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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
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1967 0 12 12 0 0
1968 0 23 35 0 0
1969 0 10 45 0 0
1970 0 20 65 0 1 0
1971 0 16 81 0 1 0
1972 0 15 96 0 1 0
1973 0 27 123 0 4 0
1974 0 21 144 0 3 0 1
1975 0 26 170 0 2 0 1
1976 0 23 193 0 9 0 1
1977 0 20 213 0 7 0
1978 0 14 227 0 5 0 1
1979 0 22 249 0 13 0 2
1980 0 16 265 0 22 0 3
1981 0 16 281 0 12 0
1982 0 16 297 0 24 0 2
1983 0 11 308 0 11 0
1984 0 26 334 0 22 0 2
1985 0 44 378 0 26 0
1986 0 32 410 0 41 0 6
1987 0 34 444 0 56 0 5
1988 0 35 479 0 71 0 3 7
1989 0 32 511 0 118 0 7
1990 0.58 0.17 0.21 0.39 26 537 1092 112 113 67 39 177 69 0 3 0.12 0.09
1991 0.62 0.14 0.18 0.41 28 565 455 99 216 58 36 159 65 0 9 0.32 0.1
1992 0.59 0.13 0.18 0.34 20 585 409 106 322 54 32 155 53 0 2 0.1 0.09
1993 0.5 0.17 0.18 0.35 17 602 205 106 429 48 24 141 50 0 2 0.12 0.1
1994 0.49 0.17 0.19 0.45 39 641 562 123 552 37 18 123 55 0 6 0.15 0.08
1995 0.75 0.22 0.29 0.72 20 661 273 193 746 56 42 130 93 0 2 0.1 0.13
1996 0.61 0.25 0.31 0.63 33 694 775 216 962 59 36 124 78 0 7 0.21 0.14
1997 0.81 0.28 0.4 0.77 28 722 547 289 1253 53 43 129 99 0 11 0.39 0.15
1998 0.92 0.31 0.45 0.61 24 746 448 331 1586 61 56 137 84 0 3 0.13 0.18
1999 0.98 0.39 0.48 0.76 31 777 573 373 1959 52 51 144 110 1 0.3 7 0.23 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
11986Hysteresis and Unemployment. (1986). Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:430.

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21986Hysteresis and the European Unemployment Problem. (1986). Summers, Lawrence ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:427.

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31990VERTICAL INTEGRATION AND MARKET FORECLOSURE.. (1990). Tirole, Jean ; Hart, Oliver. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:548.

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41976Optimal Tax Theory: A Synthesis. (1976). Mirrlees, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:176.

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51990AN AGING SOCIETY: OPPORTUNITY OR CHALLENGE.. (1990). Summers, Lawrence ; Poterba, James ; Cutler, David ; SHEINER, L. M.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:553.

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61997A Theory of Misgovernance. (1997). Banerjee, A. V.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:97-4.

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71996Wage Inequality and Segregation by Skill.. (1996). Maskin, Eric ; Kremer, Michael. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:96-23.

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81981Optimal Auctions with Risk Averse Buyers. (1981). Riley, John ; Maskin, Eric. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:311.

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91992The Economics of Bankruptcy Reform.. (1992). Moore, John ; Hart, Oliver ; Aghion, Philippe. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:92-11.

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101985Procurement and Renegotiation. (1985). Tirole, Jean. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:362.

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111995The Economic Returns to Schooling in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. (1995). Angrist, Joshua. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:95-5.

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121989LIFETIME INCIDENCE AND THE DISTRIBUTIONAL BURDEN OF EXCISE TAXES.. (1989). Poterba, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:510.

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131991Privatization and Incentives. (1991). Tirole, Jean ; Laffont, Jean-Jacques. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:572.

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141975A Many-Person Ramsey Tax Rule. (1975). Diamond, Peter. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:146.

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151990SPECULATIVE DYNAMICS AND THE ROLE OF FEEDBACK TRADERS.. (1990). Summers, Lawrence ; Poterba, James ; CULTER, D. M.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:545.

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161994Tax Incentives and the Decision to Purchase Health Insurance: Evidence from the Self-Employed.. (1994). Poterba, James ; Gruber, Jonathan. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:94-10.

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171999How Large are the Social Returns to Education? Evidence from Compulsory Schooling Laws. (1999). Angrist, Joshua ; Acemoglu, Daron. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:99-30.

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181989CHEAP TALK WITH TWO AUDIENCES.. (1989). Gibbons, Robert ; Farrell, Joseph. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:518.

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191994Access Pricing and Competition. (1994). Tirole, Jean ; Laffont, Jean-Jacques. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:95-11.

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201994Access Pricing and Competition. (1994). Tirole, Jean ; Laffont, Jean-Jacques. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:94-31.

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211991Growth, Macroeconomics, and Development.. (1991). Fischer, S.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:580.

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221968Optimal Taxation and Public Production. (1968). Mirrlees, James ; Diamond, Peter. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:22.

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231974Inflation and Environmental Concern: Structural Change in the Process of Public Utility Price Regulation. (1974). Joskow, Paul. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:128.

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241992Testing for Price Anomalies in Real Estate Auctions.. (1992). Genesove, David ; Ashenfelter, Orley. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:92-2.

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251988Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Dynamic Models with Time-Varying Covariances. (1988). Wooldridge, Jeffrey ; Bollerslev, Tim. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:505.

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261986The Theory of Contracts. (1986). Holmstrom, Bengt ; Hart, Oliver. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:418.

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271973Intergenerational Equity and Exhaustable Resources. (1973). Solow, Robert. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:103.

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281984New Evidence that Taxes Affect the Valuation of Dividends. (1984). Summers, Lawrence ; Poterba, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:338.

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291989DEFAULT AND RENEGOTIATION: A DYNAMIC MODEL OF DEBT.. (1989). Moore, John ; Hart, Oliver. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:520.

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301987Tax Policy and Corporate Saving. (1987). Poterba, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:470.

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311999The Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in Europe: Evidence from Banks’ Balance Sheets. (1999). Giavazzi, Francesco. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:99-20.

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321970Optimum Consumption and Portfolio Rules in a Continuous-time Model. (1970). merton, robert. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:58.

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331988The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand and Supply Disturbance. (1988). Quah, Danny ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:497.

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341993Consumption and the Recession of 1990-1991.. (1993). Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:93-5.

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351996Fixed Costs: The Demise of Marginal q.. (1996). Caballero, Ricardo. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:96-14.

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361993On the Speed of Transition in Central Europe.. (1993). Blanchard, Olivier ; Aghion, Philippe. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:93-8.

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371998Collusion and Price Rigidity. (1998). Sanchirico, Chris ; Bagwell, Kyle ; Athey, Susan. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:98-23.

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381998Emerging Market Crises: An Asset Markets Perspective. (1998). Caballero, Ricardo ; Krishnamurthy, Arvind. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:98-18.

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391997Exceptional Exporter Performance: Cause, Effect, or Both?. (1997). Bernard, Andrew. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:97-21.

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401998Beyond Becker: Training in Imperfect Labor Markets. (1998). Pischke, Jorn-Steffen ; Acemoglu, Daron. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:98-12.

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411984Standardization, Compatibility and Innovation. (1984). Farrell, Joseph ; Saloner, Garth. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:345.

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421999Optimal Collusion with Private Information. (1999). Bagwell, Kyle ; Athey, Susan. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:99-17.

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431987Tax Evasion and Capital Gains Taxation. (1987). Poterba, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:436.

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441987One Share/One Vote and The Market for Corporate Control. (1987). Hart, Oliver ; Grossman, Sanford. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:440.

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451985Installed Base and Compatibility With Implications for Product Preannouncements. (1985). Farrell, Joseph ; Saloner, Garth. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:385.

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461986Household Behavior and the Tax Reform Act of 1986. (1986). Poterba, James ; Hausman, Jerry. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:437.

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471997Observations and Conjectures on the U.S. Employment Miracle.. (1997). Pischke, Jorn-Steffen ; Krueger, Alan. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:97-15.

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481977The Effect of Taxation on Labor Supply: Evaluating the Gary Negative Income Tax Experiment. (1977). Hausman, Jerry ; Burtless, Gary. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:211.

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491984External Debt, Budget Deficits and Disequilibrium Exchange Rates. (1984). Dornbusch, Rüdiger. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:347.

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501976Comparative Advantage, Trade and Payments in a Ricardian Model With a Continuum of Goods. (1976). Samuelson, Paul ; Dornbusch, Rüdiger ; Fischer, S.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:178.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
11986Hysteresis and Unemployment. (1986). Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:430.

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21986Hysteresis and the European Unemployment Problem. (1986). Summers, Lawrence ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:427.

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31990VERTICAL INTEGRATION AND MARKET FORECLOSURE.. (1990). Tirole, Jean ; Hart, Oliver. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:548.

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41997A Theory of Misgovernance. (1997). Banerjee, A. V.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:97-4.

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51990SPECULATIVE DYNAMICS AND THE ROLE OF FEEDBACK TRADERS.. (1990). Summers, Lawrence ; Poterba, James ; CULTER, D. M.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:545.

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61976Optimal Tax Theory: A Synthesis. (1976). Mirrlees, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:176.

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71975A Many-Person Ramsey Tax Rule. (1975). Diamond, Peter. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:146.

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81989LIFETIME INCIDENCE AND THE DISTRIBUTIONAL BURDEN OF EXCISE TAXES.. (1989). Poterba, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:510.

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91996Wage Inequality and Segregation by Skill.. (1996). Maskin, Eric ; Kremer, Michael. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:96-23.

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101995The Economic Returns to Schooling in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. (1995). Angrist, Joshua. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:95-5.

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111989CHEAP TALK WITH TWO AUDIENCES.. (1989). Gibbons, Robert ; Farrell, Joseph. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:518.

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121990AN AGING SOCIETY: OPPORTUNITY OR CHALLENGE.. (1990). Summers, Lawrence ; Poterba, James ; Cutler, David ; SHEINER, L. M.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:553.

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131991Privatization and Incentives. (1991). Tirole, Jean ; Laffont, Jean-Jacques. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:572.

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141992The Economics of Bankruptcy Reform.. (1992). Moore, John ; Hart, Oliver ; Aghion, Philippe. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:92-11.

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151974Inflation and Environmental Concern: Structural Change in the Process of Public Utility Price Regulation. (1974). Joskow, Paul. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:128.

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161984The Economic Effects of Dividend Taxation. (1984). Summers, Lawrence ; Poterba, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:343.

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171988What Moves Stock Prices?. (1988). Summers, Lawrence ; Poterba, James ; Cutler, David. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:487.

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181986Investment and Sales; Some Empirical Evidence. (1986). Abel, Andrew ; Summers, Olivier H.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:428.

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191986Installed Base and Compatibility, With Implications for Product Preannouncements. (1986). Farrell, Joseph ; Saloner, Garth. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:411.

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201988The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand and Supply Disturbance. (1988). Quah, Danny ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:497.

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211998Undersmoothing and Bias Corrected Functional Estimation. (1998). Newey, Whitney ; Hsieh, Fushing ; Robins, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:98-17.

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221987Incomplete Contracts and the Theory of the Firm. (1987). Hart, Oliver. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:448.

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231992Testing for Price Anomalies in Real Estate Auctions.. (1992). Genesove, David ; Ashenfelter, Orley. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:92-2.

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241978Implementation and Strong Nash Equilibrium. (1978). Maskin, Eric. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:216.

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251979An Equilibrium Analysis of Search and Breach of Contract, II: A Non-Steady State Example. (1979). Diamond, Peter ; Makin, E.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:237.

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261989THE AGGREGATE MATCHING FUNCTION.. (1989). Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:538.

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271993Consumption and the Recession of 1990-1991.. (1993). Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:93-5.

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281994Access Pricing and Competition. (1994). Tirole, Jean ; Laffont, Jean-Jacques. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:94-31.

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291994Access Pricing and Competition. (1994). Tirole, Jean ; Laffont, Jean-Jacques. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:95-11.

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301994Geographic Concentration in U.S. Manufacturing Industries: A Dartboard Approach.. (1994). Glaeser, Edward ; Ellison, Glenn. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:94-27.

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311987Tax Evasion and Capital Gains Taxation. (1987). Poterba, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:436.

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321971Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. (1971). Harris, J. R.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:69.

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331975Welfare-Theoretical Analysis of the Brain Drain. (1975). Rodríguez, Carlos ; Rodriguez, C. ; BHAGWATI, J. N.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:158.

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341972Notes for a Theory of Labor Market Stratification. (1972). Piore, M. J.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:95.

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351986The Theory of Contracts. (1986). Holmstrom, Bengt ; Hart, Oliver. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:418.

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361994Tax Incentives and the Decision to Purchase Health Insurance: Evidence from the Self-Employed.. (1994). Poterba, James ; Gruber, Jonathan. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:94-10.

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371984The Persistence of Volatility and Stock Market Fluctuations. (1984). Summers, Lawrence ; Poterba, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:353.

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381987Tax Policy and Corporate Saving. (1987). Poterba, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:470.

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391989TAX REFORM AND THE MARKET FOR TAX-EXEMPT DEBT.. (1989). Poterba, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:514.

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401991Growth, Macroeconomics, and Development.. (1991). Fischer, S.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:580.

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411986Household Behavior and the Tax Reform Act of 1986. (1986). Poterba, James ; Hausman, Jerry. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:437.

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421973The Formation of Financial Centers: A Study in a Comparative Economic Theory. (1973). KINDLEBERGER, C. P.. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:114.

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431986Money in the Utility Function: An Empirical Implementation. (1986). Rotemberg, Julio ; Poterba, James. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:408.

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441984External Debt, Budget Deficits and Disequilibrium Exchange Rates. (1984). Dornbusch, Rüdiger. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:347.

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451997Exceptional Exporter Performance: Cause, Effect, or Both?. (1997). Bernard, Andrew. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:97-21.

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461990A THEORY OF CORPORATE FINANCIAL STRUCTURE BASED ON THE SENIORITY OF CLAIMS.. (1990). Moore, John ; Hart, Oliver. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:560.

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471985Voluntary Disclosure: Robustness of the Unraveling Result, and Comments on Its Importance. (1985). Farrell, Joseph. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:374.

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481988Learning in Equilibrium Models of Arbitration. (1988). Gibbons, Robert. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:485.

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491991Which Households Own Municipal Bonds? Evidence from Tax Returns.. (1991). Poterba, James ; Feenberg, Daniel. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:588.

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501998Empirical Strategies in Labor Economics. (1998). Krueger, Alan ; Angrist, Joshua. In: Working papers. RePEc:mit:worpap:98-7.

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