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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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1993 0 0 0 6 6 41 0 0 0 0 0
1994 0.5 0.32 0.5 13 19 64 6 6 6 3 6 3 2 33.3 1 0.08
1995 0.16 0.2 0.16 6 25 30 5 11 19 3 19 3 2 40 0
1996 0.26 0.28 0.2 7 32 66 9 20 19 5 25 5 2 22.2 2 0.29
1997 0 0.08 0.06 7 39 22 3 23 13 32 2 0 1 0.14
1998 0.21 0.2 0.15 2 41 6 8 31 14 3 39 6 2 25 0
1999 0.89 0.83 0.43 6 47 18 39 70 9 8 35 15 4 10.3 2 0.33
2000 0 0.14 0.18 2 49 47 7 77 8 28 5 0 0
2001 0.5 0.18 0.25 2 51 5 9 86 8 4 24 6 0 0
2002 0.5 0.76 0.26 11 62 77 47 133 4 2 19 5 19 40.4 3 0.27
2003 0.62 2.61 0.52 7 69 141 180 313 13 8 23 12 54 30 3 0.43
2004 1.17 0.39 0.82 5 74 59 29 342 18 21 28 23 1 3.4 3 0.6
2005 1.5 0.53 0.93 6 80 55 40 384 12 18 27 25 4 10 0
2006 0.73 1.09 1.03 7 87 58 95 479 11 8 31 32 28 29.5 1 0.14
2007 1.54 0.63 1.11 11 98 73 62 541 13 20 36 40 8 12.9 3 0.27
2008 1 0.53 1.03 8 106 115 56 597 18 18 36 37 3 5.4 2 0.25
2009 1.11 0.62 0.89 6 112 76 69 666 19 21 37 33 4 5.8 3 0.5
2010 0.93 0.53 0.63 6 118 9 62 728 14 13 38 24 5 8.1 0
2011 0.42 0.46 0.82 3 121 11 56 784 12 5 38 31 0 0
2012 0.33 0.51 0.74 9 130 46 65 850 9 3 34 25 3 4.6 0
2013 0.92 0.72 1.44 12 142 99 102 952 12 11 32 46 4 3.9 8 0.67
2014 0.9 0.51 0.67 2 144 15 73 1025 21 19 36 24 0 0
2016 1.5 0.34 0.85 3 147 206 50 1145 2 3 26 22 0 1 0.33
2017 7.67 0.54 1.65 3 150 3 81 1226 3 23 26 43 0 0
2018 6 0.53 2.1 3 153 142 81 1307 6 36 20 42 1 1.2 14 4.67
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12016An Anatomy of the Global Trade Slowdown based on the WIOD 2016 Release. (2016). Timmer, Marcel ; Stehrer, Robert ; Los, Bart ; de Vries, Gaaitzen. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-162.

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22018Rebasing Maddison: new income comparisons and the shape of long-run economic development. (2018). Inklaar, Robert ; van Zanden, Jan ; Bolt, Jutta ; de Jong, Harmen. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-174.

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32003IT in the European Union: driving productivity divergence?. (2003). Ypma, Gerard ; Timmer, Marcel ; van der Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:200363.

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42008GGDC Productivity Level Database: International Comparisons of Output, Inputs and Productivity at the Industry Level. (2008). Timmer, Marcel ; Inklaar, Robert. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-104.

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52004Productivity, innovation and ICT in old and new Europe. (2004). PiÄ…tkowski, Marcin ; Piatkowski, Marcin ; van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:200469.

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62002Changing gear : productivity, ICT and services: Europe and the United States. (2002). Inklaar, Robert ; van Ark, Bart ; McGuckin, Robert . In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:200260.

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72000Dutch GNP and its components, 1800-1913. (2000). Smits, Jan-Pieter ; van Zanden, Jan Luiten ; Horlings, Edwin. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:no.5.

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82013Structural transformation in Africa: Static gains, dynamic losses. (2013). Timmer, Marcel ; de Vries, Gaaitzen. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-136.

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92013Slicing Up Global Value Chains. (2013). Timmer, Marcel ; Stehrer, Robert ; Los, Bart ; de Vries, Gaaitzen ; Erumban, Abdul Azeez . In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-135.

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102009Productivity Convergence Across Industries and Countries: The Importance of Theory-based Measurement. (2009). Timmer, Marcel ; Inklaar, Robert. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-109.

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112009A Dataset on Comparative Historical National Accounts, ca.1870-1950: A Time-Series Perspective. (2009). Woltjer, Pieter ; Ma, D. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-107.

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121993International comparisons of output and productivity: manufacturing productivity performance of ten countries from 1950 to 1990. (1993). van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:no.1.

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132007PPPs for Industry Output: A New Dataset for International Comparisons. (2007). Ypma, Gerard ; Timmer, Marcel ; van Van, Bart . In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-82.

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141994The international comparison of real product and productivity. (1994). Maddison, Angus ; van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199406.

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151994Standardised Estimates of Fixed Capital Stock: A Six Country Comparison. (1994). Maddison, Angus. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199409.

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162007A Cross-country Database For Sectoral Employment And Productivity in Asia and Latin America, 1950-2005. (2007). Timmer, Marcel ; de Vries, Gaaitzen. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-98.

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171996Issues in Measurement and International Comparison of Productivity - An Overview. (1996). van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199628.

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182005Unit labour costs, productivity and international competitiveness. (2005). Ypma, Gerard ; Stuivenwold, Edwin ; van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:200580.

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192003ICT and Europes productivity performance industry-level growth account comparisons with the United States. (2003). Timmer, Marcel ; Inklaar, Robert ; O'Mahony, Mary. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:200368.

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201994Micro Foundations for International Productivity Comparisons. (1994). Gersbach, Hans ; van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199411.

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211996On the Reliability of Unit Value Ratios in International Comparisons. (1996). Timmer, Marcel. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199631.

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222012Fragmentation, Incomes and Jobs. An analysis of European competitiveness. (2012). Timmer, Marcel ; Stehrer, Robert ; Los, Bart ; de Vries, Gaaitzen. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-130.

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232006The Colonial Origins of Inequality: Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Land Distribution. (2006). Frankema, Ewout. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-81.

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241995Sectoral growth accounting and structural change in postwar Europe. (1995). van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199523.

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252005Productivity and participation: an international comparison. (2005). McGuckin, Robert ; van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:200578.

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262002ICT investments and growth accounts for the European Union. (2002). van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:200256.

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271995Anglo-German Rivalry on Coal Markets in France, the Netherlands and Germany, 1850-1913. (1995). Fremdling, Rainer. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199521.

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281996Accounting for economic growth in the Netherlands since 1913. (1996). van Ark, Bart ; de Jong, Herman . In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199626.

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292006Productivity Levels in Distributive Trades: A New ICOP Dataset for OECD Countries. (2006). Ypma, Gerard ; Timmer, Marcel. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-83.

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301994An International Comparison of Real Output, Purchasing Power and Labour Productivity in Manufacturing Industries: Brazil, Mexico and the USA in 1975. (1994). van Ark, Bart ; Maddison, Angus. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199408.

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312014The World Input-Output Database: Content, Concepts and Applications. (2014). Timmer, Marcel ; Stehrer, Robert ; Los, Bart ; de Vries, Gaaitzen. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-144.

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321994New Perspectives on Service Output and Productivity: A Comparison of French and US Productivity in Transport, Communications Wholesale and Retail Trade. (1994). Mulder, Nanno. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199414.

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332012New measures of output, labour and capital in industries of the Russian economy. (2012). Voskoboynikov, Ilya. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-123.

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341993The International Comparison of Value Added, Productivity and Purchasing Power Parities in Agriculture. (1993). Maddison, Angus ; van Ooststroom, Harry . In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199301.

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351994Productivity in French manufacturing : an international comparative perspective. (1994). van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199410.

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361993Comparative Productivity in East and West German Manufacturing before Reunification. (1993). Beintema, Nienke ; van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199305.

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371994Transport and Communication in Mexico and the United States: Value Added, Purchasing Power Parities and Productivity. (1994). Mulder, Nanno. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199418.

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382007Estimating Real Production and Expenditures Across Nations: A Proposal for Improving the Penn World Tables. (2007). Timmer, Marcel ; Heston, Alan ; Feenstra, Robert ; Deng, Haiyan . In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-95.

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392005Does the European Union need to revive productivity growth. (2005). van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:200575.

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402002Zambian manufacturing performance in comparative perspective. (2002). Szirmai, Adam ; Yamfwa, Francis ; Lwamba, Chibwe. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:200253.

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411995Transport and Communications Output and Productivity in Brazil and the USA, 1950-1990. (1995). Mulder, Nanno. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199519.

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421994Industrial output and labour productivity in the Netherlands, 1913-1929 : some neglected issues. (1994). de Jong, Herman ; Albers, Ronald . In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199413.

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432006Mind the gap! International Comparisons of Productivity in Services and Goods Production. (2006). Timmer, Marcel ; Inklaar, Robert ; van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-89.

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441994Can growth theory contribute to our understanding of nineteenth century economic dynamics?. (1994). Albers, Ronald ; Groote, Peter ; Clemens, Adrian. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199412.

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451996Canadas Post-war Manufacturing Performance: A Comparison with the United States. (1996). de Jong, Gjalt . In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199632.

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461994Economic Growth and Standards of Living in the Twentieth Century. (1994). Maddison, Angus. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199415.

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471996A standardised time series of the stock of fixed capital in the Netherlands, 1900-1995. (1996). Groote, Peter ; de Jong, Herman ; Albers, Ronald . In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199625.

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482008Financial dependence and industry growth in Europe: Better banks and higher productivity. (2008). Koetter, Michael ; Inklaar, Robert. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-100.

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492012China and the World Economy:A Global Value Chain Perspective on Exports, Incomes and Jobs. (2012). Timmer, Marcel ; Los, Bart ; de Vries, Gaaitzen. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-128.

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502006Measuring and Analysing Educational Inequality: The Distribution of Grade Enrolment Rates in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. (2006). Frankema, Ewout ; Bolt, Jutta. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-86.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12018Rebasing Maddison: new income comparisons and the shape of long-run economic development. (2018). Inklaar, Robert ; van Zanden, Jan ; Bolt, Jutta ; de Jong, Harmen. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-174.

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22016An Anatomy of the Global Trade Slowdown based on the WIOD 2016 Release. (2016). Timmer, Marcel ; Stehrer, Robert ; Los, Bart ; de Vries, Gaaitzen. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-162.

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32009Productivity Convergence Across Industries and Countries: The Importance of Theory-based Measurement. (2009). Timmer, Marcel ; Inklaar, Robert. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-109.

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42000Dutch GNP and its components, 1800-1913. (2000). Smits, Jan-Pieter ; van Zanden, Jan Luiten ; Horlings, Edwin. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:no.5.

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52004Productivity, innovation and ICT in old and new Europe. (2004). PiÄ…tkowski, Marcin ; Piatkowski, Marcin ; van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:200469.

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62008GGDC Productivity Level Database: International Comparisons of Output, Inputs and Productivity at the Industry Level. (2008). Timmer, Marcel ; Inklaar, Robert. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-104.

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72014The World Input-Output Database: Content, Concepts and Applications. (2014). Timmer, Marcel ; Stehrer, Robert ; Los, Bart ; de Vries, Gaaitzen. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-144.

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82010Structural Change in Advanced Nations: A New Set of Stylised Facts. (2010). Timmer, Marcel ; Jorgenson, D W. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:gd-115.

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92002ICT investments and growth accounts for the European Union. (2002). van Ark, Bart. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:200256.

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101994Standardised Estimates of Fixed Capital Stock: A Six Country Comparison. (1994). Maddison, Angus. In: GGDC Research Memorandum. RePEc:gro:rugggd:199409.

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