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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


1996 0 0.25 0 0 3 3 44 0 0 0 0 0 0.14
1997 0 0.28 0 0 10 13 175 0 3 3 0 0 0.15
1998 0.38 0.31 0.24 0.38 8 21 106 5 5 13 5 13 5 0 0 0.18
1999 0.33 0.39 0.38 0.29 3 24 7 9 14 18 6 21 6 0 0 0.25
2000 0.36 0.54 0.56 0.29 10 34 115 19 33 11 4 24 7 0 6 0.6 0.24
2001 1.23 0.49 1.3 0.79 6 40 63 52 85 13 16 34 27 0 0 0.27
2002 0.88 0.54 0.92 0.62 8 48 46 44 129 16 14 37 23 0 0 0.31
2004 0.38 0.6 0.58 0.44 2 50 7 29 185 8 3 27 12 0 0 0.36
2005 0 0.6 0.79 0.15 6 56 265 44 229 2 26 4 0 10 1.67 0.36
2006 1.25 0.59 0.8 0.45 10 66 11 53 282 8 10 22 10 0 0 0.34
2007 1.13 0.52 1.12 0.88 2 68 6 76 358 16 18 26 23 0 0 0.29
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12005Financial Reform; What Shakes It? What Shapes It?. (2005). Mody, Ashoka ; Abiad, Abdul. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:35.

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22005Financial Reform; What Shakes It? What Shapes It?. (2005). Abiad, Abdul D ; Mody, Ashoka. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2005/004.

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32000Full Dollarization; The Pros and Cons. (2000). Berg, Andrew ; Borensztein, Eduardo. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2000/004.

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42000Full Dollarization; The Pros and Cons. (2000). Berg, Andrew ; Borensztein, Eduardo. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:24.

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51997Why is China Growing So Fast?. (1997). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1997/005.

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61997Why Worry About Corruption?. (1997). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1997/003.

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71998Inflation Targeting as a Framework for Monetary Policy. (1998). Sharma, Sunil ; Masson, Paul ; Debelle, Guy ; Savastano, Miguel . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:15.

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82001Tax Policy for Developing Countries. (2001). Tanzi, Vito ; Zee, Howell H. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2001/001.

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91998Inflation Targeting as a Framework for Monetary Policy. (1998). Masson, Paul R ; Savastano, Miguel A ; Debelle, Guy ; Sharma, Sunil. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1998/005.

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102001Tax Policy for Developing Countries. (2001). Zee, Howell ; Tanzi, Vito. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:27.

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111998Fixed or Flexible? Getting the Exchange Rate Right in the 1990s. (1998). Caramazza, Francesco ; Aziz, Jahangir . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:13.

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122002Hiding in the Shadows; The Growth of the Underground Economy. (2002). schneider, friedrich ; Enste, Dominik. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:30.

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131998Fixed or Flexible? Getting the Exchange Rate Right in the 1990s. (1998). Caramazza, Francesco ; Aziz, Jahangir. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1998/002.

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142002Hiding in the Shadows; The Growth of the Underground Economy. (2002). Schneider, Friedrich ; Enste, Dominik. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2002/001.

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151996Growth in East Asia; What We Can and What We Cannot infer. (1996). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1996/003.

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161997Why is China Growing So Fast?. (1997). Hu, Zuliu ; Khan, Mohsin S. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:8.

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171998Roads to Nowhere; How Corruption in Public investment Hurts Growth. (1998). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1998/001.

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181996Does the Exchange Regime Matter for inflation and Growth?. (1996). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1996/002.

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191997Sterilizing Capital inflows. (1997). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1997/004.

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201998Fixed or Flexible; Getting the Exchange Rate Right in the 1990s. (1998). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1998/003.

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212000The Challenge of Predicting Economic Crises. (2000). Berg, Andrew ; Pattillo, Catherine and. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:22.

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222002The Pension Puzzle; Prerequisites and Policy Choices in Pension Design. (2002). Barr, N A. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2002/002.

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23Does Globalization Lower Wages and Export Jobs?. (1997). Swagel, Phillip ; Slaughter, M.. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:11.

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242002The Pension Puzzle; Prerequisites and Policy Choices in Pension Design. (2002). Barr, N. A.. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:29.

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252001Rural Poverty in Developing Countries; Implications for Public Policy. (2001). Khan, Mahmood Hasan . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:26.

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261998Inflation Targeting As a Framework for Monetary Policy. (1998). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1998/006.

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272001Rural Poverty in Developing Countries; Implications for Public Policy. (2001). Khan, Mahmood Hasan. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2001/003.

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281999Hedge Funds; What Do We Really Know?. (1999). Eichengreen, Barry ; Mathieson, Donald and. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:19.

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292007Public Investment and Public-Private Partnerships. (2007). Akitoby, Bernardin ; Hemming, Richard ; Schwartz, Gerd . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:40.

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302004Should Financial Sector Regulators Be Independent?. (2004). Taylor, Michael ; Quintyn, Marc. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:32.

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312000Promoting Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa; Learning What Works. (2000). Calamitsis, Anthony E ; Basu, Anupam ; Ghura, Dhaneshwar . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2000/003.

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321999Hedge Funds; What Do We Really Know?. (1999). Eichengreen, Barry ; Mathieson, Donald J. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1999/002.

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331997Does Globalization Lower Wages and Export Jobs?. (1997). Swagel, Phillip L ; Slaughter, Matthew J. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1997/007.

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342000Promoting Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa; Learning What Works. (2000). Basu, Anupam ; Calamitsis, Evangelos A. ; Ghura, Dhaneshwar. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:23.

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352006Accountability Arrangements for Financial Sector Regulators. (2006). Taylor, Michael ; Quintyn, Marc ; Hüpkes, Eva ; Eva H. G. Hupkes, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:39.

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362004Should Financial Sector Regulators Be Independent?. (2004). Taylor, Michael W ; Quintyn, Marc G. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2004/001.

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372007Public Investment and Public-Private Partnerships. (2007). Akitoby, Bernardin ; Schwartz, Gerd ; Hemming, Richard. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2007/002.

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382000The Challenge of Predicting Economic Crises. (2000). Berg, Andrew ; Pattillo, Catherine A. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2000/002.

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392000Job Creation; Why Some Countries Do Better. (2000). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2000/001.

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402006Accountability Arrangements for Financial Sector Regulators. (2006). Taylor, Michael W ; Quintyn, Marc G. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2006/003.

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411997Deindustrialization; Its Causes and Implications. (1997). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1997/009.

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422006Preserving Financial Stability. (2006). Schinasi, Garry. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:36.

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432000Job Creation; Why Some Countries Do Better. (2000). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:20.

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442006Preserving Financial Stability. (2006). Schinasi, Garry J. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2006/002.

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452006Integrating Poor Countries into the World Trading System. (2006). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:37.

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462006Integrating Poor Countries into the World Trading System. (2006). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2006/005.

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471996Confronting Budget Deficits. (1996). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1996/001.

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482002Moral Hazard; Does IMF Financing Encourage Imprudence by Borrowers and Lenders?. (2002). Lane, Timothy D ; Phillips, Steven T. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2002/003.

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491997Transformations to Open Market Operations; Developing Countries and Emerging Markets. (1997). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1997/001.

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502005Liberalizing Capital Movements; Some Analytical Issues. (2005). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:17.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12005Financial Reform; What Shakes It? What Shapes It?. (2005). Abiad, Abdul D ; Mody, Ashoka. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2005/004.

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22005Financial Reform; What Shakes It? What Shapes It?. (2005). Mody, Ashoka ; Abiad, Abdul. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:35.

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32000Full Dollarization; The Pros and Cons. (2000). Berg, Andrew ; Borensztein, Eduardo. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2000/004.

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42001Tax Policy for Developing Countries. (2001). Tanzi, Vito ; Zee, Howell H. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2001/001.

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52002Hiding in the Shadows; The Growth of the Underground Economy. (2002). Schneider, Friedrich ; Enste, Dominik. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2002/001.

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61997Why Worry About Corruption?. (1997). International Monetary Fund, . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:1997/003.

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72000Full Dollarization; The Pros and Cons. (2000). Berg, Andrew ; Borensztein, Eduardo. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:24.

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82002Hiding in the Shadows; The Growth of the Underground Economy. (2002). schneider, friedrich ; Enste, Dominik. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:30.

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92001Tax Policy for Developing Countries. (2001). Zee, Howell ; Tanzi, Vito. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:27.

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102001Rural Poverty in Developing Countries; Implications for Public Policy. (2001). Khan, Mahmood Hasan. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2001/003.

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112001Rural Poverty in Developing Countries; Implications for Public Policy. (2001). Khan, Mahmood Hasan . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:26.

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122000The Challenge of Predicting Economic Crises. (2000). Berg, Andrew ; Pattillo, Catherine and. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:22.

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131998Inflation Targeting as a Framework for Monetary Policy. (1998). Sharma, Sunil ; Masson, Paul ; Debelle, Guy ; Savastano, Miguel . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:15.

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142007Public Investment and Public-Private Partnerships. (2007). Akitoby, Bernardin ; Schwartz, Gerd ; Hemming, Richard. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2007/002.

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152007Public Investment and Public-Private Partnerships. (2007). Akitoby, Bernardin ; Hemming, Richard ; Schwartz, Gerd . In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:40.

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162000The Challenge of Predicting Economic Crises. (2000). Berg, Andrew ; Pattillo, Catherine A. In: IMF Economic Issues. RePEc:imf:imfeci:2000/002.

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