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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2007 0 0.52 0 0 36 36 19 0 0 0 0 0 0.29
2008 0 0.59 0.12 0 49 85 51 8 10 36 36 0 8 0.16 0.29
2009 0.08 0.58 0.11 0.08 45 130 57 14 24 85 7 85 7 6 42.9 7 0.16 0.33
2010 0.11 0.52 0.12 0.12 38 168 64 18 44 94 10 130 15 1 5.6 1 0.03 0.3
2011 0.11 0.61 0.07 0.08 36 204 33 14 59 83 9 168 14 1 7.1 0 0.37
2012 0.18 0.68 0.11 0.11 33 237 114 27 86 74 13 204 23 0 4 0.12 0.36
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12012Undesirable specialization in the construction of composite policy indicators: The Environmental Performance Index. (2012). Rogge, Nicky. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201208.

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22012Evaluating the efficiency of municipalities in collecting and processing municipal solid waste: A shared input DEA-model. (2012). Rogge, Nicky ; De Jaeger, Simon . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201222.

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32009Explaining the Location of Economic Activity. Is there a Spatial Employment Structure in Belgium?. (2009). De Bruyne, Karolien. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200928.

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42010An economic evaluation of photovoltaic grid connected systems (PVGCS) in Flanders for companies: a generic model. (2010). Audenaert, Amaryllis ; De Cleyn, Sven ; Lizin, Sebastien ; de Boeck, Liesje ; Adam, Jean-Franois . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201016.

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52012Overeducation at the start of the career - stepping stone or trap?. (2012). Verhaest, Dieter ; Cockx, Bart ; Baert, Stijn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201227.

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62008What Determines the Decision to Implement EMAS? A European Firm Level Study. (2008). Bracke, Roeland ; Dejonkheere, Veerle ; Verbeke, Tom . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200815.

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72010Ensemble classification based on generalized additive models. (2010). Van den Poel, Dirk ; De Bock, Koen ; Coussement, Kristof. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201002.

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82011A Historical Review of the Beer Economy. (2011). Swinnen, Johan ; Poelmans, Eline. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201116.

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92009Accounting for exogenous influences in a benevolent performance evaluation of teachers. (2009). De Witte, Kristof ; Rogge, Nicky. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200915.

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102007The plausibility of risk estimates and implied costs to international equity investment. (2007). De Moor, Lieven ; Vanpee, Rosanne ; Van Pee, Rosanne ; Sercu, Piet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200734.

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112012Bond and Equity Home Bias and Foreign Bias: an International Study. (2012). De Moor, Lieven ; Vanpee, Rosanne ; Van Pee, Rosanne . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201224.

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122010Tangency Capacity Notions Based upon the Profit and Cost Functions: A Non-Parametric Approach and a General Comparison. (2010). Prior, Diego ; Kerstens, Kristiaan ; Briec, Walter ; Van de Woestyne, Ignace . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201004.

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13Redistributive impact of reforming the old-age pension system in Belgium. (2008). maes, marjan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200819.

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142012The Advertiser is Mentioned Twice. Media Bias in Belgian Newspapers. (2012). Vanormelingen, Stijn ; De Smet, Dries . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201205.

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152012Backtesting super-fund portfolio strategies based on frontier-based mutual fund ratings. (2012). Kerstens, Kristiaan ; Brandouy, Olivier ; Van de Woestyne, Ignace . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201229.

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162010Sex, price and preferences. Unsafe sexual practices in prostitution markets of the Low Countries. (2010). Adriaenssens, Stef ; Hendrickx, Jef . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201005.

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172008Minimally Disproportional Representation: Generalized Entropy and Stolarsky Mean-Divisor Methods of Apportionment. (2008). Lauwers, Luc ; van Puyenbroeck, Tom . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200824.

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182011Television demand for the Tour de France: the importance of outcome uncertainty, patriotism and doping. (2011). van Reeth, Daam . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201115.

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192010Internal Basic Research, External Basic Research and the Technological Performance of Pharmaceutical Firms. (2010). Kelchtermans, Stijn ; Belderbos, Rene ; Leten, Bart . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201012.

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202009Variety and Quality in Intra-European Manufacturing Trade: The Impact of Innovation and Technological Spillovers. (2009). Van Hove, Jan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200943.

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212012An environment-adjusted evaluation of local police e ectiveness: evidence from a conditional Data Envelopment Analysis approach. (2012). Verschelde, Marijn ; Rogge, Nicky. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201209.

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222009Granting teachers the benefit of the doubt in performance evaluations. (2009). Rogge, Nicky. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200917.

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232009Prices and Network Eects in Two-Sided Markets: the Belgian Newspaper Industry. (2009). Van Cayseele, Patrick ; Vanormelingen, Stijn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200906.

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242007Risk-return of Belgian SRI funds. (2007). Van Liedekerke, Luc ; De Moor, Lieven ; Vanwalleghem, Dieter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200704.

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252008Moral considerations in trading pollution permits. (2008). Kverndokk, Snorre ; Eyckmans, Johan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200812.

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262009Overeducation and earnings: some further paneldata evidence. (2009). Verhaest, Dieter ; Omey, Eddy. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200908.

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272010Herding Behavior among Financial Analysts: a literature review. (2010). van Campenhout, Geert ; Verhestraeten, Jan-Francies . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201039.

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282011Do Flemish Households Value Renewables?. (2011). Pepermans, Guido. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201105.

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292010Malmquist and Hicks-Moorsteen Productivity Indices: An Empirical Comparison Focusing on Infeasibilities. (2010). Kerstens, Kristiaan ; Hachem, Bouye Ahmed Moulaye, ; Van de Woestyne, Ignace . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201031.

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302007Voluntary disclosure of corporate social responsibility by Belgian listed firms: a content analysis of annual reports. (2007). Van Liedekerke, Luc ; De Moor, Lieven ; Christiaens, Johan ; Bouten, Lies ; Everaert, Patricia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200729.

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312010Public versus Private Incentives to Invest in Green Roofs: A Cost Benefit Analysis for Flanders. (2010). Rousseau, Sandra ; Claus, Karla . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201030.

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322008The Environmental Burden of Disease due to transportation noise in Flanders (Belgium) 2004. (2008). Collier, Pieter ; Stassen, Stien ; Torfs, Rudi . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200804.

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332008Regulation of program supply in higher education. Lessons from a funding system reform. (2008). Verboven, Frank ; Kelchtermans, Stijn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200801.

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342007Assessing the Effectiveness of Voluntary Solid Waste Reduction Policies: Methodology and a Flemish Case Study. (2007). Eyckmans, Johan ; De Jaeger, Simon . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200701.

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352011Advertiser Pressure on Newspaper Journalists: A Survey. (2011). Vanormelingen, Stijn ; De Smet, Dries . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201137.

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362008Proofs for Coordination and synchronization of material flows in supply chains: an analytical approach. (2008). de Boeck, Liesje. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200828.

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372010Globalization and Firm Exit: Differences Between Small and Large Firms. (2010). Colantone, Italo ; Sleuwaegen, Leo ; Coucke, Kristien . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201019.

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382011The Impact of Information on the Willingness-to-Pay for Labeled Organic Food Products. (2011). Vranken, Liesbet ; Rousseau, Sandra. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201104.

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392008Can we compare SMS marketing to traditional marketing communications?. (2008). Genin, Emile ; Roozen, Irene . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200850.

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402012Economies of scope in research and teaching: a non-parametric investigation. (2012). De Witte, Kristof ; Cherchye, Laurens ; van Puyenbroeck, Tom ; Rogge, Nicky. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201214.

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412009Determinants of Growth through Mergers and Acquisitions: Empirical Results from Belgium. (2009). Luypaert, Mathieu ; Huyghebaert, Nancy. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200806.

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422009Negative Data in DEA: A Simple Proportional Distance Function Approach. (2009). Kerstens, Kristiaan ; Van de Woestyne, Ignace . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200904.

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432012Contingent valuation of a classic cycling race. (2012). Praet, Alain ; van Puyenbroeck, Tom ; Meulders, Michel ; Colpaert, Jan ; Vekeman, Andy . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201206.

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442011Cost and E-level analysis of different dwelling types and different heating systems with or without heat exchanger. (2011). Audenaert, Amaryllis ; Buyle, M. ; de Boeck, Liesje ; Geudens, K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201133.

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452011Audit pricing in a reformed nonprofit market. (2011). Christiaens, Johan ; Reheul, Anne-Mie ; Van Caneghem, Tom ; Verbruggen, Sandra . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201129.

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462012Performance evaluation of Tour de France cycling teams using Data Envelopment Analysis. (2012). van Reeth, Daam ; van Puyenbroeck, Tom ; Rogge, Nicky. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201212.

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472010Overeducation in the early career: an analysis using sequence techniques. (2010). Verhaest, Dieter ; Schatteman, Tom . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201009.

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482008How and By How Much does Foreign Direct Investment Increase the Productivity of Domestic Firms?. (2008). Schoors, Koen ; Merlevede, Bruno. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200839.

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492011A Weekly Diary Study on the Buffering Role of Social Support in the Relationship between Job Insecurity and Employee Performance. (2011). van Emmerik, Hetty ; Schreurs, Bert ; Van Emmerik, IJ. Hetty, ; Guenter, Hannes ; Germeys, Filip . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201127.

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502010Value Creation and Division of Gains in European Horizontal Acquisitions: The Role of Industry Conditions. (2010). Luypaert, Mathieu ; Huyghebaert, Nancy. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201006.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12012Evaluating the efficiency of municipalities in collecting and processing municipal solid waste: A shared input DEA-model. (2012). Rogge, Nicky ; De Jaeger, Simon . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201222.

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22012Undesirable specialization in the construction of composite policy indicators: The Environmental Performance Index. (2012). Rogge, Nicky. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201208.

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32011A Historical Review of the Beer Economy. (2011). Swinnen, Johan ; Poelmans, Eline. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201116.

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42012Overeducation at the start of the career - stepping stone or trap?. (2012). Verhaest, Dieter ; Cockx, Bart ; Baert, Stijn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201227.

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52010An economic evaluation of photovoltaic grid connected systems (PVGCS) in Flanders for companies: a generic model. (2010). Audenaert, Amaryllis ; De Cleyn, Sven ; Lizin, Sebastien ; de Boeck, Liesje ; Adam, Jean-Franois . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201016.

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62012An environment-adjusted evaluation of local police e ectiveness: evidence from a conditional Data Envelopment Analysis approach. (2012). Verschelde, Marijn ; Rogge, Nicky. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:201209.

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72007Voluntary disclosure of corporate social responsibility by Belgian listed firms: a content analysis of annual reports. (2007). Van Liedekerke, Luc ; De Moor, Lieven ; Christiaens, Johan ; Bouten, Lies ; Everaert, Patricia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200729.

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82008Redistributive impact of reforming the old-age pension system in Belgium. (2008). maes, marjan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hub:wpecon:200819.

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