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92009A Choice Modelling Survey of Community Attitudes to Improvements in Environmental Quality in NSW Catchments. (2009). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Mazur, Kasia . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0913.

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102010Climate Change and Game Theory. (2010). Wood, Peter. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1062.

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112010Inducing Strategic Bias: and its implications for Choice Modelling design. (2010). burton, michael. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1061.

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122010Valuing protection of the Great Barrier Reef with choice modelling by management policy options. (2010). Windle, Jill ; Rolfe, John. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1057.

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132008Designing Choice Experiments to Test for Anchoring and Framing Effects. (2008). Kragt, Marit ; Bennett, Jeffrey. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0810.

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142010Assessing national values to protect the health of the Great Barrier Reef. (2010). Windle, Jill ; Rolfe, John. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1072.

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152009People versus planners: Social Preferences for Adaptation to Climate Change. (2009). Dobes, Leo. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0941.

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162009Residential Water Consumption: A Cross Country Analysis. (2009). Ward, Michael ; To, Hang ; Kompas, Tom ; Grafton, R. Quentin. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0923.

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172010Testing for geographic scope and scale effects with choice modelling: Application to the Great Barrier Reef. (2010). Windle, Jill ; Rolfe, John. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1069.

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182010Prerequisites and limits for economic modelling of climate change impacts and adaptation. (2010). Jotzo, Frank. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1055.

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192010The Effects of Penalty Design on Market Performance: Experimental Evidence from an Emissions Trading Scheme with Auctioned Permits. (2010). Betz, Regina ; Restiani, Phillia . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1087.

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202008Using focus groups to design a choice modelling questionnaire for estimating natural resource management benefits in NSW. (2008). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Mazur, Kasia . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0802.

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212010The Value of Tropical Waterways and Wetlands: does an increase in knowledge change community preferences. (2010). Rogers, Abbie ; burton, michael ; Cleland, Jonelle . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1060.

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222009Choice Experiments: identifying preferences or production functions?. (2009). Gibson, Fiona ; burton, michael. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0940.

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232010Notes on Applying Real Options to Climate Change Adaptation Measures, with examples from Vietnam. (2010). Dobes, Leo. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1075.

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242009Auctioning greenhouse gas emissions permits in Australia. (2009). Kerr, Suzi ; Cramton, Peter ; Betz, Regina ; Seifert, Stefan. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0929.

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252009Water Markets and Scarcity: Australia’s Murray Darling Basin and the US Southwest. (2009). Libecap, Gary ; Grafton, R. Quentin ; Landry, Clay ; OBrien, R. J.. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0947.

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262010Where is it Cheapest to Cut Carbon Emissions?. (2010). Stern, David ; Lambie, Neil. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1063.

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272010Renewable energy integration into the Australian National Electricity Market: Characterising the energy value of wind and solar generation. (2010). MacGill, Iain ; Boerema, Nicholas ; Kay, Merlinde . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1088.

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282008Designing choice experiments to incorporate tests for geographic scale and scope differences. (2008). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Windle, Jill ; Rolfe, John. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0803.

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292010Using Choice Modelling to assess the willingness to pay of Queensland households to reduce greenhouse. (2010). Tucker, Gail ; Rolfe, John ; Ivanova, Galina . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1067.

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302009Price Floors for Emissions Trading. (2009). Wood, Peter ; Jotzo, Frank. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0936.

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312009Scale and scope effects on communities’ values for environmental improvements in the Namoi catchment: A choice modelling approach. (2009). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Mazur, Kasia . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0942.

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322010Valuing environmental improvements in the Great Barrier Reef: Ecological and preference heterogeneity in local area case studies. (2010). Windle, Jill ; Rolfe, John. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1066.

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332010A Theoretical Model of Optimal Compliance Decisions under Different Penalty Designs in Emissions Trading Markets. (2010). Betz, Regina ; Restiani, Phillia . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1086.

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342010Choice Experiment Framing and Incentive Compatibility: observations from public focus groups. (2010). Rogers, Abbie ; Cleland, Jonelle . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1076.

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352010Ordering effects and strategic response in discrete choice experiments. (2010). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Scheufele, Gabriela. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1093.

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362008Exploring Scope and Scale Issues in Choice Modelling Design. (2008). Rolfe, John ; Xuehong, Wang . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0807.

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372009Location differences in communities’ preferences for environmental improvements in selected NSW catchments: A Choice Modelling approach. (2009). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Mazur, Kasia . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0921.

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382010Non Use Economic Values of Marine Protected Areas in the South-West Marine Region. (2010). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Gillespie, Robert. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1083.

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392009The Integration of Wind Generation within the South Australian Region of the Australia National Electricity Market. (2009). Outhred, Hugh ; Cutler, Nicholas ; MacGill, Iain. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0938.

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402010Valuing Ecosystem Services to Agricultural Production to Inform Policy Design: An Introduction. (2010). Aisbett, Emma. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1073.

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412009Valuing the control of red imported fire ants in Australia using choice modelling. (2009). Windle, Jill ; Rolfe, John. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0944.

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422009Modelling the Global Diffusion of Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology. (2009). Stern, David. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0920.

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432010Comparing Scientist and Public Preferences for Conserving Environmental Systems: A Case of the Kimberleys Tropical Waterways and Wetlands. (2010). Rogers, Abbie ; Cleland, Jonelle . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1080.

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442011Willingness to pay for kerbside recycling the Brisbane Region. (2011). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Gillespie, Robert. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1097.

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452009The logic of collective action and Australia’s Climate Policy. (2009). Pezzey, John ; Mazouz, Salim ; Jotzo, Frank ; John C. V. Pezzey, . In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0924.

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462009Between estimates of the environmental Kuznets curve. (2009). Stern, David. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:0934.

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472011Willingness to pay for recycling food waste in the Brisbane Region. (2011). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Gillespie, Robert. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1096.

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482011Non Use Economic Values of Marine Protected Areas in the South-West Marine Area. (2011). Bennett, Jeffrey ; Gillespie, Robert. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:10103.

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492010Do values for protecting iconic assets vary across populations? A Great Barrier Reef case study. (2010). Windle, Jill ; Rolfe, John. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1065.

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502011Testing for value stability with a meta-analysis of choice experiments: River health in Australia. (2011). Brouwer, Roy ; Rolfe, John. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1095.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12010Inducing Strategic Bias: and its implications for Choice Modelling design. (2010). burton, michael. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1061.

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22010Climate Change and Game Theory. (2010). Wood, Peter. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1062.

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32010Valuing protection of the Great Barrier Reef with choice modelling by management policy options. (2010). Windle, Jill ; Rolfe, John. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1057.

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42010Modeling International Trends in Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emissions. (2010). Stern, David. In: Environmental Economics Research Hub Research Reports. RePEc:een:eenhrr:1054.

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