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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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2006 0 0.59 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.34
2007 2 0.52 0.14 2 27 28 62 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 75 2 0.07 0.29
2008 0.14 0.59 0.09 0.14 37 65 71 6 11 28 4 28 4 1 16.7 2 0.05 0.29
2009 0.23 0.58 0.17 0.23 39 104 84 18 29 64 15 65 15 4 22.2 3 0.08 0.33
2010 0.17 0.52 0.16 0.18 25 129 37 20 49 76 13 104 19 1 5 1 0.04 0.3
2011 0.27 0.61 0.2 0.22 28 157 36 31 80 64 17 129 28 4 12.9 1 0.04 0.37
2012 0.23 0.68 0.17 0.15 30 187 72 32 112 53 12 156 24 4 12.5 5 0.17 0.36
2013 0.31 0.67 0.23 0.22 15 202 26 46 158 58 18 159 35 9 19.6 5 0.33 0.35
2014 0.38 0.67 0.22 0.26 13 215 25 47 205 45 17 137 35 3 6.4 0 0.34
2015 0.43 0.66 0.14 0.18 18 233 32 32 237 28 12 111 20 4 12.5 1 0.06 0.36
2016 0.13 0.65 0.16 0.16 6 239 21 39 276 31 4 104 17 2 5.1 3 0.5 0.35
2017 0.25 0.62 0.12 0.15 8 247 4 29 305 24 6 82 12 5 17.2 0 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12007Selfish in the end? An investigation of consistency and stability of individual behaviour. (2007). Weimann, Joachim ; Riechmann, Thomas ; Brosig-Koch, Jeannette. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:07005.

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22008The Immigrant Wage Gap in Germany. (2008). Thomsen, Stephan ; Gernandt, Johannes ; Aldashev, Alisher. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:08019.

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32014Supply Chain coordination by contracts underbinomial production yield. (2014). Clemens, Josephine ; Inderfurth, Karl. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:140011.

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42012Public-good experiments with large groups. (2012). Weimann, Joachim ; Hennig-Schmidt, Heike ; Brosig-Koch, Jeannette ; Stahr, Christian ; Keser, Claudia. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:120009.

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52015A Hybrid Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery and 3D Loading Constraints. (2015). Mannel, Dirk ; Bortfeldt, Andreas. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:150015.

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62009Job Search Assistance Programs in Europe: Evaluation Methods and Recent Empirical Findings. (2009). Thomsen, Stephan. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:09018.

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72015Empirical analysis of customer motives in the shareconomy: a cross-sectoral comparison. (2015). Cracau, Daniel ; Balck, Birte . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:150002.

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82012Strategic Inventory and Supply Chain Behavior. (2012). Voigt, Guido ; Sadrieh, Abdolkarim ; Inderfurth, Karl ; Hartwig, Robin . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:120023.

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92008Persuasion in Experimental Ultimatum Games. (2008). Wengström, Erik ; van der Wiel, Karen ; Kranz, Sebastian ; Galizzi, Matteo ; Andersson, Ola ; Wengstrom, Erik ; Hoppe, Tim . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:08020.

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102008The Pleasure of Being Nasty. (2008). Sadrieh, Abdolkarim ; Abbink, Klaus. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:08037.

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112012Long-term Competitive Balance under UEFA Financial Fair Play Regulations. (2012). Sass, Markus . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:120005.

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122010Tabu Search Heuristics for the Order Batching Problem in Manual Order Picking Systems. (2010). Wascher, Gerhard ; Henn, Sebastian. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:100007.

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132013Unilateral Climate Policy: Harmful or even Disastrous?. (2013). Schopf, Mark ; Ritter, Hendrik. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:130010.

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142009Metaheuristics for the Order Batching Problem in Manual Order Picking Systems. (2009). Strauss, Christine ; Koch, Soren ; Henn, Sebastian ; Doerner, Karl ; Wascher, Gerhard . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:09020.

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152012The Dynamics of Individual Preferences in Repeated Public Good Experiments. (2012). Weimann, Joachim ; Sass, Markus . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:120002.

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16Scarring or Scaring? The Psychological Impact of Past Unemployment and Future Unemployment Risk. (2008). Rätzel, Steffen ; Knabe, Andreas ; Ratzel, Steffen . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:08013.

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172011The Effects of Tax Salience and Tax Experience on Individual Work Efforts in a Framed Field Experiment. (2011). Weimann, Joachim ; Fochmann, Martin. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:110020.

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182009Do Players’ Beliefs or Risk Attitudes Determine The Equilibrium Selections in 2x2 Coordination Games?. (2009). Neumann, Thomas ; Vogt, Bodo. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:09024.

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192016A Genetic Algorithm for the Multi-Compartment Vehicle Routing Problem with Flexible Compartment Sizes. (2016). Wascher, Gerhard ; Koch, Henriette ; Henke, Tino . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:160004.

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202009Noncognitive Skills in Economics: Models, Measurement, and Empirical Evidence. (2009). Thomsen, Stephan ; Thiel, Hendrik . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:09037.

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212007Language Usage, Participation, Employment and Earnings. (2007). Thomsen, Stephan ; Gernandt, Johannes ; Aldashev, Alisher. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:07018.

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222016International Tax Evasion, State Purchases of Confidential Bank Data and Voluntary Disclosures. (2016). Kvasnicka, Michael ; Bethmann, Dirk. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:160001.

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232010Strategic Effects of Regulatory Capital Requirements in Imperfect Banking Competition. (2010). Schliephake, Eva ; Kirstein, Roland. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:100012.

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242007Quantifying the psychological costs of unemployment: the role of permanent income. (2007). Rätzel, Steffen ; Knabe, Andreas ; Ratzel, Steffen . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:07012.

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252014The British Low-Wage Sector and the Employment Prospects of the Unemployed. (2014). Plum, Alexander. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:140004.

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262012The Desire to Influence Others. (2012). Schröder, Marina ; Sadrieh, Abdolkarim ; Schroder, Marina. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:120027.

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272010Investment Behavior and the Biased Perception of Limited Loss Deduction in Income Taxation. (2010). Sadrieh, Abdolkarim ; Kiesewetter, Dirk ; Fochmann, Martin. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:100004.

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282013Does Monitoring Work? A Field Experiment with Multiple Forms of Counterproductive Behaviour. (2013). Schröder, Marina ; Belot, Michèle ; Schroder, Marina. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:130006.

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292009Dissatisfied with life, but having a good day- time-use and well-being of the unemployed. (2009). Weimann, Joachim ; Schoeb, Ronnie ; Rätzel, Steffen ; Knabe, Andreas ; Ratzel, Steffen ; Schob, Ronnie ; Ronnie Schöb, . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:09011.

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302010Grosswage illusion in a real effort experiment. (2010). Kiesewetter, Dirk ; Fochmann, Martin ; Blaufus, Kay ; Hundsdoerfer, Jochen ; Weimann, Joachim. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:100009.

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312007An Experimental Assessment of Confederate Reserve Price Bids in Online Auction. (2007). Sadrieh, Abdolkarim ; Hoppe, Tim . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:07011.

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322009The St. Petersburg Paradox despite risk-seeking preferences: An experimental study. (2009). Kroll, Eike ; Vogt, Bodo. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:09004.

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332011Changing Identity: Retiring from Unemployment. (2011). Schoeb, Ronnie ; Knabe, Andreas ; Hetschko, Clemens ; Schob, Ronnie ; Ronnie Schöb, . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:110017.

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342009Supply chain coordination with information sharing in the presence of trust and trustworthiness: a behavioral model. (2009). Voigt, Guido. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:09006.

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352009Dynamic buy-back for product recovery in end-of-life spare parts procurement. (2009). Voigt, Guido ; Schulz, Tobias ; Kleber, Rainer. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:09026.

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362016A Mathematical Programming Formulation for the Single-Picker Routing Problem in a Multi-Block Layout. (2016). Scholz, Andre ; Ruberg, Yann . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:160002.

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372008Loss Aversion for time: An experimental investigation of time preferences. (2008). Kroll, Eike ; Vogt, Bodo. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:08027.

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382007Inefficient Intra-Firm Incentives Can Stabilize Cartels in Cournot Oligopolies. (2007). Kirstein, Roland. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:07004.

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392011Determining risk preferences for pain. (2011). Kroll, Eike ; Vogt, Bodo ; Trarbach, Judith N.. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:110006.

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402017Regional Competition in US Banking – Trends and Determinants. (2017). Herz, Bernhard ; Gischer, Horst ; Erler, Alexander . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:170008.

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412011Metaheuristics for Order Batching and Sequencing in Manual Order Picking Systems. (2011). Henn, Sebastian ; Schmid, Verena . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:110011.

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42Volkswagen vs. Porsche. A Power-Index Analysis.. (2009). Kirstein, Roland. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:09007.

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432012An experimental study of mixed strategy equilibria in simultaneous price-quantity games. (2012). Cracau, Daniel ; Franz, Benjamin . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:120017.

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442009Which one to choose? New evidence on the choice and success of job search methods. (2009). Thomsen, Stephan ; Wittich, Mick . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:09022.

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452010The Biased Effect of Aggregated and Disaggregated Income Taxation on Investment Decisions. (2010). Sadrieh, Abdolkarim ; Kiesewetter, Dirk ; Fochmann, Martin. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:100025.

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462008An Experimental Analysis of Parallel Multiple Auctions. (2008). Hoppe, Tim . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:08031.

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472011Efficiency and Its Impact on the Performance of European Commercial Banks. (2011). Kryvko, Anna ; Reichling, Peter ; Afsharian, Mohsen. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:110018.

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482012Partnership, Gender Roles and the Well-Being Cost of Unemployment. (2012). Weimann, Joachim ; Schoeb, Ronnie ; Knabe, Andreas ; Schob, Ronnie ; Ronnie Schöb, . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:120019.

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492013Coexistence of small and dominant firms in Bertrand competition: Judo economics in the lab. (2013). Sadrieh, Abdolkarim ; Cracau, Daniel. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:130001.

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502013The Innovation Potential of Universities - An Explorative Analysis. (2013). Buhnemann, Jorg ; Burchhardt, Steffen . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:130014.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12014Supply Chain coordination by contracts underbinomial production yield. (2014). Clemens, Josephine ; Inderfurth, Karl. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:140011.

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22007Selfish in the end? An investigation of consistency and stability of individual behaviour. (2007). Weimann, Joachim ; Riechmann, Thomas ; Brosig-Koch, Jeannette. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:07005.

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32012Strategic Inventory and Supply Chain Behavior. (2012). Voigt, Guido ; Sadrieh, Abdolkarim ; Inderfurth, Karl ; Hartwig, Robin . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:120023.

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42007Language Usage, Participation, Employment and Earnings. (2007). Thomsen, Stephan ; Gernandt, Johannes ; Aldashev, Alisher. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:07018.

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52016A Mathematical Programming Formulation for the Single-Picker Routing Problem in a Multi-Block Layout. (2016). Scholz, Andre ; Ruberg, Yann . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:160002.

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62017Regional Competition in US Banking – Trends and Determinants. (2017). Herz, Bernhard ; Gischer, Horst ; Erler, Alexander . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:170008.

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72015Empirical analysis of customer motives in the shareconomy: a cross-sectoral comparison. (2015). Cracau, Daniel ; Balck, Birte . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:150002.

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82009Do Players’ Beliefs or Risk Attitudes Determine The Equilibrium Selections in 2x2 Coordination Games?. (2009). Neumann, Thomas ; Vogt, Bodo. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:09024.

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92012Compliance Framing - Framing Compliance. (2012). Haack, Lutz-Ulrich ; Reimann, Martin C.. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:120006.

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102010Tabu Search Heuristics for the Order Batching Problem in Manual Order Picking Systems. (2010). Wascher, Gerhard ; Henn, Sebastian. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:100007.

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112015A Hybrid Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery and 3D Loading Constraints. (2015). Mannel, Dirk ; Bortfeldt, Andreas. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:150015.

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122012Public-good experiments with large groups. (2012). Weimann, Joachim ; Hennig-Schmidt, Heike ; Brosig-Koch, Jeannette ; Stahr, Christian ; Keser, Claudia. In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:120009.

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132016A Genetic Algorithm for the Multi-Compartment Vehicle Routing Problem with Flexible Compartment Sizes. (2016). Wascher, Gerhard ; Koch, Henriette ; Henke, Tino . In: FEMM Working Papers. RePEc:mag:wpaper:160004.

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