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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
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2016 0 0.65 0.08 0 144 144 285 12 12 0 0 2 16.7 12 0.08 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12016The impact of oil price shocks on exchange rates: A non-linear smooth-transition approach. (2016). Haug, Alfred ; Basher, Syed ; Sadorsky, Perry. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9226.

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22016Estimation of climate change damage functions for 140 regions in the GTAP9 database. (2016). Sartori, Martina ; Roson, Roberto. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9171.

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32016Sentiment Volatility and Bank Lending Behavior. (2016). Caglayan, Mustafa ; Xu, Bing. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9206.

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42016Input vs. output taxation - a DSGE approach to modelling resource decoupling. (2016). Witajewski-Baltvilks, Jan ; Lewandowski, Piotr ; Antosiewicz, Marek. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9648.

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52016Heterogeneity in Euro Area Monetary Policy Transmission: Results from a large Multi-Country BVAR. (2016). Mandler, Martin ; Scharnagl, Michael ; Volz, Ute . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9609.

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62016Climate change adaptation in agriculture: A general equilibrium analysis of land re-allocation in Nepal. (2016). Naranpanawa, Athula ; Chalise, Sudarshan. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9272.

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72016EAGLE-FLI: A macroeconomic model of banking and financial interdependence in the euro area. (2016). Pisani, Massimiliano ; Jacquinot, Pascal ; Gomes, Sandra ; Gerali, Andrea ; Bokan, Nikola . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9431.

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82016Tax Potential and Tax Effort: An Empirical Estimation for Non-Resource Tax Revenue and VAT’s Revenue. (2016). Brun, Jean ; Diakite, Maimouna. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9537.

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92016The Economic Integration of Spain: A Change in the Inflation Pattern. (2016). Usabiaga, Carlos ; Romero-Avila, Diego ; Garcia-Cintado, Alejandro C. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9367.

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102016The nonlinear nature of country risk.. (2016). Brzoza-Brzezina, Michal ; Kotowski, Jacek. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9416.

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112016Energy Scenarios: The Value and Limits of Scenario Analysis. (2016). Paltsev, Sergey. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9371.

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122016The Lifting of Economic Sanctions on Iran: Global Effects and Strategic Responses. (2016). Lakatos, Csilla ; Ianchovichina, Elena ; Devarajan, Shantayanan. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9185.

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132016Simulating the Macroeconomic Impact of Future Water Scarcity. (2016). Roson, Roberto ; Bank, The World. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9167.

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142016The Effectiveness of a Fiscal Transfer Mechanism in a Monetary Union: A DSGE Model for the Euro Area. (2016). Meijdam, Lex ; Verstegen, Loes. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9622.

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15Active learning and optimal climate policy. (2016). Hwang, In Chang ; Chang, IN. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9611.

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162016Increased energy efficiency in Scottish households: trading-off economic benefits and energy rebound effects?. (2016). McGregor, Peter ; Lecca, Patrizio ; Figus, Gioele ; Turner, Karen. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9454.

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172016Does foreign sector help forecast domestic variables in DSGE models?. (2016). Rubaszek, Michał ; Kolasa, Marcin. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9393.

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182016Post-2008 Brazilian Fiscal Policy: an Interpretation through the Analysis of Fiscal Multipliers. (2016). Costa Junior, Celso ; Garcia-Cintado, Alejandro C ; Sampaio, Armando Vaz . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9528.

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192016The Effects and Implications of Green Public Procurement with Economy-wide Perspective: A Computable General Equilibrium approach. (2016). Lee, Jeong-Dong ; Yeo, Yeongjun ; Shin, Ki-Yoon . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9519.

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202016Economic Computation and SFEcon Model 0. (2016). Roemer, Kurt . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9480.

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212016Economy-wide Effects of Climate Change in Ethiopia. (2016). Yalew, Amsalu Woldie. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9750.

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222016Corporate Income Tax Reform in the EU. (2016). Pycroft, Jonathan ; Pontikakis, Dimitrios ; Barrios, Salvador ; Alvarez Martinez, Maria Teresa ; Gesualdo, Maria ; Alvarez-Martinez, Maria Teresa . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9324.

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232016International Stock Return Predictability: On the Role of the United States in Bad and Good Times. (2016). Siliverstovs, Boriss. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9534.

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242016Information Frictions and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics. (2016). Candian, Giacomo. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9106.

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252016Economic Shocks and their Effects on Unemployment in the Euro Area Periphery under the EMU. (2016). ribba, antonio ; Dallari, Pietro. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9245.

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262016Redistribution, Polarization, and Ideology. (2016). Greco, Rosalia . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9699.

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272016What drives the labour wedge? A comparison between CEE countries and the Euro Area. (2016). Walerych, Małgorzata ; Skibinska, Malgorzata . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9061.

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282016Combining Price and Quantity Controls under Partitioned Environmental Regulation. (2016). Rausch, Sebastian ; Abrell, Jan. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9234.

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292016Economic Growth and Development in India and SAARC Countries. (2016). Bhattarai, Keshab. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9631.

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302016Regional Growth and Convergence in Spain: Is the Decentralization Model Important?. (2016). Usabiaga, Carlos ; Hernandez-Salmeron, Macarena E. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9358.

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312016How large and uncertain are costs of 2030 emission reduction target for the European countries? Sensitivity analysis in a global CGE model. (2016). Boratyski, Jakub ; Zachlod-Jelec, Magdalena . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9449.

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322016Credit Dynamics of Various Entities in Russia: Impact of Oil Prices and Sanctions. (2016). Vymyatnina, Yulia. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9543.

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332016Income Inequality Effects of Ukraine’s Trade Liberalization with the EU. Are there two Ukraines?. (2016). Frey, Miriam. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9664.

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342016Transition from secondary to higher education : a multilevel model for students graduating from technical and vocational secondary education. (2016). Smet, Mike . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9256.

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352016On Path–dependency of Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance strategies. (2016). Gaspar, Raquel. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9381.

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362016Development perspectives of Sub-Saharan Africa under climate policies. (2016). Schwerhoff, Gregor ; Leimbach, Marian ; Schultes, Anselm ; Roming, Niklas . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9336.

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372016Is FTA/EPA Effective for a Developing Country to Attract FDI? The Knowledge-Capital Model Revisited. (2016). Oyamada, Kazuhiko. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9154.

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382016Analyzing macroeconomic imbalances in the EU. (2016). Širaňová, Mária ; Iraova, Maria ; ikulova, Ivana ; Ostriho, Filip ; Domonkos, Toma . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9660.

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392016Productivity spillovers in the GVC: The case of Poland and the New EU Member States. (2016). Hagemejer, Jan. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9250.

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402016Static and dynamic portfolio allocation with nonstandard utility functions. (2016). Santos, Antonio. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9375.

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412016Economic impact assessment of food waste on European countries throughout Social Accounting Matrices. (2016). Cardenete, Manuel Alejandro ; Campoy-Muñoz, Pilar ; Delgado, Maria Carmen ; Campoy-Muoz, Pilar . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9463.

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422016Consequences of conflict: the impact of the closure regime on the economy of the West Bank economy. (2016). Siddig, Khalid ; Grethe, Harald ; Agbahey, Johanes . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9197.

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432016Climate Policy and the Energy-Water-Food Nexus: A Model Linkage Approach. (2016). Willenbockel, Dirk ; Ringler, Claudia ; Perez, Nikos ; Zhu, Tingiu ; Rosegrant, Mark ; Matthews, Nathanial . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9746.

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442016Dynamic CGE model of the Chinese Economy for Policy Analysis. (2016). Bhattarai, Keshab. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9656.

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452016Analysis of the Effect of Oil Price Shock on Industry Stock Returns in Nigeria. (2016). Abeng, Magnus . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9285.

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462016Determinants of International Consumption Risk Sharing in Emerging Markets and Developing Countries. (2016). Gardberg, Malin. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9452.

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472016Are American and European equity markets in phase? --- Frequency aspects of return and volatility spillovers. (2016). Erkol, Narod ; Uluceviz, Erhan ; Rosch, Angi ; Schmidbauer, Harald. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9559.

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482016Estimating long term structural and educational changes of labour demand using CGE model – case of Slovakia. (2016). Radvansky, Marek ; Miklosovic, Tomas. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9674.

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492016Estimating a dose-response function with heterogeneous response to confounders when treatment is continuous and endogenous. (2016). Baum, Christopher ; Cerulli, Cnr-Ircres Giovanni . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9388.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12016The impact of oil price shocks on exchange rates: A non-linear smooth-transition approach. (2016). Haug, Alfred ; Basher, Syed ; Sadorsky, Perry. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9226.

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22016Sentiment Volatility and Bank Lending Behavior. (2016). Caglayan, Mustafa ; Xu, Bing. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9206.

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32016Estimation of climate change damage functions for 140 regions in the GTAP9 database. (2016). Sartori, Martina ; Roson, Roberto. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9171.

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42016Input vs. output taxation - a DSGE approach to modelling resource decoupling. (2016). Witajewski-Baltvilks, Jan ; Lewandowski, Piotr ; Antosiewicz, Marek. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9648.

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52016Climate change adaptation in agriculture: A general equilibrium analysis of land re-allocation in Nepal. (2016). Naranpanawa, Athula ; Chalise, Sudarshan. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9272.

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62016Energy Scenarios: The Value and Limits of Scenario Analysis. (2016). Paltsev, Sergey. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9371.

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72016Increased energy efficiency in Scottish households: trading-off economic benefits and energy rebound effects?. (2016). McGregor, Peter ; Lecca, Patrizio ; Figus, Gioele ; Turner, Karen. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9454.

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82016The Lifting of Economic Sanctions on Iran: Global Effects and Strategic Responses. (2016). Lakatos, Csilla ; Ianchovichina, Elena ; Devarajan, Shantayanan. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9185.

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92016The Effects and Implications of Green Public Procurement with Economy-wide Perspective: A Computable General Equilibrium approach. (2016). Lee, Jeong-Dong ; Yeo, Yeongjun ; Shin, Ki-Yoon . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9519.

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