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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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2004 0 0.49 0 0 5 5 51 0 0 0 0 0 0.22
2005 0 0.5 0.4 0 5 10 27 4 4 5 5 4 100 4 0.8 0.23
2006 0.8 0.5 0.75 0.8 6 16 34 11 16 10 8 10 8 0 3 0.5 0.22
2007 0.73 0.46 0.71 0.69 5 21 30 15 31 11 8 16 11 9 60 4 0.8 0.2
2008 0.36 0.49 0.54 0.48 5 26 1 14 45 11 4 21 10 0 0 0.23
2009 0.4 0.47 0.83 0.58 15 41 51 34 79 10 4 26 15 13 38.2 15 1 0.24
2010 0.05 0.48 0.38 0.22 4 45 24 17 96 20 1 36 8 0 0 0.21
2011 0.53 0.52 0.5 0.34 5 50 10 25 121 19 10 35 12 0 0 0.24
2012 0.22 0.52 0.15 0.06 5 55 24 8 129 9 2 34 2 0 1 0.2 0.22
2013 0.2 0.56 0.18 0.15 5 60 1 11 140 10 2 34 5 0 0 0.24
2014 0.2 0.55 0.22 0.18 5 65 6 14 154 10 2 34 6 0 0 0.23
2015 0.1 0.55 0.28 0.46 7 72 1 20 174 10 1 24 11 7 35 0 0.23
2016 0.17 0.53 0.18 0.11 5 77 0 14 188 12 2 27 3 0 0 0.21
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12004Intra-family time allocation to housework - French evidence. (2004). Carlin, Paul ; Anxo, Dominique. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2004:vol1:p14-36.

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22007The changing relationship between parents’ education and their time with children. (2007). Chalasani, Satvika . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2007:vol4:p93-117.

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32012A conceptual typology of multitasking behavior and polychronicity preferences. (2012). Mokhtarian, Patricia ; Circella, Giovanni ; Poff, Laura K.. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2012:vol9:issue1:p59-107.

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42009Keeping in touch – A benefit of public holidays using time use diary data. (2009). Merz, Joachim ; Osberg, Lars. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2009:vol6:issue1:p130-166.

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52006Choosing between his time and her time? Paid and unpaid work of Danish couples. (2006). Lausten, Mette ; Deding, Mette . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2006:vol3:p28-48.

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62009How many days? A comparison of the quality of time-use data from 2-day and 7-day diaries. (2009). Glorieux, Ignace ; Minnen, Joeri . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2009:vol6:issue2:p314-327.

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72010What do we mean by multitasking? – Exploring the need for methodological clarification in time use research. (2010). Kenyon, Susan. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2010:vol7:issue1:p42-60.

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82010Children’s housework – Are girls more active than boys?. (2010). Bonke, Jens. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2010:vol7:issue1:p1-16.

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92007Cultural voraciousness - A new measure of the pace of leisure in a context of harriedness. (2007). Sullivan, Oriel . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2007:vol4:p30-46.

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102005Methodological issues in the estimation of parental time – Analysis of measures in a Canadian time-use survey. (2005). Gauthier, Anne H. ; Pacholok, Shelley ; Fedick, Cara B.. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2005:vol2:p67-87.

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112007Stress, time use and gender. (2007). Bonke, Jens ; Gerstoft, Frederik . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2007:vol4:p47-68.

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122009Timing and fragmentation of daily working hours arrangements and income inequality – An earnings treatment effects approach with German time use diary data. (2009). Merz, Joachim ; Burgert, Derik ; Bohm, Paul . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2009:vol6:issue2:p200-239.

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132006Assessing alternative dissimilarity indexes for comparing activity profiles. (2006). Stewart, Jay. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2006:vol3:p49-59.

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142004Schedules as sequences: a new method to analyze the use of time based on collective rhythm with an application to the work arrangements of French dual-earner couples. (2004). Lesnard, Laurent . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2004:vol1:p60-84.

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152011An examination of the characteristics and time use of those who have unfilled spare time. (2011). Baxter, Jennifer . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2011:vol8:issue1:p30-61.

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162005Diary versus questionnaire information on time spent on housework – The case of Norway. (2005). Kitterod, Ragni Hege ; Lyngstad, Torkild Hovde . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2005:vol2:p13-32.

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172006European mothers’ time spent looking after children - differences and similarities across nine countries. (2006). Spiess, Katharina ; Joesch, Jutta M.. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2006:vol3:p1-27.

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182012The time cost of access to food – Distance to the grocery store as measured in minutes. (2012). Hamrick, Karen ; Hopkins, David . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2012:vol9:issue1:p28-58.

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192005The time cost of care. (2005). Thomson, Cathy ; Hill, Patricia ; Bittman, Michael ; Fisher, Kimberly . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2005:vol2:p54-66.

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202004Complexity in daily life – a 3D-visualization showing activity patterns in their contexts. (2004). Ellegrd, Kajsa ; Cooper, Matthew . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2004:vol1:p37-59.

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212014Modular Online Time Use Survey (MOTUS) – Translating an existing method in the 21st century. (2014). Minnen, Joeri . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2014:vol11:issue1:p73-93.

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222004Measuring work-life balance using time diary data. (2004). Fisher, Kimberly ; Layte, Richard . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2004:vol1:p1-13.

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232004Examining large-scale time-use files through graphic representation. (2004). Crouse, David ; Michelson, William . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2004:vol1:p85-100.

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242009Terms of marriage and time-use patterns of young wives – Evidence from rural Bangladesh. (2009). Suran, Luciana ; Amin, Sajeda. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2009:vol6:issue1:p92-108.

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252005Household time allocation – Theoretical and empirical results from Denmark. (2005). McIntosh, James ; Bonke, Jens. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2005:vol2:p1-12.

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262009Changes in American children’s time – 1997 to 2003. (2009). Hofferth, Sandra L.. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2009:vol6:issue1:p26-47.

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272010Sleep as a victim of the “time crunch” – A multinational analysis. (2010). Robinson, John P. ; Michelson, William . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2010:vol7:issue1:p61-72.

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282009Estimating household production outputs with time use episode data. (2009). Ironmonger, Duncan. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2009:vol6:issue2:p240-268.

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292011Home production – Enjoying the process or the product?. (2011). Gørtz, Mette. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2011:vol8:issue1:p85-109.

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302005Non-response and population representation in studies of adolescent time use. (2005). Mulligan, Casey ; Schneider, Barbara ; Wolfe, Rustin. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2005:vol2:p33-53.

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312009Exploring time diaries using semi-automated activity pattern extraction. (2009). Ellegrd, Kajsa ; Cooper, Matthew ; Vrotsou, Katerina . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2009:vol6:issue1:p1-25.

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322007Time use and options for retirement in Europe. (2007). Piekkola, Hannu ; Leijola, Liisa. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2007:vol4:p1-29.

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332014Has the digital divide been reversed? – Evidence from five EU countries. (2014). Pantea, Smaranda. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2014:vol11:issue1:p13-42.

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342008Representative time use data and new harmonised calibration of the American Heritage Time Use Data (AHTUD) 1965-1999. (2008). Merz, Joachim ; Stolze, Henning . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2008:vol5:p90-126.

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352009Variations in the rational use of time – The travel pulse of commutes between home and job. (2009). Michelson, William . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2009:vol6:issue2:p269-285.

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362013Paradata correlates of data quality in an SMS time use study – Evidence from a validation study. (2013). DeLamater, John D. ; Brenner, Philip S.. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2013:vol10:issue1:p38-54.

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372012Demand or supply for schooling in rural India?. (2012). Osberg, Lars ; Motiram, Sripad. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2012:vol9:issue1:p1-27.

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382006Do time use patterns influence fertility decisions? A cross-national inquiry. (2006). Craig, Lyn . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2006:vol3:p60-87.

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392015Automobile accessibility and the allocation of time 1990-2010. (2015). Levinson, David ; Brosnan, Martin . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2015:vol12:issue1:p115-132.

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402009Time use and rurality – Canada 2005. (2009). Millward, Hugh ; Spinney, Jamie . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2009:vol6:issue1:p109-129.

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412012Human capital investments in children –A comparative analysis of the role of parent-child shared time in selected countries. (2012). Merz, Joachim ; Zick, Cathleen D. ; Osterbacka, Eva. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2012:vol9:issue1:p120-143.

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422009Harmonising extended measures of parental childcare in the time-diary surveys of four countries – Proximity versus responsibility. (2009). Mullan, Killian ; Craig, Lyn . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2009:vol6:issue1:p48-72.

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432011Activity and contextual codes – Implications for time-use coding schemes. (2011). Harvey, Andrew ; JAMIE E. L. SPINNEY, . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2011:vol8:issue1:p110-135.

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442012Paid and unpaid work in Denmark –Towards gender equity. (2012). Bonke, Jens ; Jensen, Bent . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2012:vol9:issue1:p108-119.

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452016The relationship between videogames, time allocation decisions, and labour market outcomes – Evidence from the American Time Use Survey. (2016). MacDonald, Daniel. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2016:vol13:issue1:p34-57.

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462006Multiway data analysis for comparing time use in different countries - Application to timebudgets at different stages of life in six European countries. (2006). Fraire, Mary . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2006:vol3:p88-109.

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472015Working around the clock? - The time and location of paid work in Finland 1979-2010. (2015). Ojala, Satu ; Pyoria, Pasi . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2015:vol12:issue1:p73-96.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12005Diary versus questionnaire information on time spent on housework – The case of Norway. (2005). Kitterod, Ragni Hege ; Lyngstad, Torkild Hovde . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2005:vol2:p13-32.

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22012A conceptual typology of multitasking behavior and polychronicity preferences. (2012). Mokhtarian, Patricia ; Circella, Giovanni ; Poff, Laura K.. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2012:vol9:issue1:p59-107.

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32010Children’s housework – Are girls more active than boys?. (2010). Bonke, Jens. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2010:vol7:issue1:p1-16.

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42006Assessing alternative dissimilarity indexes for comparing activity profiles. (2006). Stewart, Jay. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2006:vol3:p49-59.

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52010What do we mean by multitasking? – Exploring the need for methodological clarification in time use research. (2010). Kenyon, Susan. In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2010:vol7:issue1:p42-60.

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62007The changing relationship between parents’ education and their time with children. (2007). Chalasani, Satvika . In: electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. RePEc:leu:journl:2007:vol4:p93-117.

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