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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2013 0 0.67 0.6 0 15 15 74 9 9 0 0 2 22.2 9 0.6 0.35
2014 0.2 0.67 0.23 0.2 7 22 40 5 14 15 3 15 3 2 40 2 0.29 0.34
2015 0.55 0.66 0.64 0.55 22 44 91 28 42 22 12 22 12 10 35.7 13 0.59 0.36
2016 0.66 0.65 0.69 0.66 15 59 40 41 83 29 19 44 29 19 46.3 4 0.27 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12013The Evolution of Poverty in the European Union: Concepts, Measurement and Data. (2013). Goedemé, Tim ; Decancq, Koen ; Vanhille, Josefine ; van den Bosch, Karel. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1301.

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22014Can education bridge the gap? Education and the employment position of immigrants in Belgium. (2014). Verbist, Gerlinde ; Corluy, Vincent . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1402.

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32015Do employment-conditional earnings subsidies work?. (2015). Kenworthy, Lane. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1510.

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42013Alternative vs. current measures of material deprivation at EU level: What differences does it make?. (2013). GUIO, Anne-Catherine ; Marlier, Erik . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1307.

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52015The impact of child care costs and availability on mothers’ labor supply. (2015). Del Boca, Daniela. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1504.

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62014Distributive Effects of the Crisis and Austerity in Seven EU Countries. (2014). Leventi, Chrysa ; Matsaganis, Manos. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1404.

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72013The butterfly and the elephant: local social innovation, the welfare state and new poverty dynamics. (2013). Novy, Andreas ; Kazepov, Yuri ; Saruis, Tatiana ; Oosterlynck, Stijn ; Cools, Pieter ; Wukovitsch, Florian ; Barberis, Eduardo ; Leubolt, Bernhard . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1303.

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82015The end of decent social protection for the poor? The dynamics of low wages, minimum income packages and median household incomes. (2015). Cantillon, Bea ; van Mechelen, Natascha ; Collado, Diego. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1503.

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92014A lost decade? Decomposing the effect of 2001-11 tax-benefit policy changes on the income distribution in EU countries. (2014). Tasseva, Iva ; Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Hills, John. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1403.

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102013Measuring low work intensity – an analysis of the indicator. (2013). Ozdemir, Erhan ; Ward, Terry . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1309.

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112015Employment and poverty dynamics in the EU countries before, during and after the crisis. (2015). Tóth, István ; Gabos, Andras ; Branyiczki, Reka ; Lange, Barbara . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1506.

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122015Decent incomes for the poor: which role for Europe?. (2015). Marchal, Sarah ; Luigjes, Chris ; Cantillon, Bea. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1520.

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132016The impact of social transfers on income poverty and material deprivation. (2016). Notten, Geranda ; GUIO, Anne-Catherine. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1617.

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142016Improving poverty reduction in Europe: what works (best) where?. (2016). Tasseva, Iva ; Sutherland, Holly ; Leventi, Chrysa. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1616.

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152015Stemming the tide. What have EU countries done to support low-wage workers in an era of downward wage pressure?. (2015). Marchal, Sarah ; Marx, Ive. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1518.

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162015The EU framework for social innovation - Between entrepreneurship and policy experimentation. (2015). Sabato, Sebastiano ; Verschraegen, Gert ; Vanhercke, Bart . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1521.

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172015A fresh look at an old question: is pro-poor targeting of cash transfers more effective than universal systems at reducing inequality and poverty?. (2015). McKnight, Abigail. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1514.

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182016Can reference budgets be used as a poverty line?. (2016). Goedemé, Tim ; Penne, Tess ; Goedeme, Tim ; Storms, Berenice ; Makinen, Lauri ; Parcerisas, Irene Cusso . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1605.

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192015The social legitimacy of differently targeted benefits. (2015). Roosma, Femke ; van Oorschot, Wim . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1511.

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202016The design of in-work benefits: how to boost employment and combat poverty in Belgium. (2016). Vandelannoote, Dieter ; Verbist, Gerlinde. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1615.

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212013In-work poverty in times of crisis: do part-timers fare worse?. (2013). Marx, Ive ; Horemans, Jeroen . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1314.

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222015Non-cash benefits from social housing in Europe: a comparative perspective. (2015). Grabka, Markus ; Verbist, Gerlinde. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1507.

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232013Exploring the multi-level governance of welfare provision and social innovation: welfare mix, welfare models and rescaling. (2013). Novy, Andreas ; Kazepov, Yuri ; Saruis, Tatiana ; Oosterlynck, Stijn ; Cools, Pieter ; Wukovitsch, Florian ; Barberis, Eduardo ; Leubolt, Bernhard . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1312.

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242016The distributive effects of work-family life policies in European welfare states. (2016). Hufkens, Tine ; Verbist, Gerlinde. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1609.

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252013Testing the Statistical Significance of Microsimulation Results: Often Easier than You Think. A Technical Note. (2013). Goedemé, Tim ; Verbist, Gerlinde ; Salanauskaite, Lina ; van den Bosch, Karel. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1310.

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262015Involuntary part-time employment: perspectives from two European labour markets. (2015). Veliziotis, Michail ; Karakitsios, Alexandros ; Matsaganis, Manos. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1502.

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272016The antipoverty performance of universal and means-tested benefits with costly take-up. (2016). Paulus, Alari. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1612.

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282014A new kid in town? Active inclusion in European minimum income schemes. (2014). Marchal, Sarah ; van Mechelen, Natascha . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1407.

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292013Trends and convergence of Europe’s minimum income schemes. (2013). Marchal, Sarah ; van Mechelen, Natascha . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1311.

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302016The end of cheap talk about poverty reduction: the cost of closing the poverty gap while maintaining work incentives. (2016). Goedemé, Tim ; Vandelannoote, Dieter ; Cantillon, Bea ; Collado, Diego ; van den Bosch, Karel. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1608.

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312015Mobility into and out of poverty in Europe in the 1990s and the precrisis period: The role of income, demographic and labour market events. (2015). Tsakloglou, Panos ; Andriopoulou, Eirini. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1513.

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322014Components of income inequality and its change in EU countries, 2004-2010. (2014). Medgyesi, Marton . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1401.

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332015Local social innovation and welfare state restructuring: analysing their relationship. (2015). Oosterlynck, Stijn ; Wokuvitsch, Florian ; Sarius, Tatiana ; Cools, Pieter ; Novy, Andreas ; Kazepov, Yuri . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1515.

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342016The usage of EU resources in local social innovation. (2016). Sabato, Sebastiano ; Verschraegen, Gert . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1603.

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352015The joint decision of labour supply and childcare in Italy under costs and availability constraints. (2015). Narazani, Edlira ; Figari, Francesco. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1509.

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362013Why has social security become less pro poor?. (2013). Van den Heede, Aaron ; Pintelon, Olivier ; van Mechelen, Natascha ; Cantillon, Bea. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1305.

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372015Tracking, schools’ entrance requirements and the educational performance of migrant students. (2015). Korthals, Roxanne ; Dronkers, Jaap. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1508.

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382015Towards social investment and social innovation in EU member states? First observations of recent developments in Austria. (2015). Heitzmann, Karin ; Wukovitsch, Florian . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1519.

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392016The importance of income-tested benefits in good times and bad: lessons from EU countries. (2016). Sutherland, Holly ; Leventi, Chrysa ; Rastrigina, Olga . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1601.

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402015Chronic material deprivation and long-term poverty in Europe in the pre-crisis period. (2015). Tsakloglou, Panos ; Papadopoulos, Fotis . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1516.

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412016The tsunamis of educational attainment and part-time employment, and the change of the labour force 1960–2010: what can be learned about self-reinforcing labour-market inequality from the case of th. (2016). Salverda, Wiemer. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1604.

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422013The effect of local labour market conditions on educational choices: a cross country comparison. (2013). Tumino, Alberto. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1306.

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432015The role of immigration policies for immigrants’ selection and economic success. (2015). Kogan, Irena . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1505.

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442014Mountains on the move: recent trends in national and EU-wide income dynamics in old and new EU Member States. (2014). Goedemé, Tim ; Collado, Diego ; Meeusen, Leen . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1405.

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452013The relationship between incomes and living arrangements: variation between countries, over the life course, and over time. (2013). Iacovou, Maria. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1315.

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462016Has the potential for compensating poverty by women’s employment growth been depleted?. (2016). Van Lancker, Wim ; Cantillon, Bea ; Collado, Diego ; Nieuwenhuis, Rense . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1602.

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472016Improving territorial cohesion: the role of stakeholders in OMC and cohesion policy. (2016). Kazepov, Yuri ; Cucca, Roberta . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1606.

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482016The Europe 2020 social inclusion indicators: main conclusions of the ImPRovE project on validity, methodological robustness and interrelationships. (2016). Goedemé, Tim ; Gabos, Andras . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1613.

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492013Measuring performance: does the assessment depend on the poverty proxy?. (2013). Notten, Geranda. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1313.

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502015Consistent poverty across the EU. (2015). Kis, Anna B ; Gabos, Andras . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1522.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12015Do employment-conditional earnings subsidies work?. (2015). Kenworthy, Lane. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1510.

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22014Can education bridge the gap? Education and the employment position of immigrants in Belgium. (2014). Verbist, Gerlinde ; Corluy, Vincent . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1402.

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32016The design of in-work benefits: how to boost employment and combat poverty in Belgium. (2016). Vandelannoote, Dieter ; Verbist, Gerlinde. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1615.

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42016Improving poverty reduction in Europe: what works (best) where?. (2016). Tasseva, Iva ; Sutherland, Holly ; Leventi, Chrysa. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1616.

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52015The impact of child care costs and availability on mothers’ labor supply. (2015). Del Boca, Daniela. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1504.

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62013Measuring low work intensity – an analysis of the indicator. (2013). Ozdemir, Erhan ; Ward, Terry . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1309.

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72013The Evolution of Poverty in the European Union: Concepts, Measurement and Data. (2013). Goedemé, Tim ; Decancq, Koen ; Vanhille, Josefine ; van den Bosch, Karel. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1301.

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82013The butterfly and the elephant: local social innovation, the welfare state and new poverty dynamics. (2013). Novy, Andreas ; Kazepov, Yuri ; Saruis, Tatiana ; Oosterlynck, Stijn ; Cools, Pieter ; Wukovitsch, Florian ; Barberis, Eduardo ; Leubolt, Bernhard . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1303.

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92015The EU framework for social innovation - Between entrepreneurship and policy experimentation. (2015). Sabato, Sebastiano ; Verschraegen, Gert ; Vanhercke, Bart . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1521.

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102016The importance of income-tested benefits in good times and bad: lessons from EU countries. (2016). Sutherland, Holly ; Leventi, Chrysa ; Rastrigina, Olga . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1601.

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112016The impact of social transfers on income poverty and material deprivation. (2016). Notten, Geranda ; GUIO, Anne-Catherine. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1617.

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122013Alternative vs. current measures of material deprivation at EU level: What differences does it make?. (2013). GUIO, Anne-Catherine ; Marlier, Erik . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1307.

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132015Employment and poverty dynamics in the EU countries before, during and after the crisis. (2015). Tóth, István ; Gabos, Andras ; Branyiczki, Reka ; Lange, Barbara . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1506.

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