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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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2006 0 0.5 0.03 0 63 63 256 2 0 0 0 0 0.22
2007 0.05 0.46 0.04 0.05 76 139 613 5 7 63 3 63 3 0 2 0.03 0.2
2008 0.15 0.49 0.11 0.15 72 211 486 24 31 139 21 139 21 0 3 0.04 0.23
2009 0.15 0.47 0.13 0.16 65 276 311 34 66 148 22 211 33 0 0 0.24
2010 0.23 0.48 0.24 0.26 76 352 327 83 151 137 32 276 72 5 6 2 0.03 0.21
2011 0.1 0.52 0.25 0.2 75 427 335 107 259 141 14 352 71 4 3.7 13 0.17 0.24
2012 0.19 0.52 0.25 0.26 85 512 170 129 388 151 28 364 94 8 6.2 2 0.02 0.22
2013 0.22 0.56 0.35 0.27 61 573 219 199 587 160 35 373 100 0 9 0.15 0.24
2014 0.14 0.55 0.35 0.24 63 636 217 223 810 146 20 362 87 1 0.4 3 0.05 0.23
2015 0.16 0.55 0.32 0.21 72 708 292 223 1035 124 20 360 76 0 8 0.11 0.23
2016 0.2 0.53 0.34 0.26 77 785 178 270 1305 135 27 356 94 2 0.7 5 0.06 0.21
2017 0.27 0.54 0.43 0.28 78 863 187 375 1680 149 40 358 99 0 4 0.05 0.22
2018 0.31 0.56 0.42 0.36 84 947 123 392 2074 155 48 351 127 1 0.3 1 0.01 0.24
2019 0.2 0.58 0.39 0.36 145 1092 185 426 2500 162 33 374 134 13 3.1 6 0.04 0.23
2020 0.27 0.7 0.43 0.4 67 1159 69 500 3000 229 62 456 184 3 0.6 3 0.04 0.33
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12008The determinants of banks profits in Greece during the period of EU financial integration. (2008). Kosmidou, Kyriaki. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:34:y:2008:i:3:p:146-159.

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22015Finance and growth: new evidence from meta-analysis. (2015). Asongu, Simplice. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:41:y:2015:i:6:p:615-639.

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32007Investigation of performance of Malaysian Islamic unit trust funds: Comparison with conventional unit trust funds. (2007). Mohamad, Shamsher ; Abdullah, Fikriyah ; Hassan, Taufiq. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:2:p:142-153.

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42007Oil prices and stock markets in GCC countries: new evidence from nonlinear cointegration analysis. (2007). Al-Kandari, Ahmad ; Maghyereh, Aktham . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:7:p:449-460.

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52007The exchange rate exposure puzzle. (2007). Bodnar, Gordon ; Bartram, Söhnke. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:9:p:642-666.

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62009Determinants of bank efficiency: evidence from a semi-parametric methodology. (2009). Delis, Manthos D.. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:35:y:2009:i:3:p:206-275.

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72010Female executives and earnings management. (2010). Vähämaa, Sami ; Peni, Emilia . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:36:y:2010:i:7:p:629-645.

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82009Determinants of bank efficiency: evidence from a semi-parametric methodology. (2009). Papanikolaou, Nikolaos ; Delis, Manthos. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:35:y:2009:i:3:p:260-275.

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92011Determinants of capital structure: An empirical study of firms in manufacturing industry of Pakistan. (2011). Sheikh, Nadeem Ahmed ; Wang, Zongjun. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:37:y:2011:i:2:p:117-133.

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102007The determinants of stock market development in the Middle-Eastern and North African region. (2007). Ghazouani, Samir ; Ben Naceur, Sami ; Omran, Mohamed ; Bennaceur, Samy . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:7:p:477-489.

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112008Islamic banking and finance: on its way to globalization. (2008). Bhatti, Ishaq M. ; Khan, Mansoor M.. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:34:y:2008:i:10:p:708-725.

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122007Competition and contestability in Central and Eastern European banking markets. (2007). Philippatos, George C. ; Yildirim, Semih H.. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:3:p:195-209.

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132009Firm-specific and economy wide determinants of firm profitability: Greek evidence using panel data. (2009). ASIMAKOPOULOS, IOANNIS ; Samitas, Aristeidis ; Papadogonas, Theodore . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:35:y:2009:i:11:p:930-939.

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142008Financial contracts, risk and performance of Islamic banking. (2008). Siddiqui, Anjum. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:34:y:2008:i:10:p:680-694.

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152007Control structures and payout policy. (2007). Renneboog, Luc ; Trojanowski, Grzegorz. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:1:p:43-64.

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162013Financial distress, earnings management and market pricing of accruals during the global financial crisis. (2013). Habib, Ahsan ; Md. Borhan Uddin Bhuiyan, ; Islam, Ainul. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:39:y:2013:i:2:p:155-180.

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172007How firm characteristics affect capital structure: an empirical study. (2007). Vasiliou, Dimitrios ; Ventoura-Neokosmidi, Zoe ; Eriotis, Nikolaos . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:5:p:321-331.

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182008The relationship between capital structure and ownership structure: New evidence from Jordanian panel data. (2008). Al-Najjar, Basil ; Taylor, Peter. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:34:y:2008:i:12:p:919-933.

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192010Time-varying characteristics of cross-market linkages with empirical application to Gulf stock markets. (2010). Nguyen, Duc Khuong ; Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, ; Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:36:y:2010:i:1:p:57-70.

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202008Board composition, ownership structure and dividend policies in an emerging market: Further evidence from CASE 50. (2008). El-Masry, Ahmed ; Elsegini, Sabri ; Abdelsalam, Omneya . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:34:y:2008:i:12:p:953-964.

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212008Determinants of Islamic and conventional deposits in the Malaysian banking system. (2008). Haron, Sudin ; Wan Nursofiza Wan Azmi, . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:34:y:2008:i:9:p:618-643.

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222014Agency theory, capital structure and firm performance: some Indian evidence. (2014). Dawar, Varun . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:40:y:2014:i:12:p:1190-1206.

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232010The demographic profile of socially responsible investors. (2010). Junkus, Joan C. ; Berry, Thomas C.. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:36:y:2010:i:6:p:474-481.

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242007Empirical testing of the loss provisions of banks in the GCC region. (2007). Al-Khazali, Osamah ; Zoubi, Taisier A.. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:7:p:500-511.

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252010The relevance of IFRS to an emerging market: evidence from Greece. (2010). Ballas, Apostolos ; Skoutela, Despina ; Tzovas, Christos A.. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:36:y:2010:i:11:p:931-948.

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262006Analyzing and managing risks – on the importance of gender differences in risk attitudes. (2006). Schubert, Renate. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:32:y:2006:i:9:p:706-715.

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272008The impact of corporate governance on the timeliness of corporate internet reporting by Egyptian listed companies. (2008). El-Masry, Ahmed ; Ezat, Amr . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:34:y:2008:i:12:p:848-867.

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282009Time-varying characteristics of cross-market linkages with empirical application to Gulf stock markets. (2009). Nguyen, Duc Khuong ; AROURI, Mohamed ; el Hedi, Mohamed. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:36:y:2009:i:1:p:57-70.

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292006Institutional ownership and corporate value. (2006). Navissi, Farshid ; Naiker, Vic . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:32:y:2006:i:3:p:247-256.

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302007Dividend policy: a review. (2007). Bhattacharyya, N.. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:1:p:4-13.

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312014The financing behaviour of firms and financial crisis. (2014). Danso, Albert ; Adomako, Samuel. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:40:y:2014:i:12:p:1159-1174.

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322015Corporate dividend policy revisited. (2015). Baker, Kent H ; Weigand, Rob . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:41:y:2015:i:2:p:126-144.

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332011Ownership concentration and dividend policy in Japan. (2011). Nguyen, Pascal ; Palkar, Darshana D. ; Tripathy, Niranjan ; Harada, Kimie . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:37:y:2011:i:4:p:362-379.

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342011Risk management of risk under the Basel Accord: forecasting value-at-risk of VIX futures. (2011). perez-amaral, teodosio ; McAleer, Michael ; Jimenez-Martin, Juan ; Chang, Chia-Lin. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:37:y:2011:i:11:p:1088-1106.

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352014Risk management practices adopted by financial firms in Malta. (2014). Grima, Simon ; Bezzina, Frank ; Mamo, Josephine . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:40:y:2014:i:6:p:587-612.

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362010Linear and nonlinear interest rate exposure in Spain. (2010). Gonzalez, Cristobal ; Ferrer, Roman ; Soto, Gloria M.. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:36:y:2010:i:5:p:431-451.

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372007The response of industry stock returns to market, exchange rate and interest rate risks. (2007). Hyde, Stuart. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:9:p:693-709.

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382014Impact of board gender diversity on firm risk. (2014). York, Anne E. ; Wu, Shengxiong ; Lenard, Mary Jane ; Yu, Bing. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:40:y:2014:i:8:p:787-803.

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392014An empirical study on the dynamic relationship between oil prices and Indian stock market. (2014). Mondal, Debasish ; Sahu, Tarak Nath ; Bandopadhyay, Kalpataru . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:40:y:2014:i:2:p:200-215.

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402011Stock market integration in Africa. (2011). Agyei-Ampomah, Sam. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:37:y:2011:i:3:p:242-256.

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412013The impact of corporate governance on working capital management efficiency of American manufacturing firms. (2013). Gill, Amarjit S. ; Biger, Nahum . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:39:y:2013:i:2:p:116-132.

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422019How financial literacy and demographic variables relate to behavioral biases. (2019). Kumar, Satish ; Baker, Kent H ; Gaur, Vidhu ; Goyal, Nisha. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:mf-01-2018-0003.

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432006Fund management, intellectual capital, intangibles and private disclosure. (2006). Holland, John. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:32:y:2006:i:4:p:277-316.

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442008Analysis of the long-term relationship between macro-economic variables and the Chinese stock market using heteroscedastic cointegration. (2008). Liu, Ming-Hua ; Shrestha, Keshab M.. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:34:y:2008:i:11:p:744-755.

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452013Underpricing, board structure, and ownership: An empirical examination of Indonesian IPO firms. (2013). Gunawan, Randy ; Darmadi, Salim . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:39:y:2013:i:2:p:181-200.

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462011Commercialization and changes in capital structure in microfinance institutions: An innovation or wrong turn?. (2011). Hoque, Monzurul ; Halloway, Rashid ; Chishty, Muhammad . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:37:y:2011:i:5:p:414-425.

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472013A story on SPACs. (2013). Vulanovic, Milos ; Lakicevic, Milan . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:39:y:2013:i:4:p:384-403.

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482006Credit risk management: a survey of practices. (2006). Fatemi, Ali ; Fooladi, Iraj . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:32:y:2006:i:3:p:227-233.

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492006Stock market crises and portfolio diversification in Central and Eastern Europe.. (2006). Lyroudi, Katerina ; Patev, Plamen ; Kanaryan, Nigokhos . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:32:y:2006:i:5:p:415-432.

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502016Corporate social responsibility and stock price crash risk: Evidence from an Asian emerging market. (2016). Lee, Ming-Te . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:42:y:2016:i:10:p:963-979.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12015Finance and growth: new evidence from meta-analysis. (2015). Asongu, Simplice. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:41:y:2015:i:6:p:615-639.

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22010Female executives and earnings management. (2010). Vähämaa, Sami ; Peni, Emilia . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:36:y:2010:i:7:p:629-645.

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32019How financial literacy and demographic variables relate to behavioral biases. (2019). Kumar, Satish ; Baker, Kent H ; Gaur, Vidhu ; Goyal, Nisha. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:mf-01-2018-0003.

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42019Underpricing in the cryptocurrency world: evidence from initial coin offerings. (2019). von Eije, Henk ; Felix, Thomas Heine. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:mf-06-2018-0281.

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52013Financial distress, earnings management and market pricing of accruals during the global financial crisis. (2013). Habib, Ahsan ; Md. Borhan Uddin Bhuiyan, ; Islam, Ainul. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:39:y:2013:i:2:p:155-180.

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62007Oil prices and stock markets in GCC countries: new evidence from nonlinear cointegration analysis. (2007). Al-Kandari, Ahmad ; Maghyereh, Aktham . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:7:p:449-460.

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72009Firm-specific and economy wide determinants of firm profitability: Greek evidence using panel data. (2009). ASIMAKOPOULOS, IOANNIS ; Samitas, Aristeidis ; Papadogonas, Theodore . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:35:y:2009:i:11:p:930-939.

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82019Determinants of dividend policy: evidence from an emerging and developing market. (2019). Yatiwelle, Weerakoon Banda ; Dewasiri, Jayantha N ; Weerasinghe, V A ; Kuruppuarachchi, Duminda ; P. G. S. A. Jayarathne, ; Azeez, Athambawa Abdul . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:mf-09-2017-0331.

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92014Agency theory, capital structure and firm performance: some Indian evidence. (2014). Dawar, Varun . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:40:y:2014:i:12:p:1190-1206.

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102009Determinants of bank efficiency: evidence from a semi-parametric methodology. (2009). Delis, Manthos D.. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:35:y:2009:i:3:p:206-275.

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112015Corporate dividend policy revisited. (2015). Baker, Kent H ; Weigand, Rob . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:41:y:2015:i:2:p:126-144.

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122009Determinants of bank efficiency: evidence from a semi-parametric methodology. (2009). Papanikolaou, Nikolaos ; Delis, Manthos. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:35:y:2009:i:3:p:260-275.

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132008The impact of corporate governance on the timeliness of corporate internet reporting by Egyptian listed companies. (2008). El-Masry, Ahmed ; Ezat, Amr . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:34:y:2008:i:12:p:848-867.

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142007The determinants of stock market development in the Middle-Eastern and North African region. (2007). Ghazouani, Samir ; Ben Naceur, Sami ; Omran, Mohamed ; Bennaceur, Samy . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:7:p:477-489.

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152010The demographic profile of socially responsible investors. (2010). Junkus, Joan C. ; Berry, Thomas C.. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:36:y:2010:i:6:p:474-481.

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162008The determinants of banks profits in Greece during the period of EU financial integration. (2008). Kosmidou, Kyriaki. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:34:y:2008:i:3:p:146-159.

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172013The impact of corporate governance on working capital management efficiency of American manufacturing firms. (2013). Gill, Amarjit S. ; Biger, Nahum . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:39:y:2013:i:2:p:116-132.

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182008Islamic banking and finance: on its way to globalization. (2008). Bhatti, Ishaq M. ; Khan, Mansoor M.. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:34:y:2008:i:10:p:708-725.

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192007The exchange rate exposure puzzle. (2007). Bodnar, Gordon ; Bartram, Söhnke. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:9:p:642-666.

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202020A bibliometric analysis of managerial finance: a retrospective. (2020). Baker, Kent H ; Pandey, Nitesh ; Kumar, Satish. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:mf-06-2019-0277.

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212019Litigation risk and working capital. (2019). Sah, Nilesh ; Malm, James. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:mf-03-2018-0129.

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222016Corporate social responsibility and stock price crash risk: Evidence from an Asian emerging market. (2016). Lee, Ming-Te . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:42:y:2016:i:10:p:963-979.

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232006Analyzing and managing risks – on the importance of gender differences in risk attitudes. (2006). Schubert, Renate. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:32:y:2006:i:9:p:706-715.

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242017A survey of litigation in corporate finance. (2017). Arena, Matteo ; Ferris, Stephen . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:mf-07-2016-0199.

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252012Foreign institutional industrial herding in Taiwan stock market. (2012). Chen, Yu-Fen . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:38:y:2012:i:3:p:325-340.

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262014Risk management practices adopted by financial firms in Malta. (2014). Grima, Simon ; Bezzina, Frank ; Mamo, Josephine . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:40:y:2014:i:6:p:587-612.

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272017Corporate social responsibility, gender, and CEO turnover. (2017). Cooper, Elizabeth. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:mf-02-2016-0049.

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282013Did dividend policy change during the financial crisis?. (2013). Hauser, Richard. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:39:y:2013:i:6:p:584-606.

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292016Measuring intellectual capital performance of Indian banks: A public and private sector comparison. (2016). Joshi, Mahesh ; Kansal, Monika ; Sidhu, Jasvinder ; Singh, Sukhdev. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:42:y:2016:i:7:p:635-655.

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302019The interrelationship between liquidity creation and bank capital in Vietnamese banking. (2019). Le, TU. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:mf-09-2017-0337.

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312008Board composition, ownership structure and dividend policies in an emerging market: Further evidence from CASE 50. (2008). El-Masry, Ahmed ; Elsegini, Sabri ; Abdelsalam, Omneya . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:34:y:2008:i:12:p:953-964.

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322012Directors with a full plate: the impact of busy directors on bank risk. (2012). Cooper, Elizabeth ; Uzun, Hatice . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:38:y:2012:i:6:p:571-586.

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332011Ownership concentration and dividend policy in Japan. (2011). Nguyen, Pascal ; Palkar, Darshana D. ; Tripathy, Niranjan ; Harada, Kimie . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:37:y:2011:i:4:p:362-379.

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342007How firm characteristics affect capital structure: an empirical study. (2007). Vasiliou, Dimitrios ; Ventoura-Neokosmidi, Zoe ; Eriotis, Nikolaos . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:33:y:2007:i:5:p:321-331.

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352011Commercialization and changes in capital structure in microfinance institutions: An innovation or wrong turn?. (2011). Hoque, Monzurul ; Halloway, Rashid ; Chishty, Muhammad . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:37:y:2011:i:5:p:414-425.

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362012Foreign institutional industrial herding in Taiwan stock market. (2012). Lin, Fu-Lai ; Chen, Yu-Fen ; Yang, Sheng-Yung. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:38:y:2008:i:3:p:325-340.

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372016Is there a role for Islamic bonds in global diversification strategies?. (2016). Demirer, Riza ; Balcilar, Mehmet ; Cerci, Gozde . In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:42:y:2016:i:7:p:656-679.

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382016International stock market liquidity: a review. (2016). Marshall, Ben ; Anderson, Hamish D. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:42:y:2016:i:2:p:118-135.

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392011Inflation and the dividend policy of US firms. (2011). Reddemann, Sebastian ; Basse, Tobias. In: Managerial Finance. RePEc:eme:mfipps:v:37:y:2011:i:1:p:34-46.

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