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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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2002 0 0.54 0 0 13 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.31
2003 0.08 0.53 0.06 0.08 22 35 23 2 2 13 1 13 1 0 1 0.05 0.3
2004 0 0.6 0 0 25 60 45 2 35 35 0 0 0.36
2005 0.09 0.6 0.08 0.08 25 85 23 7 9 47 4 60 5 0 0 0.36
2006 0.08 0.59 0.04 0.05 16 101 10 4 13 50 4 85 4 0 0 0.34
2007 0.02 0.52 0.05 0.06 21 122 30 6 19 41 1 101 6 0 0 0.29
2008 0.14 0.59 0.09 0.11 27 149 15 13 32 37 5 109 12 0 0 0.29
2009 0.04 0.58 0.09 0.06 14 163 44 15 47 48 2 114 7 0 2 0.14 0.33
2010 0.12 0.52 0.09 0.09 24 187 5 16 63 41 5 103 9 0 0 0.3
2011 0.03 0.61 0.09 0.1 24 211 3 18 81 38 1 102 10 0 4 0.17 0.37
2012 0 0.68 0.02 0 14 225 8 5 86 48 110 0 0 0.36
2013 0.03 0.67 0.04 0.05 12 237 1 10 96 38 1 103 5 0 0 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12004The logic of appropriateness. (2004). March, James G. ; Olsen, Johan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0026.

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22009National parliaments and European integration. (2009). Raunio, Tapio . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0294.

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32009Political leadership and bureaucratic autonomy. Effects of agencification. (2009). Trondal, Jarle ; Egeberg, Morten . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0297.

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42003The many faces of EU committee governance. (2003). Trondal, Jarle ; Morten Egeberg, Guenther F. Schaefer, . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0042.

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52007The Public Administration Turn in Integration Research. (2007). Trondal, Jarle . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0241.

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62009Democratic government, institutional autonomy and the dynamics of change. (2009). Olsen, Johan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0285.

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72008Tradition and Innovation: Europe’s Accumulated Executive Order. (2008). Curtin, Deirdre ; Egeberg, Morten . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0258.

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82005Maybe it is time to rediscover bureaucracy?. (2005). Olsen, Johan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0010.

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92012On Bureaucratic Centre Formation. Lessons from the European Commission. (2012). Trondal, Jarle . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0327.

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102012On Bureaucratic Centre Formation. Lessons from the European Commission. (2012). Trondal, Jarle . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0326.

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112005It’s the Process Stupid! Process Tracing in the Study of European and International Politics. (2005). Checkel, Jeffrey T.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0206.

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122006Rational Choice and EU Politics. (2006). Pollack, Mark A.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0223.

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132003Citizens, public administration and the search for theoretical foundations. (2003). Olsen, Johan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0060.

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142009Denouncing European Integration. Euroscepticism as reactive identity formation. (2009). Trenz, Hans-Jorg ; de Wilde, Pieter. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0286.

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152004Conceptualizing European Public Spheres. General, Segmented and Strong Publics. (2004). Eriksen, Erik O.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0020.

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162007Politicisation of European Integration: Bringing the Process into Focus. (2007). de Wilde, Pieter. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0248.

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172007European Debates on the Knowledge Institution:The Modernization of the University at the European Level. (2007). Olsen, Johan P. ; Maassen, Peter . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0228.

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182012Experiments in Supranational Institutionbuilding: The European Commission as a Laboratory. (2012). Egeberg, Morten . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0319.

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192012Experiments in Supranational Institutionbuilding: The European Commission as a Laboratory. (2012). Egeberg, Morten . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0318.

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202004European Integration Since the 1990s: Member States and the European Commission. (2004). Menon, Anand ; Kassim, Hussein . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0023.

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212007Organization theory, public administration, democratic governance. (2007). Olsen, Johan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0237.

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222008Who are the experts? The informational basis of EU decision-making. (2008). Gornitzka, se ; Sverdrup, Ulf . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0263.

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232006Constructivist approaches to European integration. (2006). Checkel, Jeffrey T.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0217.

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242004Changes to European Security in a Communicative Perspective. (2004). Sjursen, Helene . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0018.

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252010Enlightened Decision Making. The Role of Scientists in EU Governance. (2010). Gornitzka, se ; Sverdrup, Ulf . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0280.

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262005Finland and the case of a Northern dimension for the EU: Inclusion by bargaining or arguing?. (2005). Romsloe, Borge . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0211.

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272007Taking Evolution Seriously. (2007). LEWIS, ORION ; Steinmo, Sven. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0249.

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282007Understanding Institutions and Logics of Appropriateness: Introductory Essay. (2007). Olsen, Johan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0243.

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292007The Ups and Downs of Bureaucratic Organization. (2007). Olsen, Johan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0242.

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302004The Mosaic of Europeanization. An Organizational Perspective on National Re-contextualization. (2004). Andersen, Svein S.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0028.

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312003Defining European Interests in Foreign Policy: Insights from the Mediterranean Case. (2003). Bicchi, Federica . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0053.

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322005Conjunctural Causation in Comparative Case-Oriented Research: Exploring the Scope Conditions of Rationalist and Institutionalist Causal Mechanisms. (2005). Aus, Jonathan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0208.

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332004Organising Institutional Autonomy in a Political Context: Enduring Tensions in the European Commissions Development. (2004). Egeberg, Morten . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0019.

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342005Elaborating the New Institutionalism. (2005). James G. March & Johan P. Olsen, . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0011.

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352007Safe Enough To Argue? Giving Reasons in the Council of the EU. (2007). Naurin, Daniel. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0239.

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362007Who Consults? Expert Groups in the European Union. (2007). Gornitzka, se ; Sverdrup, Ulf . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0244.

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372008Comitology Committees in the Enlarged European Union. (2008). Manuela Alfe, Thomas Christiansen, ; Piedrafita, Sonia . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0268.

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382003The Babel of Europe? An Essay on Networks and Communicative Spaces. (2003). Schlesinger, Philip. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0062.

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392009Digital media and the return of the representative public sphere. (2009). Trenz, Hans-Jorg . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0288.

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402004Innovasjon, politikk og institusjonell dynamikk. (2004). Olsen, Johan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0021.

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412010Bureaucratic Structure and Administrative Behaviour. Lessons from international bureaucracies. (2010). Trondal, Jarle . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0362.

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422003The European Charter - Between deep Diversity and Constitutional Patriotism?. (2003). Fossum, John Erik . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0045.

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4320102009 European Parliamentary Elections on the Web. A mediatization perspective. (2010). Michailidou, Asimina ; Trenz, Hans-Jorg . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0276.

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442005After Hierarchy? The Differentiated Impact of the European Commission and the Council of Ministers on Domestic Executive Governance. (2005). Trondal, Jarle ; Larsson, Torbjorn. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0202.

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452006Eurodac: A Solution Looking for a Problem?. (2006). Aus, Jonathan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0220.

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462013EU Crises and the International Media. (2013). Mai’a K. Davis Cross, . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0308.

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472005The institutional dynamics of the (European) University. (2005). Olsen, Johan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0015.

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482011The Dynamics of Legitimation. Why the study of political legitimacy needs more realism. (2011). Gaus, Daniel . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0337.

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492004Unity, diversity and democratic institutions. What can we learn from the European Union as a large-scale experiment in political organization and governing?. (2004). Olsen, Johan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0030.

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502008Europeanization and multi-level governance: Empirical findings and conceptual challenges. (2008). Bache, Ian . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0266.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12004The logic of appropriateness. (2004). March, James G. ; Olsen, Johan P.. In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0026.

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22009Political leadership and bureaucratic autonomy. Effects of agencification. (2009). Trondal, Jarle ; Egeberg, Morten . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0297.

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32009National parliaments and European integration. (2009). Raunio, Tapio . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0294.

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42003The many faces of EU committee governance. (2003). Trondal, Jarle ; Morten Egeberg, Guenther F. Schaefer, . In: ARENA Working Papers. RePEc:erp:arenax:p0042.

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