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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2014 0 0.55 0 0 41 41 7 0 0 0 0 0 0.23
2015 0.02 0.55 0.04 0.02 37 78 9 3 3 41 1 41 1 0 2 0.05 0.23
2016 0.04 0.53 0.04 0.04 28 106 4 4 7 78 3 78 3 0 0 0.21
2017 0.02 0.54 0.03 0.04 41 147 2 4 11 65 1 106 4 1 25 0 0.22
2019 0.02 0.58 0.03 0.03 27 174 2 6 18 41 1 147 5 0 1 0.04 0.23
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12016Sustainability Reporting in the Hospitality Industry: A Research Model Proposal on Sustainability Performance. (2016). YENIDOGAN, Alp ; Tetik, Nilufer ; Gurcaylilar-Yenidogan, Tugba. In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:3:y:2016:i:1:79-86.

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22015Internal Control - Crucial Factor in Ensuring the Quality of Financial Information. (2015). Ionescu, Cornel. In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:2:y:2015:i:1:163-171.

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32015Tax Lottery Receipts in Romania, a Different Approach to Fight against Tax Evasion. (2015). Dascalu, Elena-Doina ; Ungureanu, Dragoe Mihai . In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:2:y:2015:i:1:267-275.

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42019Blockchain and Brand Loyalty Programs: A Short Review of Applications and Challenges. (2019). Spinthiropoulos, Konstantinos ; Kontsas, Stamatis ; Antoniadis, Ioannis. In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:5:y:2019:i:1:8-16.

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52014Nowcasting Credit Demand in Turkey with Google Trends Data. (2014). UÄŸurlu, Erginbay ; Ugurlu, Erginbay ; Zeybek, Omer . In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:1:y:2014:i:1:333-340.

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62016WEB-Marketing Strategy for SMEs. (2016). Bucea-Manea-Tonis, Rocsana ; Epure, Manuela ; Pistol, Luminiea . In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:3:y:2016:i:1:128-137.

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72015Risk Identification in Project Management. (2015). Anca, UNGUREANU ; Ungureanu, Adrian ; Cezar, Braicu . In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:2:y:2015:i:1:259-266.

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82017Branding and Leadership in the context of Circular Economy. (2017). Bucea-Manea-Tonis, Rocsana ; Epure, Manuela. In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:4:y:2017:i:1:163-172.

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92014Sustainable Environment and in the Context of Environment Economy Necessary and an Analyze. (2014). Unal, Gunes ; Kendirli, Selcuk ; Basaran, Sakir . In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:1:y:2014:i:1:318-326.

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102015The Analysis of the Perceptions about Gender Equality on the Labour Market in Romania. (2015). Pasnicu, Daniela ; Mladen, Luise. In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:2:y:2015:i:1:223-231.

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112017THE ROLE OF HUMAN POTENTIAL IN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. (2017). , Raluca. In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:4:y:2017:i:1:143-150.

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122014Working Capital Management in Czech SMEs: An Econometric Approach. (2014). UÄŸurlu, Erginbay ; Ugurlu, Erginbay ; Kubickova, Dana ; Jindrichovska, Irena. In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:1:y:2014:i:1:311-317.

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132015West versus Islam. (2015). GURGU, ELENA ; Cociuban, Aristide. In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:2:y:2015:i:1:41-46.

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142015Smart Specialization in the Danube Region, Building Trust through Communities of Practice. (2015). Lianu, Costin . In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:2:y:2015:i:1:196-202.

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152014Forecasting Volatility: Evidence from the Bucharest Stock Exchange. (2014). UÄŸurlu, Erginbay ; Ugurlu, Erginbay. In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:1:y:2014:i:1:302-310.

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162015Rural Development Policy and Indicators of Demographic Dependency. (2015). GURGU, ELENA ; Zorzoliu, Raluca Ileana . In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:2:y:2015:i:1:276-282.

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172019The Future of Jobs in the Digital World. (2019). Andronie, Maria ; Ionescu, Luminita. In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:5:y:2019:i:1:89-94.

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182016The Role of the Professional Accountants in Business Administration. (2016). Ionescu, Luminiea . In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:3:y:2016:i:1:184-188.

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192014A modern approach to the macroeconomic accounting: Potential advantages of including the monetary part in macro accounting. (2014). Tutulmaz, Onur . In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:1:y:2014:i:1:296-301.

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202014The Performance Comparison of the Participation Banks Acting In Turkey Grey Relations Analysis Method. (2014). Sakinc, Ilker ; Gulen, Merve . In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:1:y:2014:i:1:238-245.

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212015Considerations Regarding the Analyses of Public Debt in the Current Economic Context, both National and International Level. (2015). Dascalu, Elena-Doina ; Ungureanu, Dragoe Mihai . In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:2:y:2015:i:1:47-55.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12019Blockchain and Brand Loyalty Programs: A Short Review of Applications and Challenges. (2019). Spinthiropoulos, Konstantinos ; Kontsas, Stamatis ; Antoniadis, Ioannis. In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:5:y:2019:i:1:8-16.

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22016Sustainability Reporting in the Hospitality Industry: A Research Model Proposal on Sustainability Performance. (2016). YENIDOGAN, Alp ; Tetik, Nilufer ; Gurcaylilar-Yenidogan, Tugba. In: International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration. RePEc:icb:wpaper:v:3:y:2016:i:1:79-86.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor:
Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2019

YearCiting document
2019THE INFLUENCE OF CLOUD TECHNOLOGY IN TRANSFORMING ACCOUNTING PRACTICES. (2019). Ionescu, Luminita ; Andronie, Maria. In: Annals of Spiru Haret University, Economic Series. RePEc:ris:sphecs:0316.

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